
Currently #42

June, where have you gone?! I can’t believe we are at the end of another month. There were certain times that this month felt slow and sweet and then I blinked, and I was planning things for July. These past 30 days have been filled with lots of walks, books, grilling, sunshine, and summer adventures. I have been making my way through my summer bucket list and doing more things that weren’t on the list. As we prepare to flip the calendar. Here’s a look at what’s Currently going on in my life.

What I’ve Been Up To: Through the entire month of June, I have been marking things off my summer bucket list. From day trips, to picnics, walks and time outdoors, I have done a lot. 

This month, I made a trip to Columbus, where I went to the zoo and state park for grilling and a beach day. 

Columbus Zoo!
More animals- I loved the polar bears!
And gorillas!
And finished the day at the beach!

I also enjoyed playing mini golf and trying a new to me pizza shop and park for a walk.

Pizza in the park!

Picking strawberries was on my summer bucket list and I accomplished that and made seven jars of jam in addition to lots of fresh berries to eat.

Strawberry picking day!
Our haul!
Some of the end results!
And strawberry shortcake too!

Another big highlight of the month was my birthday present from my boyfriend, more on that in the coming weeks!

Here’s a tease for where I went…

I rounded out the month with a trip to the beach to visit family and it was so good to see relatives and get some time by the water.

The shores of New Jersey!
The boardwalk!

What I’m Wearing: Besides your typical shorts and graphic t-shirts on days off, I did a big summer clothing haul at the start of summer and have been wearing new pieces to work. Lots of bright colors and patterns, plus quality clothing coming your way too.

One of my new dresses. I have been wearing lots of pink!

I also have been wearing lots of short sets too! Like this one!


What I’m Reading: I got a lot of books for my birthday and have been slowly making my way through them.

I started this month with Best Served Hot. I saw this book on display at the library and was immediately drawn in by the plot and checked all the boxes for a good read! Rom-com, takes place in a big city, and talks about food! The story follows a food critique and a food influencer as they try out different restaurants in NYC, first as competitors and then on a collaborators. The best and dare I say, worst part of the book was the details of all the foods they were tasting. The description was so vivid, which just made me hungry while I was reading.

I also read Our Missing Hearts by Celeste Ng. I really enjoyed her book, Little Fires Everywhere and I was excited to read this book. I will admit, it was a heavier novel, but I learned so much about the Asian American culture and customs. It’s all about the lengths a mother will go to protect her family while doing what she thinks is right. Themes of unconditional love, sacrifice and coming of age are found throughout the book.

I also read Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management for Mortals by Oliver Burkeman. This book takes a scientific approach to productivity and time management. I am all about maximizing my time and being as efficient as possible. This book was more research based and didn’t have as many tips or advice about management, but I still found it interesting. I appreciated how the book focused on time management through history and ways we can be make the most of our time on Earth.

What I’m Watching: I haven’t been watching too much tv as I have been doing my best to be outdoors as much as possible. I have watched some good family movies, like Air and A Man Called Otto.

Family movie night!

I also finished the series, Ted Lasso which was really good. I think the series wrapped up very nicely and I like how everyone’s storylines had closure. It was such a fun show to binge and watch week to too.

I also watched The Night Agent on Netflix. This was only ten episodes, with which episode lasting about 45 minutes. It was a mix mystery, intrigue, action, drama, and thriller, those are all good things I’m looking for in a series. I would recommend it if you were looking for a new show to binge watch.

The new season of Outlander is back! I have been making my way through season seven every week when their episodes air. 

Outlander is back!

And Just Like That Season 2. The girls are back with And Just Like That! I really enjoyed season one and have been enjoying what season has brought. It’s also been a fun show to watch weekly. 

What Inspires Me: I’ve been so inspired by summer fun! From outdoor meals, walks, trying new recipes and celebrating milestones.

Walks by the water

I also have been getting my runs in weekly and have enjoyed feeling stronger with each run I go on.

My longest run!
Delicious summer meals!
Picnics by the shore

What I Accomplished: This past month has been all about welcoming summer and really trying to be present in the moment.

Summer grilling and salad

I’m always trying to find time to sneak in time outdoors, whether it’s visiting a bit longer outside after a meal, reading outdoors instead of inside or finding time to go for a quick walk. 

Slow mornings reading outdoors.

Goals from Last Month: I kicked off my summer bucket and have been proud of the progress I’ve made so far which has been a win.

Enjoying all the fresh foods!

Goals for Next Month: Keep enjoying summer! I know it may not seem like much, but I really am trying hard to be present in the moment and soak up the sun, go swimming, grill, go on picnics, and make memories!

More grilling nights with lots of salads and fruits!
And more fresh salads (do you sense a trend here?)

The older I get the more I know how sacred family time is, so I’m doing my best to spend as much time with family as I can!

The beach all quiet in the morning.

I also have a concert planned and plans to visit friends! I’m looking forward to seeing those plans through. Plus, a lot of our local fairs and festivals gets underway in July so I’m looking forward to checking those out too!

Ending June with ice cream.

That’s a look into what’s Currently going on. A whole lot of summer lovin!  How have you been spending your summer? Let me know in the comments below!

Fabulous living

Summer 2022 Recap

Hey guys! Happy Wednesday! I can’t believe we are at the end of August. The older I get the more I feel time moving faster and faster. Although, I no longer go to school and can still enjoy outdoor fun well into September and even October, the summer season feels like it’s winding down with kids heading back into the classroom. 

I had a packed full summer filled with lots of walks, reading by the pool, seeing friends and family and grilling. As I do every summer, I’m sharing my summer bucket list with a look at everything I accomplished.

Heritage Festivals/ Fairs- I got the chance to go to fairs for work for different stories but also managed to head to some with my family. We went to a community festival one day after work and enjoyed some classic fair food! Yum!

A local Cherry Festival
A local community fair

Day trips- day trips became a favorite for me this summer! From Pittsburgh to Columbus, shopping trips and visiting family! I made the most of weekends by enjoying day trips!

Mantees at the Columbus
Pittsburgh day trip

Zoos-speaking of zoos, I love animals and heading to zoos. I got to go to some of my favorites plus try some new ones! Here’s a collection of my favorite zoo memories this summer!

The aquarium at the Pittsburgh Zoo

Beach Day- I’m so lucky to have a beach so close to us. I made my way to the beach for walks, picnics, and ice cream runs this summer. I also got to head to some new beaches too when I had a day trip to Columbus! The lake and beach was so pretty and calm. 

A beach in Columbus
Beach days at home

Pool Day- I enjoyed lots of days off or evening by the pool, whether it was swimming, snacking or reading. Days by the pool were a favorite this summer by far!

Fresh drinks by the pool

Celebrate Fourth of July-The Fourth of July is always a fun way to celebrate the family and our nation. It’s one of my favorite days of the summer. From the food, to fireworks and family, it doesn’t get any better!

Fireworks on the Fourth!

Time with family- I got in so much fun family time this summer from just eating dinner, doing day trips or our mini vacation. As we all get older, it shows how important family truly is!

Summer bonfires

White Turkey-this is a summer tradition to enjoy a trip at a favorite restaurant of ours. I made the trip twice this summer and enjoyed the food both times!

Sara’s- another summer tradition to enjoy a favorite restaurant at home, from burgers to ice cream, it’s so good to savor those traditions!

See college friends- From a college friend’s wedding to FaceTime calls and a girls weekend, I got to see so many college friends. The only downside was that I didn’t take any pictures! But it was so nice just to be in the moment. 

Go Someplace New- I went to Columbus for the first time which was so fun! 

Zoo Fun!

Meal by the Water- I enjoyed my birthday dinner on the water and I had family visiting and we brought them to eat by the water! So pretty!

Sweet summertime!

Food tour- Although, I didn’t get to enjoy a food crawl/ tour, I still indulged a lot!

Fish Tacos-another summer favorite!
More summer snacks!

Picnicing- Picnicing was a summer staple for me this summer! From grilling to sandwiches and even snacks. Here’s a look at some picnic ideas!

Grilling after walks
Picnicing at State Parks
Snack picnics

Winery/Wine Tasting-While I didn’t go wine tasting, it’s a perfect fall activity that I’m looking forward to! 

Happy Hour/ Ice Cream Hour- I did happy hour with some friends on a weekend which was fun! I also enjoyed so much ice cream this summer from favorite shops to at home! It’s one of the sweetest parts of summer!

Food truck treats!

State/National Parks- I explored so many new and old parks this summer. I loved getting out and enjoying nature, taking it all in and disconnecting for a bit! Much needed

Walks after work
Sweet summertime in New York.

John Russell Brewing- While I didn’t get to this restaurant in the summer, I plan to go once it’s colder out and there’s not as much to do outdoors. 

Mini Golf- One of the first things I did this summer! A great way to kick off June!

Mini golf days

Kayaking- Although I didn’t get to it this summer, I still made sure I got outdoors as much as I could. 

Amusement Park- I spent an afternoon at an amusement park and water park and I felt like a child once again from the slides to the rides! So fun!

Outdoor Concert- I enjoyed heading to some live shows this summer. It was great to be by the water and enjoy live music during the week!

Concerts by the water

A few other things I got to enjoy this summer that wasn’t on my summer bucket list include a baseball game, strawberry picking and lots of baking 

Nights at the ball park
Strawberry picking
Baking banana bread!
Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #2

Hey guys!

I have another edition of Friday Favorites! Once again, I’m teaming up with Erika and Andrea for a second edition of Friday Favorites! Here’s some things I’ve been loving this past week!

  1. New Blogs- I have my go-to blogs that I love to follow and read every day, here’s some of my favorites. But, recently, I’ve been finding some new ones that are right up my alley. I started reading Ashley Brooke’s blog and I love how she shares about lifestyle, fashion, home decor and motherhood. Definitely a fun read to add to my daily blogs!

2. New Facial Cleanser – I was out of town for a few days and like I posted a few weeks back in this post, I tried some sample products! I love how this facial cleanser smells and how it leaves my skin feeling refreshed.. I love my current facial routine at home and won’t be switching it but this was a fun change up for a few days!

3. Summer Sandals- I jumped on the trend with these shoes. They kept popping up while I was browsing stores online and while I was doing window shopping and I decided to bite the bullet and get them. I love the platform sandal and how you can pair them with shorts, skirts or sundresses. A summer fashion favorite for sure!

4. Columbus Zoo- I love zoos and animals and I got to go to the Columbus Zoo for the first time last week! It was so well laid out and fun to see so many animals, definitely worth a day trip. The weather was perfect for a day at the zoo!

5. Avocado Toast-I know I’m late to the party, but I’m been enjoying avocado toast this summer. One of my friends made it for me when I was visiting and I loved it. I’ve been enjoying for breakfast and brunch a few times this summer! Not only is it tasty but also filling.

That’s another edition of Friday Favorites! I hope you have a relaxing and fun August weekend! What are you loving this week?

Fun Ways to Organize Travel

Summer Packing Tips

Hello all!

Happy Wednesday! I hope this past week has been filled with sunshine, nights grilling, lemonade and maybe even some fruit salad. There’s nothing quite that says summer like eating outside with some fresh food and good conversations-summer nights are a favorite for me!

Nothing says summer like grilling lunch or dinner.

 Another thing that completes my summer is getting away, whether it’s for a family vacation, a girl’s trip or even just an overnight. Taking some time off always gives you the chance to recharge and return to your everyday life feeling refreshed, relaxed and maybe even a little tanner.

Before you jet off, you may need to complete that to-do list before it’s vacay time- which includes packing. Some people may dread packing, but I enjoy it. I do dread the unpacking when I return home, haha. Whenever I get home from a trip, I immediately start unpacking, putting things away and starting laundry. To me, there’s nothing better than everything back in its place when you get home.

 There’s something fun about planning and being intentional with what you need and what you want to bring on a trip. You can also have some fun picking out things you may not wear every day, like different dresses, bolder jewelry or brighter shoes. It can also get stressful especially if you are packing for more than one person. Whether you are packing overnight for one, or a week-long trip for a family of five, here’s some tips for efficient packing that will have you feeling relaxed before you even leave home.

  • Make a List-It may sound cliche, but make a list of everything you need, from clothes, makeup, medicines, even things you bring in your purse or carry-on. I typically create a list on my phone so I can reference it throughout the trip and make sure I have everything before heading back home. I write everything down I take, even to the amount of things I’m taking, so I can just do a visual check of things before I leave. This also comes in handy if you are staying at more than one place over the course of your trip. Make a list and check it twice before you bounce from place to place. Plus, if you have children, keeping a list of things you are packing for them in addition to yourself makes things even easier for travel.
An example of a packing list(mine are more detailed but this just an example)
  • Don’t overpack-It can be easy to overpack especially when it comes to clothes and shoes. You may think to bring outfits for different meals, events or activities and think you will wear them, only to wear one outfit for a day and not change for dinner or other activities. I always try to be intentional with what I am packing, but I always bring a neutral outfit as a backup. This can be an easy t-shirt dress that can be worn for a dinner or outing, or an extra pair of short if you will be doing lots of outdoor activities or walking. I always, always, always bring an extra white t-shirt, it can go with pretty much anything (jeans, shorts, even skirts and it never hurts to have a backup in case an accident happens0hello stains!).
Having an easy tee shirt dress always comes in handy when away and it travels well too!
  • Use it or Lose it-This is one of my favorite rules, whenever I travel, I always try to use products that are almost out, so I can toss it when I’m away and come back to fresh products. So, what does this mean exactly? If I’m really low on full size products (i.e. face wash, toothpaste, lotion, I will take them with them and use the remainder of them and toss them when I’m away so I can come home to fresh and full products. Now, this doesn’t always work out with products, but when it does, it’s always a win!
A few examples of things that I’ll try to use up on a trip.
  • Use Free Samples-Now, let’s say you don’t have any products that are close to being done to bring on vacation and you prefer to use travel size things, here’s a fun suggestion, when traveling take the time to use free sample products. Whether it’s through Ulta Beauty or wherever you get your beauty products, I’m sure you have accumulated your fair share of sample products, use any free samples you have on vacation to see if it’s something worth investing in, whether it be serums, body lotions, face washes, or different color pallets for makeup. While you are away you can try out new products and if you love them, great, if not, you can toss them before you come home. By using your free samples while you are away, it forces you to use your products you have besides having them sit there and it gives you a chance to try new products too
An example of some free samples that I can’t wait to try when I go away.
  • Be present and have fun! I know this may sound like no brainer, but after planning and organizing there’s nothing better than really unwinding while on vacation. Take the time to unplug, put the phone down and be present where you are at and enjoy it.
Sweet summertime!

Those are just a few tips and tricks that help me for when I travel, not just in the summer but all year around. For those frequent flyers and road trippers, what are your top tips for travel? Let me know in the comments below! 

Until next week, happy traveling!

Let's Get Cooking

Let’s Get Cooking: Summer Drinks

Hi everyone! I hope you are having an enjoyable week.

As we make our way through July, my blog series about summer tastes and must haves continues.

Last week, I showed you how to make a super easy pasta salad that an be used for big gatherings or pre-made lunches. To check out my Pizza Pasta Salad check out my last post.

This week we are talking summer drinks.I drink water 99% of the time. I always have it with me whether I’m at my desk, on the go, or at home. In the summer, I do like to change up my drink choices for something a bit more fruity and fun.

Here’s my recipe for Sunrise Juice!

This drink can be served at any meal and just like the pizza pasta salad, you can tailor the portion to your liking. 

Here’s what you need:

-Orange juice

-Sprite or 7 Up

-Pineapple Juice 

-Lime Juice 

-Strawberries to garnish
You can serve this with alcohol but I prefer to drink it just with the juices.


  1. In a large glass or cup, mix equal parts or orange juice, sprite or 7 Up (whichever you prefer), pineapple juice and a squirt of lime juice. 
  2. Stir it together and add ice.
  3. Add strawberries to garnish and to your mixture for an extra fruity pop.
    And there you have it, an easy and refreshing summer drink.

You can change out different fruit juices to your liking, but the orange and pineapple go very well together, and the lime juice and soda adds an extra kick.

Another shot of the drink

I like to enjoy this by the pool, when I’m reading or hanging out with friends.

This drink is fairly healthy, sweet and refreshing for the summer.

As we are talking about food and drinks for the summer, what your go-to’s for summer tastes?

Let me know in the comments below! Next week we will be talking about summer travel must haves. I can’t wait to be back here, same time, same place on Wednesday, until then, have a great week!

Fabulous living

Summer Bucket List 2022

Hi everyone!

Happy June! I can’t believe we are already into the sixth month of the year and making our way through 2022.

As we embark on a new month and in a few weeks, a new season, I figured it was time for a summer bucket list. 

I love goals and I love to do lists, in order to maximize my time in the summer and have fun, I enjoy creating bucket lists. This bucket list is a mix of free and inexpensive things around my hometown and region of things I want to do this summer. Some can be done multiple times, others are a one and done kind of deal.  If you are on the hunt for fun things to do this summer, feel free to steal an idea or two from the list.

I love to support local spots and community events, so I’m hoping to do that more this summer. I also like to use the summer season as a way to slow down a bit, less appointments and to-dos and more time to rest and go with the flow (one of my goals for my 24th year!)

Sumer Bucket List for 2022

This summer I hope to accomplish as many of these things as possible and do more activities that goes beyond this list.

Here’s a look at my summer bucket list:

  • Heritage Festivals/ Fairs
  • Day trips
  • Zoos
  • Beach Day
  • Pool Day
  • Celebrate Fourth of July
  • Time with family
  • White Turkey
  • Sara’s 
  • See college friends
  • Go Someplace New
  • Meal by the Water
  • Food tour
  • Picnicing
  • Winery/Wine Tasting
  • Happy Hour/ Ice Cream Hour
  • State/National Parks
  • John Russell Brewing
  • Mini Golf
  • Kayaking
  • Amusement Park
  • Outdoor Concert

That’s a look at some things I hope to accomplish this summer. What are some things you are looking forward to this summer? 

Let me know in the comments below!

I hope you have a great rest of your week!


Currently #19

Hey guys! Happy Wednesday! If I had to describe this month in one word it would be rain. We had so much rain, when we finally got our first day of sunshine, I couldn’t be happier. I’m all for a rainy day here or there but not for a month of summer. But the good news is we have had plenty of sunny days since then. Here’s a look into my life this past month.

What I’m up to: I’ve been doing a lot of indoor activities and seeing lots of family and friends. I saw family over the Fourth of July which was great. I also went to my high school reunion with some friends that I’m still close with. I also saw some college friends too. It was a busy month, but I was so happy to do so many things and see so many people. I also took on a new role at work, it’s been fun to learn new things!

Behind the scene at work

What I’m wearing: I got some new work dresses from Amazon. I can’t wait to show you them soon in. post in a few weeks! For days off, I have been wearing lots of shorts and tee shirt sets and of course a few easy throw on dresses. Here’s my past posts on summer looks and vacation looks.

One of my Amazon purchases!

What I’m reading: I finished The Bookstore on the Beach. It was definitely a fun and summer read. It was a lot deeper than I thought, there was a lot of challenging issues that were tackled. I really liked how there was a lot about the relationships between mothers and their daughters. Speaking of women, our book club book for this month was called The Secret Lives of the First Ladies. It was a fun historical read. The writing was very modern and light. It almost felt as if you were having conversations with them. I learned a lot about the wives of the men who helped run our country. It also was interesting to see how much these women endured through their lives. I’m currently reading One Summer in Paris, I just started but it’s already looking to be a great read. 

What I’m Watching: Before you ask, yes, I am still watching Offspring, butttttt I’m on the final season! So hopefully this is the last time you read about it. But in all seriousness, it’s been a wonderful show. I’m so glad it was recommended to me. It’s a great show all about family dynamics and all the things they go through. It’s been a perfect show to watch in the spring and summer. Season 2 of Lupin was so good! I loved the ending. It felt like the first episode. It’s a must watch if you haven’t seen it yet. I also am catching up on Virgin River. It’s such a cute and classic Hallmark-y show on Netflix. It’s been such a light summer show. Definitely recommend if you are looking for a summer show. 

What I’m Loving: I’ve been loving the simple things. With all the rain these past few weeks, I’ve loved taking time to read more, curl up and light a candle or watch movies or tv shows. But when the rain breaks, I love getting out for a walk or just sitting outside. Plus, nothing says summer like some fresh flowers or an ice cream cone! Taking summer adventures have been fun too!

Heading to the Botanical Gardens in Cleveland has been a fun summer adventure
Another shot of the botanical gardens

What Inspires Me: I’m inspired by all the green after the rain. Everything looks so much more alive after a storm. I’ve also been inspired by supporting more local spots for meals and treats. It’s been so nice to see the community out and about more this summer and enjoying food at home!

Enjoying a summer brunch outside

What I accomplished: I’ve loved being able to see so many friends and family this past month. That has been a huge accomplishment. I’ve also gotten adjusted to my new routine and schedule which has made life much easier. 

Goals Accomplished from Last Month I got to celebrate the Fourth of July after work with family and friends. From yummy food, to fireworks, and seeing people. It was one of my favorite days of the year. I’m also getting lots of things done on my summer to do list.

Fireworks on the Fourth
My little pup getting in the Independence Day spirit!

Goals for the New Month: Enjoy the last month of summer! Luckily, I don’t have to go back to school but my siblings will. It’s been so nice to have another summer home with them. I can’t wait for more time outside and in the sun and continuing to see family and friends

A tasty meal outside supporting a local spot is my idea of a perfect time!

That’s a look into my life this month. What things have you been doing this past month. Let me know!


Currently #18

Hey guys! Happy Wednesday! I can’t believe we are at the end of JUNE!!! Where has the month gone??  These past few weeks have been packed with fun, family time, and lots of fresh food. YUM! I have so much to share with you. Let’s get started!

What I’m up to: I’ve been marking a lot of things off my summer to do list. From seeing friends, doing family activities and going to my favorite summer spots. From ice cream dates, to our family vacation and end of the school year traditions. June has been packed, but so fun. 

Summer smores and bonfires go hand and hand

What I’m wearing: I did a post a few weeks back about some of my favorite summer outfits. You can find it here. We went on vacation last week and I will have a post about what I wore on vacation in the coming weeks. For work days, it’s been lots of sleeveless dresses. For off days it was been t-shirt dresses and short sets. Super easy to put together and comfortable for being outside. 

Here’s one of the dresses I wore!

What I’m reading: I’ve been on the fiction train when it comes to books. Some of my favorite reads have been about travel, friendship and love. No surprise there…haha. I like to really escape. I just finished The Paris Wedding for our book club…it was so good. It told the story of a girl who goes to her ex’s wedding in Paris. I love the description of Paris and reading about what happens when these ex’s are reunited. I’m currently working on The Bookstore at the Beach. It’s the perfect summer read by the pool or ocean. It’s about three generations of women and the secrets and struggles that they are working on while spending the summer together. I’m only halfway through but I’m loving it so far.

What I’m Watching: If you have been following this blog for a while you know I take forever to watch a show…like for someone who watches a series in a month, it will take me 3 months. That being said, I’m still watching Offspring, which is soooo good. I’m also catching up on season 2 of Lupin on Netflix, again a very good show too! 

What I’m Loving: I’ve been loving the summer weather and spending time outside and making more plans with friends. Now that more people are vaccinated it makes travel and seeing friends and family much easier! Also I’ve been loving all the fresh fruits and veggies that come with summer too. Plus who doesn’t love a summer salad. YUM!

My favorite summer pasta salad. Recipe coming soon!

What Inspires Me: I’m inspired by our return to a sense of normalcy. This summer feels almost like things are back to normal. I’m also inspired by new life with fresh flowers and taking things a bit slower in the summer months too.

Grilling at the beach was something new I tried this summer!

What I accomplished: I am making the most of summer. I’ve also been working on some fun work projects and making plans more plans for summer. We also celebrated my youngest brother graduating from elementary school too which was fun. We had been at the same school with 4 children for 18 years. It was sweet send off.  

Goals Accomplished from Last Month Getting some time away with my family was much needed and so fun! We went to one of our favorite places and I can’t wait to share some pictures soon!! 

Just a taste from our family vacation… 😉

Goals for the New Month: Continuing with my summer bucket list. I can’t wait to see more friends, do my summer activities and relax with family at the end of the day! I’m also starting a new role at my job which I’m super excited about. Also, the Fourth of July is quickly approaching which is a favorite summer event for me too! 

I tried a new local crepe spot this summer…yum!

That’s a recap of my life. Lots of family time, crossing off things from my summer bucket list and enjoying the outdoors…it’s truly the best days of summer. 

Fabulous living

Summer Adventures…So Far

Hey guys! I know we are only halfway through June but I have spent a lot of time outside and going on some adventures near and far. The weather has been beautiful and I have been taking full advantage.

One of my goals for this summer was to be outside more and I’m definitely accomplishing that.

I wanted to share some of my favorite spots so far. If you are looking for walking destinations or hiking spots this could be a helpful guide for you. If you have some favorite spots to walk or hike, drop them below. I’m always looking for new places.

Here’s a recap of some of my favorite adventures so far…

Geneva State Park in Geneva, Ohio is beautiful. I love the dirt and paved trails. There’s also beaches near by which is perfect for a day long adventure. I travelled there in May and had the best time…just make sure you stay hydrated.
This was one of the creeks I found on the hike, it was a perfect tucked away spot.
Sticking closer to home. There’s a few paved walkways down by the Bayfront in Downtown Erie. I love this view overlooking the Bay and there’s a number of downtown spots for a coffee or meal too!
I love the paved trails at Presque Isle, but I also love some of the dirt one by the wetlands. They are definitely hidden gems in an already beautiful spot.
Another little trail that leads to water at Presque Isle. I love how the land meets the water here!
And after all the hiking and walking, there’s nothing better than a hot dog and an ice cream on the beach…yum!
Summer is just gettin started by I’m already enjoying some summer bonfires. It’s the perfect way to end the night.

My summer has been off to a great start so far and the best part is the season just officially kicked off! I’ll be sharing all my summer bucket list items on an Instagram story so make sure you are following along.

Where are your favorite places to head outside to???

Fabulous living

Summer Bucket List 2021

Hey guys! Happy Wednesday! We are officially in June! I had the best time celebrating my birthday last weekend. In between work, I was able to go out for dinner, see family, open presents and celebrate with friends too! It was the best way to celebrate 23! 

I always view Memorial Day as the official start to summer, now that we are passed that I can share my official summer bucket list! I have shared them every summer since I started my blog and I love to use my list as a way to hold me accountable and be intentional with my summer plans. Here’s my summer bucket list for 2021. I’ve already started to do somethings this summer which I was super excited about. 

My summer bucket list that hangs on my wall

-Seawolves Baseball Game

-Start a new show

-Summer reading

-Travel someplace new

-Best friend’s wedding shower

-Best friend’s wedding

-See college friends

I already saw my bestie Danielle!

-See high school friends 

-Ice cream nights

-Dinner by water

-Play putt putt

-Beach day

Grilling on the beach was a favorite of mine!


-Family trip

-Pittsburgh Trip

-See family

-White Turkey

A summer must-have


After a walk at Presque Isle, ice cream was a must!

-Niagara Falls

-Grill nights

-Entertain friends

-Winery or Brewery

-Celebrate 23

-Summer festivals

-Pool days

-Summer Hikes

Hiking at the Peninsula
Hikes at Geneva State Park

I know more things will come up this summer but here are my top things that I want to accomplish this summer. What are some things that are on your summer bucket list?!