Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #94

Hi everyone! Happy Friday! 

I hope you had a great week and are ready for the weekend. I have a busy weekend with family, friends and graduation celebrations. It will be a packed full, but fun weekend.

Signs of spring and soon to be summer!

Before we get to all the fun and entertainment, I wanted to catch you up on what I’ve been loving this week as I link up with  Erika and Andrea 

Photo A Day  Challenge– Kicking this off with Erika, if you have been following along on my Instagram you may have noticed I have been participating in the #PhotoADaywithShayandErika Challenge with her and Shay. They do this challenge every May and it’s all about posting a different photo every day of the month with a different theme. It’s been fun to do this daily challenge and it encourages me to be more present in my life and it forces me to slow down a bit too. Here’s the prompts in you want to follow along too!

Bridgerton Back– Depending on when you are reading this, I am hoping to have started the new season of Bridgerton. I couldn’t wait until it came back and I’m so excited to see what this season brings. I am intrigued to see how some of the characters develop and how relationships evolve. One of my favorite things about this series is how it completely transports you back in time and you can truly escape the world for a bit. Now comes the hard part about deciding to binge it all at one time or take it slow. If you are a fan of Bridgerton, have you started watching? If so, what do you think of the season so far?

Yasso Bars– I am gearing up for all things summer full steam ahead and that includes summer treats. I love a good ice cream in the summer especially when I am looking to indulge. I picked up these ice cream bars from Yasso from the store and I have really been enjoying them. I love the sweetness of the chocolate, but also that it’s a healthier option to ice cream. A sweet treat that you don’t feel too guilty about. 

Clean Car– One of my favorite things that I do once a year with my boyfriend is deep clean and detail our cars. It takes a few hours, but we do everything, from the mats, to the seats, the steering wheel, even the dashboard. We had a sunny, Sunday and took advantage of it by cleaning our cars. There is nothing more rewarding than having a clean space especially after you did all the hard work yourself. Definitely a favorite this week!

The Seven Year Slip– I finished The Seven Year Slip by Ashley Poston this past week and I loved it. It was recommended by Ashley Brookeā€™s book club. Itā€™s all about a young woman who falls in love with a man after they both end up in the same apartment, the catch? They are from different times, sheā€™s seven years ahead of him. How does this relationship work and will they find each other in the future? You will have to read to find out. I loved the description, the setting, the characters and all the details about food which is a huge part of the book. Definitely a fun read!

Thatā€™s a look into life this past week. I hope itā€™s been a fabulous week and you have something fun planned for this weekend.

See you back here on Wednesday!


Currently #29

Hey guys!

Happy Wednesday. I hope your week has been filled with sunshine, warm weather, and all the spring vibes (or something like that).

Today, I have a currently lined up for your reading. I know it’s a bit earlier in the month, but I have an extra special post set up for next week

Without further ado, here’s a look into what I’ve been up to this past month. 

What I’m up to: I’ve been LOVING all the warm weather. Last week we had weather in the 70s all week long. I’ve been trying to get outside more after work, whether it’s for a walk or just to sit and read. I’ve also been enjoying making lighter and summery meals.

Seeing flowers and plants and trees in bloom brings a smile to my face.

A few weeks ago I made a lemon chicken sheet pan dinner which was so flavorful and easy. I got the recipe from Mix and Match Mama and I really enjoyed cooking it.

A look at my meal from a few weeks ago.

I also celebrated Motherā€™s Day with my family and enjoyed dinner with my family and a trip to the zoo.

A few shots of our trip to the zoo.
Such an array of colors.

Iā€™ve also managed to enjoy some friend time over the past few weeks which was much needed.

What Iā€™m wearing: Iā€™m always on the look for work dresses and clothes. I often stop into stores like Marshallā€™s of TJ Maxx just to see if thereā€™s ever new finds. I lucked out big time during my last time in finding affordable and fashionable clothes. As far as casual clothes, Iā€™ve been able to break out some shorts and t-shirts which just makes me happy that warm weather is here and here to stay.Ā 

I also got a fresh trim for summer which was much needed!

What Iā€™m reading: I finished Not A Happy Family and wow-what a good book. I couldnā€™t it down. Iā€™m typically not a thriller lover but this was soooo good. A great mix of mystery and thriller and not too scary.

Iā€™m currently reading, Paris is Always a Good Idea and itā€™s the opposite of Not A Happy Family, itā€™s light and fluffy and will make you want to travel. Itā€™s such a good call for summer.

What Iā€™m watching: I started and finished season 5 of Selling Sunset, itā€™s such a guilty pleasure, I started to watch it when it came out for the real estate, but now I watch for the drama. Haha!

On a more serious note, I watched The Anatomy of a Scandal and loved it. I finished it in one weekend. Another great cliffhanger mini series with a great cast.

What Iā€™m Loving: ALL the WARM and SPRING weather. Thatā€™s all. I love being outside and enjoying ice cream and walks after work and not having to wear all the layers.

I even had my first hot dog grilling of the season which just gets me in the summer mode.

What Inspires Me: Iā€™ve been planning a few fun summer plans and excursions and itā€™s making me excited for summer and adventures and more hikes and times with friends and family and maybe even a trip or two. Iā€™ll be sharing my summer bucket list at the start of June!

I’ve already been to the beach once for a walk this summer and I can’t wait to head back more.

What I Accomplished: I enjoyed celebrating my mom for Motherā€™s Day at the beginning of the month and I had a few other special birthdays too. We enjoyed a fun family meal to celebrate my mom.

The process
The finished product

I still have a few graduations and my birthday to celebrate so Iā€™m excited for those in the coming weeks.

Goals from Last Month: Iā€™ve been really good at seeing friends consistently who live in town and making time for friends out of town. I also got a lot of start of spring/summer must dos done like different odds and ends that feels good to start a new month on the right foot. I also took a day trip with my mom and brother to the National Comedy Center in Jamestown which was so fun and I learned a lot too.

A look at the iconic I Love Lucy set.
And some scripts from The Office.

Goals for Next Month: Iā€™m looking forward to starting my summer bucket list and enjoying time outside with my family.Ā  I have a graduation and some day trips planned to see friends so Iā€™m looking forward to that. Iā€™m also excited to spend time with friends and family and enjoy more time grilling and swimming and trying to take it slow? I know, easier said than done. Overall, Iā€™m just really excited for summer!

Fresh lemonade and a good book. The perfect combo!

That’s a look at my life today. Lots of family time, time outdoors and good food. How’s life been looking for you the past month? Let me know.

Fabulous living

My Favorite Ways to Read

Hey guys! Happy Wednesday! Halfway through the work weekā€¦thereā€™s no better feeling than hump day. 

One of my favorite hobbies since I was a young child is reading. I loved going to the library all through school and picking out different books to read. From picture books, to chapter books and then eventually novels. Itā€™s no secret that I love the classics, Jane Austen is my favorite.I do enjoy autobiographies and biographies. There is something special about learning about someone or just getting lost in a book.Ā 

Since I started my book club with my friends Maddie and Ryan, I have been reading a lot more which has been so fun and fulfilling. I have also gotten creative with the different ways I am reading. Iā€™ve read your traditional, physical paper/ hardcover books, digital books thanks to Libby and then audio books.Ā Three different ways to read.

Our weekly book club meetings…all remote but still so fun!

I love how many options there are out there to read. My personal favorite is the traditional, physical, paperback or hard cover (and preferable library books). I love being able to hold a book in my hands and go through it, page by page.Ā Ā There is something special about the simplicity of curling up with a good book and being transformed to a new place. Even though I have a large stack of favorite books that I own, library books are my go-to for one time reads. I like supporting a community staple and I like that I can return it if I donā€™t like it, plus, library books are free which is a very good thing.Ā 

A few books from my collection at home.

If I canā€™t get my hands on a physical book, checking them out from the library, digitally is the next best thing. I found out about Libby, which is an app you can download on your phone, iPad, or Kindle and check out books from your local library. This was a huge life saver when libraries were closed due to the pandemic. I do like how easy it is to read wherever you are (and it beats carrying books around) and Libby makes reading at night easier too. But, there is something that still draws me to the physical book. If you are always on the go and can read wherever, this could be the best option for you.

Lastly, audiobooks, as a child, we would sometimes listen to audiobooks on road trips. As Iā€™ve gotten older Iā€™ve stuck with reading books as opposed to listening to them. I decided to give audio books a try last month. I downloaded Audible and started a one month long free trial. It was nice to be able to listen to books as I was driving or getting ready or doing laundry. However, I would often get distracted and wouldnā€™t be as focused on my book. It was convenient for long drives but ultimately, I would rather sit down and relax to read as opposed to multitasking.

Reading is a favorite hobby of mine and I love that I have been able to carve out time every day to savor it, whether itā€™s reading a book physically, a digital book or an audiobook. At the end of the day, I will always be happy to curl up with a book and get lost in a new world or learn something new. 

Now itā€™s your turn!!!

What are your favorite ways to read and what books are you reading now?

Comment below!