Let's Look

Let’s Look: Biggest Fears

Hello all! Happy Wednesday! I hope you are having a great week as it’s hump day! Last week was in the 70s and 80s and it felt like a return of summer, which I loved.

Fall was back in full swing this week with the leaves changing and the temperatures in the 50s.

The changing seasons in full bloom!

It’s the second week of the month which means it’s time for another Let’s Look as I link up with  Erika and Shay

To recap, in September, we talked about evening routines, August, we talked aboutĀ our worst habits, in July, we talked aboutĀ new favorite summer finds, in June,Ā we talked aboutĀ best travel tips, in May, we talked about ourĀ morning routines, in April, we talked aboutĀ pet peeves,Ā in March, we talked aboutĀ Amazon purchases,Ā in February it was aboutĀ our medicine cabinets.

Today we are talking all about our biggest fears! There’s two ways to go about this prompt, the serious or the comical way. I decided to dabble in a little bit of both.

Death– For serious fears, like many others, I am afraid of death and dying, I think that’s something that we all fear at one point in our lives. Will I be missed? How will I die? When will I die? These are all questions I know I have asked myself and I’m sure others have asked themselves at one point or another. I try not to dwell too much on the future and just like to live and be present in the moment (easier said than done).

Letting People Down– Another serious fear I have is failing or letting people down. I always, always try to be a team player and a “yes” person, even if I have to be the one to suffer at one point or another. I hate the thought of saying no and being an inconvenience to others. It’s something I’m working on, but I fear being someone who makes more work for others.

Now, that we have gotten past the serious fears, let’s get to the comical or irrational fears.

Skunks– I hate skunks and am afraid of getting sprayed by them. My college always had skunks roaming the campus and I hated whenever one would cross my path. I have never gotten sprayed by one and I never want to. I know it’s a silly fear, but I try to avoid skunks at all costs, even when I see them at the zoo, I don’t stay at their exhibit long. 

Breaking a Bone– Another irrational fear I have is breaking a bone. I have never broken a bone and I hope I never do. One, I am afraid of the pain that comes with it and Iā€™m also afraid of being out of commission and having to rely on others. I hate to be a burden to others or rely on people to take care of me. Also, as an aside, it would be an adjustment to not be as active if I was laid up.

Whew, getting all those fears out there was a lot. I’m sure I am missing some fears, but the are the top ones that come to mind. I hope I donā€™t have to face these fears, but if I do then bring it on. Tell me: what are your biggest fears, serious or comical?

Fabulous living

10 Fun Facts About Me Round 2

Hey guys!

Happy Tuesday!

I hope you all had a relaxing weekend! Iā€™m going into my last week of classes and then itā€™s finals week! This semester has flown by, my finals week shouldnā€™t be too bad, so Iā€™m hoping to soak up as much time with my friends before many of them graduate. I always feel thatĀ Ā pack them most into the last few weeks of school since thatā€™s when everything is winding down. Last year, I did a fun facts post and it was so fun to do. You can read it here. Today, I decided to update it and share 10 more fun facts about me. Who knows maybe you will learn something new!

  • I journal every day and when I am stressed out or overwhelmed or have a problem, I always turn to journaling. I have several journals filled with thoughts or multiple word documents with thinking things out. I feel best after I write out a problem or talk it out with someone.
Journaling is the best way for me to unwind and be intentional every day
  • My biggest pet peeve is when people cancel plans on me, Iā€™m always understanding especially when something unexpected comes up and someone has to reschedule consistently but it still bothers me
  • I love anything British, whether itā€™s books, movies, music, actors, the culture. I love everything about Great Britian. London, England is on my list of top three places to visit. One of my best friends is going to London this summer and Iā€™m super jealous, Iā€™m making them take lots of pictures for me. Haha!
  • Speaking of music, I have no favorite type of music, my playlists are all over the place from Praise and Worship, to 70ā€™s hits, 2010ā€™s workout music, top 40ā€™s pop music, even country music and movie scores, itā€™s a mess. Whenever, I am out with friends, I let them pick the music since my taste is all over the place.
Just a peak into my pandora playlist…my amazon playlist is even more different
  • If I wasn’t a Communication major I would probably be an Education major. When I was growing up I always wanted to be a teacher growing up, but ultimately decided communication was the right path for me and Iā€™m so glad I did since I love what Iā€™m learning and doing.
  • I always have a bottle of water and gum with me, whether itā€™s in the car, going to class or running errands. I drink a lot of water during the day and even through the night, I keep water by my bed and typically finish a bottle of water through the night.
  • I prefer sweet over savory, I would rather have a big dessert than a steak dinner. Chocolate is my weakness so I will always indulge in something sweet.
I would prefer this over a huge dinner any day
  • I love hanging out and doing activites with friends, my friends and I go bowling and have a ton of fun even though I am probably the worst bowlerā€¦no joke, last time I went I think my score was 33ā€¦yeah, not the best score but I have a ton of fun when Iā€™m with my friends and thatā€™s what matters right?!
  • Although, I spend more time texting, I prefer calls over texts/DMā€™s/ snap chats etc. I find calls to be more personally and I can express myself more over a phone call than a long text or a direct message.
  • I love the simple things in life, for example, flowers. I love having fresh cutflowers in my room or on my desk. I love how such a small gesture can change your mood. I love the scent they bring into a room and how they can make a space feel warm and inviting.
Fresh cut flowers are a favorite of mine

And thereā€™s 10, I hope you found this fun and enjoyable to read. These are always my favorite posts to read on other blogs since everyone is so different and itā€™s always fun to learn different things about each other.

How many did you know? Whatā€™s one fun fact about yourself? Leave them in the comments below!

Have a great week!