Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #63

Happy Friday! I hope you had a great week! I’m in full on fall mode over here and am trying to pack in as many fall activities as possible.

Fall in a small town!

Last weekend, I made the most of the fall weather and conditions and took a fall drive to see the leaves changing and did a fall train ride too. It was the perfect way to spend a Sunday and make the most of a fall day. We are halfway through October and if you have a fall bucket list, how is yours coming along? I am slowly but surely checking things off.

Beautiful day for a train ride
Nothing prettier than leaves on the ground!

Today I’m linking up with Erika and Andrea for this week’s edition of Friday Favorites.

Here’s a few things I’m loving this week!

Lupin- One of my favorite shows to binge watch is back! Lupin is set in France and is French but is dubbed in English and has subtitles. Season three follows Assane Diop, a thief as he robs from the the wealthiest people. He is sneaky and savvy, always has a plan and a disguise. This season is all about reconnecting with lost family. My favorite thing about the episodes is when they show him pulling off the heist. Definitely a binge-worthy show to try if you are looking for something new on Netflix.

A great show to binge watch!

Love at First Sight– This was such a cute movie that popped up on my Netflix feed. My mom and I watched it one night and LOVED it! Love at First Sight is a cute rom com all about fate and being at the right place at the right time. When a young girl misses her flight in the U.K., she immediately books another, thanks to that flight she meets a fellow traveler and they hit it off. Turns out, the two are on the same flight and agree to swap numbers, however, due to a mix-up they never exchange numbers. Will the two reconnect and find each other in London or was it just a chance encounter on a flight? You will have to watch to find out!

The cutest rom-com!

Hello Beautiful– Remember that stack of books I got from the library a few weeks ago? I’m still making my way through it. I have been going back and forth between lighthearted books and some heavier ones. I have read about Hello Beautiful by Ann Napolitano on numerous blogs through the summer and couldn’t wait to read it for myself. It was definitely a heavier read and it took me longer to make it through compared to a chick flick, due to the depth, but it was so worth it. Without giving too much away, it’s a modern day take on Little Women. It follows four sisters and their lives from children to adults and how they grow close and apart, evolve and change. The book is told from four different perspectives and spans across decades. This book was so moving and really leaves you reflecting on the power of family and relationships. It was definitely worth all the hype.

Such a powerful story!

Counting the Cost-My free, three month trial of Audible is almost up, and I’ll have a whole review coming soon, but until then, I am currently listening to Counting the Cost by Jill Duggar Dillard and wow, I can’t stop listening. As I mentioned before, when I listening to Jinger’s book, I followed the Duggar family growing up and like many others was fascinated by them. I continued to follow them as their family went through some ups and downs and was eager to read the books by Jinger and Jill. While Jinger’s book focuses more on her faith journey, Jill’s focuses more on her life, how she’s grown and evolved and her perspective about her family and a lot of the events that transpired in recent years. I really love that I’m listening to the audiobook version and can hear her telling her story. I feel that she really pulls back the curtain on a lot of big moments in her life which I appreciated. I thoroughly enjoyed the book and finished it in less than a week, whenever I was driving or running, I have it on. If you do plan on reading it, I recommend the audiobook version.

My current favorite thing to listen to.

The Crown Trailer-The new trailer for season 6 of The Crown dropped this week. You can watch it here. I can’t wait for it, even though it’s the final season and I don’t want it to end! It will be broken up until two installments starting with Diana’s death and ending with Will and Kate in University. Even though the teaser was short, it got me excited for what this new season will bring! November can’t come soon enough!

That’s a look into some of my favorite things from this week! Some books, a movie, new scents and all the fall fun! Tell me, how have you ben making the most of the fall season?  What’s been your favorite fall activity? Let me know in the comments below!

Happy Friday!


Canada Day Trip

Hello hello!

Happy Wednesday! I hope you had a great week so far! We are halfway to the weekend and I couldn’t be more ready for it.

I love to travel and visit new places, whether they are cities, state parks or the suburbs! This summer I have done a lot more traveling than in year’s past, mostly due to Covid. It’s been fun to return to old places or go someplace new. My boyfriend and I love taking day trips together, since our work schedules don’t line up whenever we take a day off for one another we try to really capitalize on it. So far this summer we have gone to Columbus, New York City and Toronto and the Canadian Falls to name a few spots. 

Our trip to Canada was our most recent trip at the beginning of August. We had such a good time and packed a lot in. Here’s what we did and how we did Canada in a day!

We left around 4:30 and made our way up north. We drove to Burlington, Canada and from there took a train into the city of Toronto.

Making our way across the border

We arrived around 8:30 to Union Station with all the commuters for the day.

Union Station

 Our first stop was Tim Hortons for some fuel, even through we have them at home, we knew we had to take advantage of the Canadian staple. 

Fuel for the day!
The city in the morning!

We walked around downtown for a bit and checked out some of the tourist spots, like the CN Tower and the big Toronto sign and then City Hall. We also saw the Rogers Arena where the Maple Leafs play! 

The CN Tower
The iconic Toronto sign
City Hall behind the sign
Home of the Maple Leafs

After taking in the downtown we took a ferry to Centre Island which was so fun! From the boat, you got a whole new perspective of the city and it was beautiful to be out on the water.

The city from the ferry
On the ferry!

On the island, there are trails to walk and bike, a beach, lots of food stands, a little amusement park and lots of green space along with boating clubs.

There were so many green spaces
A look at the amusement park

We walked around by the piers and rented bikes as we took in the island, we could have stayed there all day!

It was beautiful on the island

In the future we want to go back with picnic and spend more time there. It was beautiful! 

The ferry coming back to the island (my boyfriend snapped this photo)

We took the ferry back and then made our way to St. Lawrence Market for lunch.

A look inside St. Lawrence’s Market

There were dozens of different vendors , from fresh produce, to breads, meats, fish, vegetables, bakery items, and speciality goods. We both settled on sandwiches for lunch.

Lunch time!

After our meals, we decided to take the train back to our car in Burlington and then head to Niagara Falls. We have both been to the American falls, but this was our first time heading to the Canadian falls together. 

The falls!

If you have never been before, the Canadian falls is very touristy, lots of gift shops, fast food places, amusement park rides and very Americanized. We found it to be a little overwhelming, so we quickly made our way past the chaos and just enjoyed the falls.

America or Canada? It was hard to tell with all the American chains.

We decided not to purchase tickets to any boats or activities since we arrived late in the day and just decided to take in the falls. 

Up close of the rushing waters
The falls-both of them!

It was beautiful to see both the American and Canadian falls next to each other. After seeing them from many different spots and taking lots of photos, we decided to call it a day and make our way back home.

A rainbow to end the day!

It was a packed full day and we were tired. 

We had such a great time that we have already begun to talk about what we want to do the next time we go. 

Goodbye falls!

Tell me, have you enjoyed any trips this summer and have you been to Toronto or Canada, if so, what are your must do’s? 

Let me know in the comments below!

See you back here on Friday for another edition of Friday Favorites!