Fabulous living

Fall Bucket List

Hello All! 

Happy first full week of September. I hope you had a great Labor Day weekend and soaked up the last big weekend of summer. I still plan on keeping the shorts on and enjoying the sunshine for as long as I can this month.

September is always a month of transition, from getting back into a new routine being back to school, to the changing weather, this month can be a busy one. Over the next few weeks, I have some day trips planned, lots of appointments that I scheduled for when things calmed down from the busy summer and then some friend dates. I’m looking forward to crossing things off my to-do list and starting my fall bucket list!

Speaking of bucket lists, here’s a look at my summer bucket list all completed: 

I got so much accomplished this summer, both on my list and doing things that came up through the summer, needless to say it was a fun and packed full summer. From trips to New York City, Toronto and San Diego, to lots of walks and picnics, grilling and pool days, it was a memorable summer!

Summer is a photo!

Now that we are slowly saying goodbye to summer, it’s time to start thinking about FALL!

I started a fall bucket list at the beginning of the month and will add to it over the next few weeks, but here’s what I hope to accomplish over the next few months. 

My Fall Bucket List

Apple Picking

Fall Walks

Collect Leaves

Make Apple Recipe

Try A New Recipe Once a Week


Football Game

Pumpkin Patch and Carve Pumpkins

Celebrate Halloween

Make Chili

Use Kitchen Aid

Read Fall Books

Go to a Fall Fest

Celebrate Thanksgiving

Enjoy Apple Cider

Hockey Game

Soup Recipe

Kinzua Hike

Elk Watching 

That’s just a start into what I hope to accomplish over the next few months. I love to make to-do lists and bucket lists because they give me ideas of things to do for fun and it encourages me to take advantage of my hometown and the season. I hope this gives you some ideas of fun things to do in the fall season.

Tell me, do you have a fall bucket list? What do you hope to accomplish?

Let me know in the comments below!

Happy Fall Y’all!

Fabulous living

Fall Bucket List 2022

Hello all!

Happy Wednesday! I hope you are having a great week as we make our way through September. Since we are now at the halfway point of the month, I figured it was time to break out the fall bucket list.

I love lists! I love laying everything out in one space, I love the satisfaction of crossing things off when they are completed, I love seeing my to-do list in front of me. It should come as no surprise that I love seasonal bucket lists. These lists serve as a way to get ideas for weekends activities, time with family or even dates. I carried some items from my summer bucket list over to my fall bucket list that I didn’t accomplish yet. 

Without further ado, here’s my Fall 2022 Bucket List!


Apple Picking

Coffee/Book store date


Fall Walk

Collect Leaves

Apple Recipes

Clean Cars for fall and winter

Fall Festival

Get Pumpkins

Decorate for Fall

Bonfire and S’mores

Enjoy Candy Apple

Fall Drive

Try a New Soup Recipe

Enjoy Hot Apple Cider

Celebrate Halloween

Make a Candy Corn Recipe

Watch a Halloween movie

Try a new Pumpkin Recipe 

Curl up and Read a Book

Celebrate Thanksgiving

If you are looking for ideas or inspiration for fall fun, may consider checking an item or two off this list. I would love to hear what’s on your fall bucket lists too! Feel free to share them with me below!