A happy Friday to you! I hope you are having a great week as we make our way through July! I am looking forward to a busier weekend between seeing some friends, a big picnic and hopefully some time outside. Let’s just hope the weather cooperates. Fingers crossed! It’s been a busy week, so I am looking forward to the weekend.
Everything is in full bloom and I am one happy gal!
It’s Friday which means it’s time for another Friday Favorites as I share some highlights from the past week with you as I link up with Erika and Andrea.
This is a mixed bag of food, sunshine and products! Let’s dive right in!
Family Walks– Family walks have been a favorite for myself and my family over the past few weeks. We have been trying to take advantage of the warm weather and walking at different parks and trails throughout the area. Whether it’s a long walk in the woods or a short walk on pavement, it’s been a fun way to get in some exercise, spend time together and get outdoors. It’s also been fun to explore the area and different parks too.
One of the spots we have walked
Happy Place Series Announced– Emily Henry is one of my favorite authors. I have read all her books and one of my favorites is Happy Place. It was released last summer and it was announced a few weeks ago that there’s talks about making it into a series through Netflix with Jennifer Lopez at the helm. You can find the article here. I’m really excited to learn more about the project. Although only a few details have been released, I’m itching to see how it compares to the book. I have mixed feelings about making books into tv series or movies, but this one I’m very excited about!
Such a fun, summer read!
Brunch with Babs Cookbook– I am really proud by keeping up with my new year’s goal of trying to cook one new meal a week. I get ideas from Pinterest, Cookbooks and blogs. I have really been having success with Celebrate with Babs cookbook. It’s from the online account, Brunch with Babs, which is all about lifestyle and homemaking hacks.
Here are some of the recipes I have tried and had success with.
Apricot ham and broccoli salad
Strawberry Salad with Grilled Chicken
New Car Scent– I did a recent car cleaning and decided it was time for a new car scent. I try to swap out scents every six to eight weeks. Since we are in full on summer mode here, I decided Tiki Beach was the perfect summer scent. It’s not too overwhelming or overpowering, but it does leave your car smelling fresher and like a pina colada. Yum! Thank you, Bath and Body Works!
Cocoa Oatmeal Treats– Another food related item for you this week. I am a big lover of Hershey’s and saw this recipe on their website for their cocoa oatmeal treats. They are super easy to make and would be perfect for a summer picnic. They are no-bake cookies and only contain a few ingredients like oats, milk, sugar, cocoa powder, and peanut butter. I thoroughly enjoyed them for a “healthier” treat.
That’s a quick roundup of what I am loving this week. Some snacks, new releases, and products. How has your July been treating you? Any fun plans? Let me know if the comments below!
I hope you have had a great week so far. It’s crazy to think we are at the end of February, with one more day to go as it’s a Leap Year!
This month went by much faster than January, there were more things on the calendar, more time with friends, and much better weather-all good things in my book. Although I know we are not out of the woods yet with winter, knowing we are closer to the end than the beginning is a huge win! There’s more daylight, the days are getting longer, and the temperatures are slowly but surely rising. Spring, I can hear you knocking on my door.
As we get ready for a new month and season, I’m sharing some of the highlights from the past month for this month’s edition of Currently.
What I’ve Been Up To: The month started with some really warm days. Temperatures hit the 50’s and we had lots of sunshine. I didn’t realize how much I missed the sun until we got it back for a few days. I made it a point to get outside for lots of fresh air. I always like to take advantage of the warm weather and stay active. One of my favorite ways to enjoy both is by taking long walks with my dogs and making phone calls. I love getting my steps in and catching up with friends or family on the phone.
We love a good coffee shop date!
I also have enjoyed time with family and cozing up on the winter days by watching movies or reading. Give me a blanket, light me a candle, and some form of entertainment and I am one happy gal!
Cozy afternoons on the couch
What I’m Wearing: This hasn’t been too much of an exciting month when it comes to clothes. I tried my best to wear my reds and pinks in honor of Valentine’s Day. I also got a lot of wear out of one of my favorite red coats from Old Navy. I love that you can dress up or down in an outfit with this coat. I have worn it out to dinners and work and with leggings and boots.
A look at an outfit for a night out.
What I’m Reading: This was such a good reading month for me. I read a variety of books and genres.
Lost and Found in Paris– Lost and Found in Paris is about a young woman who travels to Paris for work after a major shift in her relationship. She’s hoping to find herself and deliver a piece of artwork to a client. When the artwork goes missing, she’s forced to go on a bit of a treasure hunt around Paris with someone she meets in the city of lights. Through the course of the book, she learns more about herself than she was ever anticipating. I loved this book and it’s in the running for a top book of the year.
Love and Olives– This is the third book in the “Love” trilogy. Jenna Evans Welch wrote two other books, one that takes place in Italy and another in Greece. This book, Love and Olives follows a girl in high school who travels to Greece to work on her relationship with her dad and help him with a big project. While she’s visiting, she learns more about her father and why he left her for Greece. I loved the setting and the characters. After reading it, I want to book a trip to Greece.
The Unexpected Joy of the Ordinary– This book was more psychologically heavy. The Unexpected Joy of the Ordinary is all about finding the joy in everyday happenings. I was interested in the concept but sometimes got lost in the science behind it. I liked how the author brought in her own experiences to make it relatable but found some of her examples and stories to be a bit sad and dark. I learned a handful of things from the book, but it wasn’t my favorite.
The Little Italian Hotel-“The Little Italian Hotel” follows a talk show host who ends up taking her anniversary trip alone. Rather than go with her husband, she invites four strangers to accompany her. The five people bond over heartbreak and become friends as they create memories during their three-week trip abroad. I listened to the book as an audiobook in the car, while I was jogging, and while I was cleaning and doing things around the house. I like the narrator’s voice and she had me hooked the entire time.
Thicker than Water– “Thicker than Water” is by actress, Kerry Washington. She talked about her upbringing, getting into acting, and secrets about her childhood that she learned as an adult. Washington focused more on how she got to where she is today than her career in TV and film. I appreciated her candor in tackling different challenges as she grew up.
What I’m Watching: I did my best to watch some of the movies and series up for awards this season. I also made some headway in my watchlist on Netflix and Amazon Prime including some older rom-coms. I have been enjoying watching or rewatching them the past few weeks. I did however start a new mini-series which has brought me great joy!
Sanditon– PBS mini-series follows a young woman who goes to live with a family who has plans to build up a town by the water. There’s romance, drama, dealing with the class system, and of course, a beautiful backdrop where it all takes place. If you enjoy old British shows or movies, give it a try! There are three seasons, and each season has six to eight episodes. This has been holding me over until Bridgerton is back in the spring.
What Inspires Me: I have been keeping up with my cooking in the kitchen which has brought me lots of joy. I love researching to find a recipe for a meal and then I love taking the time to prepare it, but my favorite part is seeing people’s reactions to trying it. Some of my recipes have been wins, others have flopped, but that’s all a part of the process. I aim to try one new recipe a week if my schedule allows. I also have been using my air fryer more and have tried different recipes, thanks to Pinterest. Here are some of the recipes I have made.
Air Fryer Blackened Chicken Caesar Salad
Air Fryer Chicken Caprese
Stir Fry
Brownie Truffles
Baked Chicken Fajitas
Air Fryer Potatoes
A Veggies and Rice Stir fry
Baked Chicken Nachos
What I Accomplished: This month started with the Super Bowl and a fun spread I put together for my family. We are Steelers fans, so we didn’t have a team in the game, but it was fun to watch, especially the ending in overtime! I enjoyed the commercials and half-time show and of course, all the snacks!
Just a few days later, we celebrated Valentine’s Day. I put together little treat bags for my gals who live by me and sent some cards to my friends who live out of town. I love doing little things to shower my people with love. I also made my some heart-shaped cookies for my family, which were a hit too.
Valentine’s Day cookies are always a must!
Valentine’s Day also fell on Ash Wednesday, so I started Lent with a new devotional that I got from my church that I will work my way through for the next several weeks.
Sweet Valentine’s gifts
Celebrating Valentine’s Day with some fondue
Goals from Last Month: I was happy that I got to celebrate my gals for Galentine’s Day by catching up with them in person for coffee, a meal, or a shopping trip, or via Facetime or call. The older I get, the more I want to make sure I continue to make time for my friends no matter the distance. I also enjoyed celebrating Valentine’s Day and making the most out of the winter months.
Sweet treats with friends
Goals from this Month: I am hoping this next month brings an increase in temperatures, more time outside, and more time doing what I love. I’m in a season of gratitude and being present in the moment and I’m working on not stressing about things out of my control. I hope I can continue with that mission in the coming weeks. I am also looking forward to some bonus family time with my brothers being home from school for Spring Break. I am also looking forward to a show at the end of the month. Spring is coming, I can feel it.
Fresh cookies to round out the month
That’s a look into life lately.
Tell me: as we gear up for a new season, what are you looking forward to the most? Let me know in the comments below! Enjoy your bonus day of February! See you back here on Friday!
A happy Friday to you all! I hope you had a wonderful first full week of February! We are just under a week away from Valentine’s Day, are you planning on celebrating this weekend or waiting until the day of? I’m planning on doing a little bit of both. As we await the weekend, I’m sharing from favorite things from this past week as I like up with Erika and Andrea.
I have some snacks, shows, books and fascinating reads. Let’s dive right in!
Lost and Found in Paris- I picked up this book after seeing it pop up on a few blogs late last year and was expecting a chick-flick/rom-com-esque story and I got so much more than that. Lost and Found in Paris is about a young woman who travels to Paris for work after a major shift in her relationship. She’s hoping to find herself and deliver a piece of artwork to a client. When the artwork goes missing, she’s forced to go on a bit of a treasure hunt around Paris with someone she meets in the city of lights. Through the course of the book, she learns more about herself than she was every anticipating. I loved this book and it’s in the running for a top book of the year.
My Life with the Walter Boys– This mini-series came on Netflix at the end of 2023, and I had it on my watchlist for a while before I finally got to dive in. Once I started, I finished it in a week and really enjoyed getting to know the characters and the story. It’s all about a young girl who moves in with a large family filled with boys, all of whom she’s never met. She’s forced to navigate high school, new friendships, a budding relationship and some drama along the way. It has some high school drama vibes (very PG-13), but a cute show to get lost in over the winter months.
Such a cute min-series
Reese’s Dipped Animal Crackers-If you like a perfect mix of chocolate, peanut butter and crunch, this may be the snack for you. I have seen these on the shelves for weeks if not months and finally decided to give them a try and really enjoyed them. I have a huge, sweet tooth and chocolate and peanut butter is one of my favorite combinations. I loved the sweetness and saltiness these snacks provide. I will definitely be getting them again, plus how can you resist anything from Hershey’s?!
Roasted Chickpeas-From indulging to healthy choices. I also saw these on the shelves at the grocery store and was intrigued. I love Everything Bagel seasoning from Trader Joe’s (even though we don’t have one near us, whenever I am near one, I always get their seasoning.) These roasted chickpeas are the perfect snack to munch on if you are looking for something healthy that cures a salty fix too. I have just been enjoying them on their own, but I think they would taste great in a salad too.
Hard Seasons and Wild Hearts– I have always been a fan of Brene Brown and her books and Ted Talks. She’s been pretty quiet over the last few months, and she came out with a long essay last week talking about what she’s been up to and where she plans to go from here. In this essay she discusses the challenges and hurdles she’s overcome and how she’s still healing, recovering, and learning from them. Not only did I appreciate the update, but I also found the advice about overcoming the tough seasons in life and how to move past them to be relatable too. Definitely worth the read.
That’s a brief glimpse into life nowadays and things that have been bringing unexpected moments of joy! This weekend, I challenge you to find the pockets of joy every day! Happy Friday!
Happy Friday! I hope you had a great week as we countdown to Thanksgiving and the holidays. This week was a bit busier with some work events and projects, but we made it to the weekend! The weather has been cooler, so I have been spending more time indoors hence a lot of my favorites this week!
A perfect fall day!
Today is a mix bag of Friday Favorites as I link up with Erika and Andrea .
Here’s been some things I have been loving this week.
M&M Mixed Bag– I know Halloween is over, but I am still enjoying candy. I love M&M’s and all the different flavors and types. When I saw this mixed bag at the store I had to try it. Regular M&M’s, Peanut M&M’s and Peanut Butter M&M’s in one bag? Sign me up. I love how you can get a different flavor every time. I used some of them in some protein balls I made recently, and they really added to the flavoring. These would be a perfect pairing with popcorn or in a trail mix if you like that extra crunch and sweet and salty taste.
A sweet hit!
All the Light We Cannot See– The miniseries, All The Light We Cannot See based on the book by Anthony Doer came out last week and I watched it over the course over the weekend and really enjoyed it. I read the book last year and although it was a heavier topic, I found myself hooked from the beginning. I was curious to see how the miniseries would be compared to the book. There were definitely some differences between the two. I enjoyed the book on its own and the miniseries on its own, but with any adaption of a book to the screen there were times when I was hoping for one thing and got something different. This article does a great job at comparing the two. However, I enjoyed the miniseries and glad I watched it.
A great mini series!
Pumpkin Black Bean Soup– I can’t remember where I saw this recipe for Pumpkin Black Bean soup, and I couldn’t wait to try it. We made it around Halloween. This was a delicious recipe that had a great mix of spice and savory. I know I will be making it again, especially in the fall. Plus, it’s very healthy too. I love how thick and creamy it was too! It was the perfect harvest soup!
Santa Clause Series Returns– I’m not in the Christmas mode yet, but I am excited to get into the spirit with season two of the Santa Clause Series on Disney Plus. I really enjoy the classic, original movies with Tim Allen and was excited to see how the series would go. I thought season one was good and a good way to get into the holiday season. I was excited to hear that the show got renewed for season two. I’m looking forward to seeing what this season brings. Plus, this will be a great way to get into the holiday spirit ahead of the season.
The Murdaugh Murders Season 2– I know I am late to the party on this one, but I finally got around to watching season two of the Murdaugh Murders season two. I watched season one when it came out and was hooked and when season two came out, I knew I had to watch. It may have taken me a little while to watch it, but once I did, I finished it in two nights. I had followed the trial this past year and was interested to see what things I could learn from the documentary series. I found the behind the scenes look so interesting. If you love a true crime that’s still happening, you will want to watch this.
That’s a look into what I’m loving this week. A lot of shows and miniseries and somethings I’m planning on watching!
Tell me: how have you been enjoying the month of November? What do you have in store for the next few weeks?
Happy First Friday of February! I hope you have something fun planned for the first weekend of February!
Ironically, all my favorites today tie into the theme of love. If you are looking for a rom com, something sweet or a gift for someone special, I have you covered. Here’s what I have been LOVING this week as I link up with Erika and Andrea.
About Fate-Have you seen this cute rom-com on Amazon Prime? About Fate follows the story of two people in different relationships, one serious, one not so serious, but they run into one another without their significant others and end up spending New Year’s Eve together overcoming one obstacle to another to get to their dates. They end up learning they have more in common than they thought and fate keeps bringing them together. Definitely worth the watch to gear up for Valentine’s Day.
About Fate was such a cute movie on Amazon Prime.
New Candle-It was time to break open a new candle and I am loving this candle scent “Strawberry Snowflakes” from Bath and Body Works. I typically don’t purchase candles from Bath and Body Works, but I received this candle as a gift and have been loving it. It’s a sugary-sweet scent that’s a perfect mix of fruity and fresh cookies and great for fall. I always love to burn a candle when I am getting ready to start the day or unwinding at the end of the day. Candles just spark joy and this would be a great Galentine’s gift for your girlfriends this year!
Mint and Dark Chocolate Kit Kat Duo-Speaking of sweet, if you are a fan of mint, you may want to try Mint and Dark Chocolate Kit Kats. I got them as a gift and really enjoyed them. I already enjoy Kit Kats as sweet treat, and these just elevate them. They are the perfect mix of mint and chocolate and crunch. I highly recommend picking them up the next time you are in the grocery store.
Eye Massager– I saw this eye massager on so many gift guides last Christmas and as some who gets headaches frequently, I wanted to try it for myself. I got it for Christmas and have tried it a handful of times. There are different settings that you can adjust such as pressure, heat, sound and vibrations. If you get headaches around your temples, eyes or head, I would highly recommend investing in this eye massager.
Donut Phone Holder-Another super useful Christmas gift. As someone who is always on near this phone at work or home, this donut ring is so useful. You can prop your phone up vertical or horizontal to either use it for reading, answering text messages or using apps or, using it to watch videos. I typically like to have it propped up on my desk when I am working so I can see messages or notification. I’ve also used it in the kitchen when I am cooking and looking up a recipe. A fun gadget that proves to be quite useful too.
That’s a look into some things I am LOVING this week. As we embark in a new month, what are some things you are loving this week? Let me know in the comments below!
Hey everyone! Happy Friday! It’s the LAST Friday of 2022 and what a year it has been. This past week has been fast and slow in the best ways. I got quality time with family, time lounging and relaxing and getting reset for the new year. Ready or not, 2023 is coming. Here’s five things I’m loving this week as I link up with Erika and Andrea for another edition of Friday Favorites:
Christmas Treats-This week has been full of so many Christmas treats! From cookies, to popcorn, trail mix and more. I’ve been trying to maintain balance, but it’s easier said than done. I’m looking forward to restarting and getting back to healthier habits next year.
A look at some of my favorite treats.
Sauce Holder– I love sauces and condiments with my meals, especially when it comes to fast foods, like fries or nuggets. I got this super handy gadget for Christmas and can’t wait to use it in the car. A sauce holder for the road, such a fun, creative and useful concept. Love it! I’ll report back after I use it.
Such a fun and practical gift.
Exploding Kittens– My siblings and I got this as a gift for Christmas and had so much fun playing this card game. Up to five people can play and it’s a fun game that doesn’t take too long to get through, plus it’s easy to learn so all ages can participate. I’m looking forward to more board games nights in the winter months.
Something From Tiffany’s– I have been wanting to watch this movie for a few weeks and finally watched it this past week. It’s a cute rom-com that follows two couples when their packages from Tiffany’s get switched and they end up meeting with hopes to exchange gifts, until they start to fall for each other. There’s a happy ending that will have you grinning from ear to ear.
Such a fun rom-com.
Christmas Decor– I know some people like to take their Christmas decorations the day after Christmas, while others keep it up until after New Year’s, I am the latter. I love to keep up all the decorations for as long as possible. After all the hustle and bustle over the past six weeks, it’s so nice to be able to enjoy the decorations and sit by the tree all lit up, simply beautiful and magical.
Beautiful night by the tree.
That’s a look into life this past week. I hope you have a safe and relaxing New Year’s weekend.
See you in 2023 for a look at my New Year’s Resolutions. Happy New Year!
Happy Friday! I hope you all had a great week and have something fun planned for this weekend. Like every Friday, I’m linking up with Erika and Andrea for a new edition of Friday Favorites. Here’s five things that I’m loving this week.
New Scent: Yesterday was the start of the fall season and it happened to coincide with it being time to get a new scent of body spray/lotion. Bath and Body Works is my go-to for lotion, sprays, wall flowers, etc. I always look forward to changing scents when an old scent runs out. I tried this new scented Butterfly and loved it, it’s a fresh but warm smell if that makes sense. It would go perfect for the spring or summer season, but even would work for fall too. I liked the scent so much, I purchased a mini spray for work too. I can’t wait to use it every day.
Eyeshadow Brushes: I am always on the search for new makeup products and things that make getting ready faster and efficient. This next favorite is my no means a new invention. I found a great deal on Amazon for lots of eyeshadow brushes. This pack came in a clear case to keep them all together and in one spot. These brushes will last me a few days since there’s essentially four sponges per stick. I don’t have to worry about washing these brushes, I can just toss them when I’m done with them. I really like that the sponges don’t fall off when applying eye shadow, they provide great coverage on my lids, and they make blending easier. If you are searching for some new brushes, give these a try!
House of Gucci– Again not a new movie, but a new to me movie. I watched House of Gucci last week and loved it. I thought the acting was so well done, from Lady Gaga to Adam Driver and even Jared Leto. Leto was unrecognizable to me. I really enjoyed the fashion, the plot and the build up to the tragic ending. I learned a lot about the Gucci family that I didn’t know before while watching the film too. If you are a fan of the fashion industry, definitely give it a try. There are a few adult scenes and it is a longer movie, so just a few things to consider when planning your next movie night.
Salted Caramel Chocolate Chip Cookies– If you are looking for a movie snack, this might be it. I picked up these mini cookies from Target and loved them. They have the perfect balance of caramel and chocolate chip. They are bite sized cookies so you can eat one or two and your sweet tooth will be satisfied. These would be a great afternoon pick-me-up, lunch snack or movie treat. I loved popping into Target for everything, but seeing their new snacks and trying them out are always a favorite for me!
Sweet Corn– Sticking with food, I’ve been on a sweet corn kick. My family and I have been enjoying a lot of corn while grilling. We’ve enjoyed it with burgers and hot dogs, chicken, even steak. We recently tried putting corn on the grill and I’ve found that I enjoy it even more over the fire compared to boiling them inside on the stove. If you are looking to have one more cookout before the weather turns, consider some sweet corn.
That’s a look at some of my favorite things today. What are you loving today?
I always like to make a new treat/ snack/ meal every season. At the start of the year I was on a roll with cooking one meal a week, I have to admit, I have been slipping these past few months. I’m hoping to do more cooking these next few months as fall and winter settle in. I did manage to make a new fall dessert a few weeks back with my mom. Here’s a tasty recipe for cold days inside. This is a super simple, three ingredient dessert that’s perfect for any get together.
Cake Balls
Cake mix (baked or pre-made)
Melting chocolate
Garnishes (sprinkles, chocolate chips, etc.)
Make cake (I used chocolate for this recipe, but any flavor works. I just made a cake from the box with eggs, water and oil. )
Once cake is baked, let it cool.
Cake is done!
3. Break apart cake until it’s all broken up.
Cake broken apart
4. Combine icing (I used chocolate) and cake and mix together.
The new mixture
5. Roll cake mix into balls and then place in freezer for 30 minutes.
The cake balls ready to go in the freezer
6. Once they were done in the freezer, I melted chocolate and dipped the cake balls in to completely cover them. It can get messy, so I would reccommend using a spoon to dip them.
The cake balls all dipped in chocolate
7. The chocolate dries fast, so make sure you dip them fast and add garnishes, whether it’s sprinkles or chocolate chips or nuts.
The finished product. I had some leftover melting chocolate so I made some dip pretzels. Yum!
Enjoy your dessert! You can freeze leftovers and enjoy at a later date.
Up close of the dessert
This is just a fun and easy dessert that I saw on Pinterest and wanted to try for myself. It was easy to make and tasty and was a great crowd pleaser. What fall recipes have you been making?