
Currently #16

Hey guys! Another month is coming to an end, I canā€™t believe May will be here next weekā€¦I am very excited for next month because it means we are getting closer and closer to summer. I’m looking forward to spending more time out in the sun.

This month I have been spending as much time as I can outside both in and out of work.

Hereā€™s a look into my life over the past month.Ā 

What Iā€™m up to: This month was all about welcoming spring! The month started out with Easter preps! We dyed eggs and went to Easter mass and saw family. It was a much more normal celebration compared to last year when we were all in a stay at home order. Iā€™ve also wrapped up a few work projects which was a great sigh of relief and the Iā€™ve been spending a lot of time outside! Going on walks before or after work has been a favorite of mine!

Easter morning…one of my favorite traditions
And you can’t celebrate Easter without an Easter basket.

What Iā€™m wearing:Ā The weather has been funky, some days itā€™s been in the 70s, other days its been in the 40s, so that makes dressing for work tricky. Luckily, I know the power of layers! But my latest favorite is this trench coat from J. Crew! I got it for Christmas, and I couldnā€™t wait for spring weather to start wearing it. It is the perfect spring jacket that can be dressed up or down. I have worn it over my work dresses but also with leggings and jeans. Hereā€™s a few of the looks.Ā 

One of my favorite trench coats from J.Crew! Here it is all dressed up! And my little pup jumped in the photo!
Here it is dressed down a bit with leggings.

What Iā€™m reading:Ā Reading has been my go-to to start or end the day. In the past month, I finished The Tenth of December, I listened to it on audible and you can read about my experience with audiobooks here. Itā€™s a collection of short stories with different moral lessons. It was a good read, but it wasnā€™t my favorite.

I also read Growing Boldly by Emily Ley. YouĀ Ā can read my full review in last week’s post.

One of my favorites of the month!

And then I read And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie. This was my favorite book I have read recently. I loved the concept, the mystery, the intrigue and the characters. It was soooo good and definitely one of my favorites of the year so far.Ā 

I couldn’t put this one down!
My weekly book club dates are a highlight of my week!

What Iā€™m Watching:Ā Ā My weekly shows are starting to wind down.Ā Ā This is Us wraps up in May, this season has been so good and I have enjoyed seeing how the show and cast has adapted to Covid.Ā Greyā€™s AnatomyĀ has been my favorite this year, from seeing how first responders and hospital staff and doctors deal with Covid, to lots of stand alone episodes and Meredith on the beach with TONS of INCREDIBLE guest stars, wow, this season has been fantastic!Ā Ā A Million Little ThingsĀ has been good and fun to keep up with. Those have been keeping me busy. Besides those shows, I just started watching Offspring, its about a family and their dynamics as adults. Itā€™s very funny and light hearted on Netflix.Ā 

What Iā€™m Loving: Even though we had some chilly weather last week, I am loving the warmer weather and taking advantage of the sunshine. Last weekend I picked flowers when I was out for my walk. It was beautiful! On another note, I have been obsessed with Taylor Swiftā€™s (new?) album. Itā€™s bringing me back to my middle school days. 

What Inspires Me: I am inspired by spring colors and the changing seasons. I have so much hope for a much more normal summer and I canā€™t wait to start making my summer bucket list. I am also inspired by Pinterest lately, from quotes, to seasonal things, cooking, and home dĆ©cor. Itā€™s been so fun to browse a bit every night. 

Going for walks has me craving spring.

What I accomplished: Iā€™ve been really happy with my new hobbies, from reading and cooking. Itā€™s been such a fun and creative outlet. Plus, Iā€™m really happy with some of my recent pieces at work and some fun opportunities. Also, by far my favorite accomplishment was getting my Covid-19 vaccine, Iā€™ve been following the story and covering dozens of vaccine clinics for months and I was thrilled to finally get my vaccine (or the first dose at least). 

A behind the scenes look on the job.

Goals Accomplished from Last Month Last month, I definitely accomplished my goals of being outside more. I have been trying for walks several times a week. I donā€™t make it a to-do, but enjoy them as they come. The past few months have been super hectic, so I was happy I got the chance to slow down more. I also got some bonus time in there with my extended family which was such a surprise and much needed since we havenā€™t seen each other much due to the pandemic.

I was out in Pittsburgh for a family commitment and went to Pizza place, best pizza I’ve had in a long time! Yum!

Goals for the New Month: May is my birthday month! Iā€™m so excited to celebrate 23!!! I also canā€™t wait for the official kickoff for summer with Memorial Day weekend. Most importantly, Iā€™m looking forward to getting my second covid shot next month. One more step to normalcy!!!

Thatā€™s a recap of my life. Nothing too exciting, but some of the best things in life happen during the simple days. What are you loving nowadays?

Fabulous living

What I’m Loving-All Things Emily Ley

Hey guys! Happy Wednesday! I hope your weeks are off to a great start! Every few weeks I like to do a roundup of favorite things of mine to share with you, sometimes itā€™s food, other times, itā€™s places, but this time itā€™s hobbies or things I want to share with all of you!

If you have been following for a while you know that I am a huge fan of Emily Ley. She has her own planner company, but she does so much more than that. I love her planners, I love her books and she recently started a podcast that I am loving. 

I have never been a huge fan of podcasts, most of the time itā€™s because I can easily get distracted while listening to them. I have the same issue with audiobooks, you can read about that in last week’s post. But with Emilyā€™s podcast, the Simplified Podcast, I donā€™t have that issue at all. She launched it just over a month ago and every week she has episodes that are between 15 and 20 minutes long, the perfect length of a podcast, sometimes she has guests, other times itā€™s tactical tips or life hacks or just sharing whatā€™s on her mind. I often listen to them when Iā€™m driving or picking up or doing laundry, I love that she shares her story and her life while also presenting ways to simplify our lives at home. 

The Simplified Podcast

These past few weeks, she has been doing a series alongside her book, Growing Boldly. I finished the book in a week but you could finish it in a day. It was such a game changer. She wrote the book before Covid hit but so many of things can be easily applied to life now. Itā€™s all about building a life you want to live and growing in the stage of life that you are at. Think about it for a second, you may think, Iā€™m good where Iā€™m at, I donā€™t need to grow anymore but Emily shares how you can keep growing and changing in any season of life. I love that!!!

Her latest book, Growing Boldly

She also shares her close friendsā€™ stories too and how they grew in difficult situations. These stories reminded me that you can constantly grow and you shouldnā€™t be afraid of growing. I have enjoyed all of Emilyā€™s books and I feel they all served a purpose and helped me in different areas of times of my life. As I read the words, I almost feel like Emily is having a conversation with me. I highly recommend Growing Boldly to anyone.

While Iā€™m on a roll, Simplified just launched their new planners and products for the upcoming year and Iā€™m obsessed. You can check them all out here. What are your favorites?

This is just a look into what I’m loving. What are some things you are loving this week?


Currently #12

Hi everyone! Happy December! Itā€™s one of my favorite times of the year! I love the holiday season! December is a busy month to get all things Christmas in, so I decided to get a jump on things and do a Currently earlier in the month so I can fit in as much as I can. Can you believe we have been doing a year full of Currentlys?! This has been such a fun monthly update from what Iā€™m reading and watching and whatā€™s going on. So, letā€™s get to this months currently. 

What Iā€™m up to: Helllllooooo Christmas time! We have our decorations up, Christmas card ordered, and I have some of my shopping done. Christmas music has been playing during my drives in the car. Plus, we got a big snowfall last week which really got me in the Christmas spirit even more. 

What Iā€™m wearing: My wardrobe has been all about layering up while being professional. I always and wearing more warmer and richer colors, all the reds, greens, blues, purples, etc.   

Bringing in warmer colors in my wardrobe

What Iā€™m reading: I just finished One Day in December, it was so fun to get in the Christmas spirit. Itā€™s a cute romantic comedy about two people Laurie and Lack who keep meeting up over the course of 10 years. From meeting up accidently, to meeting through friends, being from being friends and then separating, dating other people, new jobs and moving. I finished it in 2 sittings. It was so fun and light-hearted and it took place in the United Kingdom gave me some Bridget Jones vibes too! I am working my way through a new book that I canā€™t wait to share with you.

Such a fun read

What Iā€™m Watching: I have been watching lots of holiday movies! From the classics to new movies on Netflix, I watched both the Holidate and Midnight at the Magnolia, both were super cute and light-hearted. I also love watching the classics, like Frosty and Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. I also finished watching season 4 of The Crown and it did not disappoint. It was the perfect mix of history and drama. I loved how realistic it was. Have you seen it? What was your take?

A fun holiday movies
Another cute Christmas movie

What Iā€™m Loving: Iā€™m doing the most of my time to get in the Christmas spirit when Iā€™m not at work. I like to make the most of my time with family and friends and making memories whether they are little or big. Last week we went to a drive-thru light display  and although it was short, it was a great way in the holiday spirit. 

What Inspires Me: I really want to do my part this year when it comes to Christmas shopping and supporting small businesses too. Etsy has been my go-to this holiday season. I have been inspired by these small business and their creativity. I also love supporting local shops here and including them in my friendā€™s Christmas gifts too. 

This definitely gets me in the holiday spirit

What I accomplished: I have been helping my family do a lot of cleaning and organizing. It feels great to get rid of things and donate to others too especially this season. I also feel very accomplished with what I have gotten done so far in terms of gifts for others. Other than that, work has kept me pretty busy.  

Goals Accomplished from Last Month I know it wasnā€™t a full month but Iā€™m looking to keep getting in the Christmas spirit and making memories and spending time with family and friends. I also managed to still celebrate Thanksgiving despite working too. 

Goals for the New Month: New year, new goals! Iā€™m looking forward to recapping my goals from this past year in the upcoming weeks. I love to see how far I have come from year to year and I will be unveiling my 2021 goals in the new year. 

Thatā€™s just a look into life these past few weeks. Whatā€™s new in your lives?


Currently #11

Happy early Thanksgiving. I hope you are spending the holiday with you loved ones or at home and you are staying safe and healthy during these times! Even in the dark and uncertain times, itā€™s important to look around for all the good and blessings in our lives today. Letā€™s get to some updates about whatā€™s currently going on. 

What Iā€™m up to: I am in the full Christmas spirit, I donā€™t know if itā€™s the fact that itā€™s already snowing or the fact that we need some cheer this year, but I am ready for all things holidays. Although, I will be working tomorrow on the holidays, I am still very lucky that I will be able to be home with my family before and after work. Truly a special treat!

What Iā€™m wearing: Give me all the layers and warm clothes. Some days I opt for dresses and tights, other days itā€™s boots and pants. I know the winter will be here to stay and Iā€™m getting prepared for colder days ahead.  

What Iā€™m reading:Ā I am currently reading, One Day in December. Itā€™s perfect for the holidays and it is the perfect romantic comedy in a book. I also am listening to an audio book about healthy habits to change your life. Itā€™s great to listen to on walk or when Iā€™m driving. But, be on the lookout for a review coming soon about One Day in December.Ā 

What Iā€™m Watching:Ā Iā€™ve been on the bandwagon binging The Crown. I am loving seeing the differences between real life and the series. I also just got a new book about Royal fashion and I canā€™t wait to dive into it. I am still watching Schittā€™s Creek and loving it, itā€™s great for those days when you donā€™t have a whole lot of time to watch something but still need some downtime.Ā 

What Iā€™m Loving: I am in the Christmas and holiday spirit. Bring on the hot coco, candy canes, Christmas music and movie and all the traditions, even though this year will be different Iā€™m really looking forward to it and all the holiday fun!

What Inspires Me:  Iā€™m going to sound very clichĆ© but I am very in the holiday spirit that even heading into stores or seeing commercials makes me excited for the holidays! I love getting ideas about gifts and decorating! 

What I accomplished: Iā€™ve been really working on being present and more intentional. I was great at it in college especially towards the end but I want to make sure I am doing that when I am home and with family or friends or even work because I know these moments will be gone and itā€™s important to be present in them now. 

Goals Accomplished from Last Month This past month was busy, but I tried my best to keep up with family and friends, even just a text to let them know you are thinking of them is so important! I also have been on top of getting end of the year things done such as appointments or check-ins! Super important this time of year!

Goals for the New Month: My goal for the next month is to enjoy as much of the holiday season as I can. From holiday movies to all the Christmas music, seeing Christmas lights, making cookies, and getting in all the fun traditions that my family has done for years!

Thatā€™s just a little look into life today, lots of holiday cheer and good tidings! I hope you and your families have a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving!


Currently #9

Hi everyone!! Happy Fall!! Can you believe we are finishing up September. I wasnā€™t ready to say goodbye to summer, but after chilly weather these past few weeks, I am officially ready for fall. I want crisp leaves, hot apple cider, pumpkins, and all the sweaters! As we wrap up another month, itā€™s time for another Currently. Hereā€™s a look into whatā€™s new this past month. 

What Iā€™m up to: This month started out with all things summer, from Labor day, to days spent outside and end of the season barbecues. But, mid way through it changed from summer to fall fast. I couldnā€™t believe when it was 45 degrees when I was heading into work..brrrrā€¦.but now that fall is here I am ready to embrace it and everything that comes with it.  

What Iā€™m wearing: This part of the year is always so hard when it comes to work clothes, do you look too fall-ish with pants and sweaters or do you freeze with dresses?! Itā€™s such a toss-up, I will be ready for when weather gets consistent, if it ever does? What are some of your go-tos for fall fashion?

Bringing in darker colors for fall for work

What Iā€™m reading: I just finished reading, The Royal We, it was the perfect mix of romance, drama, fairy tale and fun. Although, it took a while to get through it, I was so happy with the ending. The sequel just came out so I know I am going to dig into it soon. I am about to pick up a new book, about the end of summer, perfect timing donā€™t you think? What are you reading now?

What Iā€™m Watching: I just finished watching Get Organized with The Home Edit on Netflix. As someone who loves to organize, this was my show, I loved that they showed how to organize different spaces in every episode. I love to learn different tips and tricks to make my spaces clutter free and more orderly, plus who doesnā€™t like a peak into some of your favorite celebrity homes?

What Iā€™m Loving:Ā I am loving the changing of the leaves and seasons, although I was so sad to see summer go, I am already working on a bucket list for fall, it includes, apple picking, pumpkins, scarves, autumn colors, and crisp air. I canā€™t wait to start celebrating the next few holidays. I am also loving fresh flowers as the seasons change.

End of summer flowers

What Inspires Me: I have been on a Pinterest kick, everything from seasons, quotes, and home dĆ©cor. Its been a fun escape from social media and it makes me feel a lot more creative too. 

What I accomplished: I have been working on budgeting. I made a lot of headway in saving and organizing my money. One of my goals after college was to live at home and save a lot and I am happy with how I have been doing with it so far. Plus, thanks to the Every Dollar Budget App, I have everything organized in one place and on my phone and I can reference it whenever I need it.

Goals Accomplished from Last Month: I took advantage of the last few weeks of summer and I still want to keep up with that this month. I also got a lot of things done in and out of work, there is nothing better than crossing things off a to-do list. 

Goals for the New Month: I want to make sure I am connecting with friends whether itā€™s in person or facetime. Putting family and friends first is a huge priority for me. I also want to make sure I am still getting fresh air and exercise in my daily routines. As the weather gets colder and Iā€™m tempted to stay inside more I still want to make sure I am getting out of the house when I can.

I’ve been loving extra cuddle time with my pups

Thatā€™s a little look into life this month, nothing too exciting, a lot of work, downtime on days off, time spent with family, staying in touch with friends. Watching some shows, doing some reading, working out and balancing life. Iā€™m excited for fall and what this next season brings! What are you looking forward to?


Currently #5

Hey, hey! Happy Wednesday! I canā€™t believe we are almost to June. The weather is getting warmer, Iā€™m spending more time outside and life is slowly getting back to a new normal. This past month has been so filled with so many new and exciting things, I canā€™t wait to share what Iā€™ve been up to and whatā€™s currently going on in my life.

What Iā€™m up to: Besides work, I have been spending more time outside, whether itā€™s going for walks or spending time by the pool, the weather is warmer and itā€™s good to get a change of pace and scenery.  

What Iā€™m wearing:Ā Iā€™ve been breaking out all the blues, pinks and greens. Hereā€™s one of my latest outfits, Iā€™ve worn to work recently.Ā I wanted something both professional but also versatile, so I can handle whatever the day brings. I love the combination of green and blue. I got these dress pants from The Limited. I got this green sweater from Gap. My lunchbox (!!!) matches my outfit which I didn’t even plan. I love the bright colors and how the solid colors coordinate so well.

What Iā€™m reading:Ā May was a great month of reading for me. I read, ā€œIn Five Yearsā€, I saw it on four different blogs and I knew that I had to read it. I finished it in 3 sittings, it was so good. Without giving too much away, it tells the story of a young, driven, hard working professional in New York City, she has her life together, from a great job, loving boyfriend, dream apartment, however, when she has a premonition about her future, it causes her to reevaluate her life. Itā€™s a story about friendship, love, relationships, and following your dreams. I would definitely recommend it for anyone looking to get lost in a book for a few hours.Ā 

What Iā€™m Watching:Ā Last fall I read, Little Fires Everywhere, you can read my review of it here, after reading the book I couldnā€™t wait to watch the mini series. I loved seeing faces to the people and story I read about it. There were a few differences between the book and the mini series, like with any adaptations. But overall, I was happy with how it was going from book to screen. The ending in the mini series took me by surprise, if you read/watched it. What were your thoughts?!

What Iā€™m Loving: Iā€™m loving the spring weather, life is slowly getting back to a new normal, Iā€™m looking forward to more time grilling and swimming, hopefully seeing more friends and getting outside more. Iā€™m looking forward to more walks, runs, and family time.  

What Inspires Me: If you know me, you know I am a positive person, who always looks for the good in every day. This quote immediately spoke to me. Mindset is everything especially during in trying times.  

What I accomplished: Iā€™ve continued to focus on leading a healthy lifestyle, by eating healthier and working out more and getting more exercise, Iā€™ve continued to have a more balanced lifestyle. I also just finished a big project at work which I was very happy with the outcome. 

Goals Accomplished from Last Month: I was very happy with getting some projects and presents purchased and sent, I had many friends who graduated from college and I loved sending them a little something to let them know I was thinking of them. Iā€™ve also done a good job of getting more routine things done, (like cleaning my car weekly, doing more sanitizing of things, and just continuing with little things daily to make my weeks go more soundly.  

Goals for the New Month: This month was great for getting things done and being productive. Iā€™m looking forward to hopefully seeing some friends and family in June. Hoping more rules get lifted so we can get to a more normal and we can enjoy some of the summer season. 

This was a great wrap up of May, I donā€™t know about you, but this month has flown. I have a few things planned for next week which Iā€™m looking forward to, and then Iā€™m eager to welcome a new month.

Have a beautiful week and Memorial Day weekend. 


Currently #3

Hey guys! Happy Wednesday, we are here for another currently, I am loving this series because it provides little updates on my life with whatā€™s going on. I hope you are all staying home and safe and healthy. Letā€™s get into a little currently update! 

What Iā€™m up to: Work has been pretty much the only thing on my mind. These past few weeks have been really busy with everything going on with Coronavirus. No one really knows when this will end but at work we are taking it day by day even hour by hour haha. Despite all the unknowns, Iā€™m still focusing on the good every day, whether itā€™s my good health, being with my family, or even the weather getting warmer. 

What Iā€™m wearing: We are finally in the spring season, so I am breaking out my greens, blues, and pinks.  Itā€™s been warming up to the 40ā€™s and 50ā€™s so I havenā€™t worn a winter jacket in a wile which is so nice. I also have been trying new hair styles and makeup for a the new season, I like changing it up for a new season. 

What Iā€™m reading: Iā€™m on the last book of the series, ā€œThe Walkā€, I wish I would have finished it sooner but Iā€™m so glad Iā€™m almost to the end, it was so good and eye opening. It definitely put things in perspective especially with everything going on during this uncertain time.  

What Iā€™m Watching: This week was the finale of This is Us and A Million Little Things, two shows which I love watching week to week. I started watching 30 Rock on my days off, itā€™s something light and funny and episodes are only 30 minutes so I can watch them fast and while Iā€™m doing other things.

What Iā€™m Loving: Despite all the craziness, I love having everyone in my family home together. Itā€™s been fun to be all together, have dinner together and enjoy each otherā€™s company too. Plus, itā€™s all about seeing the light in dark times 

What Inspires Me: I love different inspirational quotes, I saw this one on Instagram the other day about how different perspectives can affect our outlook on life. I thought it was interesting and it shows to focus on the good and not the bad.  

What I accomplished: This month brought a new work schedule for me, I had to get adjusted to working new times and hours. With a new work schedule led me to create a new routine for me. It took some getting used to, but Iā€™m happy with being flexible and getting into a new rhythm. 

Goals Accomplished from Last Month: Iā€™m happy that despite all the changes I am still able to be in close contact with my friends. I made a trip to see them last month and I still talk to them frequently on the phone, through texting or facetime, itā€™s been so helpful to have these ways to stay connected when everyone is at home.   

Goals for the New Month: Honestly, taking it one day at time, Iā€™m focusing on my family and friends right now. Right now, work has been the main thing on my mind. Iā€™m hoping this gets better in time for spring and summer, I also want to get outside more and get fresh air whenever I can. 

Just something to add a smile to your day!

Thatā€™s a look into my life right now. Lots of work, getting some bonus family time, taking care of myself and getting used to a new normal. Stay Safe, Stay Healthy, and Stay Home.