Fabulous living

Summer Bucket List Recap

Well friends, it is the end of the summer. This summer has flown by, I think that has to do with the fact so many things are closed or not what they used to be due to Covid, but I also think due to working full time, summer just feels different. Although, I am sad to see summer go, I am looking forward to the new season. I set 20 goals for the summer and now that Labor Day is over, it’s time to see if I accomplished them all. 

Summer Bucket List
  • Read 20 Books (I’ve read 18 last summer so I want to up my books for this summer)
One of the books I read this summer, book review coming soon

No, this didn’t happen, between working full time and spending any free time with family or friends, I was upset this didn’t happen but I am looking forward to reading more once the weather is cooler and I’m inside more.

  • Finish 30 Rock (I keep starting it but never finish it)

No, I  am making my way through 30 Rock but still have another few seasons, I did start and finish The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, which I absolutely loved! From the costumes to the characters, and them drama and the comedy, it was the perfect summer pick me up. 

  • Be outside for 3-4 days a week (whether its swimming, walking, or running)
Going on walks and cutting fresh flowers were a big part of my summer days

Yes! I spent so much time outside especially on my days off or before or after work. I went on a lot of walks, to parks, the beach and zoos. I loved making it a priority to get outside. 

  • Spend 30 minutes outside a day (Eating, reading, doing work, I want more sunshine)

Yes! Every morning before work I would spend some time outside to read, to work, or just for a walk, I loved getting some sunshine before I spend my day inside. I also liked spending time outside after a long day too. 

  • Go someplace new

Yes! I went on a few day trips which were great for the soul. It was good to get away for a breather and go someplace new, and I got to spend time outside which made it better too.

  • Catch up with college friends (lots of plans have gotten changed due to Coronavirus, so I’m hoping to start rescheduling things)

Yes! I was able to see friends over the summer, outside and socially distanced, but still it was great to see friends face to face instead of just over a screen. 

  • See high school friends (hoping to make more time for friends near and far)

Yes! I was able to see from high school friends for both breakfast and dinner, it was so great to catch up and see friends in person and not over a screen.

  • Entertain friends at home (I love entertaining so I’m hoping to have more friends over)

Yes! Although, it was different this year, I was still able to entertain and have people over. It was much more limited this summer due to Covid but having people over made me feel like things were a bit more normal. 

  • Wine Tasting (my friends and I have talked about doing this for ages, hoping we can finally make it happen this summer)

No, this didn’t happen, but we are planning to do it in the fall once it works better with people’s schedules and more things are open. 

  • Beach Day

Yes! It was great to spend some by the water on the beach and with not a care in the world. 

  • Dinner by the water (I love living by the water and having dinner by it is so nice)

I didn’t get dinner by the water but I did get lunch and a walk by the water which was perfect and we had beautiful weather too!

  • Kayaking (I love being on the water in any form)
Morning out kayaking

Yes! My brother and went kayaking one morning and it was great to be on the water and get some one on one time together.

  • Working out (I want to keep being consistent with it)

Yes! As soon as gyms reopened I was back in the gym five days a week. I can feel myself get stronger each time I am there which is the best feeling.

  • Pool Day

Yes! I got a handful of pool days this summer with my family and brothers which made me feel like a kid again.

  • Bonfire
Bonfire Fun

Yes! We had a bonfire at the beginning of the summer and I loved sitting by the fire with some of my favorite people.

  • Day Trips

Yes! Whether it was going to see family or friends I got many day trips in which worked out great especially with Covid. 

Beach day and a day trip
  • Really take time to slow down ( I took the time during Coronavirus to slow down and I want to continue to do that)

Yes! On mornings before work I was able to relax and take it easy and on my days off I tried to have one busy day with getting things done and one day that was more laid back and relaxed. I want to try to keep this up in the fall too.

  • Summer restaurants (I have a few favorite seasonal places that I can’t wait to get back to)

Yes! I was able to hit my favorite spots this summer and introduce my friends to them too which was even more special.

  • Ice Cream shops

Yes! I ate too much ice cream this summer and hit all of my favorite spots. One day I had ice cream twice! 

  • Take advantage of local spots and free activities

Yes! I got to do a lot of my favorite things this summer that were local, especially in these hard times, it’s always great to support local!

Well there you have it! I am so happy with what I accomplished, from local spots, favorite food places and time outside, I couldn’t have asked for 

Fabulous living

Summer To Do List

Hi all! Happy Wednesday! With summer underway, I always take the time at the start of the season to come up with a list of things I want to accomplish. In years past, I have a deadline with school starting back to get things done, but now with working, I don’t have a deadline with going back to school.

I like creating lists of things I want to do to hold myself accountable to do things and also to give myself ideas when I’m looking to change things up in my daily routines.

  1. Read 20 Books (I’ve read 18 last summer so I want to up my books for this summer)
  2. Finish 30 Rock (I keep starting it but never finish it)
  3. Be outside for 3-4 days a week (whether its swimming, walking, or running)
  4. Spend 30 minutes outside a day (Eating, reading, doing work, I want more sunshine)
  5. Go someplace new
  6. Catch up with college friends (lots of plans have gotten changed due to Coronavirus, so I’m hoping to start rescheduling things)
  7. See high school friends (hoping to make more time for friends near and far)
  8. Entertain friends at home (I love entertaining so I’m hoping to have more friends over)
  9. Wine Tasting (my friends and I have talked about doing this for ages, hoping we can finally make it happen this summer)
  10. Beach Day
  11. Dinner by the water (I love living by the water and having dinner by it is so nice)
  12. Kayaking (I love being on the water in any form)
  13. Working out (I want to keep being consistent with it)
  14. Pool Day
  15. Bonfire
  16. Day Trips
  17. Really take time to slow down ( I took the time during Coronavirus to slow down and I want to continue to do that)
  18. Summer restaurants (I have a few favorite seasonal places that I can’t wait to get back to)
  19. Ice Cream shops
  20. Take advantage of local spots and free activities

This is just a start on my to do list and who knows what the summer holds…let the adventure begin!

Fabulous living

Summer Recap 2019

I can’t believe I am writing my summer 2019 recap. This has been a wonderful and packed full summer. When I moved back home in May, I didn’t know what this summer had in store for me. Yes, I knew there would be work, fun, and friends but other than that, I was open to any opportunity that presented itself. I accomplished a lot these past few months, from working at home, working at school, lots of family time, seeing a lot of friends from high school and college, weekend getaways, and trying new things. Let’s take a look back at my summer to do list and see if I accomplished everything. 

Get license renewed

  • Yes, I got this done the first day I was home and was so happy to get it done. 


  • Yes, I worked at the same job I have been working at since high school and I got a lot f projects accomplished while I was there. I also volunteered for a Campaign this summer and it was interesting to see all the behind the scenes that goes into it. 

Make College photo album 

  • Yes, this was such a fun project and I’m glad I have all my pictures in one spot for the future, plus it was cool to look back on all the memories made. 

Celebrate 21

  • Yes, One of the highlights of my summer was celebrating my birthday with all my friends in Pittsburgh, it was so fun to spend the weekend with my people. You can read all about it here.
Celebrating 21 with my girls

See friends from college and high school

  • Yes, I made a few trips to Pittsburgh for work or to visit friends and it was so good to connect with friends outside of school. I also managed to hang out a lot with my high school friends whether it was weekend trips or fro yo runs. 

Portfolio (BLS)

  • Yes and No, I am still in the process of completing this project for school but it will be done this semester. 

Work Study

  • Yes, I worked a lot for my school and it was great to be kept up to date on what was going on at school and do something I enjoy. 

Read 12-15 books

  • Yes, this was one of my favorite ways to spend the summer. I read a lot and enjoyed unwinding with a good book. You can read my summer book review here!
One of my favorite ways to enjoy the summer

Download pictures to laptop

  • Yes, another task I wanted to accomplish and I finished it early on in the summer. 

Spend time with family 

  • Yes, I got a lot of family time in between family vacations, good meals, and weekend adventures. There is nothing better than quality family time. 

Day Trips

  • Yes, I got in a few day trips to visit friends and work at school for a few days in the summer, one day trips were perfect to do something fun and get work done. 

Start Healthier habits

  • Yes, this summer I snacked a lot less and tried to get outside as much as I could, whether it was for a walk, jog, or even hitting the gym when I could. I was not as consistent with working out as I am in the school year but still felt good about creating healthier habits.  You can read about my summer habits here.
I always love going on hikes in the morning or evening

Go to a concert

  • No, I didn’t get to a concert in the summer, but I have plans for one in September which I am very excited about. 

Beach days

  • Yes, I made it to the beach with my friend Bailey twice, and then spent an afternoon at the beach which was so fun. 
ALL the beach vibes!

Family Vacation

  • Yes, I finished off summer with a family road trip. So fun and many laughs and memories were made. 
Much needed getaway

Find a new show to Binge watch

  • YES, I was obsessed with Outlander this summer. It was such a good show to watch and I became invested in the show fast, I can’t wait for the new season in 2020!
I am still talking about this show

Take more walks outside

  • Yes, I took more walks in the summer, whether in the woods, the beach or my own backyard. It was so good to get fresh air after working inside all day.
Not only did I spend more time walking outside but I also tried kayaking and loved it

Weekly facetime calls with friends

  • Yes and no, I didn’t get in weekly facetime calls but my friends and I stayed close by visiting each other and texting every day, plus you know you have a solid relationship when weeks go by and you can pick up from where you left off. 

Try something new

  • Yes, I did a lot of solo traveling this summer so that was definitely a new and rewarding experience that I was so lucky I got to gain more independence in this area.

Try new recipes 

  • Yes, to see some of my favorite recipes you can find my salads here, pizzas here, and snacks here

Entertain Friends/family

  • Yes, I love to help host and entertain, this summer I did quite a bit from having family, friends, or college friends over, whether it was for dinner, a weekend, or just snacks, it’s a lot of work but it pays off in the end. 
I love entertaining from the prep, event and satisfaction of a job well done

Do something spontaneous

  • Yes, although I don’t have an exact time I was spontaneous, there were many times this summer that I stepped out of my comfort zone to try something new. 

Be Present

  • This was huge for me. This summer, I was more present and intentional with what I was doing. Some of my favorite summer moments there are no pictures of because I was in the moment and not on my phone. This was huge for me. 
Focusing on the here and now.

Looking back this was a packed full summer filled with new experiences, memories, work and fun. I have grown by trying new things while being present and spending time with those who matter most to me. Although, the school year will be busy, I know I will always have these memories to look back on. Thank you summer 2019, senior year… here we GO!

Fabulous living

Summer Favorites

Happy Tuesday!

I hope you all had enjoyable weekends. I was out of town this past weekend, doing some work for school as well as celebrating one of my friend’s birthdays an seeing lots of college friends. It was such a fun weekend to see everyone and catch up!

Today’s post is all about my summertime favorites, from music I’m listening to, shows I’m binge watching, fashion trends, and summer snacks. 

Favorite Music: Summer Time = Country Music. I have been adding to my country loving playlist all summer long, it’s a perfect blend of Thomas Rhett, Luke Combs, Darius Rucker and more. I love playing it while I’m at work or road tripping. 

Love me some country music in the summer

Favorite Binge Worthy TV Show: Outlander has been my go-to this summer, My friend Bailey got me hooked on it and now I can’t stopped. SO good. I can’t wait until the next season comes out. 

Who else has binge watched?!

Favorite Drink: I have been drinking all the water this summer, but to change it up I love adding some lemon, mint, cucumber, or other fresh fruits for a refreshing taste. Plus, its great for detoxing.

Drink for the day-water, strawberries, lemon and mint.Delicious and refreshing

Favorite Food: I am all about the salads in the summer. Check out my favorite summer salads here!

Fresh salads in the summer

Favorite Beauty Products: In the summer, I am all about minimal makeup. Unless I am at work, I am just wearing the basics, a bit of foundation and mascara are my go-tos. I have also been growing my hair out for the summer and use less product on it. During the school year, I would be straightening it several times a week and using lots of product, in the summer I have been letting it dry naturally and leaving it down. There is something refreshing about natural hair.

Minimal makeup for summer for the win

Favorite Summer Activity: Nothing says summer like going for strolls in the evening followed by ice cream. I am always down for an ice cream run. 

I always love going on hikes in the morning or evening

Favorite Spot: Whenever I get a chance to relax, you will find me outside by the pool reading, it doesn’t happen every day but I love being by the pool with a book in my hand. I have been reading a lot this summer and I can’t wait to share my summer book review with you.

Favorite place to read at the end of the day

That’s just a glimpse into my favorite things in the summer. The carefree days of summer are fleeting. Soak up all moments and make them into memories. See you on Thursday for another look of the day!

Fabulous living

Friends, Friends, Friends!!!

Hey guys!

Happy Tuesday and an early happy Fourth of July! The Fourth is one of my favorite summer activities. Not only is it a day for seeing family, eating delicious food, and being outside in the sun, but it’s a day to celebrate our country!

This past week has been such a whirlwind filled with so many wonderful moments and memories that I loved making. 

Let’s recap!

On Wednesday to Friday my best friend, Bailey, from college came to visit. This was one of the first times a college friend came to visit me, since I live further away from school. During her visit, we did so many things.  

Look who’s here!!!

We started the mini vacay with a drive around my hometown and the happy hour by the bay. 

Beautiful weather for her visit!

We then headed to the beach to listen to live music at sunset. After the live music we headed to get some ice cream before heading back to my house for a cook out. We relaxed for the rest of the night and caught up. 

Sun setting at the beach

We got up bright and early on Thursday morning and headed out for a morning run. It was great to get a workout in, to start the day. 

Hello Morning Run!

We then came back to my house and got ready for a day out in the sun. We got lunch at Sara’s, an iconic diner in my hometown.

Introducing her to Sara’s!

We then went kayaking, which was my first time going out, but so much fun! 

After spending time on the water, we went to the beach, we tanned, relaxed, went in the water and even took a nap. 

ALL the beach vibes!
Beach vibes

After spending all day out in the sun, we went back to my house and relaxed. I just started watching Outlander and am obsessed!

We ate dinner and then went out for the night, which was so much fun!

We eased into Friday by going for a hike and then coming back for breakfast before she had to head back to Pittsburgh. 

Hiking before she had to head back to Pittsburgh

I am so thankful for our friendship and her visit. It was so good to be a tourist in my own hometown. We are already planning our next adventure! Much love Bailey!

Thanks for a great visit!!!

After she left on Friday, I quickly had to switch gears since I was going away for the weekend with my high school Madeline to visit our friend Ryan in Buffalo!


We left early Saturday morning and made the journey up to Buffalo. 

Buffalo bound

Once we arrived in New York, Ryan gave us a tour of Buffalo, from his college, Canisius, to downtown Buffalo and the canal side. It was so nice to get a look into his world. 

Checking out his school

We went to the Terrace for lunch, the food was delicious, and the view was even better.

Lunch with my favorite high school pals
Beautiful view

After walking around the city, we relaxed until we went out to dinner at Duff’s and had some of their famous wings. They didn’t disappoint. We hung out and played some games before calling it a night. 

Did someone say Buffalo Chicken Wings?!

Before, Madeline and I left Buffalo we got brunch at Pano’s, a delicious place that was in downtown Buffalo. It was delicious and so filling. 

I love these people

I was so glad to have made the trip to Buffalo and spend some quality time with my high school friends. 

Thanks for being some of my best friends!

These past few days have truly reminded me how lucky I am to have such good, fun, and supportive friends. From high school to college, we all get by with a little help from our friends!


Look of the Day #66


Hi Everyone!

Well, I am back to school and work. It has been a busy week, but I got a chance to snap some pictures of the latest outfit I am wearing. This is another fun outfit for shopping, relaxing, running errands or catching up with friends.

This would not be an outfit for the office but instead heading to class. Even though I have gotten older and have spent more time transitioning to business attire, I still love to have some fun outfits to hang out in.

Let’s break down the outfit details.

Sun’s out for the last few days of summer

We will start with the top, yes, I have no shame admitting that I am a fan of Keeping up with the Kardashians. It’s definitely a guilt pleasure for me. Who doesn’t love to watch family drama go down? Haha! A few years back I visited one of the Kardashian’s stores, DASH,  in New York City and I got this shirt. I don’t wear it often, but when I do I like to dress it up with some outfits. Rather than just have a plain black t-shirt, dress it up with something fun!

I have had these shorts for the longest time. I honestly don’t remember where I got them from, sorry! Once again, I don’t wear them often since they are a bright color, but when I do it’s typically when I am out and about running errands or doing something fun.

My shoes are my favorite part of the outfit. I got them from DSW and I absolutely love them. Not only is the concept super cool but they really can change a look. I have worn them with shorts mostly, but I haven’t tried them with a dress, stay tuned to see if it works!

Lastly, I had to touch on my sunglasses. I have a few different styles of sunglasses, but the aviators worked great with the look I was going for.

I hope you enjoyed a peak into what I am wearing this week! What are your weekend plans?


Look of the Day #65


Hi guys!! Happy Thursday!  Today I am heading back to school. Summer went by so fast, don’t get me wrong, I accomplished so much and had a wonderful summer, but I am still sad that it’s over. I will be posting a full summer recap later. For now, let’s just focus on this cute summer dress.

I got it in the spring and I have worn it so much this summer. It made a perfect sundress to throw on for a dinner party, relaxing after swimming, running errands, heading to Church or even as a cover up after a long day of swimming to throw over your bathing suit. ! There are so many cute things about this dress I don’t know where to begin!

A perfect summer dress for any occasion

Let’s start with the where I got It from. I got this dress from Land’s End. I used to get a lot of my clothes there when I was younger, but as I have gotten older, I haven’t shopped there as much. I do always love the good quality of their clothes and love all their styles. I always look through their catalogues, who knows maybe there will be some more Land’s End in the future.

Next up are the colors, I love the mix of whites, pinks, and oranges. They are the true colors of summer to me, not only were they bright but also colorful and cheery. I also love the cut and style of the dress. I like how it is more open and flowly. Plus, my favorite part? It has pockets!!! What girl doesn’t like a dress or skirt with pockets?!

Up close of the top

This dress can either be dressed up or down. I have dressed it down with my favorite pair of tan sandals from Kelly and Katie that I got from DSW. I have also dressed it up with a pair of nude wedges that I also got from DSW.

A more dressed up look

I love how versatile this dress can be, that is one thing I always look for when it comes to clothes, can it be worn in more than one way and what’s the practicality of it.

Looking back on how fast summer went by

Also, another shout of to my cousin Grace for capturing these great shots. Have a great weekend everyone!

Fabulous living

Slowing Down and Having Fun

Hello All!

Just a short post for you today, with summer wrapping up in a few days, I’m doing my best to relax and slow down and just enjoy summer. Between finishing work, packing for school, and buying new supplies, I have been trying to find moments to soak up being at home and embracing the summer days.

How have I been accomplishing this? I have been getting a lot of things on my bucket list done which I will be showing you all soon. I’ve also done some fun activities.

I have gone to the beach to watch the sunset which my family. I love going to the beach even though I don’t get there enough. The sunset is so beautiful to just stop and be in the moment.

Watching the sunset

I have also gone to a few concerts. I went to see The Piano Guys a few weeks back. I have been a fan for 6 years and I was so happy to see them in concert. It was a phenomenal performance. If you have heard of them be sure to check them out on Youtube!

The Piano Guys

Such a good show

Check them out on Youtube

I also went to see Taylor Swift in concert, it was my first time seeing her which I was very excited about. The show was phenomenal! It wasn’t just a concert but rather a spectacular show and experience. I went with some friends and we had the best time singing, dancing, and making memories. It was such an amazing experience.

…Are you Ready for It?

What a showstopping performance

We had great seats to see her perform on one of the smaller stages


What a way to end the night

Lastly, I’ve been trying to spend as much time outside as possible, whether it has been reading by the pool, swimming, eating dinner outside or just taking walks. I am trying to get as much sun as possible.

Soaking up the sun

That’s an update about what I’ve been up to these last few days of summer before it’s back to the books and work. Enjoy these last few weeks of summer and spend as much time with your friends and family as you can!


Look of the Day #62


Hi All!

Today, I have another fun summer outfit for you all to enjoy today. This outfit is perfect for a day OUT of the office, at the park, at a picnic, or just going for a walk. I love the color scheme I have planned for today. Let’s jump in with the details.

A new day, a new outfit

First, you may recognize this top. I got it from Francesca’s Boutique a few years back, but it is a staple in my summer collection. I have worn it to work and dressed it up with capris or dress pants, but I have also found myself dressing it down with a pair of shorts. The material is satin which really dresses up this basic short set. The back is my favorite part! I love the details in the tuxedo bows that line the back. It’s details like these that I adore about pieces from Francesca’s!

Savoring summer

Speaking of the shorts, how cute is this mint green color?! I love the contrast between the teal and black. I got these shorts from Old Navy. As you know by now, I am a fan of Old Navy’s clothes. Their shorts are a favorite of mine. I really appreciate the length of the shorts and how they fit. I am not a fan of short-shorts. This length is perfect for a blouse or t-shirt.

I chose these dressy sneakers for the outfit for today. I was planning on walking around a lot and I needed a reliable shoe. This style of shoe is in style right now. I got my pair from Target for under $20! But, I have seen other major retailers selling them for much more. I love the design and fabric and I like how it doesn’t look like a sneaker but rather a closed toe shoe. Plus, I love how well they match with the green and black.

Thoughts on the dressy sneaker?! I am wearing them constantly this summer!

To finish of the outfit, I knew I needed something for the sold top, I decided to go with a mint green bold necklace from Old Navy to tie the whole outfit together. If you are out and about, consider grabbing a large hat like mine to keep the sun out of your face. I got this big hat from DSW, but I have seen them in many other retailers.

A bold necklace to dress up this top

That’s a peak into my closet. Next week, I am going away for a few days, but I will still be blogging. Follow me on Instagram to keep up with my latest adventure.


Look of the Day #61


Hi All! After a busy week, I am looking forward to relaxing a bit. I am kicking off this weekend early with this fun summer number.  Finally, a summer fun outfit. I’m so excited to share this cute, yet stylish romper with you today.

I’m not going to lie, I am a short girl (5’3”) so I don’t get the opportunity to wear long dresses, maxi skirts, or maxi dresses a whole lot, I make up for it in rompers. I will never pass up an opportunity for a fun one-piece outfit. I do wear them to dress up in addition to dressing down a bit. Last year, this has been my go-to romper for dressing up but, this summer I was on the look for a romper to dress down a bit.

An outfit perfect for any occasion

I got this romper from Old Navy. It came in a few solid colors and patterns. I chose to get this black and white patterned romper. It’s a short set that buttons in the front. I like how I can juts put on one piece of clothing if I am in a rush or want to change up my outfit. I have worn sandals, gladiator sandals and a pair of dressy sneakers.

A close up look at the romper

I decided to wear these monogrammed sandals from MarleyLilly with my outfit. I am really into monogramming-from scarves, shoes, clipboards, and clothes. These shoes make a simple statement and then can go with any outfit. I have worn these sandals with shorts, skirts, sundresses, and now rompers, they are a perfect accessory for the summer season

Monogrammed sandals

This has been one of my favorite new pieces of clothing that I have got this summer season! What new outfit did you buy this summer that you have been loving!?