Fabulous living

Things That Make Me Feel Like Me

Hi everyone! A VERY happy March to you! The countdown to spring is on, as we are only weeks away from the start of the new season, even if it doesn’t quite feel like it quite yet. We had a stretch of temperatures in the 40’s which was an instant mood booster, but then snow returned. There is hope and promise in the air. Is it bad that I’m eager for the rain that Spring brings just because that means a break in snow? I hope not! I have been soaking up time with friends over the past few weeks which has been so fun and much needed for the soul too.

Pastries and coffee with friends is always a good mood booster in the middle of the week.

The new season means a fresh start and today’s post goes nicely with that as I’m sharing the things I do every day that make me feel like me. I am currently on the road for a work trip and even though it is exciting to be traveling, it can also come with stress. Whenever, I am gone, whether it’s for work or pleasure, there’s a few things I try to incorporate every day in my life that makes me feel like me.

If I go without one of these for a day, will the world keep turning? Absolutely! But these are little rituals I like to incorporate every day to make me feel like the best version of myself.

  • Quiet Time– I like to begin every day with some quiet time and that includes journaling, prayer time, working on a word search to keep my brain sharp, reading a few pages of a book, and Wordle to keep my streak alive. I like to take my time and ease into my day with this quiet time, sometimes, I take ten minutes for my quiet time, other days, I take forty-five minutes. It all depends on how much time I have. I love starting my day with some me-time.
No matter where I am, I always try to get my quiet time in
  • Movement- Whether it’s a lift at the gym, some yoga after work, a good run, or even just a walk. Getting some sort of movement is critical for me. Bonus points if I can get outdoors for one of these activities. I love being able to move my body and I don’t take it for granted. I feel energized after I get some sort of activity whether it be easy or hard. It’s a mood booster and stress reliever for me. 
Fresh air and some sort of movement brings me so much JOY!
  • Balanced Diet and Lots of Water– If I could only drink water for the rest of my life, I would be okay with that. I go through lots of tumblers every day with water. I drink it at the gym, I drink it hot with lemon in the morning and at night and all through the day at work. I love how refreshed and full water makes me feel. I also try really hard to eat a balanced diet with fruits, vegetables and proteins, plus something sweet too. I’ve never been much of a breakfast person, so lunch and dinner are my meals of the day. I love to see a colorful plate filled with fruits and veggies. I feel better physically and mentally after eating a filling meal, but don’t get me wrong, I do love to enjoy my sweet snacks throughout the day. 
We love a colorful plate!
  • Deep Breathing and Meditation– Life can get hectic which is why taking a few moments for mediation at the start and end of my day helps me stay focused and balanced. I have been using the app Insight Timer at the end of the day to help me unwind which has been a huge help too!
Insight Timer keeps me focused to mediate every day
  • Socializing– I’m your typical Introverted/Extrovert. As much as I love my quiet time in the morning and at night. I also love to spend time with my people. I call and text with my boyfriend every day and get to see my family every day, which is such a blessing. I love gathering around the table at the end of the day to talk about our days. Family is so important to me and I cherish my time with them. Plus, I would be remiss if I didn’t mention my incredible friends. Although I may not see or talk to them every day, catching up with friends nourishes my soul. I have recently been reconnecting with old friends and it’s so nice to catch up on what everyone is up to in life. 
Happiest with my people!

These five things make me feel like me in the best possible way. I can obviously go without these for a day or two, but I feel like the best version of myself if I incorporate these into my daily life.

 As we look towards a new season, what are some non-negotiables for you? I would love to hear from you. Although, I’m on the road, I will be back for another Friday Favorites in just two days! See you then!

Thanks as always for stopping by and Happy March!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #119

Hello All! HAPPY FRIDAY! We made it through the week! This has been a hectic week at both home and work, but we made it to Friday and I’m very grateful for that. I’m hoping things slow down just a bit, but we shall see.

The last of the fall leaves

I hope you have had a great week and are ready for the weekend and maybe have something fun planned. As we move away from all the Halloween fun, I am back into fall mode, before Christmas in just a few weeks. I really like to take this time for my prep or calm before the storm. I LOVE the holidays, but I’m hoping for a few quiet weeks before the hustle and bustle. 

Here’s a few things on my radar that I’m loving this week as I link up with Erika and Andrea.

Insight Timer– I recently started to try mediating, mindfulness, and deep breathing exercises. I have always taken time at the start and end of my day for prayer, but have also incorporated some guided breathing exercises too. I have found it to be very beneficial, especially when I am overwhelmed and stressed out. I typically take time at the start and end of my day for breathing, but have found myself doing exercises through the day too. I have been using the app, Insight Timer daily and it’s been doing a great job at holding me accountable and providing resources for guided meditations and breathing exercises. I am just using the free trial, but have been really loving it.

Atoms– Speaking of apps, I also have been using the app called Atoms to hold me accountable. The app was created by James Clear, author of Atomic Habits, a book I read this past year. I have really been loving his app which helps you track new habits or break bad habits. It sends you daily reminders about completing your tasks and gives you positive affirmations through the day as well. I have used the app to help with putting my phone down and now with meditation and both have been very helpful. I’m using the free version through this as well.

The Diplomat– Season two of The Diplomat starring Keri Russell came out last week and I have slowly been making my way through the season. It picks up right where it left off from season one. This show has me hooked with new characters, storylines and of course some crazy plot twists. The finale had me shocked and I can’t stop thinking about it. I binged a lot last weekend. You can watch the trailer here and stream season two on Netflix.

Outer Banks Part Two Out– Another season of a favorite show of mine is out. I mentioned this a few weeks ago, when the first part of Outer Banks season four was released, but now the second half was released and I can’t wait to watch. I may or may not have started depending on when you are reading this, but I can’t wait to see how season four wraps up. The premiere was really good and I’m looking forward to the rest of the episodes. The first half started out a bit slow, so I’m anxious to see what storylines get solved and what cliffhangers remain. Here’s a look at what you can expect.

Atmosphere– Taylor Jenkins Reid announced her new book coming out next summer last week. It’s called Atmosphere and I can’t wait to read it. Here’s a look at the synopsis and the cover art. I personally love the UK version more, but I can’t wait to get my hands on it. I doesn’t seem like it will be in the same universe as some of her other books, regardless, I can’t wait to read it.

That’s a look into life lately and what I’m loving. 

Tell me what are some highlights from your week? I would love to hear them! Have a fantastic weekend!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #67

Hey guys!

Happy Friday! I hope you had a great week as we countdown to Thanksgiving and the holidays. This week was a bit busier with some work events and projects, but we made it to the weekend! The weather has been cooler, so I have been spending more time indoors hence a lot of my favorites this week!

A perfect fall day!

Today is a mix bag of Friday Favorites as I link up with  Erika and Andrea .

Here’s been some things I have been loving this week.

M&M Mixed Bag– I know Halloween is over, but I am still enjoying candy. I love M&M’s and all the different flavors and types. When I saw this mixed bag at the store I had to try it. Regular M&M’s, Peanut M&M’s and Peanut Butter M&M’s in one bag? Sign me up. I love how you can get a different flavor every time. I used some of them in some protein balls I made recently, and they really added to the flavoring. These would be a perfect pairing with popcorn or in a trail mix if you like that extra crunch and sweet and salty taste. 

A sweet hit!

All the Light We Cannot See– The miniseries, All The Light We Cannot See based on the book by Anthony Doer came out last week and I watched it over the course over the weekend and really enjoyed it. I read the book last year and although it was a heavier topic, I found myself hooked from the beginning. I was curious to see how the miniseries would be compared to the book. There were definitely some differences between the two. I enjoyed the book on its own and the miniseries on its own, but with any adaption of a book to the screen there were times when I was hoping for one thing and got something different. This article does a great job at comparing the two. However, I enjoyed the miniseries and glad I watched it.

A great mini series!

Pumpkin Black Bean Soup– I can’t remember where I saw this recipe for Pumpkin Black Bean soup, and I couldn’t wait to try it. We made it around Halloween. This was a delicious recipe that had a great mix of spice and savory. I know I will be making it again, especially in the fall. Plus, it’s very healthy too. I love how thick and creamy it was too! It was the perfect harvest soup!

Santa Clause Series Returns– I’m not in the Christmas mode yet, but I am excited to get into the spirit with season two of the Santa Clause Series on Disney Plus. I really enjoy the classic, original movies with Tim Allen and was excited to see how the series would go. I thought season one was good and a good way to get into the holiday season. I was excited to hear that the show got renewed for season two. I’m looking forward to seeing what this season brings. Plus, this will be a great way to get into the holiday spirit ahead of the season.

The Murdaugh Murders Season 2– I know I am late to the party on this one, but I finally got around to watching season two of the Murdaugh Murders season two. I watched season one when it came out and was hooked and when season two came out, I knew I had to watch. It may have taken me a little while to watch it, but once I did, I finished it in two nights. I had followed the trial this past year and was interested to see what things I could learn from the documentary series. I found the behind the scenes look so interesting. If you love a true crime that’s still happening, you will want to watch this. 

That’s a look into what I’m loving this week. A lot of shows and miniseries and somethings I’m planning on watching!

Tell me: how have you been enjoying the month of November? What do you have in store for the next few weeks? 

Have a great weekend!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #66

Hello all!

Happy Friday! We made it through Halloween week! This has been a busy week for me, so I was ready for the weekend. I finished a big project on Monday, celebrated Halloween on Tuesday and had some doctor’s appointments spread throughout the week too. These next few weeks will be busy between some big work events and projects, Thanksgiving and the start of Christmas shopping, so I’m trying to take the slow and steady days where I can. 

We had some days in the 70s and I had to take advantage by enjoying the outdoors.

Anyways, let’s not get ahead of ourselves and focus on the here and now and some fun favorites for this fall week as I link up with Erika and Andrea or a fun roundup of Friday Favorites!

New Fall Candle- I typically get my candles from Marshall’s, T. J. Maxx or even Michael’s. However, thanks to a sale and being a rewards member, I got a candle for a great price from Bath and Body Works and I am obsessed. This three-wick candle was perfect for October and is even better for November. The pumpkin-apple scent is like fall in a cup. It’s not too strong and the scent lasts even after you blow out the candle. I have been burning it in the morning and when I am unwinding or relaxing and it has been such a fall treat. I don’t always use holiday scented candles, but I know this one will last me all through the next month, just in time for a new scent for Christmas!

My new favorite candle.

New Lotion and Spray Scent– This candle wasn’t the only new scent I was smelling this week. It was time for a change for my body lotion and spray from Bath and Body Works. I’m enjoying the last of the Gingham series with Gingham Fresh. So far, I like that Gingham Fresh is subtle and not too strong which is helpful if you just want a little refresher.  You may remember I have enjoyed Gingham Gorgeous and Gingham Vibrant so far this year. I will have to use this one for a bit before I decide which is my favorite. Stay tuned! Next month, I will be breaking out the Winter Candy Apple for the holidays! I can’t wait!

New scent for the next few months.

Quaker Oats- From new scents to foods! I can’t believe this is a favorite for me, but never say never. I never liked oats or oatmeal growing up, but I have been trying a lot of new foods over the past few months and that includes quaker oats. I’m not a fan of oatmeal, but I have been enjoying it in cookies and protein balls. I used quaker oats to make chocolate and peanut butter no bakes and then apple oatmeal cookies which were both so tasty and healthy too. I also took a try at making protein balls off a recipe I found on Pinterest and have been loving them too, again the perfect mix of healthy with some sweet and salty. I’ll be on the lookout for more recipes to use oats, if you have a favorite recipe, please feel free to share with me!

New favorite treats!
And cookies

Pumpkin Pop Tarts– We are still in full on pumpkin season over here and I have been trying all kinds of pumpkin flavored foods. I was never a big fan of pumpkin, only in moderation, but it has been growing on me this season. I tried pumpkin pop tarts this season and really enjoyed them. The pumpkin flavoring wasn’t overwhelming, it was subtle but had that pumpkin spice feel and taste to it. I only tried them in room temperature and not heated up, so the flavoring could change, but if you are a pumpkin fan, consider picking them up the next time you are out and about.

Fall in your mouth!

The Crown Trailer– Any Crown fans out there? The new trailer for season 6 dropped last week and I can’t wait for part one. You can watch the trailer here. I am interested to see how they depict the months leading up to Diana’s death and the aftermath of it. I think the series has done a great job of staying true to the story. As much as I can’t wait for the final season, I also don’t want the series to be over. It has been such a good show to watch over the years and I’ll miss it when it’s over.

You never know what your favorite things will be, some weeks it’s fashion, other weeks, it’s food and scents. I hope you are recovered from Halloween and are still enjoying some candy as we make our way into a new month!

Have a great weekend!

Let's Get Cooking

Fall Recipe: Cake Balls

I always like to make a new treat/ snack/ meal every season. At the start of the year I was on a roll with cooking one meal a week, I have to admit, I have been slipping these past few months. I’m hoping to do more cooking these next few months as fall and winter settle in. I did manage to make a new fall dessert a few weeks back with my mom. Here’s a tasty recipe for cold days inside. This is a super simple, three ingredient dessert that’s perfect for any get together.

Cake Balls


  • Cake mix (baked or pre-made)
  • Icing
  • Melting chocolate
  • Garnishes (sprinkles, chocolate chips, etc.)


  1. Make cake (I used chocolate for this recipe, but any flavor works. I just made a cake from the box with eggs, water and oil. )
  2. Once cake is baked, let it cool.
Cake is done!

3. Break apart cake until it’s all broken up.

Cake broken apart

4. Combine icing (I used chocolate) and cake and mix together.

The new mixture

5. Roll cake mix into balls and then place in freezer for 30 minutes.

The cake balls ready to go in the freezer

6. Once they were done in the freezer, I melted chocolate and dipped the cake balls in to completely cover them. It can get messy, so I would reccommend using a spoon to dip them.

The cake balls all dipped in chocolate

7. The chocolate dries fast, so make sure you dip them fast and add garnishes, whether it’s sprinkles or chocolate chips or nuts.

The finished product. I had some leftover melting chocolate so I made some dip pretzels. Yum!

Enjoy your dessert! You can freeze leftovers and enjoy at a later date.

Up close of the dessert

This is just a fun and easy dessert that I saw on Pinterest and wanted to try for myself. It was easy to make and tasty and was a great crowd pleaser. What fall recipes have you been making?