Fabulous living

Summer Book Review

As promised, my summer book review. My goals was to read 20 books. Let’s see how I did.

My spring and summer melted together so around May was when I started reading summer books.

Inspire Your Home by Farah Merhi

I have followed Farah’s Instagram account for years. I love anything fashion and interior design and that’s exactly what Farah’s personal and professional pages are. When she announced she was writing a book I knew I had to get it. It covers all different rooms in her home and how to decorated them all. She also talks about decorating on a budget, for different seasons and different seasons of life. Although, I am still living at home and don’t have my own place yet. I know this will come in handy when I am on my own and decorating my own space. The book is filled with pictures, text and explanations. If you are looking for home inspiration or design help, this is the book for you, plus it doubles as a great coffee table book.

Grade: B

The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey

Since I graduated and have been working, saving and budgeting have been areas that I have wanted to work on. I have been saving money by living at home, but I wanted to be educated on a basic overview of finances. After asking around, Total Money Makeover was recommended time and time again. I decided to give it a try. I found the book to be very informative with lessons when it comes to saving, spending, and getting out of debt. It provided a general idea of finances without getting too deep. I do think it would be a better read for someone who may be struggling to get out of debt, rather I just read it to get a lay of the land when it comes to money.

Grade: B-

The Paris Seamstress by Natasha Lester

I got this book for my birthday back in May and finished it at the end of August. It took me a while to sit down and read it but once I did, I loved it! In one afternoon I finished half of the book. The book takes places in the 1940’s and then in the present day and it goes back and forth between two seamstresses. In the 1940’s, the main focus is about the war and spies and the transition from France to America. In the present day, it’s all about uncovering the past and connecting the pieces. There are love stories found in both the past and present, so it’s hard to choose a favorite. It’s hard to read it during multiple sittings. So, I recommend getting a cup of tea or coffee, sitting down and getting into the world of fashion and love and Paris. 

Grade: A

The Royal We by Heather Cocks and Jessica Morgan

I have heard about this book a lot from other blogs and I couldn’t wait to try it for myself. It’s modern day Cinderella story with the Royal family. Imagine a mix of Will and Kate and then Harry and Meghan. The heir to throne in England meets an American in college and they fall and in love. The book covers eight years of their life from meeting, dating, breaking up, getting engaged and preparing for a wedding. There’s a lot of characters so you need to pay attention, but I really fell in love with this book. You definitely need to sit down and read it, you can read it in bits and pieces but I enjoyed it even more when I could really sit and enjoy it. I loved all the references to the royals and London, England. I did find myself thinking of the Royals and The Crown a lot as I was reading it. The sequel just came out and I can’t wait to read it. Overall, this was the perfect book to end my summer reading list. 

Grade: A 

I clearly did not get anywhere near my goal of reading 20 books. I thought I would have more time to read before work or on my days off in the summer, but life got very busy. I am hoping to get more reading done in the fall and winter when I am inside more. Overall, I was very happy with the books I did get to read and how they were all very different and unique in their own ways. 

What are some books you read this summer? 

What recommendations do you have for me?