Fabulous living

Creating Your Own Candle

Hi everyone! Happy Wednesday. I hope your week’s are going well. I was going to include this in Friday’s edition of Friday Favorites but felt it deserved its own post. 

Let me preface this by talking about my love of candles, I love the aroma, the mood it sets and all the different scents you can choose from. I even did a post about wall flowers, diffusers and candles. You can read more about it here.

I’ve heard about different candle making workshops and was thrilled to learn we had one locally. If you are from the Erie region, it’s called Wicks and Wax Studios. When I learned about it, I knew I wanted to give it a try. Here’s a bit about my experience. At this particular spot, you must RSVP to secure a spot. My mom and I went on a Thursday night and we had the most fun.

You start by trying a variety of scents for creating your own candle. You can go with one scent or blend scents. I chose to mix a spa and lemon scent.

A look at our set-up with the supplies to make the candle.

After you chose your scent, you chose your container. Everyone is given all the supplies they need to create a candle and you truly do it all yourself with instruction from the organizer. You add a wick to the jar, then measure and mix your oils, followed by measuring and stirring the hot wax, once it reaches the perfect temperature, you combine the two and stir. After stirring for several minutes and waiting until it cools, you pour it in the jar and then you let it settle and cool.

The combination of the wax and oils.

While it cools, you can choose your lid and design your label. The cooling process for the candle takes about 45 minutes, then you can take your candle home.

My completed candle and label.

I wish I took more photos, but I was having too much fun! If you are local, you should give it a try, if you don’t want to create a candle, you can buy them already done, but I think it’s fun to do your own. This would be a great bachelorette or girls day activity. 

My mom and I with our candles.

I had so much fun getting creative and getting a fun gift to take home. 

I hope this inspires you to get creative and do something for yourself, I know I’m glad I did! Have a great rest of your week!