
The Importance of Slowing Down

Enjoying some quiet time in the morning before my crazy and long day gets underway.

Hello! Hello!

Happy Tuesday! I just got back from a restful weekend following a crazy week which reminded me that I need to slow down more. Today is all about the importance of stepping back and slowing down. Life is crazy, it’s full of wonderful, exciting, crazy, stressful moments.

The transition from living at home to living at college is tough but it’s also tough to move back home. Now, I love school and college but I also love being home. One thing that I noticed coming back home was the chaos and busy schedules. I loved being at school and setting my own schedule from classes to meals and hanging out with friends. When I got home, I was thrown into other people’s schedules which was hard. It made me realize that although my life may be busy I need to carve time out to slow down. Whether you come from a family of six or a family of two, there is bound to be times when you are always on the go.

Life can be stressful and crazy so we need to take care of ourselves before we lose control of everything. For me, I take time when I come home from work before going to another activity for myself. Instead of coming in and starting on wash or picking up, I will go outside and read for fifteen or twenty minutes. The wash will always be there and will need to be done. But, it’s important that I take a few minutes for myself.

There are so many ways we can slow down and take time for ourselves. For example, go for a walk after dinner, find things to add to your boards on Pinterest, read between activities, watch your latest show on Netflix while folding wash (yes, multitasking—my favorite word), even just sitting and doing nothing (even staring at wall) works too! We are constantly pressured to take care of your bodies by working out, and our families but entertaining, we sometimes forget to take care of ourselves. The next time you are late to a soccer game or your boss kept piling more and more things on your desk, take a breath, give yourself a break and make sure you are taken care of too.

Our lives maybe filled with schedules and agendas but, it’s important to slow down and enjoy the little things in life.


By elspeththeblogger

My name is Elspeth. I'm young professional living life one day at a time. I have a passion for fashion, a love for living a clean and healthy life and I can organize anything.

4 replies on “The Importance of Slowing Down”

Yes!!! We need to take the time to enjoy the every day things in life!

Great your are learning and accepting the fact that at times we must stop and ground ourselves. We get going so fast we forget to breathe and show gratitude for life.

Yes, I was finding that i was getting so caught up in my routine that i forget to appreciate the little things around me.

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