Hey guys! Happy Wednesday! I hope you are having a great week so far. I’m soaking up as much summertime fun. From pool days to walks, family and friend time and day trips. Summer is winding down and I’m looking to make every moment count.
I have a lot of friends in Pittsburgh so I have been making trips to see friends this summer. I’m also making up time from not seeing people last year due to the pandemic. I’ve also been making trips with family and friends too. I went to the city a few weeks ago and I wanted to share some of my adventures.
Here’s a look of the the first glimpse of the city.
The day started with a trip to the zoo! I love going to zoos and seeing animals and I love to head to a zoo whenever I go to a new city or revisit an old city.
Watching the family of lions interact was my favorite.
Elephants are my favorite animal, and I love seeing them at the zoo!
The otters were cooling off in the water.
After the zoo, we ventured to Station Square for walk and lunch!
A view of the city from lunch.
I enjoyed a shrimp platter from Joe’s Crab Shack!
An up-close view of the food.
Another view of the city at lunch!
After lunch we went on the incline for a view of the city.
Making our way to the top.
A view of the city from above.
Another city view from Mount Washington.
Although, it was only a day trip, we packed a lot in. From the zoo, to walks, tasty food and gorgeous views. It’s always a fun time to visit new places or head to my favorite spots. Where are some of your favorite places to travel to?
If you are a Pittsburgh fan, what are some of your favorite things to do or see?!
Hi everyone! I hope you all had an enjoyable Christmas and holiday weekend. Although, I spent more time at work during the past few days, I was very glad I got to spend time with my family before and after work. The holidays may have looked different this year, but I still love everything that comes with them from the prep, the gift giving, the baking, and the traditions.
I don’t know about you, but I am ready for 2021, a lot of good things came from this past year, but I’m ready for a fresh start, new beginnings, and new goals. Check back in next week for my goals for 2021, I’m still working on them but I’m excited for what the new year.
In years past, I would typically have a long post with lots of things I did, places I went and people I met, and many memories made, well, this year turned out very different than I planned, so my recap looks different.
In the past year, it feels like it just started and at the same time, never happened, almost like a blur. I never thought my first year working in news would look like this, but it truly was a historical time to be reporting. I’ll have more on my first year in news in the coming weeks as well.
Back to looking back on 2020, the year started out by jumping straight into work. I learned a lot during my first weeks and I made some of my closests friends during my first month at work.
I also bought my first car in January which was very exciting.
My first car!
In March, before the world halted, I was able to see some of my college friends which was fun and great to catch up. One week later, the world paused, as country by country closed their borders, states shut down, businesses closed their doors, students and adults all began working from home. It was definitely a weird time. Work kept me busy. I covered latest developments and cancellations, worked from a second location most of the time, handled daily news conferences and dealt with constant information while so many things got cancelled.
Seeing friends one week before everything shutdown
The spring brought extra time with family as everyone worked at home, it was nice that even though I would be busy at work, I still got lots of family time, time that I may not have gotten without the pandemic. I got to work on my first week long series about businesses reopening which was so special to highlight businesses that I know and love. It also brought covering the morning after riots happened in our downtown.
The morning after riot coverage
The summer brought lots of time spent outside walking, running, swimming and eating outside to support local restaurants. After more things opened up, I was back in the gym 5 days a week which I loved for my physical and mental health. The summer reminded me to stop and enjoy the little moments in life.
Beach day and a day trip, lots to time spent outside
I got to see a few friends, masked and socially distanced and some family, again all masked and six feet apart.
Seeing friends socially distant
The fall brought lots of stories about schools going back, including my own siblings. It also brought lots of the historic Election coverage, from visits to Erie and working on Election night, to seeing ow our next President would be.
Covering President Trump coming to Erie.
The fall also brought the passing of our sweet pup, Hershey Kiss.
My sweet Hershey Kiss
At work, I got to anchor my first show and I have filled in on the desk since then, a goal I have been working towards for months and I continue to grow and get better.
Anchoring my first show
The winter brought getting ready for the holidays, making new traditions and memories, and seeing some of the first vaccines distributed here in Erie.
All my gifts wrapped for Christmas
Throughout 2020, I worked on every single holiday, worked every shift, tried new roles, and got better at my previous roles.
2020 brought lots of binge-watching, hello Tiger King, 30 Rock, Emily in Paris, Schitt’s Creek, The Crown, and more!
It brought more family time, lots of facetimes with friends, making new friends and starting a new relationship. 2020 you weren’t so bad after all….2021, I am ready for you!
I can’t believe I am writing my summer 2019 recap. This has been a wonderful and packed full summer. When I moved back home in May, I didn’t know what this summer had in store for me. Yes, I knew there would be work, fun, and friends but other than that, I was open to any opportunity that presented itself. I accomplished a lot these past few months, from working at home, working at school, lots of family time, seeing a lot of friends from high school and college, weekend getaways, and trying new things. Let’s take a look back at my summer to do list and see if I accomplished everything.
Get license renewed
Yes, I got this done the first day I was home and was so happy to get it done.
Yes, I worked at the same job I have been working at since high school and I got a lot f projects accomplished while I was there. I also volunteered for a Campaign this summer and it was interesting to see all the behind the scenes that goes into it.
Make College photo album
Yes, this was such a fun project and I’m glad I have all my pictures in one spot for the future, plus it was cool to look back on all the memories made.
Celebrate 21
Yes, One of the highlights of my summer was celebrating my birthday with all my friends in Pittsburgh, it was so fun to spend the weekend with my people. You can read all about it here.
Celebrating 21 with my girls
See friends from college and high school
Yes, I made a few trips to Pittsburgh for work or to visit friends and it was so good to connect with friends outside of school. I also managed to hang out a lot with my high school friends whether it was weekend trips or fro yo runs.
High school buds
College besties
Portfolio (BLS)
Yes and No, I am still in the process of completing this project for school but it will be done this semester.
Work Study
Yes, I worked a lot for my school and it was great to be kept up to date on what was going on at school and do something I enjoy.
Read 12-15 books
Yes, this was one of my favorite ways to spend the summer. I read a lot and enjoyed unwinding with a good book. You can read my summer book review here!
One of my favorite ways to enjoy the summer
Download pictures to laptop
Yes, another task I wanted to accomplish and I finished it early on in the summer.
Spend time with family
Yes, I got a lot of family time in between family vacations, good meals, and weekend adventures. There is nothing better than quality family time.
Day Trips
Yes, I got in a few day trips to visit friends and work at school for a few days in the summer, one day trips were perfect to do something fun and get work done.
Start Healthier habits
Yes, this summer I snacked a lot less and tried to get outside as much as I could, whether it was for a walk, jog, or even hitting the gym when I could. I was not as consistent with working out as I am in the school year but still felt good about creating healthier habits. You can read about my summer habits here.
I always love going on hikes in the morning or evening
Go to a concert
No, I didn’t get to a concert in the summer, but I have plans for one in September which I am very excited about.
Beach days
Yes, I made it to the beach with my friend Bailey twice, and then spent an afternoon at the beach which was so fun.
ALL the beach vibes!
Family Vacation
Yes, I finished off summer with a family road trip. So fun and many laughs and memories were made.
Much needed getaway
Find a new show to Binge watch
YES, I was obsessed with Outlander this summer. It was such a good show to watch and I became invested in the show fast, I can’t wait for the new season in 2020!
I am still talking about this show
Take more walks outside
Yes, I took more walks in the summer, whether in the woods, the beach or my own backyard. It was so good to get fresh air after working inside all day.
Not only did I spend more time walking outside but I also tried kayaking and loved it
Weekly facetime calls with friends
Yes and no, I didn’t get in weekly facetime calls but my friends and I stayed close by visiting each other and texting every day, plus you know you have a solid relationship when weeks go by and you can pick up from where you left off.
Try something new
Yes, I did a lot of solo traveling this summer so that was definitely a new and rewarding experience that I was so lucky I got to gain more independence in this area.
Try new recipes
Yes, to see some of my favorite recipes you can find my salads here, pizzas here, and snacks here.
From smores
and salad
Entertain Friends/family
Yes, I love to help host and entertain, this summer I did quite a bit from having family, friends, or college friends over, whether it was for dinner, a weekend, or just snacks, it’s a lot of work but it pays off in the end.
I love entertaining from the prep, event and satisfaction of a job well done
Do something spontaneous
Yes, although I don’t have an exact time I was spontaneous, there were many times this summer that I stepped out of my comfort zone to try something new.
Be Present
This was huge for me. This summer, I was more present and intentional with what I was doing. Some of my favorite summer moments there are no pictures of because I was in the moment and not on my phone. This was huge for me.
Focusing on the here and now.
Looking back this was a packed full summer filled with new experiences, memories, work and fun. I have grown by trying new things while being present and spending time with those who matter most to me. Although, the school year will be busy, I know I will always have these memories to look back on. Thank you summer 2019, senior year… here we GO!