Fun Ways to Organize Let's Get Cooking

Meal Prepping and Planning

Happy Wednesday all!

It’s the first week of April, every day I feel like we are closer and closer to the consistent warmer weather. I can’t wait for sunshine, clear roads and blue skies.

The morning sunshine gives me hope.

Today we are talking about one of my favorite topics…planning and more specifically meal planning!

I’ve done posts in the past about outfit planning and getting your planner organized, you could say planning is one of my passions. My latest planning area is with meal prepping.

I pack my lunch every day for work. I packed my lunch all through grade school and high school and in college I ate lunch in the cafeteria, you could say I’m not big into spending money on lunch. When it comes to eating when I’m at work, it made the most sense to pack my lunch. Every day is different and I never know where I will end up, so always having my lunch with me works best. I always try to eat healthy and balance meals when I can.

If you pack your lunch like me, I have a few ideas for different meals that are affordable and healthy and keeps lunch time interesting.

I always like to eat a variety of things for lunch to keep it fresh and exciting.

In my lunch box, I typically have something substantial (my main meal), a fruit or veggie, something sweet and sometimes something salty. I don’t always eat all this stuff every day, but I try to have a variety available. For example, I may have pasta and veggies, pretzels, and trail mix. Some days, I may eat it all, other days, I may just eat pasta and veggies. I like that these meals are balanced and will satisfy me.

 I keep things for my lunches or snacks organized in a bin in my pantry. I like to keep back stock for different dry snacks. Right now, I have peanut butter crackers, pretzels, trail mix and goldfish all divided up. I shop when needed, but I typically buy things for meals once a week and then grab things for dry snacks as needed. This also gives me choices of things to put in my lunch.

A look at my snack bin. I divide up the pretzels or trail mix into like reusable containers for portion control.

When it comes to fruits and veggies sometimes I will buy bulk and separate them into reusable containers (one of my New Year’s resolutions was to use more reusable products and I’m so happy that I’ve been using less wasteful products). I will cut up carrots, peppers, celery or broccoli and store them and bring them in to eat. As for fruit, I will enjoy clementines, grapes, apples or even a banana.

For more substantial meals, I like to enjoy salads, either pre-made from the store or I will make a big one at the start of the week and I will bring dressing to add each day.

I also enjoy making baked chicken with seasoning (everything but the bagel seasoning from Trader Joe’s is my favorite.) I just add that with some salt and pepper and bake the chicken and then refrigerate it and divide it up as needed. I also often make frozen veggies to add on the side.

A look at meal prepping of chicken and veggies and then chicken salad. I will cook them and put it all in one serving container and then I have a smaller one that I will use to bring into work.

Pasta and veggies is another go-to for me. I will boil a large pot of pasta and then add some butter and garlic and then make frozen veggies (often mix, but sometimes I’ll just choose a specific vegetable.)

Sticking with the veggie theme-Making rice with vegetable is always a tasty win too! I will boil brown rice and stir fry vegetables and add some soy sauce and then seasonings to add flavor. Sometimes, I will add chicken or shrimp, but other times, I just will go with the vegetables. 

A look at a veggie stir fry for this week.
The whole meal goes into one large container and then I divide it up into a smaller container.

As far as other alternatives, I often will enjoy a chicken salad, tuna salad, or egg salad and enjoy that with cracker or pita.

A look at my tuna salad in a large container and then separated out for each day.

In the winter, soup is always an easy go-to for me, especially with getting easy to go soup containers.

I typically will make all my meals during the weekend and then add snacks each day. I always get my meals organized the night before work so I can just grab and go in the morning.

An example of my lunch for a day. Tuna salad, crackers, trail mix, an orange, ad some peanut butter crackers.

I always like to break up what I eat and what I pack for meals. I find that having a variety of tastes and things in my lunch helps keep things fun and tasty. 

For those of you who pack your lunch, what are your go-to lunches? I’m always open to suggestions.