Let's Look

Let’s Look: How You Reset for the Week on Sunday

Hi everyone! 

I hope you are having a great week and happy Hump Day! I am back from my work trip, which was quite an experience, now it’s back to reality and getting my life in order.

It’s the second Wednesday of the month which means it’s time for another Let’s Look as I link up with with Shay and Erika for Let’s Look.

Each month, we share different areas of our lives. These are some of my favorite kinds of posts to read, because I love learning about how other women live their lives, plus you can pick up a few tips and tricks along the way.

In January, we talked about Low Level Goals

In February, we chatted about How We Maintain Relationships

This month, the topic is Sunday Reset. This post is perfect for this week since I’m currently getting my life back in order after being away. As much as I love to travel, there’s no place like home.

Whether you do your weekly prep on Sunday or another day of the week, I love a good reset before the work week begins. 

Here’s a few things I always like to have done or do before my work week begins that I know will set me up for a successful week.

  • Plan and Layout My Outfits– I check the weather and plan out my outfits for the work week ahead. This way I can just grab my outfit in the morning and not have to do much thinking. Obviously, life happens and the weather could change, so I can easily pivot the morning of, but having outfits, jewelry and shoes ready to go each morning saves me time and thinking every morning. I also have my gym clothes laid out the night before so I can just grab them and go in the morning.
  • Meal Prep– I love a good meal prep and I do this on my days off. My lunches typically consist of some sliced veggies, fruit, cheese, something sweet or salty (like a trail mix), and then a salad or leftovers or something protein based. It only takes a little bit of time to organize and baggie all my food for the week ahead for lunches. Every night when I get home from work, I will empty out my stuff from the day and then refill my lunch box for the next day, so in the morning, I can just grab it and head out the door.
  • Plan out my week- Do you see a trend here? I have a system for how I use my planner and I like to plan out my weeks before they begin. Here’s my current system that works best for me. Whenever I have something that needs to go on the calendar or be a reminder, I put it in my phone calendar. This is anything from doctor’s appointments to library books being due, to dates with friends. At the start of every week, I pull out my phone calendar, my Simplified planner and new this year, my Lazy Genius playbooks (I will do a more extensive post on them coming up). But I use my playbooks to write down all the extra things I need or want to do during the week (buying gifts, setting up things, running errands etc). Then I will go on my phone and fill out my planner for the week based on appointments or things to do. I will then fill in my tasks from my playbook in my planner. Each day, I will have a loose to-do list based on what I need and want to accomplish. My days off have a longer to do list compared to my working days. Life happens and things change, so there’s a lot of pivoting, but I love to look at my week in one spot and see everything laid out. 
  • Have the House in Order– I love to start the week off with a clean house and laundry put away. Again, this doesn’t always happen, but having a clean space gives me a clear mind and fresh perspective for the work week ahead.
  • Fill My Cup– After all the work is done, I love to sit back and relax. This could be anything from reading a bit longer, watching a movie, doing some baking, spending time with family, or going for a walk. But after the work is done and I’m ready to go for the week. I like to be able to recharge before the week begins again.

There you have it!

Five ways I like to reset for the week ahead. If I accomplish all these each week, I feel ready to take on work with a fresh perspective and clear mind. I want to hear from you! What does your Sunday reset entail! I would love to know! I’m off to finish getting my life back in order. Haha! Have a fantastic rest of your week and I’ll see you back here for Friday Favorites!

Fun Ways to Organize

Getting Ahead of the Game

Hi guys! Happy Wednesday! I hope your week has been going well. I’m in full on Christmas mode over here! From shopping to listening to music and having my décor up. This time of year is always fun but also busy.

There’s so much to get done in such a short amount of time, it can be a lot to keep track of which is why I always like to stay ahead of the game by planning ahead. Whether it’s the holiday season or a random week in July, planning ahead ensures my week goes a little smoother.

In a world of chaos, there’s only so much you can control which is why taking a few minutes every week makes my days and nights smoother. 

Here’s three ways that I prep to get ahead in the game.

Weekly To Do: Every Sunday I make a weekly to do in my planner. A tip I got from Emily Ley on how to best use both a digital and paper planner, if you use both. She recommends to put all your important dates, information, events etc. in your digital calendar. So whenever you have an appointment or something that needs to go on the calendar, you put it in your digital calendar so it’s always accessible. Then every week (or me it’s Sundays), I transfer everything from my digital calendar to my paper planner, I also add any to-dos to my planner and extra notes.

A look at my planner (and old page that’s pretty generic)

Meal Prep: Another way I prepare for the week ahead is by lunch planning. Since I eat dinner at home, I only meal plan for my lunches in advance. Sometimes, meal planning is buying some boxed salads, and setting aside pretzels or fruit for my lunches. Other times it’s making baked chicken and veggies and portioning them out for each day of the week. No matter what the form is, I always spending time getting my meals organized for the week so I can just grab and go for each day.

An example of one of my meals that I make for work.

Outfit Plan: Another way I save time and plan ahead is by planning my outfits for the week. Again, I spend 10 minutes checking the weather and planning what to wear from clothing to shoes and accessories. I can change an outfit if need be, but for the most part I have them all lined up and just grab it for each day. I started to plan out my outfits in college and it was a huge time saver. It also makes my mornings go much smoother.

Outfit planning

Those are just three ways that I plan ahead which makes my days and weeks run smoother. What things do you do for streamline your daily lives especially in busy seasons?