Fabulous living

Countdown to Christmas

It’s officially December and the Christmas season! Cue all the Christmas lights, music, and gifts! Last week, my family and I decorated for Christmas but I’ve been listening to Christmas music for the past few weeks and I already have some gifts purchases but still have a ways to go!. But it really feels like the Christmas season, we have already gotten some fresh snow, my Christmas flannel sheets are on, and I already have Christmas candles burning. 

With, the Christmas season upon us, it’s time to highlight some things on my Christmas to-do list.

  • See Christmas lights (This is perfect for a nighttime drive with some hot coco and sweet treats)
  • Get a tree and decorate it (We always cut down our tree a few weeks before Christmas and its one of my favorite traditions)
  • Make cookies (I am a big baker so I can’t wait to bake some of my favorite cookies and holiday treats, and I love sharing them with others)
  • Christmas movies (This is super easy and obvious but I can’t wait to watch all the classics, from family movies to cartoons, nothing says the holidays then Christmas movies, family and friends and holiday snacks)
  • Hot cocoa and Christmas music (Again, so simple, but enjoying a warm drink while I’m working or watching tv or getting things done. Plus I love listening to Christmas music on my way to work, or when I’m doing things around the house. I like the mix of classic songs with a mix of new covers. It’s the little things that make the Christmas season so special)
  • Christmas cards ( We always send out Christmas cards, it’s so fun to see how we have grown and changed through the year)
  • Buy gifts and Support Local (I love gift giving, I always try to stay organized and get the best deals. This year, I am looking to only shop and support small businesses or local businesses. I have already gotten some gifts from Etsy as a way to support small businesses. I plan on shopping other local spots this year to help them during what has been an unprecedented year)

That’s just a starting block for my Christmas to do list. I love taking advantage of Christmas activities. Above all, the most important part of the holidays is to celebrate Jesus’ birth and spend time with family! What are some things on your Christmas to do list?

Fabulous living

The Last of the Warm Days

Hello everyone! It’s the middle of November, but this past week the weather has been gorgeous! 80 degrees and sunshine in November instead of the snow is a true treat!!!

With that being said, I have been doing my best to get outside for walks and meals and even dressing for the weather! Here’s a look into some of my favorite spots and snap shots of the past week.


A few months back, I hit the jackpot with dresses for work. They are perfect for fall weather. A few weeks back I wore this green dress, I can’t wait to wear it more in the winter and it would look great for Christmas!

Green for fall and winter

This purple one is a new favorite for me! I love the style and cut of it. The suede material speaks fall but the short sleeve works great for the warmer days and when it’s chilly, just add a blazer. 

Short sleeve for warmer days
Add a blazer for chillier days


Another fall favorite has been fall flowers. Flowers are the easiest way to brighten a day and even on the gloomy days, they can brighten a room.

Seasonal Flowers

Food Spots

The warm weather has led to even more outdoor dining!!!! Here’s a glance at some of my favorite outdoor dining spots especially if you are local!

Federal Hill

I have heard about Federal Hill for years and I finally got to taste it. This was delicious pulled pork and sides and eating outside for a picnic made it even better.

A picnic lunch

Samauri Kitchen

If a smokehouse isn’t for you, then maybe sushi is another option. Samauri had a variety of options from sushi to hibachi, poke bowls and more. We ate on the patio at night and even though it was chilly, they heaters outside made it so comfortable. 

Sushi date

Ellicottville Brewing

If you are looking to take a drive and see all the fall leaves before they fall, then heading up to Ellcottville, New York is the perfect fall option. There are many little shops in their downtown to pop in and out of, but Ellicottville Brewing is a great spot to eat. There is a large patio in the back for outdoor dining with a beautiful backdrop of the mountains behind you as you eat.

Outdoor dining for the win


I have been loving my fall walks, whether it is for a few hours or just a quick walk, there is nothing better than being outside in warm weather.

That’s just a look into life today and the importance of soaking up warm weather before its snow and cold temperatures for a few months. Enjoy the warm weather while we have it.

Fabulous living

Summer Bucket List Recap

Well friends, it is the end of the summer. This summer has flown by, I think that has to do with the fact so many things are closed or not what they used to be due to Covid, but I also think due to working full time, summer just feels different. Although, I am sad to see summer go, I am looking forward to the new season. I set 20 goals for the summer and now that Labor Day is over, it’s time to see if I accomplished them all. 

Summer Bucket List
  • Read 20 Books (I’ve read 18 last summer so I want to up my books for this summer)
One of the books I read this summer, book review coming soon

No, this didn’t happen, between working full time and spending any free time with family or friends, I was upset this didn’t happen but I am looking forward to reading more once the weather is cooler and I’m inside more.

  • Finish 30 Rock (I keep starting it but never finish it)

No, I  am making my way through 30 Rock but still have another few seasons, I did start and finish The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, which I absolutely loved! From the costumes to the characters, and them drama and the comedy, it was the perfect summer pick me up. 

  • Be outside for 3-4 days a week (whether its swimming, walking, or running)
Going on walks and cutting fresh flowers were a big part of my summer days

Yes! I spent so much time outside especially on my days off or before or after work. I went on a lot of walks, to parks, the beach and zoos. I loved making it a priority to get outside. 

  • Spend 30 minutes outside a day (Eating, reading, doing work, I want more sunshine)

Yes! Every morning before work I would spend some time outside to read, to work, or just for a walk, I loved getting some sunshine before I spend my day inside. I also liked spending time outside after a long day too. 

  • Go someplace new

Yes! I went on a few day trips which were great for the soul. It was good to get away for a breather and go someplace new, and I got to spend time outside which made it better too.

  • Catch up with college friends (lots of plans have gotten changed due to Coronavirus, so I’m hoping to start rescheduling things)

Yes! I was able to see friends over the summer, outside and socially distanced, but still it was great to see friends face to face instead of just over a screen. 

  • See high school friends (hoping to make more time for friends near and far)

Yes! I was able to see from high school friends for both breakfast and dinner, it was so great to catch up and see friends in person and not over a screen.

  • Entertain friends at home (I love entertaining so I’m hoping to have more friends over)

Yes! Although, it was different this year, I was still able to entertain and have people over. It was much more limited this summer due to Covid but having people over made me feel like things were a bit more normal. 

  • Wine Tasting (my friends and I have talked about doing this for ages, hoping we can finally make it happen this summer)

No, this didn’t happen, but we are planning to do it in the fall once it works better with people’s schedules and more things are open. 

  • Beach Day

Yes! It was great to spend some by the water on the beach and with not a care in the world. 

  • Dinner by the water (I love living by the water and having dinner by it is so nice)

I didn’t get dinner by the water but I did get lunch and a walk by the water which was perfect and we had beautiful weather too!

  • Kayaking (I love being on the water in any form)
Morning out kayaking

Yes! My brother and went kayaking one morning and it was great to be on the water and get some one on one time together.

  • Working out (I want to keep being consistent with it)

Yes! As soon as gyms reopened I was back in the gym five days a week. I can feel myself get stronger each time I am there which is the best feeling.

  • Pool Day

Yes! I got a handful of pool days this summer with my family and brothers which made me feel like a kid again.

  • Bonfire
Bonfire Fun

Yes! We had a bonfire at the beginning of the summer and I loved sitting by the fire with some of my favorite people.

  • Day Trips

Yes! Whether it was going to see family or friends I got many day trips in which worked out great especially with Covid. 

Beach day and a day trip
  • Really take time to slow down ( I took the time during Coronavirus to slow down and I want to continue to do that)

Yes! On mornings before work I was able to relax and take it easy and on my days off I tried to have one busy day with getting things done and one day that was more laid back and relaxed. I want to try to keep this up in the fall too.

  • Summer restaurants (I have a few favorite seasonal places that I can’t wait to get back to)

Yes! I was able to hit my favorite spots this summer and introduce my friends to them too which was even more special.

  • Ice Cream shops

Yes! I ate too much ice cream this summer and hit all of my favorite spots. One day I had ice cream twice! 

  • Take advantage of local spots and free activities

Yes! I got to do a lot of my favorite things this summer that were local, especially in these hard times, it’s always great to support local!

Well there you have it! I am so happy with what I accomplished, from local spots, favorite food places and time outside, I couldn’t have asked for