Fabulous living

Year Two of Growing a Garden

Hello everyone! 

Happy Wednesday! I hope your days are filled with sunshine, summer snacks, and sunrises or sunsets. Summer is in full swing, I can’t believe we are halfway through July, time needs to slow down. I have been doing my best to savor the summer days as much as I can without rushing through life. 

Soaking up summer fun like by mini golfing!

For the second year, I decided to grow a garden. Last summer, I started small with carrots, peas, peppers, tomatoes and cucumbers. I learned a lot about over and under watering plants, daily plant checks, and most of all, patience.

A perfect salad with all the veggies from last year!

The best part was enjoying the fruits (and veggies) of my labor and sharing them with others. I was satisfied with my experience last year, that I decided to do it again this year, with some changes.

Cucumbers growing.
My tomatoes!

I thoroughly enjoyed the process and I was eager to do it again this year.

I decided to spread out my garden to two different spots, one in the same section, and the other in planters since I decided to add more veggies this year.

For summer 2024, I decided to grow cucumbers, peppers, carrots, onions, peas, strawberries, squash, pumpkins, and tomatoes. 

I planted the pumpkins, strawberries, squash and cucumbers in one spot.

Then I planted the carrots, peas, onions, tomatoes, and peppers in the raised beds. I did this method for this year to give more space for the vegetables to grow. 

This year I also got a mix of seeds and some plants that were already growing. I decided to do a combination to see how the vegetables would fair. I have noticed that the plants have been growing faster than the seeds for obvious reasons, but I have enjoyed the process of seeing them both grow and mature. 

Growing a garden has brought me a sense of peace and connecting with the earth. I always like to start or end my day by checking on and by watering my garden. It’s a few moments of peace before or after a busy day that brings me joy and contentment. I love getting the fresh air daily and I like seeing the hard work pay off, even if it takes a whole season. 

I am eager to see how my veggies and fruits do, especially the new ones that I planted this year. I am by no means an expert gardener, but I have enjoyed this new hobby and was happy that I could do it again this summer. Plus, it gives me more time outside, which I will never complain about. 

I really enjoyed year one of growing a garden and year two has been off to a great start as well.

Tell me: if you have a green thumb, what’s your advice for planting and growing?

Plus, if you started a new hobby, what have you enjoyed the most about it? Let me know in the comments below!

Happy Wednesday!