Fabulous living

Peace and Joy this Christmas Season

Hi everyone! 

Can you believe Christmas is this week, heck even hours away?! 

Every year, I feel like Christmas always creeps up on me. I started my ordering before Thanksgiving, but I still feel like I got everything done just in time. This Christmas season certainly was different, but it was still special. I still got to do many Christmas traditions and make memories. From listening to Christmas music, enjoying hot coco, seeing Christmas lights, and watching movies. 

My goal was to do all of my shopping by supporting small businesses, in the end I only got about half of my gifts from small businesses, although, I was happy to support what I could, there was certain things on my list that I couldn’t get locally. Although, I wasn’t able to get everything from small businesses, I was glad I could get a lot of my stuff from local spots.

All my gifts wrapped for Christmas

Some of my favorite memories this past month has been the little moments, driving around to see Christmas lights, wrapping presents while watching a Christmas movie, burning a Christmas candle while decorating my spaces for Christmas. I also loved spending extra time with my family and creating memories. I love gift giving too, I love to take time and pick out things I think my friends and family will like or enjoy. Plus, there is no better feeling than seeing someone open the gift you got them. 

Christmas flowers to brighten up the mood

Although, I will be working a lot over the holidays, I still will be able to see my family and celebrate with them, but it will be different. Even with different times, I think it’s so important to cherish family time, since I know there may be a time where I won’t be able to be home for the holidays. 

I will be back next week, to recap 2020, but until then, I hope you enjoy the holiday week, although, this year looks different, I know it will be still be memorable and enjoyable.

I hope you and yours has a very Merry Christmas! 

Fabulous living

Thoughts During A Pandemic

 These past few months have been filled with so many unknowns, but in any situation, I always look for the silver linings, so even when the world stopped and got turned upside down, I still wanted to find the good in it. I’ve learned a lot about myself during these past few weeks and months. 

One of the things that have really helped me every day is to simply put things in perspective and maintain a grateful and positive attitude through it all, yes, days were hard and challenging, but taking it one day at a time, helped me so much. Another things that has helped me as been journaling, not just daily but also a separate journal about life and working through a pandemic, I remember what I’m feeling every day, but years from now, will I? Keeping all my notes and feelings in one spot hase been so helpful too!

I was lucky enough to work through the pandemic, although days were filled with uncertainty, I was so fortunate to still be able to work. Another thing I was super grateful for was the fact I was with my family the entire time, I got bonus time with my parents and siblings as they worked and learned from home. I was able to see them before and after work, have quality time to be together that I may not have gotten in the past. Another positive in a dark situation. 

What really stands out to me during the pandemic, was the importance of truly slowing down. During college, especially during my senior year, I felt spread too thin and overwhelmed with commitments, I have gotten into a much better routine since working but this pandemic, truly showed me that you don’t have to have a full schedule every single day and this is something I want to adapt in my life more this summer. Yes, more things are reopening and we are entering into a new normal but I want to still continue with slower days when I can. At the beginning of this year, I read, When Less Becomes More by Emily Ley, you can read the review here. One of the biggest takeaways from the book was living a slower and more meaningful life and the joy and beauty in the simple things. I have truly found the beauty in the simple things and the importance of taking it slow. I have also learned to not take things for granted, like just going into a store to browse, you can’t do that anymore. I also found you don’t have to be busy all the time or doing things all the time to be happy and enjoy life. 

Taking it one day at a time and realizing that sometimes, the simple things in life are better.

What have your learned about yourself through the pandemic? How has your outlook on life changed?

Fabulous living

Summer Goals

Hey guys!

I hope your week is off to a great start. It has been so nice to settle into a new routine for the summer months.  Every summer I try to set realistic goals for the summer months. They can be anything from activities, projects, trips, and small tasks. I start out with a basic list as summer begins and will add things if necessary as the months go on. At the end of the summer, I love to look back and see everything I accomplished and all the memories I created.

Summer 2019…you are just beginning…let’s take a look and see what my summer goals are:

Get license renewed

                  -A small but necessary task and I got it done right when I got home! 


  • Although summer is for relaxing, I plan to work through the summer. I like to stay busy and working through the summer will definitely keep me busy.

Make College photo album 

  • Through my college years, I have been saving photos and organizing them into years. This summer, I want to get them all printed and organized since my time in college is coming to a close.

Celebrate 21

  • I’m really looking forward to celebrating my 21stbirthday this summer. I’m so lucky I get to be home to be with my family, but I’m looking forward to celebrating this milestone with my friends in Pittsburgh!

See friends from college and high school

  • Speaking of friends, I am making seeing my friends both from college and high school this summer, whether it’s coffee dates or day trips, friends are so important and I want to make them a priority this summer.
We didn’t even say goodbye at graduation because we knew we would be seeing each other through the summer

Portfolio (BLS)

  • Another requirement for school that I need to get done before school is back in session for 2019!

Work Study

  • This summer I will be working remotely for a job I hold back at school. There are a few projects that I will be working on that I am excited to get started on.

Read 12-15 books

  • I am an avid reader and I am really looking forward to reading a lot over the summer. I already made a stop to my local library to check out a few books to get a start on summer reading.
First book of the summer…

Download pictures to laptop

  • Again, another task, it won’t take long but I want to make sure I have all my photos from this past year saved to my laptop.

Spend time with family 

  • Since this is my last summer home I want to make sure I soak up as much family time as I can, whether it is family dinners, soccer days, or pool days. I can’t wait to get some quality family time in.
Looking forward to a full summer with the fam!

Day Trips

  • I love taking day trips, whether it is to the city, in the country, or to see family and friends. I’m hoping to spend a few days going to new places this summer. 

Start Healthier habits

  • I have gotten into good routines while I am at school and I want to continue those routines at home, whether it hitting the gym several days a week, eating healthier foods and meals, or just setting time aside to relax. Getting into a good routine is something I’m looking forward to this summer.

Go to a concert

  • I have a concert planned for September with one of my best friends, but I want to try and hit up another summer concert. Anyone with suggestions, please let me know.

Beach days

  • I may live close to the beach, but that doesn’t mean I spend all summer there. Last summer, I went to the beach on the last day I was home. I want to make more of an effort to go to the beach, whether it’s for the sunset, sunrise, or a day in the water.

Family Vacation

  • I have been reflective in the past few months with everything that has been changing and I’m looking forward to getting away with my family for a summer trip. Where and when that will be is still up in there air, but none the less, I’m looking forward to making some memories.

Find a new show to Binge watch

  • Every summer, I always am on the look for new shows to binge watch. I’m currently finishing up Dawson’s Creek-an oldie but a goodie! I’m now on the hunt to find a new show to watch this summer. Any good suggestions?

Take more walks outside

  • In an effort to spend more time outside, I want to take more walks, whether it is at sporting events, at the end of the day after work, or around lunch. I’m looking forward to enjoying the outdoors more.

Weekly facetime calls with friends

  • Back to the friends…can you tell I miss my college friends?!  A few of my friends from school and I have suggested doing weekly facetime calls to keep each other in the loop with what’s going on. It’s a weird feeling going from seeing your BFF’s all the time to going weeks without seeing each other.
You mean I won’t be seeing my friends every day….thank gosh for FaceTime!

Try something new

  • Leaving this one up in the year. I want to try something new and pushed from my comfort zone. We will see what happens and what I try.

Try new recipes 

  • I love to cook and bake. This summer I want to try some new recipes and even come up with a signature dish. I am into salads right now, so I have a feeling I will be making lots of different salad combinations this summer.

Entertain Friends/family

  • I love to host people at my home and I learned it all from my mom. In the summer, we love to have friends and family over and I’m looking forward to doing some entertaining this summer.

Do something spontaneous

  • This goes along with trying something new, even though I love my schedules and routines. I want to be spontaneous and more flexible. I’m hoping to accomplish that this summer.

Be Present

  • After a stressful and busy semester, I want to be present and just live this summer. There will always be things to do and tasks to accomplish, however, I want to make an effort to just be happy where I am at.
Made this my background for my phone to only focus on the positive things in life

That concludes my summer goals. It may seem like a lot, but overall, I think it is a good mix of realistic and mental goals. Overall, I want this summer to be one filled with happiness, love, laughter, friendship, purpose, and maybe even a dance. 

Have a beautiful week! xoxo

Fabulous living

Slowing Down and Having Fun

Hello All!

Just a short post for you today, with summer wrapping up in a few days, I’m doing my best to relax and slow down and just enjoy summer. Between finishing work, packing for school, and buying new supplies, I have been trying to find moments to soak up being at home and embracing the summer days.

How have I been accomplishing this? I have been getting a lot of things on my bucket list done which I will be showing you all soon. I’ve also done some fun activities.

I have gone to the beach to watch the sunset which my family. I love going to the beach even though I don’t get there enough. The sunset is so beautiful to just stop and be in the moment.

Watching the sunset

I have also gone to a few concerts. I went to see The Piano Guys a few weeks back. I have been a fan for 6 years and I was so happy to see them in concert. It was a phenomenal performance. If you have heard of them be sure to check them out on Youtube!

The Piano Guys

Such a good show

Check them out on Youtube

I also went to see Taylor Swift in concert, it was my first time seeing her which I was very excited about. The show was phenomenal! It wasn’t just a concert but rather a spectacular show and experience. I went with some friends and we had the best time singing, dancing, and making memories. It was such an amazing experience.

…Are you Ready for It?

What a showstopping performance

We had great seats to see her perform on one of the smaller stages


What a way to end the night

Lastly, I’ve been trying to spend as much time outside as possible, whether it has been reading by the pool, swimming, eating dinner outside or just taking walks. I am trying to get as much sun as possible.

Soaking up the sun

That’s an update about what I’ve been up to these last few days of summer before it’s back to the books and work. Enjoy these last few weeks of summer and spend as much time with your friends and family as you can!

Fabulous living

Summer To Do:

Summer is in full swing. My brothers are finished with school and we are getting into a summer routine. The weather is warm, pool parties and barbecues are underway and (I think) things are starting to slow down. Although, I am working a lot this summer I still want to make sure I have some fun. It may seem a bit late to the game but I made a summer to do list. Some things are specific, others are more hopes but I’m sharing it with you today. Towards the end of summer I will share home much I accomplished. When it comes to summer fun… here’s my list.

Summer List

  • Complete Internship
  • Go some place new
  • Take a trip
  • Sleep in
  • See high school friends
  • See one (or more) college friends
  • Read SIX book (one more than last summer)
  • Watch SUITS

    Can’t wait to start this new series
  • Watch Evil Genius
  • Watch Comedians in Cars getting Coffee

    my latest obsession
  • See Mamma Mia 2

    SOOOO Excited to see this movie
  • See Oceans 8

    Another movie I can’t wait to watch
  • See family and spend time with them
  • Try something new
  • Go to the beach
  • Take more walks
  • Eat at a food truck

    With food trucks becoming more and more popular I need to try some!
  • Watch the sunset and sunrise
  • See a concert
  • Spend more time outside
  • Go swimming more often
  • Do more free things (Zoo, parks, festivals)
  • Trip to Pittsburgh
  • Breakfast at iHop
  • Don’t rush as much and be in the moment
  • Smile more
  • Be spontaneous

That’s a round up of my dreams and goals for this summer! I may add things as the summer goes on. But I love to make a list of to-do’s to make sure I get everything in and it’s not August and I realize I have two weeks to get everything in.

Do you make up summer bucket lists? If so, what’s one thing on your to -do???

Fabulous living

Slowing Down and Self Care

Happy Tuesday. How was your weekend? Restful and relaxing, I hope.

We are down to the final countdown for summer and I can’t wait. Between classes and work, I am ready for a break. That brings me to today’s topic. Taking care of yourself, even if it means saying no. Kinda ironic, last week, I shared the importance of saying yes and stepping out of your comfort zone, but today, it’s the opposite. I often find myself  getting run down and tired this time of year, that’s why self-care is important now more than ever. Between finals, projects, and summer activities upon us, it’s easy to get overwhelmed and stressed out. The same goes for parents, school is winding down, which means trying to figure out summer plans for children along with summer schedules.

This past year, I got very busy, between classes, work, and maintaining friendships, I was running myself into the ground. I realized I had to take care of myself so I could be the best version of myself.  I have carved times in my schedule to set aside for myself. For example, every Sunday, I try to take a break from homework and spend time either reading or watching a movie or whatever I wanted, unscheduled. I always like to leave from 2:00-4:00 open for myself, it doesn’t always happen but I try my best to make it work. These two hours gives me time to recharge myself for the week ahead. If you don’t have two hours to block out for yourself, don’t worry. Maybe block out 15 minutes of your day everyday. Or give yourself a half hour in the morning or before bed to unwind without distractions. However long, be sure you are taking care of yourself.  Also, you can’t be helpful to others if you aren’t taking care of yourself.

I found myself committing to many things during the week and weekend that I was left no time for myself. I will admit, I am a Yes women. I am also the queen of over committing. Don’t believe me? Last week I booked myself from 10:00 am  to 8:00 pm solid. It wasn’t the best idea, but I made it through the day successfully. It’s all about having balance in your lives. I had made plans to hang out with friends around 9:30, but by the time it rolled around, I was exhausted. I wanted to spend time with friends, but I knew I had to recharge. I am so glad I did, I slept like a log that night. Our bodies know us better than we think. Sometimes, even if we don’t like it, it benefits us to say no.

A few ways I unwind are:

  • Watching movies or catching up on my favorite series
  • Reading
  • Facetiming my bestie from back home
  • Taking a walk
  • Doing my nails

We all need to take care of ourselves even if it means saying no. We may not like to say no, but it will benefit us in the long run. With the changing of seasons, make sure you put yourself first sometimes. It may help you more than you realize.

Have a great week.