Fabulous living Fun Ways to Organize

2020 Resolutions and Goal Recap

Hi everyone! Happy Wednesday! Can you believe that we are almost to new year. I always like to take some time to reflect on the past year and my goals and accomplishments and do a little recap. A full 2020 recap will be coming soon, so be sure to stay tuned. But today, I wanted to break down my goals from 2020 and do a little check in to see how far I have come. To see my goals for this year. You can see them here.

My main goal this year was to learn and love. Since I started a new job a year ago, I wanted to learn as much as I could this first year, from the job itself, to learning from the people I work with, to learning about myself as a reporter, and learning about establishing new routines in my life. Overall, I’m very, very happy with how this year has gone.

Granted, 2020, has been quite a challenging and unpredictable year, but I personally have learned a lot and grown a lot too. I’ve worked hard to establish good routines, both on days I work and on my weekends. I’ve learned to give myself grace, find balance, put myself first and make sure my priorities are in order. I’ve learned how to be flexible and adapt to change. I’ve learned to make time for my family and friends, but also put myself first when it comes to my health and wellness. Having a sense of balance and purpose in my life helps so much when I have busy work days.

Also, I live by my planner, every appointment, story I do, to-do list, or note goes in there and that helps me stay in control and have a sense of order too. I love my simplified planner and I can’t wait to use it again next year, there is a space to write down your bucket list for the year, I jotted some ideas down and stood by them this year. 

Here is what was on my bucket list this year: 

  • See Old Friends (although, this year was far from normal, I was glad I could still see some of my friends from high school, safe and socially distant)
  • Stay Close with College friends (Again, I wish I could have seen more friends but I’m super thankful for maintaining college friendships despite not being able to see each other, plus, thank goodness for facetime!!!)
  • Travel some place new ( I wanted to travel more places, but hello pandemic!!!, my family and I did take a road trip which was fun and we created many family memories!)
  • Learn a lot at work (Yes, based on everything I’ve said above, I learned a lot at work and I’m still learning too!! That’s what I love about my job. I’m always, always learning)
  • Get involved with the community ( Thanks to my job, I am always learning about things going on around the community and I’m so lucky I get to really highlight my hometown with my job every day)
  • Make New Friends (I have made some of the best friends at my job and I learned from some incredible mentors too. It’s a wonderful feeling to be learning every day and love where you are doing it, is a wonderful feeling.)

2020, has been a year, but I’ve learned a lot from myself and I have grown a lot too. Here’s to new beginnings, goals, and bucket lists for 2021!!

Fabulous living

What I’m Thankful For #4

Every year I like to take time and reflect on the past year and the things I’m thankful for. 

Here’s a look back from year’s past.




2020 has been quite the year and there are so many things to be thankful for. 

First and foremost is my health, I’m so lucky and blessed to have good health this past year. 

I’m also super blessed for my family. This past year, I have been able to move home and get lots of extra family time, living at home during the pandemic also helped a lot too. I got bonus time I missed out on in college and time that I won’t always have when I move out on my own. I’m so lucky my family was healthy this past year. 

Throwback of my family together

My pets. A few weeks back, we lost one of our dogs, Hershey Kiss. It was very sudden and sad to see one of our dogs who has been with us for years pass away, with that being said, I’m so grateful for my other two dogs and the love they bring. 

My sweet Hershey Kiss

My friends. This year was definitely challenging since so many plans and activities were cancelled and I missed out on a lot of time with friends. I was able to spend time with friends socially distant and FaceTime and texted helped immensely. This past year also showed me the importance of maintaining friendships and it’s all about putting in effort. 

My friend Danielle and I
My friends Maddie and Ryan and I

My Job. I am very blessed to have a job that I got to work at through the pandemic. I also have grown and learned a lot during this past. I’m very grateful for co-workers that have turned into mentors and friends and even almost like family. 

My first time working Election night

I’m grateful for the tough days, the ones that I feel like I’m drowning or not doing anything right, because those are the days that I learn the most about myself. 

I’m grateful for the basic needs that I take for granted. I’m thankful for a home with a loving family, food on the table, a car to get to work in. All things that I’m lucky to have that others don’t have.

I’m thankful for my faith, on the good and bad days, I know God is always there for me and he will lead me on the path he has for me. 

I’m grateful for all the little moments and mundane things, from drives to work, walks, laughs, movie nights, baking, family dinners, good night sleeps, going to the gym and so many other little momenta that turn out to be the big ones.

That’s just a peak into my heart this Thanksgiving. What are you thankful for this year?

Fun Ways to Organize

Back to School Preps

Hi everyone! Happy Wednesday! Can you believe we are already gearing up for back to school?! Whether you are learning in the classroom, at home, or a mix of both, this year will be an interesting one for sure! 

Today, I’m sharing some school must haves! Whether you are in the classroom or at home, these are all things you can benefit from.

  • Planner 

My must have is a planner, someplace to keep everything in one spot, especially if you are going back and forth between home and school. It also works great for parents if they are balancing different schedules or routines. My go-to planner is by Simplified. You can see how I organize my planner here.

My planner layout
  • Space to Work

My next must have is a place to work. Whether it is children doing homework, or learning full time, having a designated space is key. I know I work best at my desk in my room, I always have a candle burning and my planner next to my laptop and my to do list out too. There is nothing better than crossing something off a to-do list. I also like to have all my things in one space where I can quickly access them. 

My work space at home
  • The Right Mindset

No matter what the school year brings it all comes down to having the right mindset whether it’s about learning from home, school, or both. This year will be an adjustment for everyone but knowing that you aren’t alone, that we will get through it and making the best out of the situation is the driving force for having a great year!

That’s a quick round up of my top things to focus on when it comes to the upcoming school year, yes, it will be different but as long as you are prepared and have an open mind then that’s the best thing to do!

What ways are you getting ready for the 2020-2021 school year?

Fabulous living

A Day in the Work Life

Hi everyone, last week I gave you a look into my work life, so this week I thought it was time I give you a look into my daily work life. 

No two days are the same, every day is different and things can change hour to hour, here’s a little look into what a day in the life looks like for me.

Let’s begin…

Here is what a wake up time looks for me, 7:25 to start the day.
Gym time at 8:00 am
After the gym, I had to make a stop to Target to buy a new fit bit since mine bite the dust after 3.5 years, new fit bit review coming soon.
Doing some reading and journaling after I hit the gym.
Doing some blog work, checking emails and getting ideas for stories before I go to work
Lunch time…leftovers from the night before, chicken, lettuce, tomato, salsa, cheese and rice, homemade taco bowl

The next few hours were very busy so I don’t have any photos, but here’s what it looks like…

After lunch comes getting ready for work, most of the time, how I look when I live the house is how I look for the 11:00 news. Once I get to work, we have a meeting about story ideas and who’s covering what, on this day, I went to a news conference about grants and a tax give back program for the city. I got interviews and video for my story following the news conference, I came back to the station to listen to the interviews and get ready for live shots in the early show.

I had two live hits, one at 5:00 and one at 7:00, so I was prepping lines before I went live.
Following both live hits, around 7:30, I got called to check in on a boating accident, which turned out to be nothing, but it shows no day is ever quiet…haha
Back at work around 8:15 I spent time cutting sound and listening to interviews for my news package and putting it all together.
After I finished my writing my story, I go to track it.

Around 9:00, I finish putting the final touches on my story before putting it up on the web. Around 10:00, I get ready to work on live hit for 11:00.

Here’s a look at my piece, at 11:00, once I wrap doing it, I cut video for my story and close up shop for the day. I leave at 11:45 and typically head to bed by 12:30…and that’s a day in the life.

Every day is different and no two days are ever the same, but it’s all part of the excitement and fun.

Fabulous living

My Dream First Job

Hi everyone!! Happy Wednesday! I hope you are all having a great week! Today, I thought I would give you a look into my work life. In college, I brought you into my daily school life, with work, classes, meetings, friends, and things to do. Well, now that college is over, and I’ve been working full time for the past six months, I thought it was time I introduce you to my work life. 

Following graduation, I accepted a job back home as Multimedia journalist at my local news station. For people following for a while, this is the same place where I interned at a few years back. You can read about my summer internship here. So, what does that mean? I’m a reporter, but I do everything. I pitch stories, set up interviews, do the interview, shoot the video, edit it together for a story and then front it on the news at the end of the day. I’ve also helped out doing digital and producing on the weekends as well as trying out some anchoring. It’s a lot, but I love it. I have gotten so much experience in these past six months that I never could have imagined. I have also learned about all the moving parts that go into bringing a newscast to life from start to finish.

On the job

These past six months have been nothing short of exciting. Let’s begin back in December, I started two days before Christmas, worked 12 days straight, we then went straight into winter weather news and coverage, then with spring came the Coronavirus pandemic, so during that time we adapted to a new normal, and with summer came many protests and riots. It has been a whirlwind but I have loved every moment. I have been able to cover stories about schools handling harsh weather, businesses taking on the pandemic whether it’s about closing or reopening, I’ve covered different events, highlighted different families going through their best and worst moments. It has been so rewarding to tell these stories. 

Working on the anchor desk

I have met some incredible people both on stories and in the newsroom. It’s been so rewarding to cover stories in my hometown. I’ve been given the opportunity to learn and work with people that I grew up watching. One of my close friends sent me this side by side comparison which is crazy of how far I have come. 

Crazy how much time can change when you work hard to achieve your dreams

A few months back, my college highlighted different young alumni and they asked to feature me which was an extreme honor. You can see the video highlighting a day in the life here. 

Part of my day in the life video

I have loved every minute of my job, yes, not every day is easy or fun but I have learned so much about myself and this job and my hometown through this job. I can’t wait to see what the next few years bring! 

Covering the morning after riots

Thank you to everyone who has watched and supported me through these first few months. If you are still interested or want to follow along more, you can like or follow my Facebook page for all my stories. 

Have a beautiful week and a wonderful Fourth of July!


Three Looks for Work in the Summer

Hi friends!!! Happy Wednesday! I’m off of work for the work for a much needed break to reset and recharge. It has been so nice to change up the pace and enjoy a week of summer. 

But next week, it’s back to reality, which means back to work. Since I have started to work full time, one of the things I’ve had to do is do some shopping for more professional clothes but also continue to update my wardrobe by mixing and matching outfits. I order several new dresses from Amazon, so be prepared for an Amazon Haul post coming soon!

Until then, I wanted to share three outfits for work for the summer, one is super professional, one is summer dress chic and the other is more work for on the go.

Let’s get to the most professional/ business casual.

This look is perfect for an interview or working in an office.

I wanted something that was neutral and simple and that’s exactly what I got when it came to picking out this outfit.

I first started with this skirt, I got it from Marshall’s. I love how it is a pencil skirt and can be worn with a suit or just by itself. 

I decided to add a dark blouse as my top. I got it from Francesca’s Boutique, as a summer blouse but I have found many more uses and ways to wear it through the years. Although, it is sleeveless, I added a blazer to match it. Although, different opposite colors, the black and the light gray skirt complement one another very well. 

As, I mentioned above, I wore my gray blazer as a finishing touch. I got this blazer from Marshall’s as well, a few years back. Although, the blazer and the skirt are not a matching set, the interior of the blazer which is seen when cuffed is almost a perfect match to the skirt and the black top ties the whole outfit together.

These shoes are my new favorite pair for the spring/summer/fall. I loved them so much I got them both in black and nude, they are Kelly and Katie from DSW. They are comfortable and I love the heel, not too high but reasonable. 

I matched the outfit with my work bag from Michael Kors, now this outfit may not be for everyone’s work place, but it’s perfect for interviews or business meetings.

The next outfit is another one for the work place, professional but with more color. 

I got this dress from Land’s End, there are so many things I like about this outfit. First, the color, I love how blue stands out. It’s a pop of color but it’s not too overwhelming. The next thing I love about it, is the cut and style. It is a straight cut dress, but you can move in it, it’s not super restricting, also it has pockets!!!!

Lastly, I really like the material, it is string and durable. 

I matched the dress with a pair of blue pumps from DSW as well. 

I wear a lot of navy, so these get a lot of wear in the spring and summer months.

Onto the last outfit, this outfit is more on the go but still professional, some days I’m working in an office and other days I’m not, it all depends. 

For the days I’m not in an office, this is a great outfit on the go. 

I got these pants from the Limited, I love how they are a straight cut pant and the navy makes them easy to with anything. Any print, bold or neutral color can go with it.

I got this pink top from Talbots, I really like the pop of summery color, plus it matches perfectly with the pink sweater from Gap. The blue and pink compliment each other very well. And to no one’s surprise, I got these shoes from DSW…surprise! Haha! 

I also wanted to show how well my lunch tote matches my outfit. 

Those are three separate outfits for work, from business professional, to sundress chic and on the go. 

Stay tuned for more summer work outfits and next week, I have a supersized life update post! Be sure to check back next Wednesday for it!

See you then!


Currently #3

Hey guys! Happy Wednesday, we are here for another currently, I am loving this series because it provides little updates on my life with what’s going on. I hope you are all staying home and safe and healthy. Let’s get into a little currently update! 

What I’m up to: Work has been pretty much the only thing on my mind. These past few weeks have been really busy with everything going on with Coronavirus. No one really knows when this will end but at work we are taking it day by day even hour by hour haha. Despite all the unknowns, I’m still focusing on the good every day, whether it’s my good health, being with my family, or even the weather getting warmer. 

What I’m wearing: We are finally in the spring season, so I am breaking out my greens, blues, and pinks.  It’s been warming up to the 40’s and 50’s so I haven’t worn a winter jacket in a wile which is so nice. I also have been trying new hair styles and makeup for a the new season, I like changing it up for a new season. 

What I’m reading: I’m on the last book of the series, “The Walk”, I wish I would have finished it sooner but I’m so glad I’m almost to the end, it was so good and eye opening. It definitely put things in perspective especially with everything going on during this uncertain time.  

What I’m Watching: This week was the finale of This is Us and A Million Little Things, two shows which I love watching week to week. I started watching 30 Rock on my days off, it’s something light and funny and episodes are only 30 minutes so I can watch them fast and while I’m doing other things.

What I’m Loving: Despite all the craziness, I love having everyone in my family home together. It’s been fun to be all together, have dinner together and enjoy each other’s company too. Plus, it’s all about seeing the light in dark times 

What Inspires Me: I love different inspirational quotes, I saw this one on Instagram the other day about how different perspectives can affect our outlook on life. I thought it was interesting and it shows to focus on the good and not the bad.  

What I accomplished: This month brought a new work schedule for me, I had to get adjusted to working new times and hours. With a new work schedule led me to create a new routine for me. It took some getting used to, but I’m happy with being flexible and getting into a new rhythm. 

Goals Accomplished from Last Month: I’m happy that despite all the changes I am still able to be in close contact with my friends. I made a trip to see them last month and I still talk to them frequently on the phone, through texting or facetime, it’s been so helpful to have these ways to stay connected when everyone is at home.   

Goals for the New Month: Honestly, taking it one day at time, I’m focusing on my family and friends right now. Right now, work has been the main thing on my mind. I’m hoping this gets better in time for spring and summer, I also want to get outside more and get fresh air whenever I can. 

Just something to add a smile to your day!

That’s a look into my life right now. Lots of work, getting some bonus family time, taking care of myself and getting used to a new normal. Stay Safe, Stay Healthy, and Stay Home.  

Fabulous living

Summer Recap 2019

I can’t believe I am writing my summer 2019 recap. This has been a wonderful and packed full summer. When I moved back home in May, I didn’t know what this summer had in store for me. Yes, I knew there would be work, fun, and friends but other than that, I was open to any opportunity that presented itself. I accomplished a lot these past few months, from working at home, working at school, lots of family time, seeing a lot of friends from high school and college, weekend getaways, and trying new things. Let’s take a look back at my summer to do list and see if I accomplished everything. 

Get license renewed

  • Yes, I got this done the first day I was home and was so happy to get it done. 


  • Yes, I worked at the same job I have been working at since high school and I got a lot f projects accomplished while I was there. I also volunteered for a Campaign this summer and it was interesting to see all the behind the scenes that goes into it. 

Make College photo album 

  • Yes, this was such a fun project and I’m glad I have all my pictures in one spot for the future, plus it was cool to look back on all the memories made. 

Celebrate 21

  • Yes, One of the highlights of my summer was celebrating my birthday with all my friends in Pittsburgh, it was so fun to spend the weekend with my people. You can read all about it here.
Celebrating 21 with my girls

See friends from college and high school

  • Yes, I made a few trips to Pittsburgh for work or to visit friends and it was so good to connect with friends outside of school. I also managed to hang out a lot with my high school friends whether it was weekend trips or fro yo runs. 

Portfolio (BLS)

  • Yes and No, I am still in the process of completing this project for school but it will be done this semester. 

Work Study

  • Yes, I worked a lot for my school and it was great to be kept up to date on what was going on at school and do something I enjoy. 

Read 12-15 books

  • Yes, this was one of my favorite ways to spend the summer. I read a lot and enjoyed unwinding with a good book. You can read my summer book review here!
One of my favorite ways to enjoy the summer

Download pictures to laptop

  • Yes, another task I wanted to accomplish and I finished it early on in the summer. 

Spend time with family 

  • Yes, I got a lot of family time in between family vacations, good meals, and weekend adventures. There is nothing better than quality family time. 

Day Trips

  • Yes, I got in a few day trips to visit friends and work at school for a few days in the summer, one day trips were perfect to do something fun and get work done. 

Start Healthier habits

  • Yes, this summer I snacked a lot less and tried to get outside as much as I could, whether it was for a walk, jog, or even hitting the gym when I could. I was not as consistent with working out as I am in the school year but still felt good about creating healthier habits.  You can read about my summer habits here.
I always love going on hikes in the morning or evening

Go to a concert

  • No, I didn’t get to a concert in the summer, but I have plans for one in September which I am very excited about. 

Beach days

  • Yes, I made it to the beach with my friend Bailey twice, and then spent an afternoon at the beach which was so fun. 
ALL the beach vibes!

Family Vacation

  • Yes, I finished off summer with a family road trip. So fun and many laughs and memories were made. 
Much needed getaway

Find a new show to Binge watch

  • YES, I was obsessed with Outlander this summer. It was such a good show to watch and I became invested in the show fast, I can’t wait for the new season in 2020!
I am still talking about this show

Take more walks outside

  • Yes, I took more walks in the summer, whether in the woods, the beach or my own backyard. It was so good to get fresh air after working inside all day.
Not only did I spend more time walking outside but I also tried kayaking and loved it

Weekly facetime calls with friends

  • Yes and no, I didn’t get in weekly facetime calls but my friends and I stayed close by visiting each other and texting every day, plus you know you have a solid relationship when weeks go by and you can pick up from where you left off. 

Try something new

  • Yes, I did a lot of solo traveling this summer so that was definitely a new and rewarding experience that I was so lucky I got to gain more independence in this area.

Try new recipes 

  • Yes, to see some of my favorite recipes you can find my salads here, pizzas here, and snacks here

Entertain Friends/family

  • Yes, I love to help host and entertain, this summer I did quite a bit from having family, friends, or college friends over, whether it was for dinner, a weekend, or just snacks, it’s a lot of work but it pays off in the end. 
I love entertaining from the prep, event and satisfaction of a job well done

Do something spontaneous

  • Yes, although I don’t have an exact time I was spontaneous, there were many times this summer that I stepped out of my comfort zone to try something new. 

Be Present

  • This was huge for me. This summer, I was more present and intentional with what I was doing. Some of my favorite summer moments there are no pictures of because I was in the moment and not on my phone. This was huge for me. 
Focusing on the here and now.

Looking back this was a packed full summer filled with new experiences, memories, work and fun. I have grown by trying new things while being present and spending time with those who matter most to me. Although, the school year will be busy, I know I will always have these memories to look back on. Thank you summer 2019, senior year… here we GO!

Fabulous living

Summer Goals

Hey guys!

I hope your week is off to a great start. It has been so nice to settle into a new routine for the summer months.  Every summer I try to set realistic goals for the summer months. They can be anything from activities, projects, trips, and small tasks. I start out with a basic list as summer begins and will add things if necessary as the months go on. At the end of the summer, I love to look back and see everything I accomplished and all the memories I created.

Summer 2019…you are just beginning…let’s take a look and see what my summer goals are:

Get license renewed

                  -A small but necessary task and I got it done right when I got home! 


  • Although summer is for relaxing, I plan to work through the summer. I like to stay busy and working through the summer will definitely keep me busy.

Make College photo album 

  • Through my college years, I have been saving photos and organizing them into years. This summer, I want to get them all printed and organized since my time in college is coming to a close.

Celebrate 21

  • I’m really looking forward to celebrating my 21stbirthday this summer. I’m so lucky I get to be home to be with my family, but I’m looking forward to celebrating this milestone with my friends in Pittsburgh!

See friends from college and high school

  • Speaking of friends, I am making seeing my friends both from college and high school this summer, whether it’s coffee dates or day trips, friends are so important and I want to make them a priority this summer.
We didn’t even say goodbye at graduation because we knew we would be seeing each other through the summer

Portfolio (BLS)

  • Another requirement for school that I need to get done before school is back in session for 2019!

Work Study

  • This summer I will be working remotely for a job I hold back at school. There are a few projects that I will be working on that I am excited to get started on.

Read 12-15 books

  • I am an avid reader and I am really looking forward to reading a lot over the summer. I already made a stop to my local library to check out a few books to get a start on summer reading.
First book of the summer…

Download pictures to laptop

  • Again, another task, it won’t take long but I want to make sure I have all my photos from this past year saved to my laptop.

Spend time with family 

  • Since this is my last summer home I want to make sure I soak up as much family time as I can, whether it is family dinners, soccer days, or pool days. I can’t wait to get some quality family time in.
Looking forward to a full summer with the fam!

Day Trips

  • I love taking day trips, whether it is to the city, in the country, or to see family and friends. I’m hoping to spend a few days going to new places this summer. 

Start Healthier habits

  • I have gotten into good routines while I am at school and I want to continue those routines at home, whether it hitting the gym several days a week, eating healthier foods and meals, or just setting time aside to relax. Getting into a good routine is something I’m looking forward to this summer.

Go to a concert

  • I have a concert planned for September with one of my best friends, but I want to try and hit up another summer concert. Anyone with suggestions, please let me know.

Beach days

  • I may live close to the beach, but that doesn’t mean I spend all summer there. Last summer, I went to the beach on the last day I was home. I want to make more of an effort to go to the beach, whether it’s for the sunset, sunrise, or a day in the water.

Family Vacation

  • I have been reflective in the past few months with everything that has been changing and I’m looking forward to getting away with my family for a summer trip. Where and when that will be is still up in there air, but none the less, I’m looking forward to making some memories.

Find a new show to Binge watch

  • Every summer, I always am on the look for new shows to binge watch. I’m currently finishing up Dawson’s Creek-an oldie but a goodie! I’m now on the hunt to find a new show to watch this summer. Any good suggestions?

Take more walks outside

  • In an effort to spend more time outside, I want to take more walks, whether it is at sporting events, at the end of the day after work, or around lunch. I’m looking forward to enjoying the outdoors more.

Weekly facetime calls with friends

  • Back to the friends…can you tell I miss my college friends?!  A few of my friends from school and I have suggested doing weekly facetime calls to keep each other in the loop with what’s going on. It’s a weird feeling going from seeing your BFF’s all the time to going weeks without seeing each other.
You mean I won’t be seeing my friends every day….thank gosh for FaceTime!

Try something new

  • Leaving this one up in the year. I want to try something new and pushed from my comfort zone. We will see what happens and what I try.

Try new recipes 

  • I love to cook and bake. This summer I want to try some new recipes and even come up with a signature dish. I am into salads right now, so I have a feeling I will be making lots of different salad combinations this summer.

Entertain Friends/family

  • I love to host people at my home and I learned it all from my mom. In the summer, we love to have friends and family over and I’m looking forward to doing some entertaining this summer.

Do something spontaneous

  • This goes along with trying something new, even though I love my schedules and routines. I want to be spontaneous and more flexible. I’m hoping to accomplish that this summer.

Be Present

  • After a stressful and busy semester, I want to be present and just live this summer. There will always be things to do and tasks to accomplish, however, I want to make an effort to just be happy where I am at.
Made this my background for my phone to only focus on the positive things in life

That concludes my summer goals. It may seem like a lot, but overall, I think it is a good mix of realistic and mental goals. Overall, I want this summer to be one filled with happiness, love, laughter, friendship, purpose, and maybe even a dance. 

Have a beautiful week! xoxo

Fabulous living

Fall Semester Recap

What a semester it has been. That has been my catch phrase these past few months. Finals are over, I am home for a well-deserved break and I’m taking the time to reflect on this past semester. I was excited for the new semester to start back in August, I had interesting classes lined up to take, I was looking forward to spending time with friends and last year, I really felt that I had found my place and I was looking forward to growing more. For the most part, all those things came through. I certainly grew more this semester. This semester definitely tested me, I took on a heavier course load (18 credits) , took on a few more leadership roles (with clubs and Honor Societies and leading meetings) , got more involved with my school, and started a new job (I both work study for a professor and tutor). However, I quickly learned a new balance with all the new stuff going on and I really managed to get into a good routine that worked for me, I also made sure to take care of myself too. I managed to get all my classes done, work in, and still managed to have a social life. 

This was my reaction when I realized how much I took on…yep, I may have taken on too much. 

A few highlights of this semester include lots of fun memories, from inside jokes with classmates in classes, late nights at work, dinners out with friends, early mornings at the gym followed by breakfast, movie nights, staff bonding events, nights out in the city, and so many more. 

Staff photos with Sharon to kick off the semester

Early morning trips to the gym
An Ed Sheeran concert in the middle of the semester was much needed
This is how I spent most of this semester, work, work, work
Early morning walks to class
Trips to fall fests
Halloween Dances
More Halloween festivities
I seriously don’t know where I would be without this girl. We may have met through work but she has become one of my closest friends, and yes, I have no idea what I’m going to do once she graduates.
Another one of the many things I did this semester was help work on our news program at school
One of us was working and the other one was supposed to be doing homework…yet we still managed to hang out on a Friday night
Light Up Night in downtown with the best
I think this describes our friendship and semester in a nutshell

Well that wraps up my semester. I learned a lot, made so many memories, grew more confident as a person and with my decisions and really did my best to be social and step out of my comfort zone. Through my time in college, I have learned that it’s most important to take advantage of every opportunity, make memories, and step outside of your comfort zone. Next semester will be different as many of my friends will be graduating, studying abroad, or student teaching. It will be different but I am up for the challenge. I’ll have another look for you on Thursday, then I will be taking next Tuesday off for Christmas. Have a great weekend.