
Currently #30

Hey guys! Happy Wednesday! I can’t believe we are at the end of June. This month has flown by. Summer needs to slowwwwww down.

I’ve been making the most of my summer and checking things off my summer bucket list between spending time with family and work.

Here’s a looking into what I’m currently up to.

What I’m Up To: I’ve been soaking up all the summer and sunshine. From pool days to mini golf, baseball games, grilling, savoring ice cream, and seeing family. These past few weeks have been busy, throw in a few graduations and celebrations and you have a packed June. I can’t wait to see what else is in store for the rest of the summer.

Crossed mini golf off my bucket list this summer.
Beautiful night for baseball

What I’m Wearing: I’ve had such good luck with finding dresses and summer outfits for work. I did a shopping spree a few weeks back  and got lots of good deals from Marshall’s, T.J. Maxx, and Ann Taylor. I have a summer outfit post coming soon. This will include dresses and shoes, since I also hit the jackpot with work shoes from DSW. 

Here’s a sneak peak, a bright dress for summer!

What I’m Reading: I’ve been on a reading spree. I’ve read some thrillers, romance, chick flicks and more.

I started with One Night on this Island which tells the story of a girl who goes to a remote island off of Ireland to find herself and do a story for her job. Turns out the place she is staying is double booked with a man from the United States. Will they both stay or will one leave? Will she end up loving the island or not? You will have to read to find out. 

From Ireland to England, The Jane Austen Society takes place in the 1800’s when a group or men and women work to form a group to conserve the memory of Jane Austen in her hometown. The description and setting in this story is to die for. You feel like you are transported to Austen’s time period. This is a wonderful read for any Jane Austen fan.

My third book this past month was The Plot. Let me tell you, this book blew me away. It is an incredible thriller with a lot of mystery. It tells the story of an author who meets a young student with an incredible plot for a future story. When the student dies, the teacher decides to take the idea as his own, but will repercussions follow? You will have to read to find out.

What I’m Watching: I’ve been making my way through season 2 of The Morning Show which has been fun to catch up on. It’s been interesting to see how they tie in events from 2020 in their storylines. 

I’ve also been watching Great News on Netflix. It follows the story of a news producer and her mother who becomes her intern. Such a funny show and a bit relatable for someone who works in news.

I also saw a few movies this past month, I saw Top Gun Maverick at the drive-in which was a fun experience, plus after seeing the first movie, I couldn’t wait to see the second.

Great way to kick off summer

Speaking of sequels, I saw the second Downton Abbey movie in theaters and it was so good. Definitely worth seeing it on the big screen.

What I’m Loving: Besides enjoying the summer season, I wanted to share two things I’ve been loving every day or week. I really try to keep my subscriptions to a minimum, I’m talking about streaming, email, letters etc. But there are two email subscriptions that I look forward to reading every time they are in my inbox.

For daily news, I am subscribed to Katie Couric Media for her news briefing every day. I consume a lot of news, every day, from USA Today, to local news, and other papers, but I really love Katie’s news letters. She recaps national and world events, has some feature stories and different contributors. If you are looking for a great recap an updates on national and international news, this is a great place. You can subscribe on her website here. 

I’m a big fan of the Royal Family and Elizabeth Holmes is a former reporter from the Wall Street Journal. Now, she reports on the Royal Family, she posts about royal fashion on Instagram, has a book about royal fashion and history, and she also does a semi weekly newsletter about everything from the Royals to lifestyle and fashion. You can find her here.

These are two newsletters that bring a smile to my face whenever I read them.

What Inspires Me: I’ve been inspired by making every day count. I know the summer and warm weather is so short so I try to take every opportunity to enjoy the warm weather and sunshine whenever I can, even if it is just for a walk after work.

Sunset walk after work.

What I Accomplished:  The past few weeks have been busy with both of my brothers graduating, plus my birthday, my mom’s birthday and Father’s Day, needless to say, I’ve been busy. But it’s been so nice to celebrate these big milestones and moments.

Birthday dinner by the water.

Goals from Last Month: I’ve already checked off some items on my summer bucket list which has been fun. It’s been nice to choose from a list of activities when you are looking for something to do. I’ve done classic summer fun activities and some new ones, like going berry picking for the first time. So fun!

First time wild strawberry picking.

Goals for this Month: I’m looking forward to enjoying more summer fun, from swimming, grilling, beach days and walks. I’m also looking forward to seeing family who are visiting from out of town and celebrating the Fourth of July.

I can’t wait for more walks over the summer.

This a look into life this past month, lots of fun, family time and milestones. Overall, summer has been off to a great start! How’s your first month of summer been? Let me know in the comments below.