
Currently #37

Hi everyone! I canā€™t believe we are at the end of January! This month went by so fast, it was definitely nice to have a slower month compared to a busy December at the end of the year. This past month has been a good mix of fresh starts, staying cozy and getting outdoors too. As the month wraps up, hereā€™s a look at some things I have been up to.

What I’ve Been Up To: Iā€™ve spent this past month decluttering and organizing things. After a full December, both mentally and physically, I was looking forward to some New Year cleaning. I have been participating in the Simplified Simplicity Challenge this month and I have been so proud of doing little things every day to live a simplified life. I’ll be sharing a recap of my simplicity challenge next month.

Cleaning out different areas of your life, like your purse is just one example of the daily challenges.

I also have been trying to get outside for fresh air even in the colder months, whether itā€™s for a walk or run, even a few minutes outside makes all the difference. I also have been trying some new recipes and enjoying some new books too. January has been slow but productive.

January has been filled with lots of snow too!
Another new recipe I tried this month, Shrimp Avocado Medicine Soup by Jessie James Decker.

What I’m Wearing: I have been wearing all the layers especially when I am outdoors. I have so many scarves that I have been making a point to wear them when Iā€™m out and about. Not only do they keep you warm, but they are also a great fashion statement too.

All the layers for chilly weather.

What I’m Reading: Iā€™ve been reading lots of books over the past few weeks as I spend more time indoors. 

Hereā€™s what I have been enjoying.

I Didn’t Do that Thing Today- “I Didn’t Do that Thing Today” has more of a psychological feel as opposed to a narrative feel. The author talks about all the research and interviews she has conducted when it comes to productivity. As someone who thrives on being a productive person and getting everything done, I learned a lot about not having to be busy all the time and giving ourselves breathing room and not letting a lack of accomplishment affect our days.

Spare-I have been making my way through  Spare, Prince Harryā€™s book. The book begins after the death of Princess Diana and follows Harry’s life to the present day. So far, I have found Prince Harry to be very real and vulnerable, but also giving historical context and perspective to different things in his life. I’m looking forward to finishing the book soon.

What I’m Watching: I have been watching and enjoying The Mindy Project. Itā€™s so fun and easy to have on in the background as I get things done. I also have been watching some fun movies. I watched Knives Out: Glass Onion, About Fate and Something From Tiffanyā€™s. All can be found on streaming services, they were all a mix of romantic comedies, mystery and dramas. Iā€™ve been adding more things on my list of things to watch.Ā 

About Fate was such a cute movie on Amazon Prime.

What Inspires Me: Iā€™ve been inspired by a clean slate for the new year. From decluttering to starting new yearā€™s resolutions and getting back into new routines. I love the new year and a fresh start.

Hello decluttering for a fresh start!
I’ve also been enjoying some baking too.

What I Accomplished: In addition to fresh starts, I have also been getting back into some of my favorite routines and hobbies. I got a few new cookbooks for Christmas and have really enjoyed trying out some new recipes including soups and hearty meals. I also have been so good about keeping up with friend dates, whether they are in-person or via facetime, itā€™s so good to get some quality friend time in.

New cookbooks means new recipes.
Winter weekends means pancakes!

Goals from Last Month: I have started on some of my New Yearā€™s Resolutions which also gets me in the right mindset for the new year. Sometimes, the hardest part of starting a new habit is taking that first step. One of my goals of this year is to live a healthier lifestyle and I have tried to do that by making smarter food choices and moving more, we are only one month in, but we are off to a good start. I also have been checking things off my winter bucket list too!

Goals for this Month: February is all about love and Valentineā€™s Day and showing those in your life that you care! Iā€™m looking forward to a Valentineā€™s Day date, some girlfriend time for Galentineā€™s Day and enjoying some chocolate and all things heart shaped. Plus, Iā€™m excited to continue to enjoy winter by taking winter walks but also cozying up inside. 

I also went to a hockey game this month and I’m hoping to go to a few more before the season is over.

Thatā€™s a look into life recently. Some reading, some binge-watching, trying new foods, staying active and getting back into new routines.


I’ve also been enjoying some puppy cuddles too.

Tell me: How has your New Yearā€™s Resolutions been going?


Currently #35

Hello everyone! Itā€™s the last day of November. I donā€™t know about you, but Iā€™m already in the Christmas spirit. Iā€™ve already started to decorate and I have my holiday bucket list ready to go, Iā€™ll be sharing that next week.

Iā€™ve really enjoyed November. Itā€™s been a mix of a flurry of activities and slow days at home. With that being said, Iā€™m looking forward to the next month of holiday fun! Let me give you a recap in this month’s currently. 

What I’ve Been Up To: The month started with lots of time outdoors, from walks, to collecting leaves and time indoors with lots of baking. I enjoyed baking brie, peanut butter cookies, banana bread and soup. I canā€™t wait to start baking Christmas cookies. The month ended with celebrating Thanksgiving and getting ready for Christmas.

Hello fall walks!
This month was filled with lots of baking.
Thanksgiving with my Family.

What I’m Wearing: Nothing too exciting on the clothing front, itā€™s been colder and we have seen snow, so I have been wearing more long sleeves and layers. I scored a great deal on some jeans at Old Navy. I have been hunting for a pair of straight jeans and found them at Old Navy. If you are looking for a variety of styles and cuts, consider looking at Old Navy.

Layers have been my go-to. Also a look at my new jeans from Old Navy.

What I’m Reading: Iā€™ve been on a roll with good books. Iā€™ve read some mysteries, some thrillers and a handful of love stories. Here are a few of my favorites.

The Last Mrs. Parrish– The Last Mrs. Parrish is a suspenseful book with a touch of mystery and intrigue. It follows the story of a young woman who wants to befriend a wealthy woman to get close to her husband. The first half of the book is told from one point of view until it switches to another character’s perspective, and you see the story through an entirely different lens. This book will make you angry at some of the characters, but you won’t want to put it down at the same time. 

The Younger Wife– The Younger Wife by Sally Hepworth follows the story of a heart surgeon who decides to remarry even though his wife is still alive and has dementia. His grown daughters aren’t on board at first, but come around to the idea, that is, until they uncover some secrets about their parents. From the father and mother, to the young bride to be, and the grown daughters, it turns out, everyone is keeping secrets. 

One True Loves– This is another Taylor Jenkins Reid book. It follows the story of a young woman who loves her husband when his flight goes missing, it takes her a while, but she moves on and meets someone else, she’s happy and engaged until her husband is found and returns home. It’s up to her to figure out who her one true love is. This story is about love, loss, growth and finding yourself. I breezed through this book in four days. In fact, I finished the last hundred pages in one sitting. A cute, love story with a twist.

My goal is to just read Christmas books for the next month, Iā€™ll let you know how it goes.

What I’m Watching: I finished watching season 5 of the Crown and LOVED It. I already canā€™t wait for the final season, but I don’t want it to end. I also have been watching Gilmore Girls in my free time, but I know Iā€™ll be watching lots of Christmas movies soon. 

What I’m Loving: Iā€™ve been loving everything that gets me in the Christmas spirit. Stores are already decked out with holiday displays, Christmas music is playing, snow is falling, these are just a few things that have me excited for next month. 

Fresh snow doesn’t hurt either.
Getting into the holiday spirit.

What Inspires Me: Iā€™ve really been enjoying the quiet time before the busy season. Iā€™ve read a lot of good books, Iā€™ve enjoyed time with friends and lots of cooking and baking.  Leaning into some of my hobbies has centered me when things get busy or hectic.

The beautiful sunset as I was running errands last week.
I’ve also been enjoying lots of baking…here’s some pre Pumpkin pie mixture.

What I Accomplished: Despite the cold weather, I still managed to get in some outdoors walks when I could. I know I will have to rely on my indoor activities like yoga or more time at the gym, since I wonā€™t be able to get out as much in colder temperatures.

My sweet pup after a morning walk.

Goals from Last Month: I really enjoyed slowing down and celebrating Thanksgiving with my family and some traditions. I also made my list of who I need to buy for Christmas, which makes me feel ahead of the game.

Enjoying some snacks with family.

Goals for this Month: I canā€™t wait to enjoy all things holiday and Christmas. My brothers will be home from college and I canā€™t wait to spend some family time with everyone. I also want to get a lot of my buying done early, so Iā€™m not rushing around at the end when Christmas is here.

Hello holiday cheer!

Thatā€™s a look into life recently.  A mixture of work, hobbies, family time, traditions, and holiday cheer! I canā€™t wait to see what December brings.


Currently #32

Hey guys!

Happy Wednesday! As we wind down with another month, Iā€™m sharing what Iā€™ve been up to this past month. August was a busy month, from days trips to family vacations and last minute cramming in all the summer fun!

What Iā€™ve been up to-This month was filled with soaking up summer! From bonfires, a trip to an amusement park at home, a family vacation, packing up my brother for college and a weekend wedding, plus add in wrapping up a big work project, August was a busy month, but so fun! It was so good to soak up the sunshine and squeeze in some summer fun!

Summer s’mores and bonfires!
Family trip to the beach!
Fun times being a kid at a local amusement park.

What Iā€™m Wearing– As summer winds down, Iā€™m making sure I wear all my summer clothes, from sundresses, shorts and t shirts and bathing suits! We took our family trip to the beach and it was so good to just wear a bathing suit and shorts most of the trip, it reminded me the days of being a kid. Old Navy had a few great sales that I fully took advantage of. Be sure to stay tuned on a clothing haul post soon!

My uniform for the beach (and most of the summer)…shorts and t shirts!

What Iā€™m Reading-August was such a good reading month! I read three great books back to back! I started the month with Finding Freedom. This books follows the story of Harry and Meghan from when they met to their decision to step back as Senior Working Royals. Iā€™ve always been interested in the Royal Family and found this book to be so enlightening. If you are interested in Harry and Meghan, I definitely recommend this book.

After such a good book, I didnā€™t know how to top it, well I found it with One Italian Summer. This is one of the hottest books this summer! Iā€™ve been on a waiting list to read it since May. It was definitely worth the wait. It follows the story of a young woman who loses her mother and takes a trip to Italy and learns more about who her mother was as a young woman. I loved the description and how vivid the author makes the setting in the book. I loved the plot twist at the end! 5 STARS for me!

After hearing about this next book for years, I finally got my hands on Daisy Jones and the Six. I loved the way this book was told (itā€™s told through a series of interviews). The story follows the story of a fictional band and what led to their formation to what led to their demise. I fell in love with the characters and the plot. I canā€™t wait to watch the series on Amazon Prime.

What Iā€™m Watching: Iā€™ve been spending so much time outdoors, I havenā€™t been watching a lot of movies or shows this summer. I did recently finish Maid on Netflix which follows the true storyĀ  of a young woman and mom who after getting out of a bad relationship must start from the ground up. I shared a bit about it on my last currently. It was definitely a heavier mini series but itā€™s one that really sticks with you. After hearing a lot about it, Iā€™m glad I got to watch it for myself.Ā 

What Iā€™m Loving: All the times outdoors! From walks to zoo trips, amusement parks, beach days, even just sitting by the pool. Iā€™m doing my best to get outdoors as much as I can before the seasons change.

Time spent reading and outdoors is a favorite of mine in the summer!
Grilling has been another summer favorite!

What Inspires Me: After spending a few days at the beach, I really loved having a few days to slow down. Iā€™ve found that day to day, you donā€™t realize how busy life gets and how itā€™s always go, go, go, until you stop to catch your breath. Iā€™m glad I had a few days to recharge and slow down.

It felt so good to relax for a few days at the beach!
Enjoying outdoor dining was another summer favorite!

What I Accomplished: I checked off almost all my summer bucket list options as shown from my post last week, plus I got a few extra activities thrown in tooĀ 

Ending the summer months by relaxing at a lake for the weekend.

Goals from Last Month: From a family vacation to entertaining guests, afternoons reading and nights swimming. I got so much in and the good news is just because kids may be back to school doesnā€™t mean the weather gets cold, Iā€™m looking forward to spending more time outdoors as long as the weather permits it!

Beach days!
And ice cream nights!

Goals for this Month: As much as I hate to say this while still in August, next month, Iā€™m looking forward the transition of one season to another. Iā€™m excited to start thinking about my fall bucket list and still enjoying the time outdoors. I love walks in the fall and seeing the leaves change. Thankfully we still have time before it gets too cold, so right now Iā€™m going to enjoy all the sunshine I can and I hope you will too!

Fun times entertaining this summer!

Enjoy the last few days of August!


Currently # 31

Hi all! Happy Wednesday! It makes me sad to think that we are already at the end of July. This summer is flying by. With summer more than half way through, I’m doing my best to make the most out of August and September with the nice, warm weather before the seasons change!

As always, it’s time for Currently, a look at my life over the past month. These past four weeks have been filled with walks, picnics, pool days, grilling and indulging in all the summer foods and friends!

What I’ve Been Up To: I’ve been doing everything in my power to be outside, from walks on weekends, to eating meals outside, going for ice cream dates and just reading outside. Our summer season feels so short, so I try my best to take advantage of the sunshine, blue skies and warm weather. I’ve also enjoyed a lot of time at home with events slowing down, it’s been nice to have a more open schedule.

I’ve enjoyed lots of summer walks in the morning, afternoon and night.
I’ve also enjoyed grilling at the parks after a long walk

What I’m Wearing: I’ve been teasing it for a while but NEXT WEEK will be my summer dress round up. It’s been so fun to try new dresses and styles all summer long. In other clothing choices, I’ve been wearing lots of short sets for walks, some t-shirt dresses for evenings out and then I’ve been rotating some graphic tees as well. I like to keep it simple in the summer with easy things to throw on so no matter what I’m doing I’m comfortable, especially on days off.

An example of an outfit that I would wear on a day off!

What I’m Reading: I finished The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue and I didn’t know what to expect about this girl who never ages. I really enjoyed following the story as it begins in the 1700’s and continues to present day. There’s mystery, romance, suspense, and some magic too. When Adeline makes a deal in the 1700’s it has lasting effecst that she was never expecting. I love how the book jumps through time periods and you get to see her in different places and times. Even if you don’t read this book, I encourage you to read a book from a genre you typically don’t read, you may surprised about what you enjoy.

I also finished The Paris Library this past month. This historical fiction book goes back and forth between the 1940’s in Paris and the 1980’s in Montana. It follows the story of a woman who works in a library during World War II and then flashes forward to her life in the 1980’s living in the United States. Again, there’s some mystery and intrigue and some romance. I love how the book goes back and forth between time periods too!

What I’m Watching: I jumped on the band wagon and binged “The Summer I Turned Pretty” on Amazon Prime. It was a great coming of age series that had a lot more depth than I was anticipating, there was lots of lightheartedness but also drama and suspense. Definitely worth the watch this summer.

I’ve also been watching another drama, “Maid” on Netflix. It tells the story of a young woman who hits rock bottom and looks to start over by working as a maid. It’s definitely a heavier show, but really good.

Besides tv shows, I went to see the new Elvis movie and I was blown away. I really enjoyed the storyline, the iconic music and learning about Elvis. It was worth seeing it on the big screen.


What I’m Loving: LOTS OF WALKS! Iā€™ve been doing my best on my days off to take longers walks. Iā€™ve ventured to Pittsburgh for a day trip to the zoo and a park.

One of my favorite exhibits at the zoo.
And a walk by the water.

Iā€™v traveled to Bemus Point, New York for a morning at a State Park there and then enjoying the beauty.

Sweet summertime in New York.

I’ve also enjoyed fairs, festivals, live music and food trucks this summer. All things on my bucket list too!

Local fairs
And festivals
Concerts by the water
Food truck treats!

I also went strawberry picking last month and made a lot of different tasty treats with my haul.

Such a fun activity!

I made strawberry jam, strawberry and lemon bread and then strawberry shortcake too! Yum!

The haul!
Strawberry jam!
Strawberry and lemon bread
Strawberry shortcake

What Inspires Me: Summertime means fresh flowers. Iā€™ve been enjoying talking long walks to cut flowers to put in vases around the house. I always enjoy having the smell of fresh flowers in my room and Iā€™ve enjoyed adding them to other rooms in the house too.

Fresh flowers from the garden

What I Accomplished: After a busy first month of summer, Iā€™ve been happy that I got to slow down more this month. Thereā€™s been more afternoons by the pool, more mornings spent reading and late nights visiting with friends.Ā 

A summer stroll closer to home!

Goals from Last Month: I had a wonderful time celebrating the Fourth of July with family. I also got to see some relatives from out of town which was lots of fun. In addition to family, I have been enjoying time with friends. From dinners to walks and ice cream runs, itā€™s been great to get outside and spend time with friends. Iā€™ve also been lucky to see friends I havenā€™t seen in a long time. It was so great to catch up in person and the visit was long overdue!Ā  I am looking forward to more time with friends next month.

Fireworks on the Fourth!

Goals for this Month: I really want to cross off the final things on my summer bucket list. I’ve been doing well so far, but there’s a few things I’m looking forward to checking off-some of them are new things to me too! I’m also really just looking forward to relaxing and enjoying summer days and nights too. Soaking up summer is what it’s all about.Ā 

Sweet summertime!

How are you planning on spending the last full month of summer? I know you can catch me outside! Let me know how you will be spending summer in the comments below!


Currently #30

Hey guys! Happy Wednesday! I canā€™t believe we are at the end of June. This month has flown by. Summer needs to slowwwwww down.

Iā€™ve been making the most of my summer and checking things off my summer bucket list between spending time with family and work.

Hereā€™s a looking into what Iā€™m currently up to.

What Iā€™m Up To: Iā€™ve been soaking up all the summer and sunshine. From pool days to mini golf, baseball games, grilling, savoring ice cream, and seeing family. These past few weeks have been busy, throw in a few graduations and celebrations and you have a packed June. I canā€™t wait to see what else is in store for the rest of the summer.

Crossed mini golf off my bucket list this summer.
Beautiful night for baseball

What Iā€™m Wearing: Iā€™ve had such good luck with finding dresses and summer outfits for work. I did a shopping spree a few weeks backĀ  and got lots of good deals from Marshallā€™s, T.J. Maxx, and Ann Taylor. I have a summer outfit post coming soon. This will include dresses and shoes, since I also hit the jackpot with work shoes from DSW.Ā 

Here’s a sneak peak, a bright dress for summer!

What Iā€™m Reading: Iā€™ve been on a reading spree. Iā€™ve read some thrillers, romance, chick flicks and more.

I started with One Night on this Island which tells the story of a girl who goes to a remote island off of Ireland to find herself and do a story for her job. Turns out the place she is staying is double booked with a man from the United States. Will they both stay or will one leave? Will she end up loving the island or not? You will have to read to find out.Ā 

From Ireland to England, The Jane Austen Society takes place in the 1800’s when a group or men and women work to form a group to conserve the memory of Jane Austen in her hometown. The description and setting in this story is to die for. You feel like you are transported to Austenā€™s time period. This is a wonderful read for any Jane Austen fan.

My third book this past month was The Plot. Let me tell you, this book blew me away. It is an incredible thriller with a lot of mystery. It tells the story of an author who meets a young student with an incredible plot for a future story. When the student dies, the teacher decides to take the idea as his own, but will repercussions follow? You will have to read to find out.

What Iā€™m Watching: Iā€™ve been making my way through season 2 of The Morning Show which has been fun to catch up on. Itā€™s been interesting to see how they tie in events from 2020 in their storylines.Ā 

Iā€™ve also been watching Great News on Netflix. It follows the story of a news producer and her mother who becomes her intern. Such a funny show and a bit relatable for someone who works in news.

I also saw a few movies this past month, I saw Top Gun Maverick at the drive-in which was a fun experience, plus after seeing the first movie, I couldnā€™t wait to see the second.

Great way to kick off summer

Speaking of sequels, I saw the second Downton Abbey movie in theaters and it was so good. Definitely worth seeing it on the big screen.

What I’m Loving: Besides enjoying the summer season, I wanted to share two things Iā€™ve been loving every day or week. I really try to keep my subscriptions to a minimum, Iā€™m talking about streaming, email, letters etc. But there are two email subscriptions that I look forward to reading every time they are in my inbox.

For daily news, I am subscribed to Katie Couric Media for her news briefing every day. I consume a lot of news, every day, from USA Today, to local news, and other papers, but I really love Katieā€™s news letters. She recaps national and world events, has some feature stories and different contributors. If you are looking for a great recap an updates on national and international news, this is a great place. You can subscribe on her website here.Ā 

Iā€™m a big fan of the Royal Family and Elizabeth Holmes is a former reporterĀ from the Wall Street Journal. Now, she reports on the Royal Family, she posts about royal fashion on Instagram, has a book about royal fashion and history, and she also does a semi weekly newsletter about everything from the Royals to lifestyle and fashion. You can find her here.

These are two newsletters that bring a smile to my face whenever I read them.

What Inspires Me: Iā€™ve been inspired by making every day count. I know the summer and warm weather is so short so I try to take every opportunity to enjoy the warm weather and sunshine whenever I can, even if it is just for a walk after work.

Sunset walk after work.

What I Accomplished:Ā  The past few weeks have been busy with both of my brothers graduating, plus my birthday, my momā€™s birthday and Fatherā€™s Day, needless to say, Iā€™ve been busy. But itā€™s been so nice to celebrate these big milestones and moments.

Birthday dinner by the water.

Goals from Last Month: Iā€™ve already checked off some items on my summer bucket list which has been fun. Itā€™s been nice to choose from a list of activities when you are looking for something to do. Iā€™ve done classic summer fun activities and some new ones, like going berry picking for the first time. So fun!

First time wild strawberry picking.

Goals for this Month: Iā€™m looking forward to enjoying more summer fun, from swimming, grilling, beach days and walks. Iā€™m also looking forward to seeing family who are visiting from out of town and celebrating the Fourth of July.

I can’t wait for more walks over the summer.

This a look into life this past month, lots of fun, family time and milestones. Overall, summer has been off to a great start! Howā€™s your first month of summer been? Let me know in the comments below.


Currently #27

Hey everyone! Happy Wednesday! Can you believe we are days away from April? Where did March go, itā€™s finally starting to feel like spring and Iā€™m here for it! March was a packed month full of work, fun, getting some sunshine, and getting ready for spring!

What Iā€™m up to: This past month has been filled with spring cleaning, getting outside for walks, lots of reading, and then time with family and catching up with friends. Itā€™s been a good mix of relaxing and getting things done, those are my favorite kind of days and months. I spent the day in Pittsburgh a few weeks back and enjoyed a tasty lunch and an afternoon at the Art museum. It felt so good to take a road trip and be surrounded by art and change up my normal routine.

Snapshots of the Art museum.
Our tasty lunch of pizza and salad!
More art!


What Iā€™m wearing:  We got a few days in the 50s and it was so nice to be outside in just a long-sleeve shirt and jeans. Iā€™ve also been trading my winter jacket for my trench coat, thereā€™s nothing better than sporting lighter jackets. I have also being wearing sneakers more as opposed to boots-another win!

What Iā€™m reading:  I finished Pride and Prejudice which was such a nice treat down memory lane. Now, I just need to find the time to rewatch the mini series.

I also read Katie Couricā€™s book, Going There. I loved every page. I learned so much about Couricā€™s background and it was fascinating to read how she got to where she is today. It was insightful and eye opening.

Iā€™m currently reading Business Minded by one of my favorite bloggers, Carly Riordan. I’m loving learning about different small businesses and how they got their starts.

What Iā€™m Watching: Through the past month Iā€™ve made my way through the new season of The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. It was such a good show to watch. I loved everything from the storylines to the fun guest characters and most importantly-the fashion! I love the styles and bright colors! Iā€™ve also been binge watching Downton Abbey, and Iā€™m not ashamed to say that Iā€™m hooked. Itā€™s been the perfect way to unwind and escape the craziness of the day to day life. 

What Iā€™m Loving: Iā€™ve been loving the changing seasons and the anticipation of spring.I got coffee and went on a two mile walk with a friend last week which was much needed and great to get outside. I also decorated areas of my home for spring and Easter. I also got a chance to head to our local zoo which was fun to get outside and enjoy the animals.

What Inspires Me: Iā€™ve been inspired by fresh starts and the spring season and new beginnings. IĀ  got some fresh flowers for my room and added some Easter eggs for some decorations and it quickly brightened up the room. Iā€™m excited for a season of new beginnings and warmer weather.

Fresh flowers and the sun peaking through

What I accomplished: After all my cleaning and organizing, I feel such a sense of accomplishment and ready for spring and summer with a clean slate. I sorted and donated lots of things from clothes to shoes and items I no longer need. It felt so good to clean things out and donate two huge bags of things to those in need. I’ve also been cleaning lots of different closets and drawers and it’s so good to see more spaces empty and not filled with clutter.

Goals Accomplished from Last Month: I started cooking again! This was a huge accomplishment for me. I made a chicken picatta dish a few weeks ago and I also made a fresh tomato basil sauce with pasta. Itā€™s been fun to research different recipes and try them out.

One of my latest recipes, thanks to Joanna Gaines, Magnolia cook book.

Goals for the New Month:  Iā€™m looking forward to celebrating Easter and starting to get the outdoors ready for spring and summer. Iā€™m also looking forward to taking more day trips and getting outdoors more.

Thatā€™s a look into life this past month. A month of decluttering, time with family and time getting ready for the new season. How have you spent your past month?


Currently #23

Hi everyone! Happy Thanksgiving Eve! I hope you are getting ready for your Thanksgiving feasts! Whether you are heading to familyā€™s or doing all the cooking yourself, I hope you all have a happy Thanksgiving.

Iā€™m looking forward to being able to celebrate Thanksgiving with my family and having the day off! Granted, Iā€™ll be back in work the next day, but having a day off will be wonderful.

I always like to be as open with you all as possible, so this past month hasnā€™t been too exciting. A lot of work, family time, watching movies and pretty routine things, I didnā€™t even take many picturesā€¦blogger fail. Nonetheless, hereā€™s a look at whatā€™s currently going on. 

What Iā€™m up to:Ā Itā€™s been a productive and busy month at work, from starting the month with the election, we had our annual food drive at work, and just on Monday, I led another roundtable panel. Between work, Iā€™ve enjoyed time at home, watching movies, relaxing and planning Christmas gifts and goals.

A behind the scenes look of when I go live.

What Iā€™m wearing:Ā Glasses! Surprise, I had to revert to glasses for about a week and had to forgo eye makeup, it was definitely an adjustment to go for the more natural look especially at work, but it was good to change it up. Thank goodness I had bought some new, cute glasses too. In other news, I have been wearing long-sleeve dresses and even had to break out the turtleneck.Ā 

A look with glasses before work.

What Iā€™m reading:Ā Ā Iā€™ve been working my way through ā€œAll the Light We Cannot Seeā€, itā€™s a beautifully written book about World War II and childrenā€™s perspectives on it. Itā€™s taken me a while to work my way through it since itā€™s so heavy, but Iā€™ve really enjoyed it so far.

What Iā€™m Watching: Iā€™m still enjoying Community and watching that when Iā€™m need of a laugh. Iā€™ve also been watching a few movies, some new and some classics on Netflix and Amazon Prime too. 

What Iā€™m Loving:Ā Besides work, Iā€™ve been excited for the upcoming holidays, from Thanksgiving to Christmas. I canā€™t wait to see family for Thanksgiving and decorate for Christmas the day after Thanksgiving. Iā€™m also looking forward to celebrating all the Christmas traditions too.Ā 

I saw this when I was shopping and had to laugh.

What Inspires Me: Iā€™ve been inspired by all the Christmas dĆ©cor and gifts that Iā€™ve seen in the stores. Iā€™ve done some window shopping but havenā€™t started any major shopping. Thereā€™s something about seeing giftwrap and bows in the stores excited for Christmas and all the traditions.

Seeing this come out is getting me even more excited for Christmas!

What I accomplished:Ā Iā€™m feeling super accomplished after getting lots of work projects done. I have started some Christmas shopping and planning. It was great to start ordering some things too. I also got much needed rest.

My little buddy enjoying time on the couch.

Goals Accomplished from Last Month Iā€™m happy I got to enjoy some bursts of warm weather, like going for a walk and enjoying the changing leaves. 

Some of the leaves from my walk under my desk.

Goals for the New Month:  My plan is to get my holiday shopping done early, so I donā€™t have to worry about things coming in late and then Iā€™m looking forward to Christmas traditions and celebrating holidays with my family.

Thatā€™s a look at my life the past month, itā€™s not too exciting, a lot of work projects, and a mix of family time and relaxing. How are you spending Thanksgiving?


Currently #16

Hey guys! Another month is coming to an end, I canā€™t believe May will be here next weekā€¦I am very excited for next month because it means we are getting closer and closer to summer. I’m looking forward to spending more time out in the sun.

This month I have been spending as much time as I can outside both in and out of work.

Hereā€™s a look into my life over the past month.Ā 

What Iā€™m up to: This month was all about welcoming spring! The month started out with Easter preps! We dyed eggs and went to Easter mass and saw family. It was a much more normal celebration compared to last year when we were all in a stay at home order. Iā€™ve also wrapped up a few work projects which was a great sigh of relief and the Iā€™ve been spending a lot of time outside! Going on walks before or after work has been a favorite of mine!

Easter morning…one of my favorite traditions
And you can’t celebrate Easter without an Easter basket.

What Iā€™m wearing:Ā The weather has been funky, some days itā€™s been in the 70s, other days its been in the 40s, so that makes dressing for work tricky. Luckily, I know the power of layers! But my latest favorite is this trench coat from J. Crew! I got it for Christmas, and I couldnā€™t wait for spring weather to start wearing it. It is the perfect spring jacket that can be dressed up or down. I have worn it over my work dresses but also with leggings and jeans. Hereā€™s a few of the looks.Ā 

One of my favorite trench coats from J.Crew! Here it is all dressed up! And my little pup jumped in the photo!
Here it is dressed down a bit with leggings.

What Iā€™m reading:Ā Reading has been my go-to to start or end the day. In the past month, I finished The Tenth of December, I listened to it on audible and you can read about my experience with audiobooks here. Itā€™s a collection of short stories with different moral lessons. It was a good read, but it wasnā€™t my favorite.

I also read Growing Boldly by Emily Ley. YouĀ Ā can read my full review in last week’s post.

One of my favorites of the month!

And then I read And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie. This was my favorite book I have read recently. I loved the concept, the mystery, the intrigue and the characters. It was soooo good and definitely one of my favorites of the year so far.Ā 

I couldn’t put this one down!
My weekly book club dates are a highlight of my week!

What Iā€™m Watching:Ā Ā My weekly shows are starting to wind down.Ā Ā This is Us wraps up in May, this season has been so good and I have enjoyed seeing how the show and cast has adapted to Covid.Ā Greyā€™s AnatomyĀ has been my favorite this year, from seeing how first responders and hospital staff and doctors deal with Covid, to lots of stand alone episodes and Meredith on the beach with TONS of INCREDIBLE guest stars, wow, this season has been fantastic!Ā Ā A Million Little ThingsĀ has been good and fun to keep up with. Those have been keeping me busy. Besides those shows, I just started watching Offspring, its about a family and their dynamics as adults. Itā€™s very funny and light hearted on Netflix.Ā 

What Iā€™m Loving: Even though we had some chilly weather last week, I am loving the warmer weather and taking advantage of the sunshine. Last weekend I picked flowers when I was out for my walk. It was beautiful! On another note, I have been obsessed with Taylor Swiftā€™s (new?) album. Itā€™s bringing me back to my middle school days. 

What Inspires Me: I am inspired by spring colors and the changing seasons. I have so much hope for a much more normal summer and I canā€™t wait to start making my summer bucket list. I am also inspired by Pinterest lately, from quotes, to seasonal things, cooking, and home dĆ©cor. Itā€™s been so fun to browse a bit every night. 

Going for walks has me craving spring.

What I accomplished: Iā€™ve been really happy with my new hobbies, from reading and cooking. Itā€™s been such a fun and creative outlet. Plus, Iā€™m really happy with some of my recent pieces at work and some fun opportunities. Also, by far my favorite accomplishment was getting my Covid-19 vaccine, Iā€™ve been following the story and covering dozens of vaccine clinics for months and I was thrilled to finally get my vaccine (or the first dose at least). 

A behind the scenes look on the job.

Goals Accomplished from Last Month Last month, I definitely accomplished my goals of being outside more. I have been trying for walks several times a week. I donā€™t make it a to-do, but enjoy them as they come. The past few months have been super hectic, so I was happy I got the chance to slow down more. I also got some bonus time in there with my extended family which was such a surprise and much needed since we havenā€™t seen each other much due to the pandemic.

I was out in Pittsburgh for a family commitment and went to Pizza place, best pizza I’ve had in a long time! Yum!

Goals for the New Month: May is my birthday month! Iā€™m so excited to celebrate 23!!! I also canā€™t wait for the official kickoff for summer with Memorial Day weekend. Most importantly, Iā€™m looking forward to getting my second covid shot next month. One more step to normalcy!!!

Thatā€™s a recap of my life. Nothing too exciting, but some of the best things in life happen during the simple days. What are you loving nowadays?