Fabulous living

Things That Make Me Feel Like Me

Hi everyone! A VERY happy March to you! The countdown to spring is on, as we are only weeks away from the start of the new season, even if it doesnā€™t quite feel like it quite yet. We had a stretch of temperatures in the 40’s which was an instant mood booster, but then snow returned. There is hope and promise in the air. Is it bad that Iā€™m eager for the rain that Spring brings just because that means a break in snow? I hope not!Ā I have been soaking up time with friends over the past few weeks which has been so fun and much needed for the soul too.

Pastries and coffee with friends is always a good mood booster in the middle of the week.

The new season means a fresh start and todayā€™s post goes nicely with that as Iā€™m sharing the things I do every day that make me feel like me.Ā I am currently on the road for a work trip and even though it is exciting to be traveling, it can also come with stress. Whenever, I am gone, whether it’s for work or pleasure, there’s a few things I try to incorporate every day in my life that makes me feel like me.

If I go without one of these for a day, will the world keep turning? Absolutely! But these are little rituals I like to incorporate every day to make me feel like the best version of myself.

  • Quiet Time– I like to begin every day with some quiet time and that includes journaling, prayer time, working on a word search to keep my brain sharp, reading a few pages of a book, and Wordle to keep my streak alive. I like to take my time and ease into my day with this quiet time, sometimes, I take ten minutes for my quiet time, other days, I take forty-five minutes. It all depends on how much time I have. I love starting my day with some me-time.
No matter where I am, I always try to get my quiet time in
  • Movement- Whether itā€™s a lift at the gym, some yoga after work, a good run, or even just a walk. Getting some sort of movement is critical for me. Bonus points if I can get outdoors for one of these activities. I love being able to move my body and I donā€™t take it for granted. I feel energized after I get some sort of activity whether it be easy or hard. Itā€™s a mood booster and stress reliever for me. 
Fresh air and some sort of movement brings me so much JOY!
  • Balanced Diet and Lots of Water– If I could only drink water for the rest of my life, I would be okay with that. I go through lots of tumblers every day with water. I drink it at the gym, I drink it hot with lemon in the morning and at night and all through the day at work. I love how refreshed and full water makes me feel. I also try really hard to eat a balanced diet with fruits, vegetables and proteins, plus something sweet too. Iā€™ve never been much of a breakfast person, so lunch and dinner are my meals of the day. I love to see a colorful plate filled with fruits and veggies. I feel better physically and mentally after eating a filling meal, but donā€™t get me wrong, I do love to enjoy my sweet snacks throughout the day. 
We love a colorful plate!
  • Deep Breathing and Meditation– Life can get hectic which is why taking a few moments for mediation at the start and end of my day helps me stay focused and balanced. I have been using the app Insight Timer at the end of the day to help me unwind which has been a huge help too!
Insight Timer keeps me focused to mediate every day
  • Socializing– Iā€™m your typical Introverted/Extrovert. As much as I love my quiet time in the morning and at night. I also love to spend time with my people. I call and text with my boyfriend every day and get to see my family every day, which is such a blessing. I love gathering around the table at the end of the day to talk about our days. Family is so important to me and I cherish my time with them. Plus, I would be remiss if I didnā€™t mention my incredible friends. Although I may not see or talk to them every day, catching up with friends nourishes my soul. I have recently been reconnecting with old friends and itā€™s so nice to catch up on what everyone is up to in life. 
Happiest with my people!

These five things make me feel like me in the best possible way. I can obviously go without these for a day or two, but I feel like the best version of myself if I incorporate these into my daily life.

Ā As we look towards a new season, what are some non-negotiables for you? I would love to hear from you. Although, I’m on the road, I will be back for another Friday Favorites in just two days! See you then!

Thanks as always for stopping by and Happy March!

Fabulous living

Spring Bucket List 2023

Hello all! Happy April! I hope your first week of this new month is going well. Iā€™m hoping some of the spring weather we are experiencing is here to stay. As we embrace spring, Iā€™m sharing my Spring Bucket list today! This is just a list of ideas of things I want to accomplish over the next several weeks.

Before we start on spring fun, I wanted to share my winter bucket list and recap it. 

I accomplished a lot of things I set out for, the only things I didnā€™t get done were because of our mild weather this winter. 

A look at my bucket list from the winter

The few other things I didnā€™t get done, I plan to do in the spring. So without further ado, hereā€™s my spring bucket list:

Plant a Garden

Go to a New Place for a Walk

Celebrate Easter

Enjoy Ice Cream

Head to a Local Bookstore and pick up some new reads

Try a Spring Recipe

Enjoy more Fresh fruits/veggies and smoothies

Zoo Trips

Have a Picnic

Try to do Outdoor Activities with Friends

Cut and appreciate Fresh Flowers

Celebrate Memorial Day

Make it a Point to Spend Time Outdoors

Celebrate my Birthday

Enjoy Meals Outdoors

Clean Car

Transition from Winter to Spring

Dye Eggs

Make Lavender Lemonade

I hope this gives you some ideas and inspiration for some spring fun! There’s a lot of outdoor fun, some projects, new recipes to try and memories to make! Did I miss anything for my bucket list? What do you plan to do this spring? Let me know in the comments below! Happy SPRING!

Fabulous living

Skipping into Spring

Hi guys!

Happy Wednesday.

I hope you have been staying safe and staying at home. I feel like we are all taking it one day at a time and thatā€™s the best we can do. We will get through this. One good thing to look forward to is that spring is here. The next few weeks will bring warmer weather, flowers blooming and warm sunshine. I love the time between spring and summer, in between work and staying at home, I have been getting into the spring season. Here are some ways that I have been gearing up for spring, who knows maybe they will give you some suggestions and you can share your suggestions for how you have been getting ready for spring too!

  • Get outside and take a walk. I have been trying to get outside every day, whether itā€™s for a walk, some fresh air, or just to sit. Itā€™s so good to get a change of scenery too.
  • Open the windows, not only does it air out your house but it also brings some fresh air and it brings some new light in your home or room.
  • Change out your wardrobe, say goodbye to the blacks and browns and say hello to the pinks, yellows, greens and blues. Although we canā€™t hit the stores for a while, it will be nice to bring some brighter colors into our wardrobe. I love pastels to welcome the new season.
  • Change out your scents, I love my essential oil diffuser, in the winter I love to use peppermint or pine, but in the spring, I love lemon and orange to bring breath of fresh air into my room.Ā 
  • Give yourself something to look forward toā€¦whether itā€™s a summer to do, or things you want to do with friends, thereā€™s nothing better than making some plans of things you want to do in the late spring or early summer.
The first sign of spring…new flowers blooming.

We may still be in a weird or limbo time, but think of all the small things in life that you can look forward to or make the most out of every day. There may be a lot of unknowns but focus on the few good things that can come out of every day. Positivity over negativity. 

Have a wonderful week. Keep smiling, the world needs your smile now more than ever!

Fabulous living

Things To Do on a Quiet Weekend

Hey Everyone!

Happy Tuesday!

I hope your week is off to a great start. I just got back from a very restful and much needed break at home. It was so good to get home for a while and rejuvenate for a bit. This is a big week, not only is it the last week before midterms but I am also leaving on Friday to head off to Rome, Italy for Spring Break!!!

So, why am I going to Rome?! I have been a part of a leadership program since Iā€™ve been in college and one of the last components of the program is to learn and apply everything we have learned these past three years for a week in Rome. I travelled to Italy when I was in high school and I canā€™t wait to go back and get a new experience for this second time. Iā€™ll be sure to post updates of my time abroad as well as several blog posts in the upcoming future. 

Now, moving on to todayā€™s topic: we are talking all about things to do during a quiet weekend. Whether you are a college student like myself, a young working professional, or a parent with free little time to yourself, I hope this post gives you ideas on ways to relax or activities to do when you donā€™t have a lot to do on the weekends.  

As a college student, I often find myself busy through the week with classes, meetings, and commitments. However, during the weekends, everything tends to slow down, people head home for the weekend, there is not as many things going on, and the weekends are generally quiet. During my time in college, Iā€™ve found many ways to occupy myself when things are quiet, there is only so much homework you can do and you can only get so far ahead in classes. Here are my favorite things to do on the weekend.

  • Binge watch the latest show on Netflix– Iā€™m currently watching American Crime Story ā€œThe Assassination of Gianni Versaceā€, Iā€™m obsessed with it. I loved watching ā€œThe People vs. OJ Simpsonā€ a few years ago and was so excited when they came out with a second season. 
Such a good mini series
  • Pick up a book and escape to a new world for a few hours– Although it is hard to come across time to read in college, free time on the weekend gives me time to get ahead on reading and relaxing. I just finished Jessie James Deckerā€™s book, ā€œJust Jessieā€ and I loved it. It was so easy to read and a good escape from my college books. Iā€™ll be posting my review of her book in the next few weeks. 
Such a fun book
  • Call up that friend you havenā€™t talked to in forever and catch up.-This is something I have been trying to do more this semester, I have been doing my best to reconnect with old friends, whether they are high school friends or childhood friends. There is nothing better than facetiming with a friend, swapping stories and sharing memories.
  • Self Care Night– After a busy week, take some time for yourself, whether itā€™s running a bubble bath and reading, doing a facemask, or painting your nails, pamper yourself with something special and make sure you are putting your best self forward for a new week ahead. 
Nothing makes me feel better than a fresh coat of polish. I wore this color for Valentine’s Day!
  • Take a walk or work out.-Not as relaxing but you will feel better after. Sometimes a walk outside is all we need to clear our heads and recharge our batteries. If a walk is not your thing then hit the gym and sweat the stress away. Get your blood pumping and heart racing and you will feel great after!
  • Do something productive– If you have checked all these things off your list of things to do, then tackle a project that has been needing your attention for a while, whether it is a junk drawer that needs cleaned out, a binder that needs organized, clothes than need laid out, or meal prepping for the week ahead, set time aside to get ahead for the week so you arenā€™t scrambling on Monday morning. 

I hope this list gives you some examples of things to do on a quiet weekend, although sometimes we crave the quiet and just need silence, it can also get boring and mundane. What activities to do you like to do on those few quiet weekends?

See you on Thursday for a new look of the day!