
Healthy Summer Habits

Hi friends! Happy Tuesday. 

I hope you all had a wonderful and joyous Fourth of July! I know I had such a fun weekend with family. We grilled, swam, spent time outside and enjoyed the summer season. I truly soaked up the time I had at home and was present in the moment, something I am working on for the summer.

However, after the holiday weekend, it’s time to get back on track with healthy and cleaning eating.

One of my goals this summer was having healthier habits. I wanted to feel my best during the summer months and focus more on my healthy since during the school year it can take a back seat sometimes. I have started to implement ways to live a healthier lifestyle this summer, with summer well under way I figured I would take the time to share with you, healthier habits that have been working well for me. 

  • No snacking!

This has been the hardest thing to do, but the biggest game changer. Through my time in college, I have tried different health kicks, from eating small meals through the day, no carbs for lent and working out almost every day. I have seen the best results by not snacking. I typically eat three medium meals a day, and between meals I just drink water. I have lost weight by sticking to this regime as well as feel better and not full all the time. Here’s a look at what I’ll eat in a day.

Breakfast (7:30 am) -Apple, peanut butter, and banana muffin

Lunch (12:30pm)-Caprese Salad with some animal crackers on the side

Dinner (7:00pm) -Spaghetti and a Side Salad with a piece of chocolate for something sweet.

The key is to eating all the food at one time and not between meals. In the mornings, it’s not too hard, I’m busy with work and doing things that I don’t get hungry. However, the afternoons are more challenging, especially when I get home from work and am craving something sweet. Drinking lots of water through the day helps combat the need to eat something.

  • Drink all the water.

Speaking of water, drinking water through the day is such a healthy step in the right direction. My goal is to drink 64 fl oz of water a day, to put that in perspective, that would be like drink 3 large tumblers of water through the day which is easy, especially when you are sitting at your desk through the day or you are battling hunger in the afternoon. 

Always have my water wherever I go
  • Get outside and take a walk. 

On the more physical side of things, walking is such an easy thing to do. Not only are your getting exercise but you are also able to clear your and getting in touch with nature. I like to take walks and visit with a friend, listen to a podcast or take a walk with my dogs. Plus, I’m getting my steps in which is a bonus. I aim to get 10,000 steps a day and most of the time I am hitting that goal with working, running errands and getting a walk in. 

These are just three ways that have been keeping me on track for a healthy lifestyle in the summer. What ways are you staying healthy in the summer months?