Fabulous living

What I’m Thankful For #3

Hi everyone! Happy Tuesday!

Wow, what a weekend. I went into the city on Friday night which was so much fun! I will have a full recap of a tradition that I have carried out the last several years next Tuesday to kick off the month of December. Also, just a little blog update, there will be no look of the day on Thursday, it’s Thanksgiving and I am going to be spending the day with family and disconnecting for the day.

In honor of the Thanksgiving holiday and as part of my college series I’m going to do a bit of a reflection post for everything that I am thankful for this last semester of college. I have done this for the past few years. Here’s mine from my first year and here’s mine from last year. I always think it’s important to reflect on all the blessings that I have in my life especially as I begin a new chapter soon. Let’s begin:

My incredible and supportive family.

I don’t know where I would be without my family. They are my biggest supporters. I know I can count on them for advice, laughs, love, and through the good times and bad. Some of my favorite memories are made at home with my parents, brothers, and dogs. 

Love my boys

-My consistent friends who are always there when I need them

I am so lucky I have great friends both at home and at school. The biggest thing that I have learned this past semester is that it’s never to late to make friends. Always be open to meeting new people because you never know if they will become one of your closest friends. I’m so thankful to have good friends that support me, take me as I am, and I can be myself with. I am also thankful to have them to push me out of my comfort zone, want to try new things with, and always just have a good conversation with. I’m so grateful for all the friends that I have made in college and for the ones who have become like family to me. 

High school bestie
College bestie

-My unwavering faith

I wouldn’t be here or be able to do half the things if it weren’t for my faith. When I am struggling, I always turn to God for his guidance. One of the biggest things I have learned this past year is that God has a plan for everything even if it doesn’t always make sense in the moment and when you finally surrender yourself to him and let him do his work, then that’s when the big things start to happen. I make time every day for my faith and it is so important that I make it a priority for me. I can truly do all things through God.

-Good Health

I couldn’t be more thankful for good health not only for me but also my family and friends. In a world with so much sickness and suffering I am happy I am healthy and I can do everything I want. I hope this next year brings more research to so many harmful illnesses. 

Good Education

This is my last year in school and learning, in fact I only have so many classes left. It is so crazy to think in a few weeks, for the first time in my life I won’t be a student any more. I can’t believe it. Although, college can be stressful and challenging especially at this time of year, I am so lucky to be able to go to such a good school that is a perfect fit for me. I have truly come into my own at school. I have gotten involved with my academics and found wonderful mentors in my professors and faculty. Most importantly, I have learned so much out of the classroom too.  

Early morning at school

Good Job

I am so thankful that I have a good job at school. Although, it is stressful, I have learned so much not only about others but also myself. I can easily say that this has been of the best things that has happened to me in college. I have become more confident in this role and I have made some of my best friends through this job. I have learned so much and I will take everything what I learned and use it through my life. I am going to be deeply sad when I leave this job and friends behind. 

Last year on staff

 –My School

College has been on crazy ride. But I am so grateful for it all. I have made lifelong friends, gotten so involved, taken on leadership roles, joined Honor Societies and made countless memories. I learned so much about myself and the person I want to be. It wasn’t always easy but I’m so happy where I am today. I have a long post about my college experience coming soon so be on the look out for that. 

This Blog

I am also super thankful for all of you who read my blog every week. This has been a passion project that I started during my freshmen year of college when I was looking for something different to do with my free time who would have thought I would still be writing today.  I love sharing parts of my life with you and I am so thankful you are all on this journey with me. This has been such a creative outlet for me through college and I love being able to have this community with all of you.

This last semester and year has been filled with so many blessings, lessons, love, and memories. I have grown so much this year and I am so happy of the person I have become and the person I will be when I graduate in a few weeks. I hope you have a wonderful holiday week celebrating with your family. Be thankful for the time spent with family and friends, it’s truly a special time to be with loved ones.

Fabulous living

Things I’m Thankful For

With Thanksgiving, this coming week, I’m taking some time to remember what I am thankful for. We all get busy and caught up that we forget what’s truly important. So, here it goes, the things I’m thankful for.

  • My loving family. Both immediate and extended. Always there when I need them most. From texts to care packages. My family knows me best and I couldn’t be more thankful for have them in my life especially this past year.

Family over everything

  •  My supportive friends. The older I have gotten the smaller my circle of friends has gotten. I am beyond thankful to have such good friends who have always been there. My friends from high school are always there to remind me where I have come from. Who else would I text about our favorite TV shows with?!  My friends from college remind me where I’m going. I know I have people in my life to sing Beyonce with, spill tea with, dance and eat the night away at a Semi Formal dances, and have real life talks with.

My favorite chick in college, Shay

Two words. Squad Goals. Spending time with these two is never boring. High school friends last a lifetime.

My first friend in college, Danielle and I have been through it all

  • My dogs. As cliche as it sounds, one of my favorite places to be is at home, on my couch cuddling with my pups. Just being with my dogs relaxes me. Plus, how can you say no to this face?!

One of my favorite parts about coming home.

  • Good Health. I’m thankful I can happy and healthy along with my family. Health is so important especially for all the sickness in our world. I’m thankful I can wake up every morning healthy.
  • My job. I took on a new job this year and although there have been some challenging days, I have great coworkers who I have grown close with over the past few months. I have learned so much about myself through this job and I can’t wait to see where else it takes me.

    New year, new opportunities
  • The country I live in. I thankful for living in a free country. I am so lucky to live in such a wonderful country.

    Land of the Free and Home of the Brave
  • I am thankful for the things that bring me joy. I have interests, hobbies, and activities that make me love life.  I am thankful for all the opportunities that fulfill me.
  • I am thankful for going to a school that I have grown in many ways. I have learned so much in and out of the classroom. I have be given so many opportunities and I could not a picked a better school to attend.
  • My faith. I am so thankful to have a deep rooted faith. When times get tough, I always know God is there. I am thankful for the friends I have made through my faith.
  • I am thankful for people to look up to, whether they are family members, people in the industry I hope to work in one day, authors,bloggers, actors, and anyone else that inspires me. I am thankful to have inspirations in my life.

There are so many things I am thankful for, but these are just a few. I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving spent with loved ones. I will be taking Thursday off, but will be back on Tuesday! What are you thankful for this year?