Let's Look

Let’s Look: Our Pantry Staples

Hello everyone!

I hope you are having a great week so far as we say hello to August as we are embracing the second full week of the eighth month of the year! I just got back from being on vacation with my family, but still wanted to share what’s going up with my world as I link up with Shay and Erika.

I will have a full recap of my trip in a few weeks, but until then, I enjoyed some much needed time exploring and unplugging.

As we make our way through the year, it’s time for another Let’s Look.

Here’s some of the topics we have covered so far this year.

In January, we talked about How We Clean Our Closets.

In February, the topic was Things We Do Every Day

In March, it was all about what’s in our Grocery Carts

In April, we chatted about our Quiet and Prayer Time.

In May, we talked about Summer Staples.

In June, we shared our Summer Schedules.

In July, we chatted about our favorite TV Shows and Podcasts.

This has been such a fun way to share tidbits of my life and learn from others too. 

This month’s topic is showing off our pantry and some of our staples. 

Here’s a look at my pantry set up. The top shelf is snacks and chips, the second shelf is canned goods (soups, rice, sauces etc.), the third shelf is breads, cereal, and crackers and the bottom shelf is pasta and oils and condiments.

We like to keep our pantry pretty stocked with essentials not just for snacks, but meals too. 

We always have some sort of cracker, cereal, bread, popcorn, and pasta. These are easy for meals and snacks. We change up the brands, but you can always find these in the pantry.

Our cereal set-up.

We keep the essentials for cooking and baking well stocked, like oils and back up condiments.

As far as meal staples go, cans of tuna, soup, and rice are always stocked. We will do soup and sandwich for an easy weeknight meal. Plus, we always make sure to have ingredients for spaghetti. My mom makes delicious homemade sauce, so she always has the ingredients needed to whip up this family favorite meal. 

Some of our canned goods and condiments.

Now, that we have the savory and meals covered, we have to have something sweet. Brownie or cake mixes always live in the pantry for a quick and easy dessert for entertaining or a late-night treat. I talked about the importance of having these on hand in my entertainment post a few weeks back.

As far as my favorite snacks go. I always like to keep something sweet and salty for snacks for work. These are typically a mix of pretzels, nuts, goldfish etc. I also love something sweet like cookies, trail mix, or granola bars. These are great for grab and go. 

Other items vary in our pantry from season to season, but these tried and true staples can always be found on the shelves.

I am always looking for new snacks for grab and go, and if they are healthy too-that’s a bonus! Tell me, what are your favorite pantry staples? Let me know in the comments below. 

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #106

Hello everyone!

Happy, happy Friday! I hope you are having a great week and soaking up the remaining days and weeks of summertime! August has been busy so far, but I’m doing my best to really be present in the summer moments since I know they are fleeting. I am still on vacation with my family, but I didn’t want to leave you hanging without a post for today.

summer has been so sweet, which has included lots of time outside!

Here’s a few things I have been loving over the past few weeks as I link up as always with Erika and Andrea for another edition of Friday Favorites!

Trail Mix– Fun, seasonal mixes and foods are my weaknesses especially when I see them on display at stores. I picked up this trail mix recently from Giant Eagle. It was a sweet, salty, chocolate and peanut butter all mixed together, how could I resist?! Although, not the healthiest, it was certainly tasty. I have been enjoying it with my lunch when I am craving something sweet, yum!

Travel Toiletries– You may recall my post from a few days ago as I talked all about my day trip in Montreal. It was such a fun whirlwind trip, but I got very little sleep. One of my favorite things to do when I travel is try different beauty products and samples. I tried some travel toiletries while I was away including a Jet Lag face mask by Summer Fridays. I applied this after one of the overnight bus trips and was pleasantly surprised with how well it worked. It was a great pick-me-up for my face and skin and I felt refreshed. I also tried a few other makeup towelettes to remove oils and creams and was happy with the results too. I could definitely see myself purchasing more products like these for travel in the future.

Eye Mask– After I got back from my day trip, I spent the day getting my life back in order, including my beauty routine. I got these eye masks as a gift from a friend from Target and have been using them every once in a while, especially when I am looking to give my face a break from heavy makeup and products. I really like how they truly stick to your under eyes and they get rid of puffiness. They didn’t cause too much irritation to my skin or eyes which was a huge win since I have sensitive skin. Even though I got these as a gift, I definitely plan on purchasing them on my own in the future.

A Simple Favor– I mentioned this movie a few weeks back on my Currently post, but felt as if it deserved a spot on a Favorites post too! I really enjoyed watching A Simple Favor with Blake Lively and Anna Kendrick. I know it’s a few years old, but I’m glad I got around to watching it. It follows the disappearance of young mom and everyone is a suspect especially when more secrets come out about her and her past. There was some funny moments, but I loved the mystery and intrigue peppered throughout the plot.

Emily in Paris Trailer– I love the Netflix series, Emily in Paris and was so excited to see the new trailer dropped for its new season. Emily has to make a big decision this season and I can’t wait to watch it all unfold. I am also looking forward to the Paris setting, drama, friendship, and of course the fashion! This show provides such an escape for me and I can’t wait to have it back. If you missed the trailer, you can watch it here.

That’s a look into life lately and what I have been loving. Tell me, how are you soaking up the last few weeks of summer? Have a great summer Friday! I’ll be back to reality by next week!

Fabulous living

Entertaining Tips and Tricks

Hello everyone! Happy Wednesday! I hope you are having a fulfilling and fun week. The weather has been gorgeous as of late and I have been taking full advantage of it at nights and on the weekends.

From fairs to festivals, I have been busy!

One of my favorite things to do year round, but especially in the summer is entertaining. I love hosting friends and family, whether it’s for a barbecue, dinner party, girl’s night, or just a cup of coffee. 

I have learned everything I know about hosting from my mom. She makes it look easy and I have gotten my love of welcoming people in my home from her. We just finished hosting family and friends for the Fourth of July. While this is our big party of the year, we also enjoy having friends over for casual dinners and grilling nights. Whether you enjoy entertaining or are a novice, I have some advice for you to make your next event, no matter big or small, a success!

  • Make a List and Plan of Action– Whether its having another couple over or twenty people over, make a list of what you need and what you need to accomplish before the event. I like to write down all the dishes I need to make and do an inventory of what I already have, before I go shopping. Then I make a list of what things I need to do to prepare. This list includes everything from grocery shopping, to cleaning the house, making dishes, and buying any extra things to have on hand. This helps me stay organized and gives me a list to refer back to leading up to the day.
  • Stick with What You Know– When it comes to choosing what to make, stick with what you know and what are crowd pleasers. I love trying new recipes and dishes, but trying them for the first time when you are having company over is not the time for it, nor the place. Do you need the extra stress? No! No matter what you are preparing, make it a point to cook things you feel comfortable with and are easy dishes that others enjoy too. Don’t forget to ask your guests if there are any allergies you need to be aware of. When it comes to making the food, always make more than you think you will need. It’s better to have leftovers than not enough food.
You can never go wrong with crowd pleasers, like burgers, fruit and chips!
  • Accept the Help– If you are planning on having a lot of people over and people offer to bring an item, accept the help. You can easily assign them something to bring if they insist on bringing something, or if you are open to anything, let them choose what they want to make, but ask them what it is so you can prepare. There’s nothing worse than having all desserts and no sides. This makes people feel like they are helping and it helps make your meal easier. 
  • Have Takeout Containers on Hand- Speaking of leftovers, if you are planning a big party with lots of people, buy takeout containers to send your guests home with leftovers if you have them. You can find inexpensive containers at the store and you are sending your guests home with good food and you aren’t wasting them. Plus, you doesn’t love some extra food the day after a party.
  • Buy Neutral Paper Products and Take Advantage of Sales– No matter the season, always have extra, neutral paper products on hand. I always like to have plastic silverware, paper plates, bowls and napkins on hand. I have a mix of white products and some colorful and seasonal products too. It’s always good to have some basic products for spontaneous entertainment and easy cleanup. Take advantage of sales after major holidays for deals on festive paper products to have on hand for when you are looking for something fun to pull out.
  • Always Have Boxed Mixes on Hand- I always like to keep a box (or two) or brownie mix on hand for spontaneous entertainment. The same goes for having extra trail mix, or crackers, or chips to serve people if they show up unexpectedly. If you have a neighbor, family member or friend drop by, it’s always good to have a little snack to graze on. Brownie and cookie mixes are affordable and easy things to have in the pantry if you need to make a quick dessert to either entertain or to bring someplace. 

There you have it. Some of the best advice passed down from my mom to me. These are things that she has taught me and I have picked up on through hosting friends and family. If you enjoy hosting, what are some of your favorite hosting tips and tricks!? Let me know in the comments below! Happy Summer Hosting!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #74

Hello All! Happy Friday-the last one of 2023!

I hope you have been enjoying this week with loved ones and soaking up the Christmas season. The week between Christmas and New Years is always an interesting week, you either are busy visiting family and doing all the activities or you are enjoying quiet and slow days at home, or you may be working, and it may be a normal week. Regardless of how you are spending the week, I hope it has been an enjoyable one. 

A calm Christmas morning

For the final Friday Favorites of the year, I’m sharing some fun NYE looks with some sweet treats and a last dose of holiday fun before it’s back to reality next week. Here’s what I’m loving as I link up with with Erika and Andrea

Velvet Blazer and Pants– This would be a perfect look for New Year’s Eve! I love this black velvet blazer from Old Navy alongside these black pants with some simple velvet polka dots. You can add this blazer to a pair of jeans to dress up and outfit or you can add this blazer to a dress to stay warm. I loved this combination, and I wore it to work, and the look turned out perfectly. Definitely take a peek into Old Navy if you are looking for a new outfit this winter season.

A great outfit for New Year’s Eve

Gingerbread Cookie Recipe– I did a lot of baking over the holidays and for the holidays and I tried a lot of recipes thanks to Pinterest. I tried Gingerbread cookies for the first time, and I was surprised at how easy the recipe was. I was already baking a gingerbread loaf and these cookies required most of the same ingredients which made it even easier to make. These would be such an easy cookie to make next Christmas or in the winter if you are craving a warm spice filled cookie. Definitely take a look at Pinterest if you are looking to try a new recipe or two. 

First batch of cookies from the oven.

Bright Christmas Morning scent-I know Christmas morning is over but I had to share this scent, Bright Christmas Morning from Bath and Body Works that I got as a gift. I’m not sure if I will be wearing this scent now or saving it for next Christmas. Regardless, I love the sweet and warm scent the lotion, spray, and body wash brings. It’s not too strong of a scent but it does have a nice, subtle smell.

Such a festive scent

Christmas in London– I finished Christmas in London right before Christmas. I have read some of Anita Hughes other Christmas books and really enjoyed the Hallmark plot with some more drama to them. Christmas in London is all about a baker in New York City who gets the opportunity to be on a cooking show in London for Christmas. I loved the heavy description of London in the winter and around Christmas, it sounded magical. Plus, the details of all the recipes had my mouth watering. Such a fun book to read right before Christmas.

Such a fun read before the holidays

Jingle Blend– I picked up this holiday mix for a night of appetizers, but it would be great for a New Year’s Eve or Day party. I love the mix of sweet and salty that this blend provides. There’s chocolate, pretzels, nuts, and candies. My weakness are trail mixes especially when there’s both sweet and salty involved. Definitely worth the purchase from Target

The best mix for the holidays.

That’s a look into some of my favorite things as we wrap up the holiday season and get back into a routine next week. I hope you have an enjoyable New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day! I’ll see you back here in the new year. 

Have a safe and happy new year!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #72

Hello all!

Happy Friday! I can’t believe we are halfway through December, this month has been flying by and I am trying to soak up as much Christmas cheer as I can. I’ve been checking things off my Christmas bucket list slowly, but surely. I have been watching Christmas movies, enjoying hot cocoa, and I’ve gone skating a handful of times already this season. I am here for all things holiday cheer.

Hot cocoa and a holiday movie!

I’m sticking with the Christmas theme for this week’s Friday Favorites as I link up with Erika and Andrea or a fun roundup of Friday Favorites!

Giant Eagle Holiday Mix-I am a sucker for a festive holiday mix. I saw this holiday trail mix at the entrance of Giant Eagle when I was picking up some groceries and I had to try it. It’s the perfect mix of sweet and salty and it’s festive too. I’ve enjoyed it while wrapping gifts, watching Christmas movies and just relaxing. This would be a great addition to a charcuterie board or for a night of appetizers. Yum!

A new favorite snack

Christmas Movie Countdown– Speaking of Christmas cheer, I have been trying to watch a Christmas movie or program a night or when I can. I have been mixing in the classics with some new releases too. Shawn Johnson East and her husband, Andrew work with a company called “Family Made” and they put out a Christmas movie countdown to Christmas. They are all family movies, but I have been watching them too and crossing them off my list of holiday movies. It’s been so fun to tap into the nostalgia of childhood memories too.

Brownie Recipe– I’ve been slowly baking my Christmas cookies for the season and trying new recipes along the way. I baked my first batch of homemade brownies and although they were not as good as the Betty Crocker box recipe, they were still tasty. I got the recipe from Mix and Match Mama, and they were super easy to make. I may tweak the recipe a bit and may try some other flavors like peppermint, but I was proud of my first homemade batch! Stay tuned for more holiday recipes in the coming weeks.

A new recipe for me!

Crown Returns– The final six episodes of the Crown dropped yesterday. I have slowly started to make my way through them, but I am savoring each episode since I know the end is near. If you haven’t started watching yet, here’s the trailer and more information from TVLine. I really am looking forward to seeing how everything wraps up even though we know what happens in real life. I will also be following along with Elizabeth Holmes’ podcast as well to hear her insights on the final episodes.

A Likely Story– I am in Christmas book heaven right now with all the cheesy and warm Christmas novels, but before I began, I read A Likely Story by Leigh McMullan Abramson. It follows the story of a young woman who is aspiring to follow in her father’s footsteps and be a writer, however she has some challenges getting there. When her mother passes away, she finds an old manuscript, but who wrote it and what will our protagonist do with it? This story follows the family through the years and through a web of secrets that slowly unravels through the book. This book kept me hooked so much so, I woke up early to read the last 100 pages. Definitely a great read for a cozy day in the winter.

A great book for the fall

That’s a look into life lately and some of my favorite things, lots of yuletide cheer this holiday season. I hope you do something fun and festive this weekend as we countdown to Christmas. 

Have a holly, jolly weekend!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #9

Hi everyone! 

Happy Friday! We made it through our first week of October! Woo Hoo! It’s really starting to feel like fall as we are consistently in the 50’s degrees. 

Hello F A L L

As always, I’m linking up with  Erika and Andrea for this week’s Friday Favorites. Here’s some of my favorite things this week.

J.Crew Trench Coat

I got this coat for Christmas a few years back and it’s one of my favorite things to wear in the spring and fall. Not only is it professional for the office by wearing a dress, skirt or dress pants with it, but you can also wear it with jeans or leggings for a casual look. I know I have talked about this trench coat on my blog before, but I had to share it again since I’ve been wearing it a lot over the past few weeks. It keeps me warm; I love the cut and style and quality. Even if you don’t want to go with J.Crew, I highly recommend investing in a trench coat for the spring and fall and even cooler summer nights too. 

Trail Mix

I always keep my eyes open for fun, seasonal snacks when I am out and about, and I picked up this trail mix from Target. I have been munching on this sweet treat for lunch since it’s the perfect mix between sweet and salty. There are peanuts, peanut butter chips, raisins, pretzels and chocolate chips all mixed in. It satisfies the sweet and salty tooth and tastes like fall too. I’m excited to see what other fall treats will be hitting the shelves soon.

Pinterest Boards

Speaking of fall, I have been so inspired by Pinterest lately. I haven’t decorated my front door and porch yet for fall, but when I do, I have plenty of ideas saved from Pinterest. I’ve been so inspired by front doors set up with pumpkins, mums and fall vegetables. I also can’t wait until more leaves start to change for fall walks and drives. I have spent some time outdoors and just seeing some leaves fall got me excited for what’s to come. You can follow me on Pinterest here.

Apple Glaze Cinnamon Swirl Bread

I had some leftover apples and made this delicious and sweet apple bread. It was so tasty that it could be enjoyed as a dessert with a scoop of ice cream. I found the recipe on Pinterest and will be sharing with you in a few weeks. I love using the fall as a time to test out new recipes.

Fall TV is Back!

Some of my favorite weekly shows are back on tv this week. I’ve been catching an episode of the Masked Singer here and there. It’s always a good show to put on in the background and try and guess who’s under the mask. This year they are unmasking more people each week which has been an added twist. Grey’s Anatomy returned last night! There’s a new class of interns to meet this season and I’m looking forward to seeing how their storylines unfold. Ellen Pompeo won’t be in this season as much so I’m curious how the season will go/feel without her in every episode. I’m looking forward to seeing how it all unfolds.

That’s just a look into my life this week.

Tell me: what are some favorite things you are loving this week? Let me know below!

Fun Ways to Organize Let's Get Cooking

Meal Prepping and Planning

Happy Wednesday all!

It’s the first week of April, every day I feel like we are closer and closer to the consistent warmer weather. I can’t wait for sunshine, clear roads and blue skies.

The morning sunshine gives me hope.

Today we are talking about one of my favorite topics…planning and more specifically meal planning!

I’ve done posts in the past about outfit planning and getting your planner organized, you could say planning is one of my passions. My latest planning area is with meal prepping.

I pack my lunch every day for work. I packed my lunch all through grade school and high school and in college I ate lunch in the cafeteria, you could say I’m not big into spending money on lunch. When it comes to eating when I’m at work, it made the most sense to pack my lunch. Every day is different and I never know where I will end up, so always having my lunch with me works best. I always try to eat healthy and balance meals when I can.

If you pack your lunch like me, I have a few ideas for different meals that are affordable and healthy and keeps lunch time interesting.

I always like to eat a variety of things for lunch to keep it fresh and exciting.

In my lunch box, I typically have something substantial (my main meal), a fruit or veggie, something sweet and sometimes something salty. I don’t always eat all this stuff every day, but I try to have a variety available. For example, I may have pasta and veggies, pretzels, and trail mix. Some days, I may eat it all, other days, I may just eat pasta and veggies. I like that these meals are balanced and will satisfy me.

 I keep things for my lunches or snacks organized in a bin in my pantry. I like to keep back stock for different dry snacks. Right now, I have peanut butter crackers, pretzels, trail mix and goldfish all divided up. I shop when needed, but I typically buy things for meals once a week and then grab things for dry snacks as needed. This also gives me choices of things to put in my lunch.

A look at my snack bin. I divide up the pretzels or trail mix into like reusable containers for portion control.

When it comes to fruits and veggies sometimes I will buy bulk and separate them into reusable containers (one of my New Year’s resolutions was to use more reusable products and I’m so happy that I’ve been using less wasteful products). I will cut up carrots, peppers, celery or broccoli and store them and bring them in to eat. As for fruit, I will enjoy clementines, grapes, apples or even a banana.

For more substantial meals, I like to enjoy salads, either pre-made from the store or I will make a big one at the start of the week and I will bring dressing to add each day.

I also enjoy making baked chicken with seasoning (everything but the bagel seasoning from Trader Joe’s is my favorite.) I just add that with some salt and pepper and bake the chicken and then refrigerate it and divide it up as needed. I also often make frozen veggies to add on the side.

A look at meal prepping of chicken and veggies and then chicken salad. I will cook them and put it all in one serving container and then I have a smaller one that I will use to bring into work.

Pasta and veggies is another go-to for me. I will boil a large pot of pasta and then add some butter and garlic and then make frozen veggies (often mix, but sometimes I’ll just choose a specific vegetable.)

Sticking with the veggie theme-Making rice with vegetable is always a tasty win too! I will boil brown rice and stir fry vegetables and add some soy sauce and then seasonings to add flavor. Sometimes, I will add chicken or shrimp, but other times, I just will go with the vegetables. 

A look at a veggie stir fry for this week.
The whole meal goes into one large container and then I divide it up into a smaller container.

As far as other alternatives, I often will enjoy a chicken salad, tuna salad, or egg salad and enjoy that with cracker or pita.

A look at my tuna salad in a large container and then separated out for each day.

In the winter, soup is always an easy go-to for me, especially with getting easy to go soup containers.

I typically will make all my meals during the weekend and then add snacks each day. I always get my meals organized the night before work so I can just grab and go in the morning.

An example of my lunch for a day. Tuna salad, crackers, trail mix, an orange, ad some peanut butter crackers.

I always like to break up what I eat and what I pack for meals. I find that having a variety of tastes and things in my lunch helps keep things fun and tasty. 

For those of you who pack your lunch, what are your go-to lunches? I’m always open to suggestions. 


Currently #22

Hey guys! We are almost to my favorite time of year; all the holidays…from Halloween to Thanksgiving and rounding things off with Christmas! I love this time of year. I have been embracing the fall with all the leaves and the cooler temps. Here’s a look into what I’m currently into. 

What I’m up to:  I’ve been enjoying all the fall activities, I’ve been trying to go on long walks every week. Whether it’s near or far, I love a good walk. To read about some of my favorite walks, check out my latest post. I’ve also been spending lots of time with family. I’m also slowly getting ready for the holidays by decorating for Halloween and fall! 

A rainy day and a nice walk was the perfect combination for a Friday

What I’m wearing: I hate to say it, but my wardrobe hasn’t been too exciting. I’ve been wearing hoodies and sweaters and jeans on days off. For work days, It’s been a mix of long sleeve dresses and pants with blazers too. Layers has been key when it feels like winter in the morning but summer by the afternoon. 

Jacket in the morning…
Not needed by the afternoon…hello fall weather!
Long sleeves and straight hair for cooler mornings on the desk

What I’m reading: Reading every morning has been the best way to start my days. I really enjoyed The Silent Patient, it was the perfect mix of a mystery and a psychological thriller.

Here’s what I started my month with.

For romantic mystery, What if You and Me was a great pick. There’s also a spooky twist to it, which makes it perfect for Halloween.

Another cute one story with a cute twist

I just finished reading The Last Mona Lisa, it was one of the best books I read in a long time. I loved the historical mystery and the two different time period parallels.

One of the best books I’ve read in a long time.

I’m currently reading, Nantucket Threads, which is a summer beach read, it’s definitely lighter compared to my past few reads. 

What I’m Watching: Besides my weekly shows like Grey’s Anatomy and A Million Little Things, I’ve been watching Community, which is perfect to watch in the mornings when I’m getting ready or at night if I want to watch something to unwind. The all-star cast makes it so fun to watch! I’m also on the to watch season 3 of You on Netflix. I’m hooked on it. 

What I’m Loving: I’ve been loving fall walks, seeing the leaves falling, doing lots of  reading and warm mornings and nights. I have been starting my mornings between the gym and work by lighting a candle and sipping some hot cider while I get ready for the day. I do some reading and meditating before I head out the door. It’s the best way to start the day. 

Another fall walk in the books.

What Inspires Me: I’ve been inspired by the slow and steady of daily life mind you, not every day is slow and calm, I have plenty of busy days but I savor the calm ones. I’ve also been doing lots of baking to which satisfies a sweet tooth and it gives my family a sweet treat to enjoy.

A fall trail mix on a day off

What I accomplished: I’ve been getting things done on my fall bucket list, from walks to fall treats, cider, and cozy nights in. I’ll be sharing my full bucket list recap in the coming weeks. 

Fall pumpkins for some pretty decorations.

Goals Accomplished from Last Month I’ve done a good job at slowing down. After a busy summer of travel, it’s been nice to have more lowkey days off. Last week, I spent the day reading, watching some shows, baking, meal prepping and running a few fun errands. It was the perfect mix of balance on a day off.  

First Time making s’mores cookies,

Goals for the New Month: Did someone say holidays?! I can’t wait to start getting ready for the holidays, between gift giving, seeing family, treats and decorating….I can’t wait

That’s a look into the past month. What have you accomplished in the past few weeks?

Fabulous living

Smore’s Trail Mix

This summer I came out with a new blog series all about recipes.

 In June, I shared my favorite salads, an easy lunch or dinner option. You can read all about it here. 

In July, I shared my favorite pizza recipe, perfect for entertaining. You can find that here

Today, I’m sharing a wonderful snack or dessert option. This would go great for a snack by the pool, a road trip treat or something sweet for back to school. Plus, if you don’t have a bonfire to roast smores this is a fun and clean alternative. 

This treat takes less than five minutes to prepare and can be enjoyed by all. 

For starters, here is what you will need:

The supplies

Golden Grahams Cereal 

Mini Marshmallows

Chocolate Chips 

*amount needed will change based on portion sizes*


Mix one cup of golden grahams with one cup of mini marshmallows and chocolate chips. 

Once everything is mixed, enjoy with friends and family. 

Up close of the trail mix

This is one of my favorite trail mix treats, although it’s not the healthiest, it is a fun alternative to messy smore’s. What are your favorite trail mixes to enjoy?

Perfect for on the go

Sorry, for the shorter post, I am on vacation with my family and doing my best to disconnect for a few days. See you on Thursday for a new look of the day!


Healthy Snacks for a Healthy Year

A new year calls for new healthy choices. I am still working out five times a week and I eat balanced meals. I always try to eat healthy and work out daily to feel my best. I have already shared my work out routine and ways to stay healthy.  Today, I am sharing some of my favorite healthy snacks to eat when you are on the go and life slips away from us. These snacks are great to pop in your purse or pull out in the middle of a study session.

It’s hard to eat healthy especially when there are always temptations wherever we go. For example, I see this every time I walk in the door and it’s very hard to grab an apple instead of chocolate.

UGH! Temptations!

Here are my favorite go-to snacks.

  • Water (I’m a huge advocate for water. I go through 3-4 of these day. Water keeps us healthy and fit. You can never have too much water.)

You can never get enough water

  • Trail Mix (This is my favorite brand of trail mix. Trail mix is low in calories but keeps me filled. I love the combination of sweet and salty.)

    My favorite brand of sweet and salty!
  • Skinny Pop (Once again, I love some salty snacks. This snack is perfect while relaxing or doing homework and it’s only 100 calories!)

    Perfect for studying or tv time!
  • Pro2Snax (This protein pack comes in different combinations. I love the apples and cheese. Much better afternoon snack compared to a bag of chips)

    A good afternoon pick me up!
  • Pretzels (I prefer salty snacks even though I love my chocolate. This 100 calorie pack of pretzels are great to dip with peanut butter, hummus, or by itself.)

    Salty > Sweet

I hope these gave you some ideas for healthy snacks for you or your children as the new school year starts. What are you favorite snacks to eat on the go?