Fabulous living

Winter Break Book Review

Happy Tuesday. How is your week looking? Hectic? Calm? Too early to tell? The past few weeks have flown by for me, I think between getting into a new schedule for the semester and working the past few weekends the weeks have gone by much faster. 

Today, I am finally getting around to sharing my Winter Break Book Review, I know it’s way overdue, but better late than never right? During my month home I read two books. I wish I read more but time got away from me. I read “My Oxford Year”by Julie Whelan and “The Biggest Lie in the History of Christianity”by Matthew Kelly. Both were very good books but very diverse in the subject matter and genre. Let’s dive into these tales.

My Oxford Year

“My Oxford Year” tells the story of a young American student, Ella Duran who is studying in Oxford. She meets Jamie Davenport, a handsome date who turns out to be her lecturer. She has high dreams and aspirations and doesn’t want to be derailed by a romance abroad. There are many unexpected twists and turns, especially the ending. There were so many times when the book changed directions that I never would have expected. Overall, this book tells the story of hard work, pursing your dreams, making friends with people who never expected and putting your goals on hold for those you love. I had seen this book on many book reviews over the summer and I was so excited I could finally read it, I was not disappointed at all.

One thing that was different about my experience with this book is that I tried the audiobook of it instead of reading it. I’ve heard many people make the transition from reading books to listening to them, and at this point, I hate to say I am not one of them. It was nice to listen to the book while I did other things such as clean, wash, or computer work, but I still like the feeling of reading for leisure. Now, I know people listen to the books while they drive and I haven’t tried that yet, so I plan on giving it another try soon but for now I think I’m going to stick to the reading of books. 

The Biggest Lie in the History of Christianity

The next book I read was “The Biggest Lie in the History of Christianity” by Matthew Kelly. Last summer I read “Perfectly Yourself”by Matthew Kelly and I loved it so I couldn’t wait to read this on and it didn’t disappoint. Here’s my book review with Perfectly Yourself.“The Biggest Lie in the History of Christianity” is all about living life to the fullest and doing things and making choices that truly make us happy. It also shows us what things we can do to make our lives happier and be more content and not be overwhelmed by so much noise. I found this book to be therapeutic and relaxing. I read a chapter or two a day and I loved the positive message that it spread. I loved it so much I went on to gift it to two other people. I read this book as opposed to listening to it and I preferred it much better, especially when I was reading it with a candle burning and a warm cup of hot coco, can you think of anything better?!

One of my favorite quotes from Matthew Kelly’s book

That’s a bit of a recap of two great books I read over break. Although, I am back to school and in classes, I’m trying to carve some time every day to read, even if it is just a chapter. 

What are you guys currently reading? I love new suggestions? Also, do you guys prefer to listen to books or read them?

See you on Thursday for warm and toasty outfit for the winter months!

By elspeththeblogger

My name is Elspeth. I'm young professional living life one day at a time. I have a passion for fashion, a love for living a clean and healthy life and I can organize anything.

6 replies on “Winter Break Book Review”

I am currently reading Perfectly YOURSELF (which I received months ago from my sister in law) and daily I read from Journey To The Heart by Melody Beattie. I prefer reading a book compared to listening to one. Reading is good for your mind & soul!

Thanks for the book reviews’ love Matthew Kelly! Glad you are finding time to read for fun.

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