How was your Halloween? Did you pass out candy, take your kiddos trick or treating or stay in for a cozy meal and spooky or not so spooky movie?
Here’s how I celebrated the holiday.
I started the morning with an early run
I made a festive taco soup
We had lots of tasty treats!
I even dressed up my dog!
I am in a busy season of life right now with work, but the light is at the end of the tunnel, which is a relief. I’m doing my best to pace myself in the midst of the craziness. Here’s a few things that have kept me grounded and brought me joy as I link up with Erika and Andrea for this week’s edition of Friday Favorites.
Zen with Jen– I have been listening to this new podcast for a few weeks and wanted to share it with you. Zen with Jen is a weekly podcast that drops on Mondays, where Jenni shares bite-size, yoga, mindfulness and mediation techniques. Each episode lasts about five minutes but it’s centered around taking time for yourself through the day. Jenni has been teaching yoga on zoom for the past few years and it’s been so nice to connect with her in a new way with her podcast. This is a great way to start my day and week.
New Raincoat- I have been on the hunt for a raincoat ever since I got caught in a rain storm in September. I was looking for a durable, waterproof coat that would keep me dry and wasn’t too boxy. I hoped to find something that was sporty but still could be worn out and about. I also wanted it to be red. I found all those qualities with this raincoat from Land’s End and as a bonus it was on sale too! I have worn it a few times and can’t wait to get more use out of it in the coming weeks.
Emily Henry New book and Cover Reveal– I am a huge Emily Henry fan and she revealed the cover and plot of her latest book that will be launching next year. You can read about it here, but it sounds soooo good. Very Emily Henry-like, but with some new flavors too. When I saw the news, I immediately texted my fellow book worms to get their thoughts on the details. If you are a fan of Emily Henry, what are your thoughts on the book?
Unfrosted- I know this movie has been out for several months, but I just got around to watching it with my boyfriend and we both enjoyed it. Unfrosted tells the story of how the pop tart was created. The concept was cute, but the all star cast of comedians was even better. There were so many cameos and I loved seeing some of my favorite cereal box characters come to life. Definitely worth the watch if you are looking to laugh.
Fall Weather– My favorite thing about this past week has been the fall weather. The leaves, the sunlight, and the warm temperatures have made me love this time of year. Pictures don’t do it justice. I have been trying to sneak out at any time I can to enjoy the leaves and crisp fall weather. My dogs have also enjoyed the warmer weather and rolling in the leaves. There is truly nothing better than getting outdoors for some fresh air after a long day.
Just look at this beauty
Pictures don’t do it justice
I can’t believe October has come to an end, I always say November is the calm before the storm, so I am going to take these next few weeks to prep. How do you like to spend your November? I would love to hear from you, let me know in the comments below!
Hello All! Happy Wednesday! I hope you are all having a great week. Whether it has been a long week or its flying by, I hope this post is a nice midweek pick-me-up. We have been experiencing gorgeous weather over the past few days, it has been in the 80’s and I am here for it, especially in May.
My currently post is a bit earlier this month, due to a special post next week.
Here’s a look into my life lately.
What I’ve Been Up To:
Since my last Currently post at the end of April, I hit a new running distance of six and a half miles.
Then I conquered my May goal of running 7 miles! I was especially proud of how much I have built up my stamina and I look forward to continuing to do so.
I have also been enjoying the warm weather and we have been savoring lots of outside time, including eating meals outdoors. At the tail end of April, we ate dinner outside for three nights in a row and it was beautiful, less cleanup, more time outside and lots of fresh air and sunshine.
Grilling outdoors makes me happy!
My boyfriend and I spent some time detailing cars this month which was hard work but definitely worth it.
I also got to enjoy my first baseball game of the season, the weather was absolutely perfect!
My mom and I celebrated Mother’s Day with a build your own bouquet which was so fun!
I have been enjoying lots of walks with friends outdoors too!
Lots of time outdoors
I made my way to the beach for grilling and to watch the sunset.
First sunset of the season
I made my way to Cleveland for a quick trip and had a delicious meal in Little Italy.
A night out in the city
Followed by a delicious meal!
What I’m Wearing:
In the cooler days of spring, this has been my spring uniform, leggings, slip on sneakers, and a neutral top.
I also got a fresh cut for summer
What I’m Reading:
Lessons in Chemistry– is all about a chemist who hosts a cooking show in the 1960’s. I loved the combination of science and cooking and how they were intertwined throughout the book. The romance between Calvin and Elizabeth made my heart soar, but my favorite part was the importance of women working in a male dominated field in the 1960’s.
Tom Lake- this was a harder one to get into but I’m glad I read it. It’s all about a woman who shares the story about a man she loved before her husband with her grown daughter. The book goes back and forth between the past and present. The theme of the book is all about the lives that parents have before their children. I found the book to be a bit slow at times, but after it was recommended to me by friends and I read about it online I am glad I read it.
The Seven Year Slip by Ashley Poston and it’s all about a young woman who falls in love with a man after they both end up in the same apartment, the catch? They are from different times, she’s seven years ahead of him. How does this relationship work and will they find each other in the future? You will have to read to find out. I loved the description, the setting, the characters and all the details about food which is a huge part of the book. Definitely a fun read!
The Women in Me by Britney Spears is a memoir by Britney herself. I’m glad I read it after it getting recommended to me and after hearing about it when it came out. I have never been a huge Britney Spears fan, but I did learn a lot about the pop singer. I thought she was very open and vulnerable in her writing and sharing of her story. I thought she shed a lot of light on different headlines, and it was interesting to get her perspective on things. However, I wish more things were explained and gaps were filled. Overall, I thought it was an interesting read and I did enjoy talking to my friends who had read it too. I would recommend this for a girl’s book club read if everyone is interested in the topic.
Outlive– by Peter Attia was a book recommended by Shay Shull and it’s all about longevity from all different aspects of your life. The author focuses on fitness, nutrition, emotional health, mental health, sleep, and how they are all connected. There is a heavy science component to the book but it’s very easy to understand. I really appreciated how the author connects all these different aspects of your life and how you can make small changes for a longer and healthier life. It’s one of the best health and wellness books I have read in a long time.
I think both books and series could be consumed on their own, but it was nice to visually see the stories I enjoyed so much.
I also started watching the new season of Bridgerton and have been loving this season.
What I’m Cooking: It’s been a busy month in the kitchen filled with lots of fresh fruits and vegetables.
Air Fryer peanut Butter cookies-I started the month out by trying a recipe for air fryer peanut butter cookies. They turned out okay, but I think I will stick to my traditional peanut butter cookies in the oven.
Bacon Chopped Salad- This was super easy to assemble and was so healthy. I know I will be making this again in the summer. Make a salad with all your favorite vegetables, add in grilled chicken, corn, avocado, and chopped bacon and you are in for a flavorful and healthy meal.
Homemade Chipotle Bowls- This was a super easy to prep and healthy meal. This was my own take on Chipotle’s bowls- just cook rice and your favorite protein and add your favorite veggies and toppings. I personally love corn, black beans, avocados, sour cream, and cheese.
Chicken Caesar Salad Pasta Bowls- Another easy bowl recipe. Cook your favorite pasta with grilled chicken and a caesar salad and combine for a hearty and tasty meal.
Shrimp Fried Rice
Shrimp Fried Rice came from Jessie James Decker’s cook book. I love how this dish was so easy and fast to make in one pan, plus it was filling. The best part was that there was no leftovers.
What Inspires Me:
The sunshine and spring weather!! Here’s a look at some of my favorite moments.
Plus who can resist ice cream?!
Fresh flowers and planting has made me smile!
Grilling by the water
A surf and turf for dinner
What I Accomplished:
This was a busy month with end of school year fun, people moving home, graduations and celebrating birthdays and holidays.
My puppies enjoyed lots of sunshine!
And time indoors relaxing!
Goals from Last Month: In the midst of all the craziness I did my best to really be present and soak up the season I am in.
Perfect day for a walk this week…blue skies and not a cloud in sight
We got to view the Northern Lights this past month from our home which was such a cool experience.
It was beautiful at night!
Goals for this Month: Summer is officially here and that means it will soon be time for my summer bucket list. I’ll be sharing that soon with you all.
So many signs of spring!
I also enjoyed some trips to the zoo!
That’s a look into life lately and what I’ve been up to this week. I hope you are having a fantastic week so far. See you back here on Friday!
Hi friends! Happy Friday! I hope you have something fun planned for this weekend. I have been loving this spring weather. I have been trying to spend as much time as possible outside to soak up the sun! I’ve even been grilling and enjoying reading outdoors. Some of my favorite summer activities.
Summer grilling has begun!
I’m linking up with Erika and Andrea! for another edition of Friday Favorites. Here’s a roundup of some things I’ve been loving this week.
Running– I can’t believe this is on my Friday Favorites list, but here we are. As the weather has been getting warmer, I’ve been running outside more. I’ve never been a runner, but one of my goals this summer is to run a 5K, so I’ve been preparing for it. I try to get longer runs on the weekends, and shorter runs on the weekdays. Slowly but surely, I’m getting there and I’m proud of myself for how far I’ve come.
Getting my runs in!
Coronation Behind the Scenes Video: Even though it’s been a few weeks, I’m still reading and following things about the Coronation of King Charles III. Last week, Will and Kate released a behind the scenes of Coronation weekend. You can watch it here. I loved seeing them getting ready for the big day and getting into the community for all the events. The video was so well produced, such a great recap of the weekend!
Such a good recap!
Jury Duty– Have you seen Jury Duty yet? It’s on Freevee through Amazon Prime and without giving too much away it’s about a group of people seated on a jury for a trial in Los Angeles, they are all actors who know the case is fake except for one of the jurors. There’s so many great one-liners and scenes, definitely worth the watch.
Such a fun show!
Cuffed Jeans– As we are making our way through Spring, I have been wearing lots of transitional pieces of clothing that work for cooler mornings and hotter afternoons. Cuffed jeans and graphic t-shirts have been my go-to for the spring. Old Navy is a one stop shop for jeans, I love all the cuts and styles, but their regular cuts are my favorite. I have been wearing cuffed jeans non-stop this Spring.
A weekend look!
New Outlander Trailer- I am a big fan of the show, Outlander on Starz and the new trailer for Season 7 which airs this June dropped last week. This season brings us to the American Revolution. The trailer looks dramatic, intense and has some pretty big cliffhangers sprinkled throughout. I can’t wait to watch the new season.
June can’t come soon enough!
So many favorite things this week, from shows to clothes and outdoor fun! I know I’ll be planning to soak up some sunshine this weekend and get some family time in too! How do you plan to spend your weekend? Let me know in the comments below!
Hello Hello! Happy Wednesday! I hope you are enjoying your week. I can’t believe we are at the end of April. Is it just me or did April fly by? I feel like we were just celebrating Easter and now we are gearing up for May.
This month has been filled with Easter fun, a week of summer weather and lots of good books and shows. Here’s a look at life this past month. I always love going through my camera role to see what I did over the past few weeks.
What I’ve Been Up To: I started the month by celebrating Easter with my family. We watched Here Comes Peter Cottontail- (a classic!)
An Easter classic!
We dyed eggs, enjoyed Easter dinner, ate too much candy and saw family.
A fun, family tradition of egg dyeing!
One of the eggs I worked on!
Our favorite Easter dessert-our bunny cake!
I wore this Tommy Hilfiger which was perfect for a sunny, Easter morning.
I had fun covering Opening Day for our local baseball time and the weather was gorgeous!
I got to enjoy my first night grilling with warm weather!
Then we had a whole stretch of week that was in the 70s and full sun! I took advantage of summer-like weather by heading out for walks with my dogs or with friends.
A great walk with one of my friends!
I also enjoyed ice cream, fresh flowers and lunch outside! It was the best week and it has me craving summer now more than ever!
First ice cream of the season.
Lunch outside!
My pup enjoying the sweet sunshine!
What I’m Wearing: This was a new dress from Calvin Klein that I got from Ross’s. I really love the neutral colors and how it can work with spring and summer since it has short sleeves. I also really like the pattern.
I got this jacket from T.J.Maxx and immediately fell in love with it. From the colors to the fabric, it reminds me of a classy Chanel piece of clothing. I wore it in the spring and I’m looking forward to wearing it on chilly days too.
What I’m Reading: I have been reading so many good books lately from a lot of different genres, from mystery to chick flick and drama, I have covered them all. Here’s some of my favorites:
Love and Other Words– Love and Other Words goes back and forth between the past and present with two best friends who reunite after almost a decade apart. Themes of friendship, love, and books are woven through the book. As a book lover myself, I loved all the references to books and getting lost in a story. My friend Sydney gifted me this book and I’m so glad she did. I’ll defintely be reading more Christina Lauren books.
Greenwich Park– Greenwich Park by Katherine Faulkner is the perfect mix of drama, thriller and mystery. The story is told from different perspectives of the characters. The book follows a story of a woman who meets a fellow first-time mom in a pre-natal class, the two women become friends until the new women has a hidden agenda and some secrets and connections to the protagonist and her friends and family. The book starts out fairly slow but picks up towards the middle and end, so if you re-thinking about quitting, stay with it.
Best Years of Your Life-This book started out slow, but once it picked up, I couldn’t put it down. It’s told by the three main characters, a married couple and their college-aged daughter. Each character is going through different trials and tribulations and has their own secrets that they are dealing with. You can find themes of drama, relationships, family, honesty and integrity. It’s one of those books that will stick with you after you finish it. Another bonus is that the author is from my community-such a small world!
What I’m Watching: This past month has been filled with continuing to watch the Mindy Project, I started it back in January and have been slowly making my way through it on days off or at night. It’s the perfect show to put on in the background and it will guarantee you lots of laughs.
I also have been watching the fifth and final season of The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. I have been loving the flash forwards through the season, it’s been cool to see where characters end up in the future. I’m anxious to see where the rest of the season takes us, but I also don’t want it to end.
I’ve also been keeping up with the weekly episode drops of Ted Lasso, such a fun mid week pick me up!
What Inspires Me: I’ve been so inspired by the warm, spring-like weather that I just want to spend all my time outside on warm days! I try to make it a point to enjoy longer walks with my dogs while I listen to a podcast on days off or even after I finish work if it’s still light out.
A great walk by the water
Even my dogs are getting in on the outdoor fun!
I have also been doing more work outdoors on days off and I can’t wait to do more of that and read outdoors more when the weather stays consistently warm.
Enjoying another meal out in the sunshine!
There’s also been new buds on trees and flowers, which brings so much hope for the new season.
What I Accomplished: I checked a lot of things off my to-do list over the past month, from doctor’s appointments to gifts for friends and family, I have a few big events coming up next month and it felt so good to get things purchased! I’m looking forward to celebrating some fun things next month.
Goals from Last Month: I wanted to soak up all the family time around the Easter holiday and get the home ready for Spring and I accomplished both things. It was nice to have some bonus time with family and switch things from one season to another.
Enjoying some Easter sweets with my family was a highlight.
Goals for this Month: May is a busy month, there’s birthday celebrations (including mine!), end of the year activities, Memorial Day, Mother’s Day and some fun, family events planned.
I’m looking forward to more summer snacks like these!
There’s a lot happening in May, but I’m looking forward to it and officially welcoming summer right after that.
My sweet pup enjoying the sunshine.
That’s just a look into life right now. Lots of outdoor time, sunshine, and spring fun! Tell me, what are you looking forward to next month? Let me know in the comments below! See you back here on Friday!
Happy Wednesday. I hope your week has been filled with sunshine, warm weather, and all the spring vibes (or something like that).
Today, I have a currently lined up for your reading. I know it’s a bit earlier in the month, but I have an extra special post set up for next week
Without further ado, here’s a look into what I’ve been up to this past month.
What I’m up to: I’ve been LOVING all the warm weather. Last week we had weather in the 70s all week long. I’ve been trying to get outside more after work, whether it’s for a walk or just to sit and read. I’ve also been enjoying making lighter and summery meals.
Seeing flowers and plants and trees in bloom brings a smile to my face.
A few weeks ago I made a lemon chicken sheet pan dinner which was so flavorful and easy. I got the recipe from Mix and Match Mama and I really enjoyed cooking it.
A look at my meal from a few weeks ago.
I also celebrated Mother’s Day with my family and enjoyed dinner with my family and a trip to the zoo.
A few shots of our trip to the zoo.
Such an array of colors.
I’ve also managed to enjoy some friend time over the past few weeks which was much needed.
What I’m wearing: I’m always on the look for work dresses and clothes. I often stop into stores like Marshall’s of TJ Maxx just to see if there’s ever new finds. I lucked out big time during my last time in finding affordable and fashionable clothes. As far as casual clothes, I’ve been able to break out some shorts and t-shirts which just makes me happy that warm weather is here and here to stay.
I also got a fresh trim for summer which was much needed!
What I’m reading: I finished Not A Happy Family and wow-what a good book. I couldn’t it down. I’m typically not a thriller lover but this was soooo good. A great mix of mystery and thriller and not too scary.
I’m currently reading, Paris is Always a Good Idea and it’s the opposite of Not A Happy Family, it’s light and fluffy and will make you want to travel. It’s such a good call for summer.
What I’m watching: I started and finished season 5 of Selling Sunset, it’s such a guilty pleasure, I started to watch it when it came out for the real estate, but now I watch for the drama. Haha!
On a more serious note, I watched The Anatomy of a Scandal and loved it. I finished it in one weekend. Another great cliffhanger mini series with a great cast.
What I’m Loving: ALL the WARM and SPRING weather. That’s all. I love being outside and enjoying ice cream and walks after work and not having to wear all the layers.
I even had my first hot dog grilling of the season which just gets me in the summer mode.
What Inspires Me: I’ve been planning a few fun summer plans and excursions and it’s making me excited for summer and adventures and more hikes and times with friends and family and maybe even a trip or two. I’ll be sharing my summer bucket list at the start of June!
I’ve already been to the beach once for a walk this summer and I can’t wait to head back more.
What I Accomplished: I enjoyed celebrating my mom for Mother’s Day at the beginning of the month and I had a few other special birthdays too. We enjoyed a fun family meal to celebrate my mom.
The process
The finished product
I still have a few graduations and my birthday to celebrate so I’m excited for those in the coming weeks.
Goals from Last Month: I’ve been really good at seeing friends consistently who live in town and making time for friends out of town. I also got a lot of start of spring/summer must dos done like different odds and ends that feels good to start a new month on the right foot. I also took a day trip with my mom and brother to the National Comedy Center in Jamestown which was so fun and I learned a lot too.
A look at the iconic I Love Lucy set.
And some scripts from The Office.
Goals for Next Month: I’m looking forward to starting my summer bucket list and enjoying time outside with my family. I have a graduation and some day trips planned to see friends so I’m looking forward to that. I’m also excited to spend time with friends and family and enjoy more time grilling and swimming and trying to take it slow? I know, easier said than done. Overall, I’m just really excited for summer!
Fresh lemonade and a good book. The perfect combo!
That’s a look at my life today. Lots of family time, time outdoors and good food. How’s life been looking for you the past month? Let me know.
Happy Wednesday! I had to check the calendar twice when I saw that next week is May. 2022 is flying by. As this month comes to a close, here’s a look at what’s been keeping me busy these past few weeks.
What I’m Up To: The weather has been getting warmed despite a day here or there with some snow flurries, yes, even in April. I’ve been trying to take advantage of the spring-like days by taking walks with friends, heading to our local zoo for a walk and celebrating Easter.
Heading to the zoo was always a favorite childhood activity and I still loving going as an adult.
It was nice to enjoy a family Easter dinner and take part in family traditions like dyeing eggs.
Dyeing eggs is always a favorite Easter activities and I still love doing it today.
All fun activities to get into the spring spirit.
What I’m Wearing: I keep trying to find opportunities to wear spring-like dresses and florals, but it’s been tricky with funky weather. I wore this dress for Easter, which I’ve had for years, but it was in the 40’s outdoors. At least I was trying to channel the warm weather even if it didn’t feel like it outside.
The best part of the dress? POCKETS!
What I’m Reading: LOTS of good books. I finished Business Minded by Carly Riordan and learned so much from it. I would recommend it if you are looking to start a business or turn your passion into a career.
I’m a big fan of The Office and I read this book, which I found to be equally entertaining and informative. The book goes through each season and is made up of interviews from cast and crew members. Definitely a good read for any Office fan.
I’m currently reading Everything After by Jill Santopolo. I saw it on display at the library and fell in love with the cover and I’m falling in love with the book. It tells the story of a woman and her two loves in life and if how she decides who is her true love. Yes, it’s a chick flick but we all need that every once in a while.
What I’m Watching: I finished Downton Abbey the series and proceeded to watch the first movie and I can’t wait to see the second movie next month. It was such a good show to escape to during the winter months. I just started Mad Men and even though I’m only a few episodes into it, I’m loving the period drama.
What I’m Loving: I’m really enjoying the fresh flowers and the hints of spring in the air and outdoors. Although, we still have a ways to go until we have consistent warm weather, I’m taking what I can with spring like weather. I’m also loving the spring decorations this time of year and the planning of summer activities. I know the calendar will fill up fast, but I’m looking forward to making plans to see family and friends.
Fresh blooms outside.
What Inspires Me: I keep saving different activities and ideas for things to do in the spring and summer months, so I’m looking forward to making them happen. Pinterest is always my go-to for coming up with fun family or date ideas. Sometimes, I do go down the rabbit hole when it comes to Pinterest but I always end up with lots of ideas.
Fresh flowers to get me into the spring spirit. My post from last week has more about the power of fresh flowers in your home.
What I accomplished: I’ve been doing better at making time for friends. I try to see at least one friend per week whether it’s for coffee or a walk or dinner. It can be hard to see friends with our busy work schedules or commitments, but I always look forward to quality time with friends. There’s nothing better than stepping away from the craziness of life and catching up with friends, whether they are from childhood, high school, or college.
Goals from Last Month: I really enjoyed celebrating Easter with my family and despite chillier days, I’m glad I’ve been able to get outdoors when I could. I’m hoping this trend continues as temperatures get warmer. I’m also looking forward to making more summer meals too. These past few weeks have been busier so I haven’t had a chance to do too much cooking but I’m looking forward to doing more cooking in the summer.
A look at our Easter dinner place setting.
Goals for Next Month: May is a big month. I have graduations to attend, birthdays to celebrate (including my own) and a few plans with friends already on the calendar. Plus, summer is around the corner. I have a feeling it’s going to be a good month. I’m also looking forward to more walks outside. Here’s a snapshot of my stats from a day when I got lots of exercise in.
That’s a look into life this past month. Let me know below what you are looking forward to next month and the highlight of April below!
I hope your week is off to a great start. It has been so nice to settle into a new routine for the summer months. Every summer I try to set realistic goals for the summer months. They can be anything from activities, projects, trips, and small tasks. I start out with a basic list as summer begins and will add things if necessary as the months go on. At the end of the summer, I love to look back and see everything I accomplished and all the memories I created.
Summer 2019…you are just beginning…let’s take a look and see what my summer goals are:
Get license renewed
-A small but necessary task and I got it done right when I got home!
Although summer is for relaxing, I plan to work through the summer. I like to stay busy and working through the summer will definitely keep me busy.
Make College photo album
Through my college years, I have been saving photos and organizing them into years. This summer, I want to get them all printed and organized since my time in college is coming to a close.
Celebrate 21
I’m really looking forward to celebrating my 21stbirthday this summer. I’m so lucky I get to be home to be with my family, but I’m looking forward to celebrating this milestone with my friends in Pittsburgh!
See friends from college and high school
Speaking of friends, I am making seeing my friends both from college and high school this summer, whether it’s coffee dates or day trips, friends are so important and I want to make them a priority this summer.
We didn’t even say goodbye at graduation because we knew we would be seeing each other through the summer
Portfolio (BLS)
Another requirement for school that I need to get done before school is back in session for 2019!
Work Study
This summer I will be working remotely for a job I hold back at school. There are a few projects that I will be working on that I am excited to get started on.
Read 12-15 books
I am an avid reader and I am really looking forward to reading a lot over the summer. I already made a stop to my local library to check out a few books to get a start on summer reading.
First book of the summer…
Download pictures to laptop
Again, another task, it won’t take long but I want to make sure I have all my photos from this past year saved to my laptop.
Spend time with family
Since this is my last summer home I want to make sure I soak up as much family time as I can, whether it is family dinners, soccer days, or pool days. I can’t wait to get some quality family time in.
Looking forward to a full summer with the fam!
Day Trips
I love taking day trips, whether it is to the city, in the country, or to see family and friends. I’m hoping to spend a few days going to new places this summer.
Start Healthier habits
I have gotten into good routines while I am at school and I want to continue those routines at home, whether it hitting the gym several days a week, eating healthier foods and meals, or just setting time aside to relax. Getting into a good routine is something I’m looking forward to this summer.
Go to a concert
I have a concert planned for September with one of my best friends, but I want to try and hit up another summer concert. Anyone with suggestions, please let me know.
Beach days
I may live close to the beach, but that doesn’t mean I spend all summer there. Last summer, I went to the beach on the last day I was home. I want to make more of an effort to go to the beach, whether it’s for the sunset, sunrise, or a day in the water.
Family Vacation
I have been reflective in the past few months with everything that has been changing and I’m looking forward to getting away with my family for a summer trip. Where and when that will be is still up in there air, but none the less, I’m looking forward to making some memories.
Find a new show to Binge watch
Every summer, I always am on the look for new shows to binge watch. I’m currently finishing up Dawson’s Creek-an oldie but a goodie! I’m now on the hunt to find a new show to watch this summer. Any good suggestions?
Take more walks outside
In an effort to spend more time outside, I want to take more walks, whether it is at sporting events, at the end of the day after work, or around lunch. I’m looking forward to enjoying the outdoors more.
Weekly facetime calls with friends
Back to the friends…can you tell I miss my college friends?! A few of my friends from school and I have suggested doing weekly facetime calls to keep each other in the loop with what’s going on. It’s a weird feeling going from seeing your BFF’s all the time to going weeks without seeing each other.
You mean I won’t be seeing my friends every day….thank gosh for FaceTime!
Try something new
Leaving this one up in the year. I want to try something new and pushed from my comfort zone. We will see what happens and what I try.
Try new recipes
I love to cook and bake. This summer I want to try some new recipes and even come up with a signature dish. I am into salads right now, so I have a feeling I will be making lots of different salad combinations this summer.
Entertain Friends/family
I love to host people at my home and I learned it all from my mom. In the summer, we love to have friends and family over and I’m looking forward to doing some entertaining this summer.
Do something spontaneous
This goes along with trying something new, even though I love my schedules and routines. I want to be spontaneous and more flexible. I’m hoping to accomplish that this summer.
Be Present
After a stressful and busy semester, I want to be present and just live this summer. There will always be things to do and tasks to accomplish, however, I want to make an effort to just be happy where I am at.
Made this my background for my phone to only focus on the positive things in life
That concludes my summer goals. It may seem like a lot, but overall, I think it is a good mix of realistic and mental goals. Overall, I want this summer to be one filled with happiness, love, laughter, friendship, purpose, and maybe even a dance.