Fabulous living Travel

TBB Asks: Summer Vacations

Hello! Hello! A new week, a new day.

I canā€™t believe we are almost halfway through summer! The months are flying by!! I love finding questionnaires from other bloggers and I love to answer them myself. Today I will be answering questions about summer vacations! I donā€™t know about you, but through the year I am always finding myself dreaming of vacationing but during the summer it can be hard to find the time to plan it.Ā  Iā€™m hoping by answering these questions, I will be able to focus more on planning a summer trip before summer is over! Now, onto the questions thanks to The Blended Blog!!

Great questions

-Will you go on a summer vacation this year?

Yes, hoping to get away for a few days at the end of July or early August. It can be hard to plan a trip when you are coordinating six different schedules!

– Do nothing or a pack it all in vacation?

Pack it all in. Yes, we like to relax but if we are going somewhere new or a place where there is lots of attractions we love to pack it in. Plus, you can relax when you are home, when you are away itā€™s always good to make it worth your while.

-What month do you like to vacation?

Any summer month, we typically go in July though. August can get busy with back to school stuff and June is just the start of summer. July typically works best for us.

In D.C. for a trip

-Cruise: Yes or No?

No! I prefer land and just being away at sea for several days makes me anxious. I do like boating but not for more than a few hours. Haha!

-Favorite vacation tradition?

Getting up early to leave for a trip. Whether it be by car or plane, I love the excitement about getting up in the middle of the night to leave.

-Most memorable vacation?

There are so many to choose from!! I loved going to Disney for the first time, New York City is always fun especially around Christmas time. Our favorite family vacation spot is Hershey, PA so we try to make a trip out of every year.

We headed to Florida one year for spring break

-Hotel, Condo, or House?

Hotels typically work best for our family. Itā€™s nice to use all the amenities the hotels have to offer. We have stayed in condos before, but hotels are our preference.

-Favorite thing to eat on vacation?

Anything that is special or unique to the area. I will always spoil myself with sweet treats on vacation too!

I love heading to New York City especially during Christmas time

-Warm or Cold Destinations?

Depends on the place. I do like warmer climates, Ā but I would rather choose the place rather than the weather.

Well, there are my answers. Now, itā€™s your turn! Pick a few questions and answer them in the comments below! Hopefully we can all get around to planning our vacations soon enough!

My favorite place to travel- Hershey
Fabulous living

Valentines Day Q&A

Happy February! How was your weekend? I spent my weekend working so Iā€™m looking forward to getting back into a routine this week. Ā Valentineā€™s Day is one of my favorite holidays! I love the colors, the love, and most of all the chocolate! Today, Iā€™m answering questions posed by The Blended Blog: Valentines Day edition. Letā€™s get down to answering. Feel free to answer along and post your answers in the comments below!

-Hugs or Kisses?

Hugs, I feel like you can give out more hugs, when you are happy, sad, excited, scared, anxious, even overwhelmed, a hug can make it all better. The best kinds of hugs are the ones you get and didnā€™t know you needed.

-Candy or Flowers?

As much as I love flowers and they can brighten up a room, I have a HUGE sweet tooth and I will never pass up an opportunity for chocolate.

Here’s a sneak peak of some Valentines I’m giving out to close friends.

-Baking or Cooking?

Baking, I love baking cookies, cupcakes, and any new desserts. Also, the best part of any meal is the dessert, did I mention I have a thing for sweets?!

-Do you remember your first crush?

Yes! from my first child crush, to celeb crush, to serious crush. Most will never happen but it’s still nice to dream.

-Favorite color of roses?


-Conversation Hearts. Yes or No?

Yes, for decoration. No for eating.

-Do you leave love notes?

Yes, I love leaving notes for others. Whether itā€™s a love note, a good luck note, or an Iā€™m thinking of you note. They are an easy way to show someone you care.

-Do you decorate for Valentines Day?

Absolutely!!! Hereā€™s a peak into how I decorated for Valentines Day in my dorm room.

I got this banner at Target for $3!! It looks great on an empty wall.
I got this filled with goodies last Valentines Day and this year it makes the perfect decor piece.

-Red or Pink?

Red, I love how bright, bold, and powerful it is.

-Milk, White, or Dark Chocolate?

Milk chocolate, and to take it a step further. Dove chocolate is my weakness.

-Do you believe in love at first sight?

Yes, but not for everyone. I think itā€™s definitely possible but I also believe in relationships starting from friendships.

-Do you give humorous or serious Valentineā€™s day cards?

Always serious. There is nothing wrong in telling someone how you feel, whether they be a spouse, girlfriend/boyfriend or even a best friend. Give anyone you care about a card.

-Favorite Chick Flick or Romantic Movie?

This is so hard because I love movies but my favorite ones are: Pride and Prejudice, Valentines Day, Sex and the City. All different genres but I love all them in their own ways.

Well, there you have it. Ā My favorite things about Valentines Day, which after reading this over, my greatest love is chocolate. Oops. Thatā€™s what the gym is for! What do you like about Valentines Day? Pick a few questions and answer them in the comments. Have a great Tuesday!

Fabulous living

Holiday Themed Q&A

  1. With Christmas just a few weeks away, Iā€™m answering a few holiday themed questions thanks to the The Blended Blog. Feel free to answer the questions too. Letā€™s see how much we have in common.
  • Real or Fake Tree?

Real! Always real. Some of my favorite memories as a kid is picking out and cutting down our Christmas tree. Itā€™s one of my favorite Christmas traditions!

  • Favorite Christmas Cookie?

Sugar Cookies. I love the baking and decorating and fun that goes into baking cookies. We make our own cookie dough and icing, which takes time but itā€™s part of the fun. No better snack than cookies and milk.

  • Home on Christmas Morning or Travel?

Always home. On Christmas day we spend the whole day at home in our pajamas. My family and I are constantly on the go so itā€™s nice to take some time to just be home and with family.

  • Clear or Colored Lights?

Our tree is always covered in colored lights. We have an array of ornaments from our childhood to present day. I love seeing all the colored lights illuminate our family room.

  • Send Christmas Cards?

Yes!! We are big Christmas card people. We love to both give and receive them. I am currently working on putting together this yearā€™s card. I love having a creative outlet and Christmas cards are the perfect excuse to do something festive during the holidays. Also, living in such a technological world, itā€™s always nice to get actual mail.

  • Favorite Christmas Present Received?

When I was five years old, I got my doll house. Later, I found out how much time my dad spent building and working on it. To this day it was my favorite ChristmasĀ  gifts.

  • Favorite Christmas Gift Given?

My friends and I love anything monogrammed and this year I got them monogrammed pop sockets! They all loved them and it was something super personalized. I love gifts with meanings.

  • Stockings or No Stockings?

Stocking of course! And you better believe they were hung by the chimney with care!

  • Christmas PJā€™s?

Oh yes! Every year my brothers and I get all decked out with our Christmas PJā€™s and wear them all Christmas day.

  • Favorite Christmas Carol?

Not really a Christmas Carol but I love the song, ā€œDo They Know itā€™s Christmasā€, such a good song with a good message. Also I love all the renditions that have come out through the years!

  • Favorite Holiday Tradition?

Going around looking at Christmas lights as a family and reading ā€œTwas the Night Before Christmasā€ on Christmas Eve. Although we may have gotten older, the traditions always stay the same.

  • Early Shopper or Last Minute?

Typically, Iā€™m a last minute but this year I got a lot of it done early thanks to Amazon!!! Being away at college, I donā€™t have a lot of time to do shopping so shopping online has been so helpful this year.

  • Favorite Christmas Movie or Show?

Iā€™ve always loved the cartoon, ā€œA Year Without a Santa Clausā€, such a classic feel good movie. I am also a huge fan of “The Santa Clause” series. The one liners never get old.

  • Favorite Holiday Beverage?

Peppermint Hot Chocolate. My two favorite flavors mixed together! Nothing better than chocolate and mint.

-Cookies and Milk for Santa?

Of course! Would it be Christmas without it?!

Well, there you have it. My favorite things about Christmas. What do we have in common? What are you favorite holiday traditions? Let me know in the comments below! Happy Tuesday! xoxo