Fabulous living

Thank You Saint Vincent College

Hello All!

My goodness, so much has happened since we last were together.  Since my last post, I finished all my finals and wrapped up all my work at school, I said goodbye to all my friends, I packed up my room, graduated college, moved out of college, and moved back home. What a whirlwind. 

Happy Graduation Day

I have been putting off this post because how does one put into words how much a place has meant to them and how much they have changed since going to college. I have completed changed since coming to college for the better. I am so much more happier and well-rounded and most importantly, confident in who I am. 

When I moved into college in August of 2016, I was scared of what to expect for what college would hold. Through every semester, I learned in and out of the classroom, I gained more leadership roles, I tried new things, got involved, but most importantly, I learned a tremendous about myself. 

I had professors in class who would become my bosses and greatest mentors. People who I was co-workers with have become some of my closest friends. Even individuals who I met on move in day have become my best friends. 

My bestie since day one, Danielle

College is a weird thing because, you meet people from all over the country from all different walks of life and one singular place ties you all together. You spend every day walking the halls and seeing the same familiar faces and then, all of a sudden, it’s graduation day and you all move on and go your separate ways. You may not see the people ever again but you are all still connected to that one place.

I wouldn’t be the person I am today, if it weren’t for my incredibly supportive family, loving friends, encouraging professors, and influential bosses and mentors. I have learned so much from the people who graduated before me and the people I had to leave behind. I’m so lucky and thankful for all the people who were a part of my college journey, whether it was from day one, two years ago, or even four months ago. I’m so glad I took every opportunity presented to me in college, whether it was for an honor society, job opportunity, or work study position. Every single experience has influenced me and helped shape me into the person I am today. 

I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for my family

I couldn’t be more blessed with a school that allowed me to grow and flourish and find myself, however, it makes it so much harder to leave behind. Saint Vincent College has truly become home to me and I know I will be back. Thank you to the school that has given me so much. I will never forget my time at Saint Vincent College and all the incredible things it has given me. Once a Bearcat, Always a bearcat. 

By elspeththeblogger

My name is Elspeth. I'm young professional living life one day at a time. I have a passion for fashion, a love for living a clean and healthy life and I can organize anything.

4 replies on “Thank You Saint Vincent College”

Amen! So well said. Let the next chapter begin. The foundation has been laid by u and SVC!
Good luck next week!

Wow, I can’t believe it! You are a fabulous young woman with so much opportunity! The world is waiting for you…I’m excited to see what you do next. Congrats 🎉🎈!!

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