Fabulous living

Valentine’s Day Date Ideas

Hello All! 

Happy February! I’m SO ready for a new month. January was slow and steady and a great month for relaxing and resetting, but I was ready to flip the calendar. The holiday months tend to go by in the blink of an eye and some of the calmer months seem to take their time. Nevertheless, I’m ready for what this new month will bring.

One of my favorite things about this month is celebrating Valentine’s Day. I have always enjoyed celebrating this holiday, but I have grown to love it even more as I have gotten older. I think Valentine’s Day is a great day to remind the people in your life how much you care for them and as a way to show your appreciation to them. I always love to plan Galentine’s Day meetups with friends that live close by or send cards to those who live far away. The heart shaped candy, themed events and red, pink and white decor always brings a smile to my face in the middle of winter. 

You can go all out or keep it low key when it comes to celebrating Valentine’s Day. In honor of the holiday, I thought I would round up a few ideas that can be used for a date night out or girl’s night in, you can even do some of these activities on your own or throughout the whole month. 

Here’s some Valentine’s Day Celebration Ideas:

Candle Making- This is becoming a popular activity and would be so fun to do with your girlfriends as a big group or one on one with your significant other. You learn how to make the candles and have something to bring home at the end of the night. As someone who loves to light candles, this would be so fun. I attended a candle making workshop last year and LOVED it, you can read about my experience here. 

Such a fun activity!

Local Performance-If you are a fan of the arts and culture this would be a great experience as a treat for you and your date. Whether it’s a big show or your local theater, heading to see a performance is a great way to get out on the town for a date night and some fun, of you are both into sports, choosing a sporting event wouldn’t be a bad idea either, choose an activity that you both enjoy!

A night out for a show!

Ice Skating and Hot Cocoa-If you are looking for an afternoon out or are looking to celebrate the big day the weekend before, Ice Skating and Hot Cocoa go hand in hand. Some cities may have rinks open outdoors if you are looking for a fun atmosphere, but an indoor rink works just as well. You are getting some exercise in and getting some one-on-one time together, finish off the date off with some hot chocolate or a warm beverage. If skating isn’t your forte, bundle up and take a long winter walk with your warm drinks, another way to spend quality time together. 

Hot cocoa
and ice skating…the perfect combo!

Homemade Meal-As much as I love a night out, I am a homebody, so I love a good homemade meal as opposed to braving the elements in the middle of winter. Whether it’s a new recipe or a favorite of yours and your date, nothing says love, like some hard work in the kitchen. You both can spend time preparing the meal together and enjoy the fruits of your labor with your meal. To make things fun and special, dress up for the dinner, light some candles and use the good plates or buy accessories for your dinner. Yes, leggings may be more comfortable, but you may feel better being all dressed up.

Nothing better than a warm cooked meal

Out for Dessert– Many people may choose to go out for drinks and snacks or appetizers, but I am more of a dessert gal. Sometimes when I go out to eat, I enjoy my meal so much that I don’t leave room for dessert. I am a sweet tooth girl, so I love the idea of heading out just for dessert, whether you eat at home and then go out or if you your whole date is the dessert, head to your favorite restaurant or bakery and indulge on some Valentine’s Day sweets with your sweetheart. 

Dessert for the win!

I hope this list gave you some ideas of ways to celebrate Valentine’s Day or Galentine’s Day this year. I am always looking for different unique ways to celebrate the holiday. Whether it’s big or small, be sure to tell the people in your life how much you cherish them. 

Happy February!

Let's Look

Let’s Look: Top Comforts

Hello All and Happy Wednesday!

It’s the second Wednesday of the month which means it’s time for our final Let’s Look of the year as I link up with Erika and Shay

This has been my first year participating in Let’s Look and it’s been so fun. Not only do I love sharing glimpses into my life, but I enjoy reading about other people’s lives too. Here’s a look at all the topics we covered for the past year.

Last month, in November we talked about stocking stuffers, October we discussed our biggest fears, in September, we talked about evening routines, August, we talked about our worst habits, in July, we talked about new favorite summer finds, in June, we talked about best travel tips, in May, we talked about our morning routines, in April, we talked about pet peeves, in March, we talked about Amazon purchases, in February it was about our medicine cabinets.

Today’s topic is perfect for this time of year, we are talking about favorite comforts. I love every season for different reasons, but there is something special about the Christmas and winter season that makes you want to cuddle up and get cozy.

Whether you are getting cozy for Christmas or looking to stay warm in the winter, here’s my top comforts.

Flannel Sheets in the Winter– A few years ago, I picked up a pair of flannel sheets to use in the wintertime and they are a comfort that has brought me so much joy. I only use them around the holidays, so when I take them out, it makes them even more special. They provide extra warmth; they make my bed feel a bit fancier and they make my bed look a bit more festive too. We spend hours every day sleeping in our beds, so it’s important that we make that space comfortable and cozy. 

Fuzzy Blankets– If I’m curled up on the couch with a good book or movie, chances are I have a warm blanket to go with it. I love a good throw blanket, not only are they practical, but they also make a great decor item. I have them draped over chairs, beds and couches. I use them all twelve months, but I get the most out of them in the winter months.

Throw blankets can add a lot to a space.

Seasonal Candle– Another way to make a space comfortable is by lighting a candle. Although, I light candles year-round (typically florals in the spring and summer and harvest/festive in the fall and winter) candles make a space extra cozy when it’s chilly outside. A candle sets the mood in a space and can make it more inviting, festive, or cozy. It also cancels out smells and odors which is a game changer if you have pets or just finish cooking a meal that has an aroma that lingers. I love to light a candle in my room when getting ready or relaxing, in the family room when people are visiting or watching a show or in the kitchen after cooking. You can purchase a candle without breaking the bank and it adds a lot to the ambiance of a space.

Festive Drink- If I’m looking to create a comfortable and cozy atmosphere, a warm drink will most likely be included. I enjoy hot chocolate in the winter, hot cider in the fall and then in the summer I enjoy a flavorful tea. Hot cocoa is my favorite holiday drink, I add some peppermint or candy canes for some extra flavor and to make it a bit more festive.

All festive drinks this time of year.

Good Book or Movie in the Background– After you have your drink poured, blanket handy and candle lit, it’s time to enjoy all these comforts. I like to enjoy them by reading a good book or watching a movie or tv show. I tend to get comfortable and cozy at the end of the day after the chores are done and work is on pause until the next day. Whether it’s for an hour or fifteen minutes taking time for yourself is so important and getting cozy and comfortable can only make it better.

That’s a look into my top comforts, nothing to exciting or special, a lot of things you probably have around your home, but they are little ways to elevate your space and help you relax and unwind a little especially this time of year when it can get extra busy.

Tell me: what are your top comforts? Let me know in the comments below! Have a great Wednesday and I’ll see you back here on Friday!

Fabulous living

Making Your Space Cozy

Hello all! 

As we make our way through November, December will slowly creep up on us and the cold will be here to stay. I don’t know about you, but I’m not a fan of the cold, which is why I try hard to make my space extra COZY! This past week we have seen temperatures in the 40’s…brrrr.

In honor of the chilly weather, I’m sharing five ways to make your space cozy and comfortable.

  • Candles– Lighting candles can really change a space, based on previous posts, you know I am a fan of candles. In the cold months, there’s nothing better than lighting a candle. In the winter months, I love changing my scents like pine or spearmint or frasier fur, those warm and rich scents can easily elevate a space no matter how big or small.
This is one we have going in our family room. I love lighting at night and having it burn while we watch tv or visit. 
  • Throw Blankets– I LOVE THROW BLANKETS. I have gotten them as gifts and I have gifted them to friends. A blanket, a coffee mug and some chocolate are a perfect gift for someone if you aren’t sure what to get especially as the holidays get closer. I like blankets for different seasons and I love having different patterns and textures of blankets. I drape thinner ones over the chairs in the summer for cooler nights and have warm fleece ones in the winter, I even have ones for the holidays. Bringing out warmer blankets and having them over a couch or in a basket makes the space more inviting and cozy and it allows family members or friends to take a throw if they get cold and need some extra warmth.
  • Mood Lighting– In the spring and summer I spend a lot of time outdoors with all the natural light. In the fall and winter when it gets dark so early, instead of turning on bright overhead lights, consider turning on lamps instead. It makes the room more inviting and softer. 
Putting a fire place on adds warmth to a room too.
  • Flannel Sheets-Adding flannel sheets to your bed is just another small way to make your bedroom warm especially on cold nights. I typically put my winter flannel sheets right around Thanksgiving and I leave them on until after the new year. Adding warm sheets is just another small way to feel extra cozy all hours of the day.
  • Warm drinks– Nothing completes a space than a warm drink, whether it’s a hot cup of coffee, a warm tea or some hot coco or cider. Fill your favorite mug and enjoy your warm and cozy space. 

Those are just a few ways to make your space no matter how big or small more cozy and warm for winter. 

Now, turn on the lamps, light the candle and maybe even the fireplace too, pull a throw blanket out and pour a warm drink and cozy up.


Currently #25

Hey gang!

Happy Wednesday!

How was your first month of 2022? For me, this month seemed to drag. I got a lot done at the beginning of the month as I got back into my routines and rhythms after the holidays. But then came the snow and the cold and high Covid cases, so I really hunkered down. I’m looking forward to the warmer days and lower case numbers but until then, I’m making the most of warm days inside, cozy clothes and trying to get fresh air and go on walks when I can. 

Here’s a look into the first month of 2022!

What I’m up to: I have been doing lots of cleaning, decluttering, and organizing. This month has been all about organizing my life mentally and physically. I’ve been using my planner more for short and long term thoughts and projects. I have also been cleaning out closets, cars, drawers, and more getting things refreshed for the new year. I even have been making trips to donate things which makes me feel great. Besides cleaning, I’ve been all about getting back into routines from last year and adding some new habits in my daily life.

I’ve also been doing a lot of baking to cope with the cold days.

What I’m wearing:  It has been cold here. Temperatures in the single digits with lots of wind. For work, it has been lots of pants and warm sweaters or blouses and blazers since you never know where you may end up. Plus, you can never have too many layers. For my off-days, I have been enjoying leggings, boots, big sweaters, and heavy coats for running around or just hanging around the house.

What I’m reading:  New year, new books! I started Januray off by reading an inside look at Grey’s Anatomy. As an avid fan of the show, I loved this book and found it super interesting. Then I also read, this book about home design and styling. Another fabulous read that will give you lots of inspiration for interior and exterior design. 

What I’m Watching: I have been enjoying the return of This is Us especially since its in its final season. I also really have been loving Tidying up with Marie Kondo on Netflix. I know I am late to the party but I love it.

What I’m Loving: I love the fresh start of the new year. We have seen a lot of snow fall and there’s nothing better than enjoying a warm drink like tea or hot coco and having a smooth start to the day. I have also been enjoying lighting the fire place at the end of a long day. 

Nothing better than a cozy morning and a warm drink

What Inspires Me: I am always inspired my setting New Year’s Resolutions and Goals. I am inspired by fresh starts and new beginnings. There’s no better feeling than lighting a new candle, a clean desk and fresh planner to kick off the new year. I also am excited to get back into my new routines and establish some new ones too. 

I went on a coffee date with a friend and loved the wallpaper. So cute!

What I accomplished: I had a very successful Christmas with my immediate family and I got to see some extended family too. I got enjoy some family time and do some activities too. Although, I  had to work, I’m still very grateful that I got to see my family and still carry on holiday traditions. 

Going skiing with my family was a fun activity over Christmas
We also went to see the Van Gogh exhibit around Christmas. It was so beautiful and interesting.

Goals Accomplished from Last Month This past month was all about starting the year on the right foot and I did that. I was thrilled to get my new Simplified planner all set up. I also started my new year’s goals and resolutions which I’m very pleased with how they are going. It’s those little things every day that make a huge difference. I can’t wait to see what this year has in store an how I can learn and grow.

New year, new planner set-up.

Goals for the New Month:  Next month, I want to do my best to get outside more, especially for walks when I can. My friend Sydney gave me the idea to schedule time for “Me Dates”, essentially it’s about carving out time to do something for you, whether it’s going to a coffee shop to read a book, taking yourself to a movie or going for a solo walk, it’s all about taking time for yourself. I want to make that a priotity for myself this year. I also am looking forward to celebrating love with Valentine’s Day next month.

That’s a look into my life today. How has 2022 been treating you?