
Currently #23

Hi everyone! Happy Thanksgiving Eve! I hope you are getting ready for your Thanksgiving feasts! Whether you are heading to familyā€™s or doing all the cooking yourself, I hope you all have a happy Thanksgiving.

Iā€™m looking forward to being able to celebrate Thanksgiving with my family and having the day off! Granted, Iā€™ll be back in work the next day, but having a day off will be wonderful.

I always like to be as open with you all as possible, so this past month hasnā€™t been too exciting. A lot of work, family time, watching movies and pretty routine things, I didnā€™t even take many picturesā€¦blogger fail. Nonetheless, hereā€™s a look at whatā€™s currently going on. 

What Iā€™m up to:Ā Itā€™s been a productive and busy month at work, from starting the month with the election, we had our annual food drive at work, and just on Monday, I led another roundtable panel. Between work, Iā€™ve enjoyed time at home, watching movies, relaxing and planning Christmas gifts and goals.

A behind the scenes look of when I go live.

What Iā€™m wearing:Ā Glasses! Surprise, I had to revert to glasses for about a week and had to forgo eye makeup, it was definitely an adjustment to go for the more natural look especially at work, but it was good to change it up. Thank goodness I had bought some new, cute glasses too. In other news, I have been wearing long-sleeve dresses and even had to break out the turtleneck.Ā 

A look with glasses before work.

What Iā€™m reading:Ā Ā Iā€™ve been working my way through ā€œAll the Light We Cannot Seeā€, itā€™s a beautifully written book about World War II and childrenā€™s perspectives on it. Itā€™s taken me a while to work my way through it since itā€™s so heavy, but Iā€™ve really enjoyed it so far.

What Iā€™m Watching: Iā€™m still enjoying Community and watching that when Iā€™m need of a laugh. Iā€™ve also been watching a few movies, some new and some classics on Netflix and Amazon Prime too. 

What Iā€™m Loving:Ā Besides work, Iā€™ve been excited for the upcoming holidays, from Thanksgiving to Christmas. I canā€™t wait to see family for Thanksgiving and decorate for Christmas the day after Thanksgiving. Iā€™m also looking forward to celebrating all the Christmas traditions too.Ā 

I saw this when I was shopping and had to laugh.

What Inspires Me: Iā€™ve been inspired by all the Christmas dĆ©cor and gifts that Iā€™ve seen in the stores. Iā€™ve done some window shopping but havenā€™t started any major shopping. Thereā€™s something about seeing giftwrap and bows in the stores excited for Christmas and all the traditions.

Seeing this come out is getting me even more excited for Christmas!

What I accomplished:Ā Iā€™m feeling super accomplished after getting lots of work projects done. I have started some Christmas shopping and planning. It was great to start ordering some things too. I also got much needed rest.

My little buddy enjoying time on the couch.

Goals Accomplished from Last Month Iā€™m happy I got to enjoy some bursts of warm weather, like going for a walk and enjoying the changing leaves. 

Some of the leaves from my walk under my desk.

Goals for the New Month:  My plan is to get my holiday shopping done early, so I donā€™t have to worry about things coming in late and then Iā€™m looking forward to Christmas traditions and celebrating holidays with my family.

Thatā€™s a look at my life the past month, itā€™s not too exciting, a lot of work projects, and a mix of family time and relaxing. How are you spending Thanksgiving?

Fabulous living

What I’m Thankful For

Hey guysā€¦happy Wednesday! We are slowly but surely making our way through November. These past few weeks have been filled with work, catching up on reading, going on fall drives and cozing up with warm drinks and lots of baking…all my favorite things!

As we get closer and closer to Thanksgiving I want to take some time share what Iā€™m thankful for. I do this kind of post every year and while the list stays the same itā€™s always a good reminder and it puts things in perspective of whatā€™s important.

I could spend all day working on this list, from my loving family, supportive families, a great job, food on the table, my faith etc, but I wanted to highlight a few specific things Iā€™m thankful for this year. 

-Covid-19 vaccine.

After being in this pandemic for almost two years, I was so thankful I was able to get my vaccine as an extra layer of protection against the virus.

Such a milestone this year.

-Seeing friends

Thanks to vaccines, Iā€™ve been able to see more friends this year, from high school and college. Weekly coffee dates are back, traveling for day trips were a big hit this summer and being able to be in one of my best friendā€™s weddings this summer was the cherry on top.

Seeing friends in person has been huge!

-Growing in my job

Iā€™m so thankful I was able to learn and grow in my role at work. Iā€™ve seen a change in myself with how I tell stories and in my confidence. I am always looking for ways to grow and Iā€™m so lucky to have so many wonderful mentors and co-workers to help me grow and learn every day.

I’ve grown a lot in front of and behind the camera.

-My Health

It goes without saying but Iā€™m so thankful Iā€™ve been able to stay healthy amid the pandemic. In these trying times Iā€™m so grateful for my good health and for the good health of my loved ones too, from family to friends, co-workers and neighbors, these past few years have taught me whatā€™s important in life.Ā 

I’m so grateful for my health

-My Support System

From my incredible family to my friends, my co-workers and relatives, there have been so many times this year that Iā€™ve been reminded of how lucky I am. Whether itā€™s my family moving around dinner times to accommodate an early morning wake-up, my friends who listen to me when I need to talk or take me on an adventure when I need to clear my mind, or my co-workers who help me grow in my job. Not a day goes by when Iā€™m not thankful for all the incredible people in my life.

I wouldn’t be here without my family!

I do these kinds of posts every year to remind me how lucky I am and how grateful I am for all my blessings. I have so much to be thankful for in my life.

I hope you and your families have a wonderful Thanksgiving.


Currently #22

Hey guys! We are almost to my favorite time of year; all the holidaysā€¦from Halloween to Thanksgiving and rounding things off with Christmas! I love this time of year. I have been embracing the fall with all the leaves and the cooler temps. Hereā€™s a look into what Iā€™m currently into. 

What Iā€™m up to:  Iā€™ve been enjoying all the fall activities, Iā€™ve been trying to go on long walks every week. Whether itā€™s near or far, I love a good walk. To read about some of my favorite walks, check out my latest post. Iā€™ve also been spending lots of time with family. Iā€™m also slowly getting ready for the holidays by decorating for Halloween and fall! 

A rainy day and a nice walk was the perfect combination for a Friday

What Iā€™m wearing:Ā I hate to say it, but my wardrobe hasnā€™t been too exciting. Iā€™ve been wearing hoodies and sweaters and jeans on days off. For work days, Itā€™s been a mix of long sleeve dresses and pants with blazers too. Layers has been key when it feels like winter in the morning but summer by the afternoon.Ā 

Jacket in the morning…
Not needed by the afternoon…hello fall weather!
Long sleeves and straight hair for cooler mornings on the desk

What Iā€™m reading:Ā Reading every morning has been the best way to start my days. I really enjoyed The Silent Patient, it was the perfect mix of a mystery and a psychological thriller.

Here’s what I started my month with.

For romantic mystery, What if You and Me was a great pick. Thereā€™s also a spooky twist to it, which makes it perfect for Halloween.

Another cute one story with a cute twist

I just finished reading The Last Mona Lisa, it was one of the best books I read in a long time. I loved the historical mystery and the two different time period parallels.

One of the best books I’ve read in a long time.

Iā€™m currently reading, Nantucket Threads, which is a summer beach read, itā€™s definitely lighter compared to my past few reads.Ā 

What Iā€™m Watching: Besides my weekly shows like Greyā€™s Anatomy and A Million Little Things, Iā€™ve been watching Community, which is perfect to watch in the mornings when Iā€™m getting ready or at night if I want to watch something to unwind. The all-star cast makes it so fun to watch! Iā€™m also on the to watch season 3 of You on Netflix. Iā€™m hooked on it. 

What Iā€™m Loving: Iā€™ve been loving fall walks, seeing the leaves falling, doing lots of  reading and warm mornings and nights. I have been starting my mornings between the gym and work by lighting a candle and sipping some hot cider while I get ready for the day. I do some reading and meditating before I head out the door. Itā€™s the best way to start the day. 

Another fall walk in the books.

What Inspires Me: Iā€™ve been inspired by the slow and steady of daily life mind you, not every day is slow and calm, I have plenty of busy days but I savor the calm ones. Iā€™ve also been doing lots of baking to which satisfies a sweet tooth and it gives my family a sweet treat to enjoy.

A fall trail mix on a day off

What I accomplished:Ā Iā€™ve been getting things done on my fall bucket list, from walks to fall treats, cider, and cozy nights in. Iā€™ll be sharing my full bucket list recap in the coming weeks.Ā 

Fall pumpkins for some pretty decorations.

Goals Accomplished from Last Month Iā€™ve done a good job at slowing down. After a busy summer of travel, itā€™s been nice to have more lowkey days off. Last week, I spent the day reading, watching some shows, baking, meal prepping and running a few fun errands. It was the perfect mix of balance on a day off.  

First Time making s’mores cookies,

Goals for the New Month: Did someone say holidays?! I canā€™t wait to start getting ready for the holidays, between gift giving, seeing family, treats and decoratingā€¦.I canā€™t wait

Thatā€™s a look into the past month. What have you accomplished in the past few weeks?


Currently #11

Happy early Thanksgiving. I hope you are spending the holiday with you loved ones or at home and you are staying safe and healthy during these times! Even in the dark and uncertain times, itā€™s important to look around for all the good and blessings in our lives today. Letā€™s get to some updates about whatā€™s currently going on. 

What Iā€™m up to: I am in the full Christmas spirit, I donā€™t know if itā€™s the fact that itā€™s already snowing or the fact that we need some cheer this year, but I am ready for all things holidays. Although, I will be working tomorrow on the holidays, I am still very lucky that I will be able to be home with my family before and after work. Truly a special treat!

What Iā€™m wearing: Give me all the layers and warm clothes. Some days I opt for dresses and tights, other days itā€™s boots and pants. I know the winter will be here to stay and Iā€™m getting prepared for colder days ahead.  

What Iā€™m reading:Ā I am currently reading, One Day in December. Itā€™s perfect for the holidays and it is the perfect romantic comedy in a book. I also am listening to an audio book about healthy habits to change your life. Itā€™s great to listen to on walk or when Iā€™m driving. But, be on the lookout for a review coming soon about One Day in December.Ā 

What Iā€™m Watching:Ā Iā€™ve been on the bandwagon binging The Crown. I am loving seeing the differences between real life and the series. I also just got a new book about Royal fashion and I canā€™t wait to dive into it. I am still watching Schittā€™s Creek and loving it, itā€™s great for those days when you donā€™t have a whole lot of time to watch something but still need some downtime.Ā 

What Iā€™m Loving: I am in the Christmas and holiday spirit. Bring on the hot coco, candy canes, Christmas music and movie and all the traditions, even though this year will be different Iā€™m really looking forward to it and all the holiday fun!

What Inspires Me:  Iā€™m going to sound very clichĆ© but I am very in the holiday spirit that even heading into stores or seeing commercials makes me excited for the holidays! I love getting ideas about gifts and decorating! 

What I accomplished: Iā€™ve been really working on being present and more intentional. I was great at it in college especially towards the end but I want to make sure I am doing that when I am home and with family or friends or even work because I know these moments will be gone and itā€™s important to be present in them now. 

Goals Accomplished from Last Month This past month was busy, but I tried my best to keep up with family and friends, even just a text to let them know you are thinking of them is so important! I also have been on top of getting end of the year things done such as appointments or check-ins! Super important this time of year!

Goals for the New Month: My goal for the next month is to enjoy as much of the holiday season as I can. From holiday movies to all the Christmas music, seeing Christmas lights, making cookies, and getting in all the fun traditions that my family has done for years!

Thatā€™s just a little look into life today, lots of holiday cheer and good tidings! I hope you and your families have a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving!

Fabulous living

What I’m Thankful For #4

Every year I like to take time and reflect on the past year and the things Iā€™m thankful for. 

Hereā€™s a look back from yearā€™s past.




2020 has been quite the year and there are so many things to be thankful for. 

First and foremost is my health, Iā€™m so lucky and blessed to have good health this past year. 

Iā€™m also super blessed for my family. This past year, I have been able to move home and get lots of extra family time, living at home during the pandemic also helped a lot too. I got bonus time I missed out on in college and time that I wonā€™t always have when I move out on my own. Iā€™m so lucky my family was healthy this past year. 

Throwback of my family together

My pets. A few weeks back, we lost one of our dogs, Hershey Kiss. It was very sudden and sad to see one of our dogs who has been with us for years pass away, with that being said, Iā€™m so grateful for my other two dogs and the love they bring. 

My sweet Hershey Kiss

My friends. This year was definitely challenging since so many plans and activities were cancelled and I missed out on a lot of time with friends. I was able to spend time with friends socially distant and FaceTime and texted helped immensely. This past year also showed me the importance of maintaining friendships and itā€™s all about putting in effort. 

My friend Danielle and I
My friends Maddie and Ryan and I

My Job. I am very blessed to have a job that I got to work at through the pandemic. I also have grown and learned a lot during this past. Iā€™m very grateful for co-workers that have turned into mentors and friends and even almost like family. 

My first time working Election night

Iā€™m grateful for the tough days, the ones that I feel like Iā€™m drowning or not doing anything right, because those are the days that I learn the most about myself. 

Iā€™m grateful for the basic needs that I take for granted. Iā€™m thankful for a home with a loving family, food on the table, a car to get to work in. All things that Iā€™m lucky to have that others donā€™t have.

Iā€™m thankful for my faith, on the good and bad days, I know God is always there for me and he will lead me on the path he has for me. 

Iā€™m grateful for all the little moments and mundane things, from drives to work, walks, laughs, movie nights, baking, family dinners, good night sleeps, going to the gym and so many other little momenta that turn out to be the big ones.

Thatā€™s just a peak into my heart this Thanksgiving. What are you thankful for this year?


Look of the Day #131


Hey everyone! 

I donā€™t know about you but I am ready for the holidays. It was so nice to be home for Thanksgiving and to relax and unwind with family, it was a busy but relaxing break. Now I have less than a week until I wrap up classes, finals, and then itā€™s graduation time. I canā€™t believe how fast this semester has gone. Truly, I have learned a lot both in and out of the classroom as well as about myself. 

One of my favorite things to do when I am home is get in some retail therapy, whether itsā€™s clothes for work, school, or an occasion, I love seeing whatā€™s new in the stores. I was home a few weeks back and was doing some browsing. I am always on the hunt for new work dresses. Old Navy was having a sale and I knew I had to stop in. Iā€™m so glad I did, because I snagged this dress and it is going to be a must wear in my wardrobe especially for work  in the winter months. 

I wore this outfit for Thanksgiving and I loved how effortless it is, but it still looks put together.

The cut and style of the dress is a favorite of mine. The A-line gives the dress a flattering look. It is professional but also dressy. You can wear this dress to work or to a holiday gathering or office party. This dress is timeless especially with the black and white detailing. 

Due to the chiller weather, I opted for a short black sweater, also from Old Navy. This dress was originally short sleeve so I needed any extra layer and I was happy I chose it. I also made the decision for black tights and a short black heel. These heels are practical and still fashionable with the buckle. Not only are the cute, but also comfortable since they are from Kelly and Katie, I know I can depend on them. 

This will be a go-to outfit in my closet for the winter months. What are some essential outfits in your closet during the winter months?! 

Fabulous living

What I’m Thankful For #3

Hi everyone! Happy Tuesday!

Wow, what a weekend. I went into the city on Friday night which was so much fun! I will have a full recap of a tradition that I have carried out the last several years next Tuesday to kick off the month of December. Also, just a little blog update, there will be no look of the day on Thursday, itā€™s Thanksgiving and I am going to be spending the day with family and disconnecting for the day.

In honor of the Thanksgiving holiday and as part of my college series Iā€™m going to do a bit of a reflection post for everything that I am thankful for this last semester of college. I have done this for the past few years. Hereā€™s mine from my first year and hereā€™s mine from last year. I always think itā€™s important to reflect on all the blessings that I have in my life especially as I begin a new chapter soon. Letā€™s begin:

My incredible and supportive family.

I donā€™t know where I would be without my family. They are my biggest supporters. I know I can count on them for advice, laughs, love, and through the good times and bad. Some of my favorite memories are made at home with my parents, brothers, and dogs. 

Love my boys

-My consistent friends who are always there when I need them

I am so lucky I have great friends both at home and at school. The biggest thing that I have learned this past semester is that itā€™s never to late to make friends. Always be open to meeting new people because you never know if they will become one of your closest friends. Iā€™m so thankful to have good friends that support me, take me as I am, and I can be myself with. I am also thankful to have them to push me out of my comfort zone, want to try new things with, and always just have a good conversation with. Iā€™m so grateful for all the friends that I have made in college and for the ones who have become like family to me. 

High school bestie
College bestie

-My unwavering faith

I wouldnā€™t be here or be able to do half the things if it werenā€™t for my faith. When I am struggling, I always turn to God for his guidance. One of the biggest things I have learned this past year is that God has a plan for everything even if it doesnā€™t always make sense in the moment and when you finally surrender yourself to him and let him do his work, then thatā€™s when the big things start to happen. I make time every day for my faith and it is so important that I make it a priority for me. I can truly do all things through God.

-Good Health

I couldnā€™t be more thankful for good health not only for me but also my family and friends. In a world with so much sickness and suffering I am happy I am healthy and I can do everything I want. I hope this next year brings more research to so many harmful illnesses. 

Good Education

This is my last year in school and learning, in fact I only have so many classes left. It is so crazy to think in a few weeks, for the first time in my life I wonā€™t be a student any more. I canā€™t believe it. Although, college can be stressful and challenging especially at this time of year, I am so lucky to be able to go to such a good school that is a perfect fit for me. I have truly come into my own at school. I have gotten involved with my academics and found wonderful mentors in my professors and faculty. Most importantly, I have learned so much out of the classroom too.  

Early morning at school

Good Job

I am so thankful that I have a good job at school. Although, it is stressful, I have learned so much not only about others but also myself. I can easily say that this has been of the best things that has happened to me in college. I have become more confident in this role and I have made some of my best friends through this job. I have learned so much and I will take everything what I learned and use it through my life. I am going to be deeply sad when I leave this job and friends behind. 

Last year on staff

 –My School

College has been on crazy ride. But I am so grateful for it all. I have made lifelong friends, gotten so involved, taken on leadership roles, joined Honor Societies and made countless memories. I learned so much about myself and the person I want to be. It wasnā€™t always easy but Iā€™m so happy where I am today. I have a long post about my college experience coming soon so be on the look out for that. 

This Blog

I am also super thankful for all of you who read my blog every week. This has been a passion project that I started during my freshmen year of college when I was looking for something different to do with my free time who would have thought I would still be writing today.  I love sharing parts of my life with you and I am so thankful you are all on this journey with me. This has been such a creative outlet for me through college and I love being able to have this community with all of you.

This last semester and year has been filled with so many blessings, lessons, love, and memories. I have grown so much this year and I am so happy of the person I have become and the person I will be when I graduate in a few weeks. I hope you have a wonderful holiday week celebrating with your family. Be thankful for the time spent with family and friends, itā€™s truly a special time to be with loved ones.


Look of the Day #130


Hey everyone! Happy Thursday. I canā€™t believe that we are one week from Thanksgiving. I am so excited for all the food, family, and being home. Plus, I always think itā€™s important to take the time to be grateful for everything we have. No matter how tough the time get, there is always something to be thankful for. 

This outfit reminds me of fall. This is perfect for relaxing around the house, getting some black Friday shopping in or visiting family around the holidays. 

The off-white/cream and the cranberry colored pants go hand and hand together. They are the perfect blend. Okay, enough food analogies, clearly I am ready for Thanksgiving. Haha!

I got these burgundy pants from American Eagle, they look like pants, but they stretch and feel like leggings, they are the perfect mix. I love the color since it is so bold and colorful. Since the pants were loud, I decided for a muted top. I got this sweater from Polo Ralph Lauren. I sometimes layer this sweater with a polo underneath, but other times, I just wear it solo. I love how this outfit looks together. I lastly, finished off my outfit with my high black boots, I got these boots from Marshalls. They tie my outfit together and they are a neutral color too. 

This is such a fun and laid back outfit and perfect for the fall and Thanksgiving season. Have a fun weekend and enjoy the holiday season. 

Fabulous living

Three Favorite Things

Hey guys!

Happy Tuesday. I found this fun quiz/ survey from Mix and Match Mamaā€™s Blog. I love learning things about other people, especially fun or unique facts and I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to do one for myself. I borrowed some from Shayā€™s blog and made up a few on my own. Letā€™s get to my three favorite things!

MOVIES (This one is soooo hard-but current favorites)

A Star is Born

Such a good movie

Life Itself

Again, another life changing movie

Love Actually

One of my favorite movies of all time especially around Christmas time.


                                     Year of Yes 

Another life changing book

                                     Grace not Perfection

Grace Not Perfection- an inspiring book for all

                                     Pride and Prejudice 

A romance that never gets old

                                     TV SHOWS (OF ALL TIME)


One of my favorite shows of all time

                                      Grey’s Anatomy 

Old photo but I can’t get enough of this show

                                     This is Us

Another fantastic show

                                     RESTAURANTS (FAST FOOD-ISH)



                                     Chick-Fil -A

                                     PLACES Iā€™VE VISITED

                                     Rome, Italy

                                     Hershey, PA

Getting away for a bit at my favorite place-Hershey, PA

                                     New York City, NY

One of my last visits from NYC, can’t wait to go back soon

                                     PLACES I WANT TO VISIT

                                     Paris, France

                                     London, England

                                     Dublin, Ireland

                                     FAVORITE HOLIDAYS


Christmas morning spent well, the tree all lit, a warm cup of hot chocolate and time spent with family


Forever thankful for family on Thanksgiving

                                     Fourth of July

Rocking my Red, White, and Blue for the 4th

                                     THREE THINGS I ALWAYS HAVE IN MY PURSE

A closer look at what’s in my purse


                                     Phone Charger


                                     FAVORITE DESSERTS

My favorite fall dessert made by my mom

                                     Warm, homemade chocolate chip cookies

                                     Chocolate cake

                                     Apple Crisp

                                     FAVORITE WAYS TO MAKE TIME FOR MYSELF


I always like to read after a long day

                                     Do my Nails

Nothing makes me feel better than a fresh coat of polish

                                     Watch a movie/latest tv show Iā€™m binge watching

Such a good mini series that I just finished watching

Well there you have it, some of my three favorite things. If you guys liked it, let me know and I will do it again, this was so much fun and it really made me think about my favorite things. Pick a few things and add your responses to the comments below! Have a great start to your week!


Look of the Day #83


Hello All!

How has your week been? Full? Stressful? Busy? Same here. I can’t wait to share this outfit for today. This outfit is perfect for traveling to see loved ones. Not only is it comfortable but it is also fashionable. Letā€™s start breaking down this outfit.

Casual and comfortable

I love this shirt. I got it from Marley Lilly last year. I love the tunic feel and the fabric is so comfortable. Plus, I love anything monogrammed so my initials in the corner is the perfect addition. Another great thing about this top is that its big enough that it covers your booty if you are wearing leggings like I am wearing in this picture.

Since I wore such a dark top, I wanted to break up the bottoms. I decided to wear these leopard print leggings with this top. I got these leggings from Old Navy, I had had them for a few years and they are still in great shape. The dark colors complement each other but it is not super overwhelming.

I wore a gray pair of boot socks to bring out the gray in the leggings. I also got these boot socks from Old Navy as well. You can wear these boot socks with leggings, a dress, or skirt.

My favorite fall boots

My boots are my favorite part of my ensemble. I got these boots last year at the end of the season on sale at DSW. I always  try to get new things at the end of season sales. I had the same boots for about four years, so I knew it was time for an upgrade. I love the heel on these boots, you can really dress up an outfit with these boots. I have worn them with leggings, dresses, and jeans. Besides, how good they look, they are also super comfortable. I was on my feet for 10 hours in these boots and my feet were fine by the end of the day. Thatā€™s a major win for my book.

Thatā€™s a peak into my closet this week. I have a fun weekend planned ahead that I canā€™t wait to share with you all next week. I hope you all have a relaxing weekend.