Fabulous living

Audible Review

Hello all!

Happy Wednesday! How has your week been going? Moving fast or dragging? I can’t believe we are halfway through October. I’ve been doing my best to enjoy the fall season as much as possible and that includes making my way through my fall bucket list.

Fall in full swing!

Something that I have been trying out over the past few months are audiobooks. I got a three-month free trial through Amazon and Audible over the summer and wanted to see if listening to audiobooks would be a new hobby I would enjoy. I LOVE to read, I typically go through a book a week. I strictly read “real” (sorry, I couldn’t think of a better adjective) books as opposed to digital books on a Kindle or tablet, simply because I like the feel of the paper and binding, hard cover or paperback and it’s nice to take a break from screens every once in a while. However, I know plenty of people who love a digital book.

Nothing better than a good book

When the opportunity came to try out Audible for a free trial, I jumped at the opportunity. Now that my free trial is up, it’s time for a review! This is no way sponsored, I’m just sharing my thoughts on the app and my experience.

I don’t often listen to a lot of content or media or music. I listen to Emily Ley’s Simplified podcast that comes out once a week. It’s short and sweet and often between 20-40 minutes long and leaves me with great advice or tips. I listen to that while I run.

On occasion, I will listen to another podcast if someone recommends it to me or if I have an interest in the topic, but besides that, I’m not a huge podcast or listening to content person. Mostly because I don’t have a lot of time where I can listen to media or content. My commute to work is 10 minutes and I often talk on the phone or drive in silence (mostly because I like the quiet moments during a busy day). If I’m going to listen to something like music or a podcast or audiobook, it’s often when I am running.  I also I work in an office where I am always on the go and when I am at home, I try to be present with family or doing a hobby that requires my attention, so when I don’t get too much downtime to just listen to things as I go.

Sometimes I listen to the Lazy Genius

When I got Audible, I was intentional in making sure I was listening to the books I got. it wasn’t hard to do since I was interested in all the topics. 

Over the course of three months, I listened to three books: Becoming Free Indeed by Jinger Vuolvo, Kingdom of Prep by Maggie Bullock, and Counting the Cost by Jill Dillard. These were all books I was interested in reading and the fact that two of them were memoirs and narrated by the authors got my attention. I enjoyed all three books, learned a lot and was happy I could listen to them while doing other things. I love to multi-task. I listened to all three books while I was out running for a workout, in the car, and traveling. But I had to almost remind myself to listen to the books and make sure I was taking full advantage of the subscription.

As far as book reviews go…

Becoming Free Indeed– Becoming Free Indeed by Jinger Vuolo,   I grew up watching Jinger Vuolo on 19 Kids and Counting and I have continued to follow her after the show ended. Through the book, she mostly focuses on her faith and how her relationship with God has changed through her life. She doesn’t focus too much about her family or the drama that has surrounded them in recent years. Overall, I thought it was interesting to hear her perspective about her faith and relationship with God and how it has evolved through the years. I chose to listen to it as opposed to read it to hear it in her voice and I was glad I did. 

Kingdom of Prep– Kingdom of Prep by Maggie Bullock follows the rise and history of J. Crew. I recently became a fan of J. Crew as I got older and started working full-time. I had a few pieces growing up but didn’t really wear a lot of the brand until I was an adult. Now I have several blazers, dresses, and blouses from J. Crew. After wearing their clothes, I was interested in their backstory. I really learned a lot about the history of the brand, where they got their ideas from and the different people who played a part in the company. It was interesting to see how the brand has evolved through the years. I enjoyed the audiobook, but it would have been nice to see some of the photos from the book.

Counting the Cost-Counting the Cost by Jill Duggar Dillard focuses on Jill’s life, how she’s grown and evolved and her perspective about her family and a lot of the events that transpired in recent years. I really love that I could hear her telling her story through the audiobook. I feel that she really pulls back the curtain on a lot of big moments in her life which I appreciated. She was real and vulnerable throughout the whole book. I learned so much more about her and her family situation. I thoroughly enjoyed the book and finished it in less than a week.

Now, back to Audible. I really loved all the different book options available on Audible, it was hard to narrow it down to only three books to listen to! The app was very easy to navigate and every month I got an email saying I had a new credit available to get another book, this made it super easy to know when I could listen to another book. I liked how I could adjust the speed of the reading if I wanted. Audible has different options for memberships, so you can tailor how much you want to pay based on your interest level. 

I was glad I was able to test out Audible for audiobooks, but after my free trial, I don’t think I’m going to renew it. I was happy with all my books and purchases and I was glad I got to listen to them. I had no issues with the app or products, but I don’t think I listen to audiobooks enough to justify the cost of paying for a subscription. I listened to the audiobooks I purchased, because of the free trial, however, if I didn’t have Audible, I still would have read the books. I genuinely enjoy the act of sitting down to read a book and missed that physical interaction with these books. Plus, I do believe I retain what I’m reading when I am looking at the words as opposed to listening to them. I think if you are someone who has a long commute to work, has a lot of quiet time or works best with background noise and likes to multi-task, then I definitely think Audible is worth it, not too expensive, hundreds of books to choose from and very easy to navigate. However, for me personally, listening to audiobooks isn’t a hobby I want to pursue at this time. 

I’m not swearing off on audiobooks forever, but right now, I think I’m going to stick to my library books for now.

If you are an audiobook lover, what do you like about them? I’m always curious to hear people’s thoughts about different topics! To all the book lovers out there, happy reading or listening!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #41

Hello all! Happy Friday! I hope you had a great week! This one was a fun week, filled with friends, activities, and a good work week. 

Someone is happy for the weekend!

We are inching closer and closer to warmer and summer-like weather and I can’t wait for it.

As we get ready for the weekend, here’s some things I’m loving this week as I link up with Erika and Andrea!

Firefly Lane– The second part of season two of Firefly Lane came out at the end of April and I slowly made my way through it. I watched an episode or two a night and really enjoyed seeing how the series wrapped up. It was based on a book, so if you read the book series, you know how it ends. It was bittersweet to say goodbye to the characters that I grew to enjoy. Overall, I was satisfied with how it wrapped up. If you watched, what were your thoughts on the series?

New Scent– It’s been a few months, so it was time for a new body lotion and spray. I am currently using Coco Paradise by Bath and Body Works. I got it for free with a purchase and couldn’t wait to try it. It’s the perfect scent to get you ready and excited for summer. It’s the perfect mix of ocean and coconut. This will be the best thing for a beach trip this summer!

Barrington and Simplified Collaboration– Simplified announced a collaboration with Barrington, a purse brand and the patterns and colors are so fun! There’s so many different styles and bags you can choose from with Simplified patterns or colors. Plus, you can get them monogrammed too! I may have to add a few of these to my Wish List.

Just a look at some of the bags!

Ed Sheeran New Album– Ed Sheeran’s new album, Subtract, came out last week and it’s what I’ve been listening to it non-stop. I love the variety of music, from slow and soft to fast and upbeat. I’ve loved listening to Sheeran’s music over the years and I couldn’t wait for this new album. I’ll be seeing Ed Sheeran in July and I can’t wait. This will be the second time I’ll be seeing him in concert and I’m going to do my best to have most of these songs memorized.

Elizabeth Holmes on the Simplified podcast– Another Simplified favorite (sorry, I can’t help myself!) Last week was the Coronation of King Charles III, I caught parts of it on Saturday and actually got to do some stories on it too, more on that next week! But ahead of the Coronation, Elizabeth Holmes, my favorite Royal expert, shared thoughts about Royal fashion and the Coronation and more on Emily Ley’s Simplified podcast. It was so fun to hear two of my favorite people talk about Royalty. Such a special treat.

Such a fun listen!

There you have it! A look into some of my favorite things from the past week. Some collaborations, new scents and hobbies. Certainly a little bit of everything! Tell me: what are you looking forward to this weekend? Let me know in the comments below! Happy Friday friends!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #37

Happy Friday Friends! It feels like Springtime here! The sun is out longer, I’m not wearing layers upon layers when I head out the door and flowers are starting to bloom. I love this time of year!

First signs of spring

As we make out way into another spring weekend, I’m sharing some of my favorite things with you from the week as I link up with Erika and Andrea!

Easter Fun!

I know we are a week past Easter, but I wanted to share an easy recipe! We always make a traditional Easter Bunny cake! We use a box mix to make to circular cakes and then here’s how you get the bunny shape!

Bake your two cakes in two circular pans.
Take one cake and cut two angles to make the ears for the bunny face.
Use the other for the bow
Ice, decorate and enjoy!

Sea Salt Crackers– I picked up these crackers when I was out and was looking for a new flavor for my lunches. I love to pair these crackers with cheese, apples or salads. I love the consistency and flavor of the pita and sea salt. I am always on the hunt for new flavors and tastes and these check all the boxes. If you are looking for a new cracker, definitely check these out.

Rose Water and Ivy Wall Flower– As the seasons change, it was time for a new wall flower scent from Bath and Body Works. For spring , I’m using Rose Water and Ivy and I’ve really been enjoying it. I love the sweet and fresh smell it gives off. I also swapped out my plug-in for a new one with sleeker look. I’m excited to use this more in the coming weeks.

Greenwich Park– My co-worker shared Greenwich Park by Katherine Faulkner with me and I loved it, I finished it in less than a week! It’s the perfect mix of drama, thriller and mystery. The story is told from different perspectives of the characters. The book follows a story of a woman who meets a fellow first-time mom in a pre-natal class, the two women become friends until the new women has a hidden agenda and some secrets and connections to the protagonist and her friends and family. The book starts out fairly slow but picks up towards the middle and end, so if you re thinking about quitting, stay with it.

Emily Ley’s Podcast on Friends– I listen to Emily Ley’s Simplified podcast every week. She covers different topics about life, organizing, cooking, motherhood, finances along with guests every week. Last week, she released a podcast about friendships and the different kinds of friends. Her message was all about how there’s different friends for different parts of your life or seasons. This podcast really resonated with me, I definitely recommend the Simplified podcast for regular listening but also for this specific episode.

That’s a look into some of my favorite things from this week. I hope you have something fun planned for you this weekend! Happy Fri-yay!!!

Fun Ways to Organize

Life Hacks

Hey guys! Happy Wednesday! I hope your week is going well.

Last week, I went to visit my friend, Sydney for dinner and whenever I take a road trip, I always like to listen to podcasts. My favorite podcast that I listen to every week is Emily Ley’s Simplified podcast. The episodes are typically 30 minutes or less and they are packed with guests, life lessons, and tips to live a simplified life. If you are looking for a new podcast, this is it.

My favorite podcast.

When I’m in the car and on a road trip I love listening to The Bestie Breakdown. Two of my favorite bloggers, Shay Shull and Erika Slaughter share everything about life, travel, fashion, and kids. If you are looking for a fun podcast that will guarantee you laughs, this is perfect for you. I was listening to one of their podcasts where they talked about their favorite life hacks, they offered so many great suggestions that it got me thinking about some of my life hacks. 

This one is great for road trips

 When life gets busy, especially in the spring and summer, I crave order and stability even more. In order for my day to run smoother there’s a few tricks that I incorporate into my daily routine. I also reached out to some of my closests friends and family for their favorite life hacks too. This is a mix of things for at home or at work or on the go.

Five Life Hacks

  • Quick way to clean pots- Pots can be a challenge to clean out especially if you are cooking with cheese, lots of oils, or if you burn something. Instead of spending lots of time scrubbing out the pots after dinner, drop a cascade pod in the pot and fill it with warm water. Let it soak and then rinse, it does a great job giving it a good cleaning and it saves you time from scrubbing.

  • Quick way to clean grills or waffle makers- Making a panini with a panini maker or using a George Foreman grill to cook chicken or a waffle maker are all fun and games until you have to clean them out. Food can become trapped in the holes and on the grill. An easy way to clean it after you are done is by taking a wet paper towel and placing it on the grill or waffle maker after you finish using it, you get it cleaned easily and it saves the wear and tear on your appliances.

  • Never forget a coupon- If you are like me, I’m sure you get coupons or rewards offers in your email all the time. You may get excited by it but then forget about it and you lose out on the money. A new way I have been keeping track of rewards and coupons is by putting the expiration date on my calendar. Whenever I get a coupon or reward in my email that I want to use, I automatically add the date it expires in the calendar on my phone. Once a week when I’m planning out my week, I transfer all my digital dates and appointments to my Simplified planner. This is a way for me to keep all my long-term dates in one spot and not get too overwhelmed by the day to day stuff. You can read about my system here. 
An example of my online calendar.
  • Always keep in your car- Something I always keep in my car is stamps. I know mailing letters isn’t as popular anymore but when you do have to pay that bill, send that birthday card or drop something off in the mailbox, having stamps on hand is key.

  • One load a day – If you live in a big family like I do, I’m sure you have loads and loads of laundry. I’m still living at home and one of the ways I try to help out is by doing the laundry. With a lot of people under one roof, the laundry can get overwhelming. As a way to manage it, I try to follow the one load a day philosophy. Every day, I do a load of laundry, on weekends there may be more, but by doing a load a day, it helps me stay on top of it and not get overwhelmed.

Those are just five easy life hacks that I follow and that help my life run smoother. What are some of your top life hacks?!