
My Fitness Journey {part 2}

Today I am sharing my fitness routine. When I was at school, I would come back from the gym I always get asked what I did my gym routine was. So, I decided to take one day at the gym and document my routine. Now, I don’t do the same thing every time I go, I like to switch it up and keep it fresh. I am also going to share what I have been doing at home to keep me in shape when I can’t make it to the gym.

I like to start out with cardio for 25-30 minutes to wake me up, burn calories fast and to get me going. I will either bike, hit the elliptical, or jog on the treadmill. Now, I’m not a big runner, to be more accurate… I HATE running. So, when I go on the treadmill I put it at a slow speed and at a high incline.  I am still burning calories but I am not dying at the end.

After some cardio, I like to work on the weight machines. I like to change it up depending if I want to focus more on arms or legs each day. I always do the leg press, and the ab crunch machine every day. Depending on how I am feeling I change the reps for every machine but I generally do 3 sets of 20 on an average work out.

I wrap up my gym session with some free weights. I like to get in some squats, lunges, curls, and hammer curls and lastly some calf raises…trust me they work. I then end with some stretches and call it a day.

My gym routine takes around an hour, if I want to go for more of less time I typically change the duration of my cardio.

It always feels good after you hit the gym hard!

Now, when I am at home things are a bit different. I don’t always have the time to go to the gym 5 days a week so, I have been either working out at home or not worrying about it since I have been on the go constantly. I found a lot of easy and great ways to work out on Pinterest surprisingly. I have found so many effortless ways to work out at home that I will share below. You don’t need to have any materials a home which I love. So far, when I have worked out at home I do lunges, squats, lots of stair climbing along with this helpful guide I found online. This gets your whole body moving and you feel refreshed after. I also have a few more ideas I found on Pinterest, so feel free to follow my boards!  Now, this may not work for you and I am not a fitness expert by any means…but this is what I found works for me. I also found being home, just by getting out and being more active helps. For example, I try to take the stairs as much as possible or get outside and walk more.

This is what i have been using at home. It works great and you feel great after!

Another great home work out I use!!

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I hope this answers your questions about what I do to stay in shape. Do you have any fitness suggestions or helpful hints? Comment below!! I always love learning new things!!