
Montreal in a Day

Hello everyone!

Happy Wednesday! We are in the middle of the first full week of August. At the moment, I’m on vacation with my family, it’s a well-deserved break for all of us and we are making some quality memories together. I’ll be sharing more of my trip in the coming weeks, but until then, I have another travel post to tide you over. One that I couldn’t wait to share with you all! 

Several weeks ago, my boyfriend and I took another one of our crazy day trips. My boyfriend is a great trip planner, especially ones that are affordable and unique too. We also like to do our trips in a day, even if it means being up for more than 24 hours. 

Last summer, we did NYC in 13 hours, you can read about it here. We also did Toronto in a day, which you can read about here. 

This summer, we did Montreal in a day! It was one of our furthest destinations, but we packed a lot in, and I fell in love with the city and the culture. 

Here’s a recap of our trip.

We left in the evening and drove to Burlington, Canada where we caught a train into Toronto. The car ride was about 2.5 hours and then the train was about an hour. After making our way to Toronto, we hopped on an overnight bus into Montreal.

Arriving at the border
Arriving in the bus station the next day

We arrived bright and early before 6:00 in the downtown area, since most of the city was still asleep, we freshened up and dropped off our bags. My boyfriend discovered a gym that you can store your bags for the day, this was a huge help to us. We could still pack what we needed for our travels without having to worry about carrying them during the day.

After getting ready, we started exploring the downtown, metropolitan area and then ventured into the Old Port and historic Montreal.

This was one of my favorite parts of the day. The sun was rising, the city was quiet, and we could just take in the city.

We got breakfast at a little bakery and ate in the town square.

Between the French signs, old architecture and French being the most common language spoken there, I truly felt like I was in a different world, and I loved it.

We walked down by the pier and then made our way back to the old part of the town to tour the Notre Dame Basilica.

More views from our walk

It was a gorgeous church filled with vibrant colors and details. We went when they first opened so there were no lines. 

After our tour, we made our way towards the downtown area where we climbed up Mount Royal.

A look at what we had to climb

We walked everywhere through the day, so we definitely got our steps in. The hill was daunting and climbing up flights of steps was challenging at points, but the view was worth it.

The view from the top

We could see the entire city from the top. It was breathtaking, especially in the sunshine. 

After enjoying the view, we made our way to a park in Mount Royal where we rented a rowboat and enjoyed some time on the water. It was picturesque and VERY dreamy. I felt like I had my own “Notebook” worthy moment.

Such a beautiful park!

We spent some more time in the park and then made our way down the steps and hill, the walk down was much easier.

The homes were gorgeous!

We stopped for lunch at a little shop and enjoyed our food in a nearby park.

Lunch in a park

 We walked back down to the water and enjoyed some more time in the city.

A look at the city from the water.

We also popped into a few shops, bought some souvenirs, and enjoyed some music in a town square too.

All the shops were so cute and quaint!

 We grabbed our bags and then made our way back to the bus station where we began our journey home.

Back at the station

Here’s a look at our final stats of the day when it comes to the mileage. 

There were some delays for the return trip, but that was all a part of the adventure. We got back very early in the morning and took the day to catch up on sleep and get our lives back in order. 

Although there was a lot of travel involved and many different modes of transportation, it was so worth it. My boyfriend and I love exploring new places and traveling, especially on a budget. He does an incredible job at planning and truly thinks of everything. I’m not sure where our next adventure will be, but I’m sure it will be a whirlwind. 

Until next time, Montreal!

Tell me: where are some of your favorite places to travel to? Bonus points if they can be done in a day! Although, I will be still away, I will have  a Friday Favorites post for you! I hope you are having a great week! See you back here on Friday! Happy August!


Chicago in the Summer

Hey guys!

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and to our favorite dad’s I hope you had a great Father’s day on Sunday.

Oh hey there Chicago!

This past weekend, my family and I took a weekend getaway to Chicago! I had been to the Windy City a year and a half ago and I loved my time here. You can read all about it here! I was so excited to be going back with my family to share the city with them.

We left around 6:00 am on Friday morning and made our way out to the Midwest.

Once we arrived to the city, we started our time  with a boat ride with a tour of the river and Lake Michigan. It was incredible to see all the buildings and get a bit of a history lesson on the area. It was amazing to see all the the city meet the sea. Ironically, all of my favorite cities, including my hometown are all by the water. I’ve always lived by the water and near the city, this is a feature I hope to have when I move in a few years.

Out at sea

The City from the River

Can it get any more beautiful than this?

After our tour on the river, we headed to Millennium Park and the iconic Bean.

Millenium Park

The Bean

We then took a stroll on the Magnificent Mile, where there were hundreds of stores, everything from Brooks Brothers, Tiffany’s, the Disney store, Nike, Nordstrom’s and more.

I was loving Nike’s decor!

We picked up some sweet treats at Dylan’s Candy Bar. Anyone who knows me, knows that I have the biggest sweet tooth, so this was definitely a highlight!


One of my favorite things about Chicago is how it is a walkable it is. We were able to walk to most of the sites, meals, and other attractions. It was also a beautiful weekend, cooler and cloudy at some points but definitely summer weather.

A beautiful day in the city

We headed to dinner at Rosebud, a delicious and intimate Italian restaurant, just a few blocks from our hotel. I had a delicious pasta with Bolognese sauce. Incredible! We ended up calling it an early night, with an early wake up call, full day of travel and sightseeing, we were ready for an early evening!

Such a delicious pasta

Day 2 had us up bright and early, we ventured out of the city to head to Brick World, a lego comic con event. One of my brothers is a big fan of legos so we went to check out this event. Let me tell you, I was very impressed with the creativity and design work at Brick World.

Here are some of my favorite designs!

This Harry Potter display was so cool!

Another Harry Potter display

And who doesn’t love Mister Rogers?!

We spent the day at Brick World before heading to Portillos for lunch, this 50’s diner setup had sandwiches, hot dogs, burgers and fries. I opted for a southwest salad which was delicious and so filling.


I loved this Southwest Salad, it was such a good combo

We made our way back to the city for the evening, we did some walking around near our hotel before venturing out for dinner at Devon’s a seafood place. I had some spicy shrimp for an appetizer, which was so delicious and then Lobster Roll for dinner. The lobster roll was so flavorful and filling. It hit the spot!

The Lobster Roll was to die for

We got dessert at our hotel while overlooking the city at night. This rich chocolate cake that I split with my mom and brother completed a delicious meal.

How good does this cake look?

Our final day in Chicago began with mass at the Holy Name Cathedral.

Gorgeous Cathedral

After we finished with Church, we planned to go to the top of the Willis tower, however, it was VERY foggy and there was 0 % visibility.

The Willis Tower

The view from the bottom

We then opted to go to the Field Museum down by the water and see a few exhibits. The museum was huge so we only saw a few sections. I would definitely recommend going back and doing the whole museum, just make sure you have enough time to see everything the museum has to offer.

The Field Museum

Sue the Dinosaur

After we finished at the museum, we made our way out of the city. Although we were only there for a weekend, we packed a lot in. I was so happy I got to go back to Chicago. I know I will be back for sure.

Goodbye Chicago

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and great week ahead!

See you on Thursday!!!