Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #135

Hello all!

Happy Friday! I hope you had great week. As we make our way to the weekend, I wanted to share some of my favorite highlights from this past week. It is the last day of February and I for one am thrilled to be a bit closer to spring.

Fresh flowers at the store made me very happy!

Even though, I know the snow won’t magically disappear, I’m excited for some warmer weather. There’s hopefully a little bit of something for everyone in this week’s edition of Friday Favorites! Let’s dive in as I link up with Erika and Andrea.

New Sneakers– One thing I have DESPERATELY missed this winter has been running outdoors. This has been my biggest complaint about the winter months. The snow, ice, and freezing temperatures have kept me inside and on a treadmill or on a turf as opposed to out running on trails. Although, I’m grateful to run inside, I can’t wait to get back outdoors not only for the paths, but to test out my new running sneakers. My current sneakers have a lot of miles on them, so I decided to upgrade. This is my first time trying Hoka (I’m typically a New Balance gal) but decided to give Hoka a try. I’ll have a thorough report after I can log more miles outdoors in my sneakers.

From Here to the Great Unknown– Wow! I can’t tell you the last time I raced through a book as fast as I did with this one. From Here to the Great Unknown is the memoirs of both Lisa Marie Presley and Riley Keough. The books discusses their lives and the life of Elvis told through their eyes. I loved the Elvis movie when it came out a handful of years ago and really enjoyed watching Keough in Daisy Jones and the Six, so I couldn’t wait to read this book and it didn’t disappoint. 5 Stars for me.

Scamanda– I mentioned this podcast in 2023 when I listened to it in the summer. It’s all about a woman who faked cancer and scammed thousands of people. I found the podcast to be very fascinating and was excited to learn a documentary would be made about it. Scamanda is airing in four parts on ABC and I have been loving it. It just wrapped up last week and I am got all caught up over the weekend. It’s very similar to the podcast, but you get to meet the people involved. I looked forward to the episodes every week. 

OJ Simpson Documentary– Another documentary I just finished was a new four-part series on Netflix about O.J. Simpson. Although I don’t remember the case, I have learned and read about it a lot through the years. I’ve watched different documentaries, specials, and adaptations on it too. I was curious to see how this one compared. I liked how it was broken into four parts and I liked the length of each episode too. I really appreciated how they brought back some of the key players, years later for updated interviews. Overall, very well done!

Fruit Bowls- We have had a long winter over here, so I’ve been trying to break up my days with things that bring me joy and that includes more fruit. I have been devouring these homemade fruit bowls. They are very simple to put together and you can alter them to your liking. I typically have Greek yogurt, fruit (bananas, berries, watermelon-whatever is on hand), some granola, and then mini chocolate chips for a sweet treat at the end of the day. I have been eating this as a snack, but it can be enjoyed for breakfast too. I have been loving the energy boost it gives me and the colors make me happy too. 

That’s a look into what I have been loving this week. What are some things that have been helping you get through this winter slump? 

Let me know in the comments below!

Happy Friday!

Fabulous living

A Look Back on 2024

Hello Everyone and a very Merry Christmas! I don’t anticipate many of you to be reading on Christmas Day, but if you are then welcome!

Here’s a look at how my last few weeks and days looked:

 I hope your day is filled with peace, love, joy, family, friends and wonderful memories. If today is challenging for you, know that I am thinking of you. 

If you are reading this over the Christmas week, thank you for being here. I appreciate your support and you taking the time to read my posts.

Today, I am looking back on 2024, what a year it was. This year was filled with leaning into routines, new adventures, attempting new hobbies, going through some growing pains and travel.

A lot of things changed, but a lot of things stayed status quo. I’m eager to see what 2025 will bring for me. There’s something special about going into a new year with a fresh slate, some uncertainty, but knowing it will all work out. Before we jump too far ahead to 2025 (more on that next week), I want to reflect on 2024 and look back at these past 365 days and share some of my favorite things too! Let’s get to it.

A Look Back on 2024

The year began with me keeping up with my running consistently. You will be able to see my progress as the year progresses. 

One of my first runs of the year.

I also spent a lot of time in the kitchen trying new recipes.

I tried to get as much fresh air as possible when the weather cooperated.

Walks in the wintertime

I tried a new hobby with piano and kept up with it all year.

A recent accomplishment

In February, I enjoyed the Super Bowl with a big spread.

I also celebrated Valentine’s Day with homemade cookies and chocolate.

I ended the month with a trip to Cleveland to watch the Cavaliers.

The spring brought St. Patrick’s Day, seeing the total solar eclipse and the start of warmer weather.

The warmer weather also led to longer runs and walks, Easter and baseball games!

More running!

I turned 26 in May!

The summer was spent with all the time outdoors, between swimming, reading, walking, and running.

I went on adventures near and far. 

Another look at my running progress

I donated blood for the first time this summer and have continued to do so through the year.

I also enjoyed blueberry and cherry picking and got some tasty treats out of those.

I celebrated the Fourth of July by running a 10K and enjoying time with family and friends.

I kept up with the garden but didn’t get as many vegetables as I had hoped.

I traveled to Cleveland in the summer as well as Montreal for a day, but the big trip was with my family to Italy.

You can read about Montreal here.

You can read about Italy in two parts, part one here and part two here.

The end of summer led me to running more places around my hometown. 

I took some weekend trips to Boston and got to explore the area there more.

I enjoyed the changing of the leaves and all things fall, from baking, to festivals, and decorations.

November brought another trip to Boston, Thanksgiving and so much snow!

I also hit a new PR with my 10K Turkey Trot!

December was all about Christmas prep and cheer and now here we are looking back at it all.

Lots of holiday gatherings

This was quite a year filled with lots of time spent with family, my boyfriend, friends, and with myself. I learned a lot about myself this year and have seen personal growth as well. I’m eager to see what the new year will bring and I hope you will come along on the journey with me.

A beautiful year worth remembering

Now onto the favorites of 2024! 

Oprah may have had her favorite things each year, but these are mine. I tried to narrow it down to one item per category, but that didn’t always happen. Here’s a look at my favorite things with their reviews too!

Favorite Books: I couldn’t narrow it down to one, so here are my top three with reviews. I read 68 books this year. You can see a full list of them on my Instagram stories or by looking at each month’s Currently.

Lessons in ChemistryLessons in Chemistry is all about a chemist who hosts a cooking show in the 1960’s. I loved the combination of science and cooking and how they were intertwined throughout the book. The romance between Calvin and Elizabeth made my heart soar, but my favorite part was the importance of women working in a male dominated field in the 1960’s. It was made into a series on Apple TV that I watched as well and really enjoyed the comparison of the two.

The PlanThe Plan by Kendra Adachi. This is Adachi’s third book and it’s all about planning, organization, and compassionate time management. She lays out ideas and principles for how to plan and organize your life, but the best part is that you can tailor it to your own wants and needs. I found myself taking notes while reading it and have applied so many principles to my own life. If you have read or listened to Adachi’s podcast or books, you can almost hear her voice across the pages. 5 Stars from me!

The 5 AM Club– I’m not kidding when I say this book changed my life. The 5 AM Club is all about ways to make the most of your mornings to elevate your life. It’s told in a unique way, but has so many incredible lessons and skills to apply to your life. I read it through the library, but I found it so informative that I’m considering buying it. Definitely a book to make notes and highlight as you go along.

My year in review according to Good Reads

Favorite TV Show- While I watched a lot of recurring shows like the Masked Singer or Grey’s Anatomy, these two mini series really stuck with me.

Lessons in Chemistry– This was a mini-series on Apple TV based on the book and I really enjoyed watching it after I read the novel. It was very close to the book too which I appreciated.

The Girls on the Bus-The Girls on the Bus on HBO Max. It’s all about four different female journalists as they hit the campaign trail for election season. I love all the different personalities and perspectives the characters bring. I have found myself identifying with different characters at different times. I was sad to learn it got cancelled after one season, but I thoroughly enjoyed watching it in its entirety.

Favorite Movie– Although, this just came out, how could it not be a favorite of mine.

Wicked was so good this year. I think they did a great job with the casting. I loved the costumes and the cinematography as well as the setting. I definitely think it lived up to its expectations. It was a longer movie, but the music, singing, dancing, and plot moved it along.

Favorite Fashion Items– I had to choose two for this category (an article of clothing and shoe that I wore time and time again.) I loved these purchases this year and got a lot of use out of them.

Red Rain Coat-I have been on the hunt for a raincoat ever since I got caught in a rain storm in September. I was looking for a durable, waterproof coat that would keep me dry and wasn’t too boxy. I hoped to find something that was sporty but still could be worn out and about.  I also wanted it to be red. I found all those qualities with this raincoat from Land’s End.

Summer Wedges-I got these wedges form Marshall’s. Wedges provide more support for me and I can pair them with multiple outfits. You can wear these with a pair of white jeans or capris and fun blouse, a short sundress, or a longer, flowy dress depending on the occasion.

Favorite Podcast– I listen to podcasts weekly, some of my favorite are The Lazy Genius Podcast and Books, Beach, and Beyond Podcast but

The Simple Sophisticate by Shannon Ables is my new favoirte podcast. She started the podcast after her blog back in 2014 and still continues with episodes to this day. The theme of the podcast is all about living a simpler, calmer, and French way of life. Ables has such a soothing voice and attitude that you will find yourself relaxing and feeling peaceful no matter what she is talking about. Episodes vary from 30-60 mins.

Favorite App– I tried to Mediate more this year and practice mindfulness and this app has made it so much easier. I have found it to be very beneficial, especially when I am overwhelmed and stressed out. I typically take time at the start and end of my day for breathing, but have found myself doing exercises through the day too. I have been using the app, Insight Timer daily and it’s been doing a great job at holding me accountable and providing resources for guided meditations and breathing exercises. I am just using the free trial, but have been really loving it.

Favorite Hobby-I never thought I would love running as much as I do, but here I am. It has become such a stress reliever for me and I genuinely enjoy the journey. I started this year only being able to run five miles at one time and through the year have worked my way to… I have found so much joy through running and can’t wait to continue it in the new year with some new goals in mind.

Here’s some of my favorite runs from this year!

My longest run to date

Favorite Trip and Day Trip– I have two favorite trips this year, a day trip to Montrel and my family’s incredible trip to Italy. You can read both of the reviews above!

Favorite Recipe– I spent so much time in the kitchen this year and accomplished my goal of making one new meal a week. That’s trying at least 52 meals, if not more. 

Sunday spread done right

My top meals were:

 Wedding Soup

 Turkey Pot Pie

Homemade Gumbo

That’s a look at my favorite things from this past year. It was so hard to narrow it down, but it was very reflective to see how much I accomplished. Here’s a look at my resolutions and how I did. 

Here’s my Resolution post from January. My motto for the year was to be open and aware of change and I think I did a good job of that. I went through some life changes and grew from them while also staying true to myself along the way. I will share more about how well I did with accomplishing my goals next week in my 2025 Resolutions post, but for now, I’m really proud of myself for how I have grown and changed this year. I’m still a work in progress, but I’m happy who I see when I look in the mirror.

I see this girl and she’s pretty happy.

Thank you so much for being along on this journey through 2024 with me, whether you have been here since day one or you are reading this for the first time, I appreciate you and you taking the time to be with me. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas week and New Year’s Eve too. I’ll be back here on Friday for some Friday favorites! See you then!

Merry Christmas!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #120

Hello everyone! 

Happy Friday! I hope you had a great week. I am off for a little weekend getaway which is much needed after a hectic few weeks. I’m looking forward to some exploring, relaxing, and a change up from the regular routine. 

A beautiful start to the day.

As I continue my weekend away, I wanted to pop on here and share some things that have caught my attention and I have been loving this week.

Let’s get started as I link up with Erika and Andrea.

New Jacket– I mentioned that I am back to enjoying all the fall vibes and that includes fashion too. I got this heavier jacket/blazer from Old Navy and have been loving it. You can dress it up with a dress, skirt, or dress pants, or keep it casual with jeans and flats. I have worn it both ways and have been pleased with the end result. It’s definitely a thicker jacket which is perfect for this time of year. A fall favorite for sure!

Fall Trail Mix– If you have been a reader for a while, then you know I love all things sweet and salty. I made this fall trail mix for Halloween and have been enjoying it all this week. It’s so simple to make and I’m sure you have all or most of the ingredients at home or you can supplement it with your favorite snacks. I combined pretzels, peanuts, rice chex, candy corn, m&m’s, craisins, marshmallows and chocolate chips all together for a trail mix. You don’t have to incorporate all these snacks, you can just do a savory mix or a sweet mix, but I LOVE all the flavors. Perfect for an evening treat while you watch a movie.

Homemade Bread– I know making your own bread was big during the pandemic, but it seems to be making a resurgence. I am thinking about learning to make my own, but that might get pushed to the new year. One of my friends has started to bake her own sourdough bread and I was able to snag a loaf and it was delicious. Look how perfect it came out. We enjoyed it fresh with homemade soup and it was the perfect pairing! This gives me the push to learn how to make it on my own even more. 

Face Mask– I love pampering myself with sheet facemasks and tried this one recently. It was cooling and my face felt rejuvenated and fresh once I was done using it. I don’t pamper myself with face masks or beauty products too often, so when I do, it’s always a treat. I will definitely be buying this one again to use.

New Book Haul– I typically go to my local library once or twice a week to drop off or pick up books and recently, several books that have been on hold came in and I couldn’t wait to pick them up. Now, it’s just a matter of figuring out what book to start with…I have some mysteries, new releases and recommendations. Have you read any of them? If so, what are your thoughts? These will keep me occupied until I start reading holiday books.

That’s a look into life lately and what I’m loving. I’m off to continue my weekend break. I’ll see you back here on Wednesday! 

Have a great weekend!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #116

Hello All! Happy Friday! I hope you had a wonderful week! I have a packed full weekend around the corner with family time, activities, and some fall fun thrown in there too! It will be a busy, but fun weekend. 

Pumpkin patches and farmer’s market stands bring me so much JOY!

Before I hit the ground running today, I wanted to share some things that I have been loving (hint-most of them are fall and entertainment favorites) as I link up with with Erika and Andrea.

Light a candle, curl up with a blanket and let’s dive in!

The Simple Sophisticate– Shay Shull of Mix and Match Mama recommended this podcast on her blog and I finally got around to listening to it. Shannon Ables started the podcast after her blog back in 2014 and still continues with episodes to this day. The theme of the podcast is all about living a simpler, calmer, and French way of life. Ables has such a soothing voice and attitude that you will find yourself relaxing and feeling peaceful no matter what she is talking about. I started at the beginning of the podcast and I have been loving all the different themes and topics. Episodes vary from 30-60 mins. Definitely worth giving it a listen to over the next few weeks.

The Home Edit– I love following The Home Edit on Instagram and love their show on Netflix too. I decided to check out Clea and Joanna’s book during my latest library haul and learned a lot from it. They give practical advice and ways to organize your spaces. Not only do they write about ways to organize areas, but they have great photos to demonstrate it too. After reading their book, I wanted to do a massive purge and organization.

Fall Harvest Mix-If you have been following along for a while, you know I love a good festival or seasonal food. My local grocery store had this seasonal harvest mix and I had to give it a try. It’s a delicious combo of sweet and salty. There’s peanuts, M&M, cereal, and peanut butter cups. It’s by no means a healthy trail mix, but it certainly satisfies the sweet and salty tooth. 

Gilmore Girls- Watching Gilmore Girls was on my fall bucket list and I’m slowing making my way through it. I started the show last year, but then life happened and I never finished it. Well, now I am back on the Gilmore Girls bandwagon and I have been loving it. It’s the perfect fall show to cozy up and enjoy. I know this will also help me get through the cold winter months as well too.

Nobody Wants This- This new Netflix mini-series is what everyone is talking about. Nobody Wants This stars Kristen Bell and Adam Brody and it’s all about a couple who starts dating later in life after not having luck in the dating department. There are so many funny one-liners and relationship connections besides the romance between the two main characters. I really loved the message how you can have a relationship after you have worked hard in your career. There are only ten episodes and they last between 20-30 mins, perfect to binge watch in a weekend. 

If the weather is getting cooler by you, I hope these favorites gave you something new to try or enjoy this weekend. What have been some things you have been loving this week? Let me know in the comments below! 

Happy Fall Friday!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #114

Hello all! 

Happy Friday! 

I hope you had a wonderful week and are ready for the weekend. It’s the first weekend of October and it certainly feels like October. Fall is settling in which means several weekends of pumpkin patches, apple picking, leaves falling and cooler temperatures.

First signs of fall with the changing leaves

I’m excited to start crossing things off my fall bucket list. 

Before we get to a weekend of fall fun, I wanted to share some things that I have been loving this week as I link up with Erika and Andrea 

Midnight at the Pera Palace– The second season of Midnight at the Pera Palace came out towards the end of September and I have been slowly making my way through the season. It picks up right where season one end as storyline goes back and forth between the past and present. Although it can be hard to follow since it’s in a different language, the English dialogue does help, so do the subtitles.

Dot Pretzels-I was influenced by Erika and Shay to try these Dot pretzels and they are so good! I have only tried the original flavor, but I love the extra bite and zest they have. Definitely more flavorful than your average pretzel, but so delicious. I plan on trying on the other flavors too!

Large Lavender Lotion– I love lavender lotion and use it every night. I had been getting small bottles of lavender hand cream and lotion, but kept having to purchase refills more often than I would have liked. I decided to buy a large bottle of lavender lotion from Bath and Body Works. I love using a pump every night, it not only is softens my skin but soothes me as well. Definitely worth paying more for more product.

A Family Affair– Have you seen A Family Affair on Netflix? It stars Nicole Kidman and Zac Efron. It’s all about a widowed mom who falls for her daughter’s boss and let’s say things become quite the family affair. Although the storyline is for mature audiences, I really enjoyed watching it and I think the casting and chemistry was well done. Definitely a movie with adding to your watch list for your next movie night.

People We Meet on Vacation Casting– I’m a big fan of Emily Henry and I have read all of her books. Some are currently in the works to be made into movies or mini series, including People We Meet on Vacation! This is one of my favorite books by Henry and I can’t wait to see the adaptation. I’m familiar with some of the actors and actresses but I can’t wait to see them bring these characters to life. 

That’s a look into what I’m loving this week! As we fully embrace fall, tell me what’s on your bucket list for this month?! Let me know in the comments below! Happy Fall Friday!


Italy Part One

Hello All! Happy Wednesday! Life is back to normal after a few weeks of travel, getting back to work and people heading back to school. Although, we are back into a routine, I’m still looking forward to soaking up these last few weeks of summer and making them count. A few weeks ago, my family and I took our first international trip to Rome, Italy. It was truly a trip of a lifetime and we had the best time.

I kept a journal of my time away and I’m sharing part one with you today! Let’s dive right in!

Ciao Roma!

I have made my way to Rome, Italy. This time, with my family!! I have been to Rome twice before, once in high school and once in college with trips and I was so excited to show my family this beautiful place. You can read about my trip in college in two parts, part one is here and part two is here. 

Our first day was a travel day. We flew from Pittsburgh to Boston and then Boston to Rome. We had smooth flights and no delays-major win!

I finished a book, watched a movie, slept and just about 24 hour after we left our home-we were in Rome!

Our first day began bright and early. We landed around 8:00 and then made our way to our hotel. We dropped off our bags and then headed straight to the Vatican.

First signs in Rome

We enjoyed Sunday Mass inside Saint Peter’s Cathedral and then got to see the Pope as he addressed the crowd.

It was so cool to start our trip in Rome with Pope Francis on Sunday.

Pope Francis addressing the crowd.
The Vatican on Sunday

It was hot and humid and being in crowds of thousands didn’t help. The heat and sun was the only minor downside to the trip, it made things just a tad uncomfortable when you are walking miles every day.

The beautiful Rome

After wandering around and exploring St. Peter’s Square we got lunch at a nearby spot. I got prosciutto and buffalo mozzarella and some pizza! It was a delicious first meal in Italy.

We then got an Uber back to our hotel and got checked in and settled. After seeing the area where our hotel was located, we went to a spot a few blocks away for dinner and gelato.

The view from our hotel

I enjoyed some Cacio e Pepe pasta, which is basically a buttered pasta.

We then stopped for gelato on the way back. My choice was tiramisu.

We called it an early night after a long day of travel!

Day Two began a bit slower, one of the things I wanted to do in Rome was go for a run in the city. I really wanted to see the Eternal City from a different perspective. My brother and I ran for about three miles around our hotel and through the city. It was cool to see the city before it woke up and before it got too hot. The humidity was real even as the sun was rising. 

Early morning run views

We got ready for the day and went down for breakfast which was a huge spread. There was yogurt and toppings, fresh fruit, eggs, bacon, sausage, sandwiches, cereal and so many pastries. I tried to enjoy something different every day.

Our first day consisted of a hop on and off bus tour of major sites like The Roman Forum, the Colosseum, The Trevi Fountain, the Spanish Steps, The Circus Maximus, and several churches.

We did the whole tour and then chose to hop off back at our hotel to cool off after being outside in the sun, in almost 100 degree weather, for the morning.

We went through lots of water on this trip. We browsed a few stores on the way back including a grocery store.

This was such a cool thing to experience just to compare what food and brands they have.

McDonald’s was also very popular in Rome. We saw one on almost every corner, but that was the only fast food spot we saw, minus a Burger King in Venice and a KFC in Rome. We stopped for drinks during the day in McDonald’s and it was also fun to compare the menu and food from U.S. to Europe.

After cooling off at our hotel, we made our way back to the bus and chose to look at a few spots for a more extensive look. We hopped off at the Colosseum and did a tour inside alongside the Palentine Hill and the Roman Forum.

It was fascinating to see the ruins in modern times. After spending the afternoon at the ruins, we made our way back to the hotel and cleaned up for a night out.

We had tickets to an Italian Opera. It was in a small church with two soloists and a pianist. It was a 45 minute concert where they played well-known songs including Vivaldi and Puccini. It was my first Italian Opera and was such a cool experience. I really liked the intimate setting of the church too.

After the show, we walked to a nearby restaurant for dinner. I enjoyed some Caprese Salad, Eggplant Parmesan and the some lasagna too. I indulged in chocolate cake for dessert and homemade ice cream. Yum! We made our way back to the hotel and got some much needed rest.

Day Three began with another big breakfast and then it was off to the Vatican for an early tour.

Ready for Day two!
Our breakfast spread

We had a great tour guide who was very informative about all things St. Peter’s Basilica and the Vatican.

We got to see the museum, some the gardens, and of course the Sistine Chapel! The vibrant colors were incredible. I learned so much about Michelangelo and his background.

We then went around the Basilica which was under partial renovations, but still incredible to see. We looked at the statues and got to listen to daily mass as well. I really enjoyed going to Confession in the Vatican.

We got to tour the crypt where several popes are buried including Pope Benedict XVI and Pope John Paul II. We did some shopping in the gift shop and got our items blessed.

Due to the heat, we drank a lot of water and we took advantage of these filling stations found throughout the cities and museums to refill our bottles. We made our way back to the Hop On and Off bus and headed back to the hotel and got some lunch. One of the biggest things I noticed about the food was smaller portions and lack of vegetables. Obviously pizza and pasta were the main menu items, which were delicious, but there wasn’t a whole lot of salads or meats. That being said, when I saw a tuna salad on the menu, I was intrigued to try it. It was so good and fresh. We also got lots of different appetizers with our meals that we all got to try. This meal we enjoyed calamari and fried mozzarella and bruschetta.

Everything was filled with so much flavor! We did some walking around and went back to the hotel to freshen up before doing a nighttime bus tour of the landmarks. We grabbed dessert at the hotel before calling it a night.

Day Four was our first day trip of our adventure! My brother and I got up early and went for a run where we passed more landmarks including the Trevi Fountain, these views were a bit better compared to my views at home. 

We got breakfast and then made our way to the train station for a day in Florence. After a mixup with the train, we were on our way! It was about an hour and a half long trip.

Florence was much quieter compared to Rome, but still very hot. My family and I joked around that this trip could have been sponsored by all the bottles of water we went through. It was very humid, sunny, and water wasn’t the first drink of choice in more of the restaurants.

Once we arrived in Florence, we got the lay of the land and made our way to the Duomo, also known as the Cathedral of Santa Maria Del Fiore.

You didn’t need tickets but you did have to wait in line. We waited about 35 minutes to get inside and it was worth it. Although, there wasn’t a lot of artwork on the inside, the dome was stunning.

We got to see the crypt as well. I loved looking around the building at the colors and architecture of the church. Simply stunning and mammoth!

After touring the church, we grabbed lunch. I enjoyed a chicken salad and an Aperol Spritz and some pizza too!

We browsed some leather stores and got gelato. I got chocolate in a cone this time.

So many flavors
Gelato on a cone was to die for!

We then made our way to the Academia Galleria, where we got to see Michaelangelo’s Statue of David. We had a tour guide who offered so much knowledge about Michelangelo and artwork. It was very informative.

The Statue of David

We walked a bit more around Florence and saw a soccer stadium for one of their professional teams and made our way back to the train station to head back to Rome.

Boarding our train.

It was beautiful to see the countryside of Italy going back. We got back fairly late and headed to bed because we had an early day on Thursday.

Day Five was Thursday and we had a really early start to head to Venice for the day! We got to the train station around 6:15, luckily, it was only a block away from our hotel which made transportation very easy for our day trips.

Snacks on the train to Venice.

The trip to Venice was about four hours and we were served snacks on the trip. It was also beautiful to see the countryside heading to Venice. The view we saw when we came off the train was stunning. The water was right when you left the train station.

When we arrived we got lunch after browsing through some of the stores.

I enjoyed a Venice salad for lunch which included lots of fresh veggies, buffalo mozzarella, black olives and even a hot dog which was unique.

After lunch, we took a Gondola ride which was my favorite part of the day. It was so cool to see the city from that perspective and to see everyone get around by water.

There were water taxis and water buses and so many gondolas. The temperature was also cooler being by the water. It was so picturesque to float around the rivers.

Our ride lasted about 30 minutes and then we decided to take a water taxi to another part of Venice for a tour of St. Mark’s Square and Doge’s Palace.

Before our tour, we did some souvenir shopping and browsing into all the little stores and shops.

The book stores were some of my favorite spots

One of the things that I really enjoyed about Venice was seeing all the little hotels, everything seemed so intimate and quaint! I loved it!

There were so many details, but the view from the top was my favorite!

The water was so blue and the city was really showing off.

Our tour lasted just over two hours. The church was beautiful and I learned so much about the Byzantine artwork and design.

We then toured the palace which I learned was used for lots of government business.

We got to see and learn about the court rooms, where the senators and judges worked and even where they held prisoners.

It was a fascinating tour and I learned so much about the republic in Venice.

After our tour, we boarded a water taxi and went back to the train station to head to Rome.

We picked up some sandwiches to eat on the train back. We arrived in Rome late at night. Another common theme of the trip, long and packed full days, but so worth it!

That wraps up part one of my trip to Italy. There’s still a lot more adventures in store. I’ll be sharing part two next Wednesday, so be sure to check back. I’ll see you back here on Friday for another round-up of Friday Favorites!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #107

Hello everyone! Happy Friday! I hope you have had a great week. These past few weeks, especially this one, have been a bit of a whirlwind, between getting back from time away with my family, returning to work and getting my life acclimated once again. Needless to say, I am ready to get my life back in order and in a new routine.

One of my goals for this month was to run new places and this was the first spot I chose, by the water! It was beautiful!

As we get ready for the weekend which will be filled with fun, I am sharing some favorites this week as I link up with Erika and Andrea

New Candle Scent- I was looking for a new candle scent for the month of August and settled on Iridescent Glow. It’s by far the most subtle candle scent I’ve had in a long time. It is very subdue and not powerful. For lack of a better description, it’s a clean scent that’s not too perfumey or florally. I am using this scent as a good palate cleanser of scents as we transition from summery scents to fall scents.

Wick Trimmer- Speaking of candles, this wick trimmer is a great tool for candles, especially if you are a big candle user. I typically burn a candle in my room every day as I get ready and I have found that by using this wick trimmer it makes my candles burn longer. I got it on Amazon and it has been a great investment. Definitely worth it if you are a big candle user. It would also make a great gift to give someone with a candle as a housewarming gift. 

Shower Steamers– If you are looking for a way to heighten your shower experience, I may have just the thing for you. I got these shower steamers from Bath and Body Works for my birthday and have used them a handful of times in the shower. The scent is lavendar and vanilla. Some may prefer a bath to a shower, but these are a great and fast way to relax while washing up. The scent isn’t too overpowering and whether you use them in the morning or at night, I’m sure you will feel relaxed when you are done. 

Blueberry Lemonade Dark Chocolate Bar– I am a sucker for trying new things on display at grocery stores. I talked about a peanut butter trail mix last week in my Friday Favorites and this week I am sharing a new candy bar. The flavor is unique, but it’s so good. I picked it up from Giant Eagle and it has been a tasty treat to indulge in at the end of the day. It’s mostly dark chocolate with a hint of lemon and blueberry, unique, but so tasty. 

Homemade Chocolate Croissants– We were big fans of the Olympics this year and that included watching the Opening Ceremonies and many events. My mom and I made homemade chocolate croissants. They were super easy to make and tasted delicious! We purchased mini croissants from the grocery store and sliced them and put mini Hershey bars inside, we cooked them for about 10 minutes and took them out and then drizzled melted chocolate on top. After letting them cool, we all thoroughly enjoyed them. These were such an easy and sweet treat to enjoy. I will definitely be making them again for breakfasts, desserts and coffee. Yum!

Today’s post was definitely more of a home goods/sweet treats post, but you never know what you are going to get when it comes to Friday Favorites! I hope you had a great week and have something fun planned for this weekend. Happy Friday!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #97

Hello everyone! A very happy Friday to you as we make our way through June! I LOVE this time of year. School is out for summer, schedules are allegedly a little more relaxed, nights seem longer, and you want to stay outside for as long as you can. I am truly living my best life. I already went to my first MLB game of the summer last week and had so much fun. Truly a perfect summer day!

Beautiful day for some summer baseball!

Before we get to the weekend and all the fun that comes with it, I’m sharing my latest roundup of what I’m loving this Friday as I link up with  Erika and Andrea 

Here’s what’s been on my radar of things I’m interested in.

Mostly What God Does-I got this book, Mostly What God Does a few months ago, but just got around to reading it. I adore Savannah Guthrie and I was so excited to read her book, especially since it was faith-based. It’s a series of essays about faith, God, his love, and life. You can read it all at once, but I’m choosing to read an essay/passage a night. I finished my other nightly devotional, Near in the Night, and decided this was the perfect time to start a new one. I really love how Guthrie has the book laid out. It gives readers a chance to really focus on the material and then digest it. This has been such a favorite for me.

New Lip Gloss– I got this lip gloss from Ulta Beauty as part of my birthday rewards. I always love to try new beauty and makeup products especially when they are either travel size or free. It gives you a good feel of the product before you invest in a full size. I always use any samples when I am traveling to see if I like them and to use them up. Now, back to the lip gloss. This is a new brand to me, but I love the gloss and shine it gives off. It’s a soft and subtle pink, so it can be worn on top of a darker matte if you are looking for some shine or it can be worn by itself if you are looking to elevate your look a bit. I’ve been really pleased with it, and I can see myself wearing it a lot in the summer months. 

Fruit and Granola– I have been in the fruit mode all summer long. I love fruit all year around, but there’s nothing quite like fresh fruit in the summer. Besides enjoying fruit at lunch, I have been enjoying some at night as a post-dinner snack or dessert. Here’s what I have been making, slicing up and fruit I have (strawberries, raspberries, bananas etc), adding a little bit of whipped cream, some mini chocolate chips and granola. It’s been the perfect healthy snack that satisfies my sweet tooth. This would be a great afternoon snack as well. 

Outlander Trailer– One of my favorite series, Outlander is coming back soon and the new trailer for the season dropped this past week. This season is all about the Revolution. The series is winding down so I’m excited to see how things wrap up. If you are a fan of the series, you can watch the trailer here. Also, for all the fans out there, what do you think of what to expect over the next few episodes?

Lululemon Top-I recently got some new activewear including some tops from Lululemon. Lavendar seems to be the color of the year and I am here for it. I love the lightweightness of the top and how breathable it is, those are two things that I always look for in athletic gear. I have paired this top with both leggings and shorts, but I do prefer the leggings as opposed to shorts. I love how it can be mixed and matched with other patterns since it’s a neutral top. This will definitely be getting a lot of wear in the summer months as I head to the gym, go for a run, or just lounging around the house.

Well there you have it, five of my favorite things from this past week. A mixed bag of clothes, beauty products, some summer snacks and a new book. Tell me: what are some things that have caught your eye recently? Let me know in the comments below! Happy Friday! Have a wonderful weekend!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #92

Hello All!

Happy Friday! I hope you all have had an enjoyable week and are doing something fun this first weekend in May, maybe watching the Kentucky Derby?! It’s officially my favorite month of the year and I am pumped for everything that comes with the next few weeks, from birthdays, to end of school, holidays, and the start of summer.

First of many ice cream dates this spring and summer!

As always, I am linking up with  Erika and Andrea for another edition of Friday Favorites. This week features a mix of life hacks, foods, and some beauty and fashion finds. Let’s dive right in!

Taylor Swift’s New Album– I know I am late to the party but I have slowly been listening to Taylor Swift’s new album, The Tortured Poet’s Department. I am not a diehard Swiftie but I do enjoy her music and think she did a great job on her latest album. I have been listening to it in the car and out on walks. It’s been fun to find learn all about her hidden references and Easter eggs. If you are a fan, what are your favorite songs? I personally love, Florida.

New sandals– Summer will be here soon and I got these new sandals from Marshall’s just in time for outdoor fun. I love the style and support they provide and how you can truly dress them up or down with any outfit. I know I will be getting a lot of use out of them this summer, I just need the weather to warm up a tiny bit. I always love to pop into Marshall’s and T.J. Maxx to see what they have and it’s always a win when I walk out with some great finds.

Kashi Cereal– I will go through different favorites when it comes to snacks and right now, I am on the yogurt train. I have really been enjoying vanilla yogurt at lunch and topping it off with something crunchy. Kashi Cereal has been my current go-to. It’s packed with flavor and protein. I enjoy the saltiness of the cereal mixed with the sweetness of the berries. It has been making a difference instead of enjoying yogurt on its own, plus, it’s a healthy alternative to other snacks.

Logging Podcasts- This has been a new life hack that I have been loving. I often listen to podcasts when I am running or in the car and I am always looking for recommendations. I’m currently making my way through the Lazy Genius podcast, however, not every episode pertains tor I’m not interested in it. Whenever, I have some free time, I will go through the Lazy Genius library and log what episodes I am interested in. This way, whenever I am looking for a new episode to listen to, I am not wasting time looking for one, I have a list already to go. It saves me time and stress. Now, you don’t have to do this just for podcasts, you can keep track of music you want to listen to, or shows or movies to watch. In this situation, I am using Kendra’s idea of deciding once to make it easier on myself. 

New Scent- Now that the weather has finally broken and we are experiencing spring-like weather, I figured it was time for scent change (I also just so happened to be out of the scent I started using after Christmas, haha!) I decided to break out Gingham Fresh from Bath and Body Works perfect for spring. There’s a hint of floral to this scent, but it’s mostly a light scent, that’s not too overpowering. Although, I love fragrance mists, sprays and perfumes, I know not everyone does, so I always try to choose scents that are subtle as opposed to strong. 

That’s a look into life this past week, some time outdoors, some snacks and life hacks. What’s your week been like and what are you looking forward to during the week ahead? Let me know in the comments below!

Happy Fri-yay!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #87

Hello all! Happy Friday! We just about made it through March. Is it just me or is spring flying by?! I think a lot of it has to do with the fact we had such a mild winter. I love the sunshine, blue skies, and signs of a new life. It is Easter weekend here. 

Signs of spring

Although, earlier this year, the Easter holiday is such a good reminder that spring is right around the corner. I have a few fun Easter traditions planned for this weekend with family which I’m looking forward to. 

While we wait for the weekend, here’s some things I have been loving this week as I link up with  Erika and Andrea for another edition of Friday Favorites.

Strawberry Body Scrub– Let’s talk beauty! I got this body scrub as a gift and finally got around to using it. It’s been such a fun treat and product when I am getting ready in the morning. This full body scrub not only smells fresh and fruity, but I love the way it leaves your skin feeling. It especially feels great on rough or dry areas, like your hands or feet. Although, I tend to use scrubs more when I’m taking a bath, I have been using it in the shower too. I may save it to use in the spring and summer too as a way to pamper myself. 

Spring Jacket-Although, the sunshine is here, it still can be chilly which is why I am all about light jackets. I got this jacket for Christmas from Lululemon and I have been loving it in the spring. I love the color and the lightweight material too. I only have a few pieces from Lululemon and while they are expensive, they are great quality and I truly enjoy wearing them for out and about and working out.

Reading on my Phone– I never thought I would say this, but another favorite of mine from this week has been reading on my phone. I am a physical book gal, through and through, however, I have been downloading books through Libby (a library app) and have been reading on my phone a lot more. This typically happens when I am waiting for appointments or meetings. I don’t necessarily want to bring a big book with me, but I also don’t want to just sit and scroll on social media. Reading on my phone allows me to enjoy a favorite hobby and I feel more productive than just mindless scrolling. Although I read way more physical books than digital ones, it is nice to always have a book with me wherever I go. Plus, it’s easier when I’m traveling and I don’t want to lug a big book or two with me.

Chocolate Covered Almonds– Another food favorite. I am not a big almond person, they are my least favorite kind of nut, but we picked up these chocolate covered almonds from Wegman’s (a local grocery store) and they are addicting. We finished the container in a few days. I love a good sweet and salty mix (that’s my favorite kind of flavoring). The dark chocolate covering compliments the almond perfectly. These would be a perfect addition to a snack board or just eaten on their own. I enjoyed a few of them at lunch during the work week and it was just enough sweetness to satisfy my sweet tooth. I’m all about trying new snacks and these didn’t disappoint. I will definitely be buying again.

Edamame– I have been on an edamame kick recently. I used them for my salmon bowl recipe a few weeks ago and then included them with a sushi night. After having leftovers, I brought some in to enjoy at lunch. They are so easy to make, I just buy a store package, pop them in the microwave for 15-30 seconds and then you have a tasty and healthy snack. Although I love adding them into stir fries and salads, I enjoy eating them as is with a dash of salt. Yum! I’m a big veggie gal and I’m always looking for different ones to try and incorporate in my meals.

A favorite snack!

That’s some insight into what I’m loving this week. Some life hacks, clothing choices and food. You never know what you will get with Friday Favorites. I hope you have a wonderful Easter weekend if you celebrate. See you back here on Wednesday as we say hello to April!