Fabulous living

2023 Year in Review

Hello all! Happy Christmas week! I hope you had a wonderful day with loved ones and lasting memories.

A look at my tree on Christmas Day.

It’s the end of the 2023, this year flew by. I feel like just yesterday I was setting goals and resolutions for the next 12 months and here we are almost 365 days later with most of them accomplished.

Going into 2023, I anticipated it to be a year of change and new beginnings and while there was change and I tried new hobbies and went to different places, this year was filled with lots of routine and structure which I love and crave.

Over the past twelve months, I have kept in touch with friends from out of town and made it a point to touch base with them either in-person or via facetime. I traveled a lot this year by taking day trips or longer vacations with my family. I continued to grow in my profession by working on different long-form projects and challenging myself each day. The biggest things that stand out to me from this past year would be my newfound love of trying different hobbies. 

What a year for 2023!

Let’s take it back to January for a recap of this year before we get into my favorites of 2023:

The year began with lots of cozy days indoors and lots of cooking, I tried lots of new recipes this year from soups, to pizzas, and baked goods. 

A new recipe, Shrimp Avocado Medicine Soup
Fresh cookies too

Even though it was cold outside, I bunded up and took winter walks to some of my favorite spots, as much as I love the hygge vibes of being inside, there’s nothing quite like getting fresh air and exercise.

Winter walks in the snow

February brought a day trip to Cleveland for a day at the Art Museum and dinner and a show.

A show in the city at night!

The second month of the year brought Valentine’s Day and the first of many uses of my Kitchen Aid.

First time using my kitchen aid
The Kitchen Aid made baking them so much easier!

March was a continuation of testing out new recipes and getting outdoors more as the temperatures began to rise. 

First Zoo trip of the year

Spring finally made an appearance in April with Easter, family time and the start of sunshine.

First of spring walks
Our favorite Easter dessert-our bunny cake!

April also brought the start of my running journey.

Some of my early runs

May took me to Canada and my first visit to Niagara on the Lake, Ontario for a work trip.

Picnic season was back in May and I celebrated my 25th birthday.

Picnic season
Celebrating 25!

I tried to spend as much time outside in the summer. This summer I began to grow my first garden which saw success for its first season. I also began running consistently in preparation for my first 5K.

Runs at the beach!

June was a month of travel with day trips to Columbus and NYC for a day, which you can read about here.

The sights and sounds of NYC

I also got a chance to visit family in New Jersey which was well overdue. 

The beauty of the beach!

July began with the Fourth of July included lots of running, checking on my garden, walks, and reading poolside. 

Our Fourth of July spread
My first set of veggies! Peas!
Reading by the pool days
More running

August began fast and furious with my first 5K, then it was off to a day trip to Toronto.

Finishing my first 5K!
The iconic Toronto sign

My family and I got away for a few days to San Diego which was great to have quality time together and go to new places.

Hello San Diego!

Summer wrapped up with bonfires, ice cream and more success of my garden.

Summer S’mores!
Soaking up summer with every last ice cream!
The fruits of my labor

The fall was a time of savoring the outdoors as much as I could and seeing the seasons change. 

Hello fall walks!

As it got colder and I stayed indoors more, that meant more time in the kitchen by trying new recipes for baked goods and dinners. 

Back in the kitchen

November and December brought me my first Turkey Trot followed by Thanksgiving and getting into the Christmas spirit and celebrating all month long.

Turkey trotting!
Our Thanksgiving Dinner at home
All is calm, all is bright.
A very Christmas spread

This past year brought lots of favorites too.

Here’s some of my all-time favorite things from 2023:

Favorite Book: Spare-I know it was a controversial book, but I found it fascinating to read all about Prince Harry and his life from his perspective. I also have been a fan of the Royal family for years, so his autobiography was very eye-opening. Plus the timing between the death of the Queen in 2022, Charles’ Coronation in May and final season of the Crown makes his story even more prevalent.

Favorite T.V. ShowThe Marvelous Mrs. Maisel ended this year, I really loved following this show from the beginning and thought the ending was so fitting and fulfilling. A close runner-up would be Ted Lasso, another favorite from this year

Favorite MovieBarbie– This should be no surprise but I really enjoyed the Barbie movie this year. Although, I’m not a Barbie super fan, I thought it was very well done and had a great message.

Favorite Fashion Item– Tennis dress from Amazon– I wore this so many times this summer. It was so easy to throw on during a hot day or after work. It was fashionable and affordable and I loved the color, perfect for summer!

Favorite New PodcastThe Lazy Genius– I was introduced to this podcast and find it so helpful when it comes to life hacks and ways to streamline things in your life. Although, my all-time favorite podcast is the Simplified podcast.

Sometimes I listen to the Lazy Genius

Favorite App- Substack– I love using substack to keep up with some of my favorite authors and writers like Emily Ley from Simplified and Elizabeth Holmes for all things Royals.

Favorite New Hobby– My favorite new hobby from this year has been running. I never thought I would be a runner and love it as much as I do, but here we are. You can read about my running journey here.

One of my latest runs

I am also proud of my consistency with growing my first garden this year. 

My tomatoes!

Favorite Trip- Doing New York City in a day was exhausting but so worth it and I made so many memories with my family when we went to San Diego.

Memories from family trips!

This year was so full with new adventures, building relationships, growing in my profession, spending time with loved ones and trying new hobbies. The best way I can describe this year is by feeling fulfilled. 

Here’s a look at the resolutions I set out to accomplish this year. My top goals were to Eat healthier and run a 5K (which I accomplished big time), I wanted to take advantage of local spots and park (which I did a great job especially in the spring and summertime), Plan to do more things on days off (I accomplished this by doing day trips and making the most of my vacation days), and lastly, I wanted to continue to grow more in my profession (I achieved this goal by tackling different work projects and tasks).

I’m proud of myself of how I have grown and evolved this past year and I’m excited to see where 2024 takes me. 

Cheers to closing the chapter of 2023 and starting fresh for 2024.

Here’s to a new year!
Let's Look

Let’s Look: Amazon Purchases

Hi all! Happy Wednesday! I hope your March is going smoothly and you start to see the beginnings of SPRING! We’ve had a mild winter so far, but I’m already craving the sunshine and 50 degree temperatures. 

Today I’m linking up with Erika and Shay for this month’s edition of Let’s Look. Every month, whoever links up gives you a look into a different aspect of their lives.

This month it’s about all time favorite Amazon purchases! I have to be honest, I use Amazon, but I do prefer to shop in stores. Amazon definitely makes it easier to order things you need in a pinch, but sometimes it’s fun to browse stores and the aisles. 

Here’s some fun things I’ve bought from Amazon recently. 

Photo Frame-Not a super fun purchase, but I needed it for a gift and rather than going to multiple craft stores to find this large frame, I went on my Amazon app, ordered the it and had it shipped to my house in two days. I could choose the color and size and it was inexpensive too. Just what I was looking for.

Jeep Key Fob Cover- One of my co-workers had this cover for her key fob and I loved how it looked (so sleek and sophisticated) so I wanted to get one for myself. This soft rubber key fob slips right over your key fob. A larger key ring also comes with it, so you can slip it right over onto your wallet or key ring. When I was looking on Amazon for it, I came across other covers for different cars and their keys. My mom loved how mine looked, so she ordered a cover for her key fob, (a different make and model than mine)! It wasn’t too expensive, but it was more of a fun purchase than a practical one. But every time I see it, does it bring me joy? You bet!

Charging Station for iPhone– I talked about this purchase in my Friday Favorites at the beginning of the year, but I wanted to bring it back again. I got this three in one charging station for my phone and apple watch. You can charge your AirPods too, but I don’t have AirPods, so I don’t use that feature. I love how I don’t have to worry about multiple cords and chargers anymore. it’s one plug and everything gets charged. I also have a pop socket/ring on the back of my phone, and you can still charge it with it on. The only catch is to make sure when you order it, it’s compatible for your version of your watch, phone and AirPods. It comes in multiple colors and it affordable and it saves you time and energy from searching for multiple cords.

Spare-No surprise here that I pre-ordered Spare and it arrived on the day it came out. The library is typically my go-to for books, but I do order books if I know I will want to re-read it or hold onto them. Amazon made it easy for me start reading right away!

Heatless Curling Rod Headband-This will be getting its own post soon enough, but like many others, I purchased this curling rod headband that gives your curls without using heat. I’ve tried it a handful of times and have been pleased with it, but still need to try it out different ways to really get the hang of it. But Amazon made it so easy to order it and try it within a few days.

That’s a look into some of the things I’ve ordered from Amazon, some fun, some basic, a little bit of everything. What are some of your favorite Amazon purchases? Let me know in the comments below!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #25

Hello all!

Happy Fri-yay!

I can’t believe we are at the end of January! I don’t know about you, but this month went by in the blink of an eye. Between getting back into my routines, checking some tedious projects off my to-do list and staying cozy by trying new recipes and reading, it’s been a good month. That being said, I can’t wait for February. I love Valentine’s Day, Galentine’s Day, hearts, sweets and all the other things that come with the second month of the year. 

Now, let’s get to this week’s Friday Favorites. I have another fun round-up of things that I have loved this week and who knows maybe you will too. Here’s what I’m loving as I link up with Erika and Andrea.

Reusable Bags– You know you are an adult when you get excited about reusable bags. Haha! I got snack and sandwich reusable bags for Christmas, and they are such a practical gift that I use every day. I pack my lunch for work and typically that entails bringing in cut up veggies, fruit, cookies, crackers, trail mix etc. I was constantly using plastic baggies and realized how much of a waste it was, so I did some research and found a solution, reusable baggies. I got them for Christmas and love them. They seal really well and keep your food fresh. They also wash and dry well too. Plus, they are easy to store in lunch boxes, purses, or in a pantry. Definitely worth the investment and great for the environment.

So useful for food storage.

Laundry Sanitizer-Another adult favorite. We are in the midst of cold and flu season which means germs are spreading fast. I picked up this Laundry Sanitizer by Lysol and have been using it when I do laundry, especially with items that may get shared (blankets or towels) or clothing that someone who is sick may have worn. It’s super simple to use, you just pour some in your washer alongside your detergent. It doesn’t bleach and there’s no harsh smell. It’s not too exciting, but it’s an extra step to keep things safe and clean. 

Elizabeth Holmes’ Spare Audio Thoughts-I finished Spare by Prince Harry and loved it! As someone who has followed the Royal Family for years, I couldn’t wait to read Harry’s words and hear his thoughts about growing up. Hearing about his childhood without his mother broke my heart, reading how the army shaped him was profound and reading how he and Meghan fell in love brought me so much joy! I was so happy to finish it but sad it was over. Besides reading the book, I also listened to Elizabeth Holmes’ audio thoughts. I loved the insights she offered through the books, some of it were her opinions, others were facts she shared too. It was the perfect reading companion. I’m eager to see what Harry and Meghan do now.

The Recruit– Have you seen The Recruit on Netflix?! It came out at the end of last year, but I just got around to watching it this past week. It’s only one season and eight episodes, but it’s so good. I finished it in five days! It follows the story of a young lawyer who works for the CIA and gets way in over his head with a case involving a former asset for the CIA. He goes from being stuck at a desk to flying across the world for a mission. Every episode is filled with drama, suspense, some romance and a bit of humor. It hasn’t been renewed yet for a second season, but I hope it does since it leaves you with a big cliff hanger. If you saw it, what did you think?!

Fox’s Special Forces: World’s Toughest Test– I promise I do more than just work and watch tv, but I also got hooked on a new reality/competition show. I’m not big into competition shows, but I look forward to watching this show every week.  Special Forces: World’s Toughest Test on Fox follows over a dozen celebrities as they see if they have what it takes to be a Special Forces Operator. Some of the challenges they have to endure are pretty insane. I know I wouldn’t be able to do them, so I can the recruits a ton of credit for attempting them. Without giving too much way, not everyone can handle the pressure and some go home or quit. It’s fascinating to see some of the different contestants handle the pressure or don’t handle the pressure. 

That’s a look into some of my favorite things from this week. Tell me how are you celebrating the last weekend of the month?!


Currently #37

Hi everyone! I can’t believe we are at the end of January! This month went by so fast, it was definitely nice to have a slower month compared to a busy December at the end of the year. This past month has been a good mix of fresh starts, staying cozy and getting outdoors too. As the month wraps up, here’s a look at some things I have been up to.

What I’ve Been Up To: I’ve spent this past month decluttering and organizing things. After a full December, both mentally and physically, I was looking forward to some New Year cleaning. I have been participating in the Simplified Simplicity Challenge this month and I have been so proud of doing little things every day to live a simplified life. I’ll be sharing a recap of my simplicity challenge next month.

Cleaning out different areas of your life, like your purse is just one example of the daily challenges.

I also have been trying to get outside for fresh air even in the colder months, whether it’s for a walk or run, even a few minutes outside makes all the difference. I also have been trying some new recipes and enjoying some new books too. January has been slow but productive.

January has been filled with lots of snow too!
Another new recipe I tried this month, Shrimp Avocado Medicine Soup by Jessie James Decker.

What I’m Wearing: I have been wearing all the layers especially when I am outdoors. I have so many scarves that I have been making a point to wear them when I’m out and about. Not only do they keep you warm, but they are also a great fashion statement too.

All the layers for chilly weather.

What I’m Reading: I’ve been reading lots of books over the past few weeks as I spend more time indoors. 

Here’s what I have been enjoying.

I Didn’t Do that Thing Today- “I Didn’t Do that Thing Today” has more of a psychological feel as opposed to a narrative feel. The author talks about all the research and interviews she has conducted when it comes to productivity. As someone who thrives on being a productive person and getting everything done, I learned a lot about not having to be busy all the time and giving ourselves breathing room and not letting a lack of accomplishment affect our days.

Spare-I have been making my way through  Spare, Prince Harry’s book. The book begins after the death of Princess Diana and follows Harry’s life to the present day. So far, I have found Prince Harry to be very real and vulnerable, but also giving historical context and perspective to different things in his life. I’m looking forward to finishing the book soon.

What I’m Watching: I have been watching and enjoying The Mindy Project. It’s so fun and easy to have on in the background as I get things done. I also have been watching some fun movies. I watched Knives Out: Glass Onion, About Fate and Something From Tiffany’s. All can be found on streaming services, they were all a mix of romantic comedies, mystery and dramas. I’ve been adding more things on my list of things to watch. 

About Fate was such a cute movie on Amazon Prime.

What Inspires Me: I’ve been inspired by a clean slate for the new year. From decluttering to starting new year’s resolutions and getting back into new routines. I love the new year and a fresh start.

Hello decluttering for a fresh start!
I’ve also been enjoying some baking too.

What I Accomplished: In addition to fresh starts, I have also been getting back into some of my favorite routines and hobbies. I got a few new cookbooks for Christmas and have really enjoyed trying out some new recipes including soups and hearty meals. I also have been so good about keeping up with friend dates, whether they are in-person or via facetime, it’s so good to get some quality friend time in.

New cookbooks means new recipes.
Winter weekends means pancakes!

Goals from Last Month: I have started on some of my New Year’s Resolutions which also gets me in the right mindset for the new year. Sometimes, the hardest part of starting a new habit is taking that first step. One of my goals of this year is to live a healthier lifestyle and I have tried to do that by making smarter food choices and moving more, we are only one month in, but we are off to a good start. I also have been checking things off my winter bucket list too!

Goals for this Month: February is all about love and Valentine’s Day and showing those in your life that you care! I’m looking forward to a Valentine’s Day date, some girlfriend time for Galentine’s Day and enjoying some chocolate and all things heart shaped. Plus, I’m excited to continue to enjoy winter by taking winter walks but also cozying up inside. 

I also went to a hockey game this month and I’m hoping to go to a few more before the season is over.

That’s a look into life recently. Some reading, some binge-watching, trying new foods, staying active and getting back into new routines.


I’ve also been enjoying some puppy cuddles too.

Tell me: How has your New Year’s Resolutions been going?

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #13

Hello everyone and Happy Friday! It’s been a week! From Halloween on a Monday, to starting a new month on Tuesday and then a mix of weather. I was very happy to see the weekend. I like the beginning of November since there’s time to rest a bit before the hustle and bustle of the holidays and the end of the year. 

I have a fun roundup of favorites for you today as I link up with  Erika and Andrea for Friday Favorites ,it’s a good mix of movies, books, activities and food!

The Weekend Away– I know it’s not a new release but it’s new to me. I recently watched The Weekend Away on Netflix, and it was the perfect mystery and scary movie for me. I’m not big into scary movies, but I do love a good mystery and plot twist. The movie follows a young mom who spends a weekend away with her best friend. After the first night, her best friend ends up dead and everyone including the main character becomes a suspect. There’s lots of intrigue and a few plot twists you won’t see coming even up to the last few minutes of the movie. Definitely a good movie to watch if you want a scare, but nothing too scary.

Book Lovers– If you are in the mood to curl up with a good book on a chilly November day, then consider reading Book Lovers. It follows the story of a book agent from New York City who takes a trip in a Hallmark-esque town in North Carolina. This type-A young women is perfectly content with her life in the city but quickly learns that life’s not so bad in a rural town, that is until she learns her rival is visiting the same town. Will they stay competitors, or will a new chapter be written? You will have to turn each page to find out. This book is written by Emily Henry, and I have loved reading her books over the past few years and this one was no different. A great book that you will finish in a breeze.

Spare-Speaking of new books, Prince Harry’s new book cover and synopsis was released last week. Spare is set to hit shelves on January 10. I already have my copy pre-ordered. I can’t wait to read about Harry’s life from his perspective. From my past posts, you have probably picked up that I enjoy following the Royal Family so I’m very eager to read his thoughts. Plus, this gives me something to look forward to in the new year after the holidays are over.

Old Navy Sales– I stopped into Old Navy last week and they had so many sales going on. From jeans to blouses, coats and graphic tee-shirts. There was something for everyone. Plus, they already have some of their Christmas gear out and I may have picked up a holiday shirt and some Christmas pajamas. There’s so many different prints and patterns, you can go crazy! Plus, this is a great time to stock up on things while they are on sale as they switch their seasonal clothes out. 

Elk Watching– This is a different kind of favorite, but I went Elk watching last week and had such a fun time and it was a really unique experience. I had to get up extra early and travel to southeastern Pennsylvania to see the elk in their natural habitat. I got the chance to see them in the field and then up close by the road. It was definitely a once in a lifetime experience.

That’s a look into some of my favorite things this week. Tell me, what are you looking forward to this weekend?