Fabulous living Travel

TBB Asks: Summer Vacations

Hello! Hello! A new week, a new day.

I can’t believe we are almost halfway through summer! The months are flying by!! I love finding questionnaires from other bloggers and I love to answer them myself. Today I will be answering questions about summer vacations! I don’t know about you, but through the year I am always finding myself dreaming of vacationing but during the summer it can be hard to find the time to plan it.  I’m hoping by answering these questions, I will be able to focus more on planning a summer trip before summer is over! Now, onto the questions thanks to The Blended Blog!!

Great questions

-Will you go on a summer vacation this year?

Yes, hoping to get away for a few days at the end of July or early August. It can be hard to plan a trip when you are coordinating six different schedules!

– Do nothing or a pack it all in vacation?

Pack it all in. Yes, we like to relax but if we are going somewhere new or a place where there is lots of attractions we love to pack it in. Plus, you can relax when you are home, when you are away it’s always good to make it worth your while.

-What month do you like to vacation?

Any summer month, we typically go in July though. August can get busy with back to school stuff and June is just the start of summer. July typically works best for us.

In D.C. for a trip

-Cruise: Yes or No?

No! I prefer land and just being away at sea for several days makes me anxious. I do like boating but not for more than a few hours. Haha!

-Favorite vacation tradition?

Getting up early to leave for a trip. Whether it be by car or plane, I love the excitement about getting up in the middle of the night to leave.

-Most memorable vacation?

There are so many to choose from!! I loved going to Disney for the first time, New York City is always fun especially around Christmas time. Our favorite family vacation spot is Hershey, PA so we try to make a trip out of every year.

We headed to Florida one year for spring break

-Hotel, Condo, or House?

Hotels typically work best for our family. It’s nice to use all the amenities the hotels have to offer. We have stayed in condos before, but hotels are our preference.

-Favorite thing to eat on vacation?

Anything that is special or unique to the area. I will always spoil myself with sweet treats on vacation too!

I love heading to New York City especially during Christmas time

-Warm or Cold Destinations?

Depends on the place. I do like warmer climates,  but I would rather choose the place rather than the weather.

Well, there are my answers. Now, it’s your turn! Pick a few questions and answer them in the comments below! Hopefully we can all get around to planning our vacations soon enough!

My favorite place to travel- Hershey

Look of the Day #56

HI All!!

It’s Friday Eve!!  WOOOO HOOO!!! What are your plans for the weekend!? A picnic or barbecue, whatever it may be I hope you have some fun in the sun.

Speaking of fun in the sun, today’s look is perfect for a summer activity. It’s fashionable, yet functional and its SCREAMS summer! I mixed two completely different outfits to put this piece together.

A perfect summer fun outfit!

I have worn the top in the past with ripped jeans for a more edgy look  here

I have also worn the shorts in the past with a fun top for the summer months here

I got both the top and bottoms from Francesca’s Boutique. I always find something unique when I go into their stores whether it be a piece or jewelry, clothing or accessory.

I was so surprised when I put the outfit together because of how well the colors and patterns worked together. I love a solid shot because you can pair it with so many patterns, materials, and styles of tops. My top was more tight fitting which worked out great since my scalloped shorts with more snug. I finished off my outfit with my gladiator sandals from DSW. I wore gold jewelry to garnish my look.

I wore this outfit for a barbecue, but you could wear it to a summer concert, park, dinner, or a day out at the beach. Always look at what clothes you can mix together, you never know when you ca create a new outfit.

Happy Thursday! Have the BEST weekend.

Fabulous living

Summer To Do:

Summer is in full swing. My brothers are finished with school and we are getting into a summer routine. The weather is warm, pool parties and barbecues are underway and (I think) things are starting to slow down. Although, I am working a lot this summer I still want to make sure I have some fun. It may seem a bit late to the game but I made a summer to do list. Some things are specific, others are more hopes but I’m sharing it with you today. Towards the end of summer I will share home much I accomplished. When it comes to summer fun… here’s my list.

Summer List
  • Complete Internship
  • Go some place new
  • Take a trip
  • Sleep in
  • See high school friends
  • See one (or more) college friends
  • Read SIX book (one more than last summer)
  • Watch SUITS

    Can’t wait to start this new series
  • Watch Evil Genius
  • Watch Comedians in Cars getting Coffee

    my latest obsession
  • See Mamma Mia 2

    SOOOO Excited to see this movie
  • See Oceans 8

    Another movie I can’t wait to watch
  • See family and spend time with them
  • Try something new
  • Go to the beach
  • Take more walks
  • Eat at a food truck

    With food trucks becoming more and more popular I need to try some!
  • Watch the sunset and sunrise
  • See a concert
  • Spend more time outside
  • Go swimming more often
  • Do more free things (Zoo, parks, festivals)
  • Trip to Pittsburgh
  • Breakfast at iHop
  • Don’t rush as much and be in the moment
  • Smile more
  • Be spontaneous

That’s a round up of my dreams and goals for this summer! I may add things as the summer goes on. But I love to make a list of to-do’s to make sure I get everything in and it’s not August and I realize I have two weeks to get everything in.

Do you make up summer bucket lists? If so, what’s one thing on your to -do???