Hello all!
Happy Friday! I hope you have been having a great March and spring season. I am loving the extra sunshine, warm weather and time outdoors.

As always, I’m linking up with with Erika and Andrea for another weekly edition of Friday Favorites as I share some of the things that I have been loving this week and are on my radar. Here’s been some of my favorite things:
This is Me Now– Have you seen Jennifer Lopez’s movies/biography on Amazon Prime? It’s called This is Me…Now. It’s based off her latest album about her life and love over the past 20 years. I have always enjoyed JLo, but was never a huge die-hard fan. I truly enjoyed her creative way of bringing her music to life and it’s evident in this film. The movie is only an hour long, but it’s packed with incredible choreography and music. It also can lead you going down the rabbit hole reading all about her past and current loves. Definitely worth the watch!

Avocado Crackers– If you have read any of my past posts, you know I am a sucker for trying new snacks. I spotted these avocado crackers at Wegmans and had to try. I love all things avocado and these didn’t disappoint. I love the crisp. crunch and flavor they provide. There is a little bit of kick to them which I appreciate too. You can enjoy these on their own, but they would also taste great with some cheese, hummus or dip. Perfect for a spring snack!

American Royals Series- I talked about the first book a few posts back, but the past few weeks have been filled with my binge-reading my way through the American Royals series. Wow, once I started, I couldn’t stop. It typically takes me about a week to finish a book, but I was finishing them in less than a week because I couldn’t wait to find out what happens. Each book ends with a cliffhanger that will lead you to picking up the next month. I loved the plot of a royal family in America, I loved the characters and how they grew up and evolved through the four books and I loved all the little Easter eggs sprinkled throughout. If you are looking for a good series that’s PG-13, this is a winner-especially in the spring!

Spring Weather-Speaking of spring, I have been LOVING this spring weather. We may have had a mild winter, but I am here for the consistent warmth and sunshine. Last week, I packed clothes to go on walks after work three days in a row and I couldn’t have been happier. I also made it to the Zoo for a trip this year. The sunshine is giving me life right now and I couldn’t be happier.

Grey’s Anatomy is Back– After a long overdue wait due to the writer’s strike and the actor’s strike. Grey’s Anatomy finally returned yesterday. This season will be much shorter, but I’m still grateful we are getting a season to begin with. Depending on when you are reading this, I may or may not have watched the episode yet. I am looking forward to seeing what’s going on with my favorite characters at Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital. I have been a fan of the series for years and have loved seeing how the show has evolved and how characters have changed and come and gone. I’m eager to see how this season unfolds.

That’s a look into some of my favorite things from this week. Some clothes, some entertainment and some snacks! Tell me, as we are fully in spring, what are some things you are loving?! Let me know in the comments below!