Let's Look

Let’s Look: Biggest Fears

Hello all! Happy Wednesday! I hope you are having a great week as it’s hump day! Last week was in the 70s and 80s and it felt like a return of summer, which I loved.

Fall was back in full swing this week with the leaves changing and the temperatures in the 50s.

The changing seasons in full bloom!

It’s the second week of the month which means it’s time for another Let’s Look as I link up with  Erika and Shay

To recap, in September, we talked about evening routines, August, we talked about our worst habits, in July, we talked about new favorite summer finds, in June, we talked about best travel tips, in May, we talked about our morning routines, in April, we talked about pet peeves, in March, we talked about Amazon purchases, in February it was about our medicine cabinets.

Today we are talking all about our biggest fears! There’s two ways to go about this prompt, the serious or the comical way. I decided to dabble in a little bit of both.

Death– For serious fears, like many others, I am afraid of death and dying, I think that’s something that we all fear at one point in our lives. Will I be missed? How will I die? When will I die? These are all questions I know I have asked myself and I’m sure others have asked themselves at one point or another. I try not to dwell too much on the future and just like to live and be present in the moment (easier said than done).

Letting People Down– Another serious fear I have is failing or letting people down. I always, always try to be a team player and a “yes” person, even if I have to be the one to suffer at one point or another. I hate the thought of saying no and being an inconvenience to others. It’s something I’m working on, but I fear being someone who makes more work for others.

Now, that we have gotten past the serious fears, let’s get to the comical or irrational fears.

Skunks– I hate skunks and am afraid of getting sprayed by them. My college always had skunks roaming the campus and I hated whenever one would cross my path. I have never gotten sprayed by one and I never want to. I know it’s a silly fear, but I try to avoid skunks at all costs, even when I see them at the zoo, I don’t stay at their exhibit long. 

Breaking a Bone– Another irrational fear I have is breaking a bone. I have never broken a bone and I hope I never do. One, I am afraid of the pain that comes with it and I’m also afraid of being out of commission and having to rely on others. I hate to be a burden to others or rely on people to take care of me. Also, as an aside, it would be an adjustment to not be as active if I was laid up.

Whew, getting all those fears out there was a lot. I’m sure I am missing some fears, but the are the top ones that come to mind. I hope I don’t have to face these fears, but if I do then bring it on. Tell me: what are your biggest fears, serious or comical?

Let's Look

Let’s Look: Worst Habits

Hey everyone! Happy Wednesday! I hope you have been having a great week. Last weekend I ran my first 5K and I’ll be sharing more about what I learned about myself while training and how I prepared for it next week. Since it’s the second week of the month, I like to link up with Erika and Shay. for Let’s Look. Here’s some of the past things we looked at through the year. 

In July, we talked about new favorite summer finds, in June, we talked about best travel tips, in May, we talked about our morning routines, in April, we talked about pet peeves, in March, we talked about Amazon purchases, in February it was about our medicine cabinets.

Today, it’s all about worst habits which is similar to the biggest pet peeves prompt from April, but I decided to change it up and switch up my responses. When I first saw the prompt, I knew I could think of a list of bad habits or things that I’m not good at, which shows me how hard we can be on ourselves. 

Rather than give you a list of bad qualities, I decided to choose three bad habits I have and how I want to work on them. 

Here’s what I came up with:

Over planning– I am a Type A person through and through. I like lists, planners, a schedule and direction and I like it way in advance. But, as I have learned, life doesn’t work that way and you have to adapt and adjust, often or on the fly. Sometimes, I tend to over plan and then when things stray or change, I get thrown in a tail spin which is not good. I will also stress out about things that are out of my control. I will get anxious about something that is days, weeks or months away or may not even happen. I sometimes get so focused on it and get tunnel vision and then it may not even happen. I’m also really working on not overbooking things in advance and instead being more open and flexible to plans and things falling into place. It’s way easier said than done. I’m also working (which I have been for years) on being more spontaneous to making plans with friends and family. It hasn’t been easy but I’m doing my best. 

A look at my overly organized planner and to do lists.

Neat freak– I am a neat freak, control freak, everything has a home freak through and through. I love to clean, I love to make sure dishes are put away at the end of the day and all the laundry is folded and hampers are empty. I have been known to clean and put away dishes and cups when people are still using them. However, living with five other people, I know the house isn’t always in perfect condition. I try my best to let the little things go and give myself grace, but that doesn’t always happen. I love the sense of satisfaction of clean space which I alway try to leave room at home and desk at work in good shape whenever I leave, so when I come back, everything is fresh and clean. Growing up in a large family you get used to chaos, disorder and messes and it’s all a part about being in a family and I wouldn’t change it.

Getting sucked into “Sales and Free Items”– I enjoy shopping and I always love a good deal. However, I am guilty about buying things to get a sale or discount or to get something free when I don’t need it in the first place. For example, I will get emails like many other people about getting a free item/drink/side with a purchase and I will want to take advantage of the offer, because I would get something free too. However, do I need to buy something in the first place? Probably not. I fall victim to spending more sometimes to get a free item or free shipping when I probably didn’t need the item in the first place (I’m looking at you Bath and Body Works and Chipotle!) I will say that McDonald’s app and deals are ones that are consistent and worth the free items or discounts. However, most times, I realize I probably didn’t need to buy the item to get something free to begin with. I have gotten a lot better at simply deleting the email unless it’s something I absolutely need. However, I am guilty of spending when I don’t need to be spending haha!

An example of an email that I try to delete and not give into

I think as I have gotten older, I have seen these habits come out more, they aren’t necessarily bad, but when you take them to the extremes or become obsessed then you have to reign it in a bit. 

My biggest takeaways as I have grown up is that it’s all about moderation and not going to extremes of being a neat freak or over planned or stressing out about things out of your control, what it comes down to for me is about being more flexible and adaptable and less rigid. I’m a work in progress and I’m proud of that. I’m sure if you ask my friends and family about what my worst habits are, they can can give you a full list of other things, but these are big areas I that hope to work on as I grow older.

Now, that I have opened up, tell me, what are some of your bad habits? They can be big or small! Let me know in the comments below!

Let's Look

Let’s Look: New Favorite Summer Finds

Hey everyone! Happy Wednesday! I hope you are having a great week. Last weekend, I was in Pittsburgh to see Ed Sheeran in concert. It was my second time seeing him perform and loved it. I loved his set list, the atmosphere and the songs. I had been looking forward to seeing him again and it did not disappoint.

View from our seats
Always a good time to enjoy a concert in the summer
One more concert shot

It’s the second Wednesday of the month which means it’s time for another Let’s Look as I link up with Erika and Shay.

Here’s the past Let’s Look topics of 2023

In June, we talked about best travel tips, in May, we talked about our morning routines, in April, we talked about pet peeves, in March, we talked about Amazon purchases, in February it was about our medicine cabinets.

This month’s topic is all about New Favorite Summer Finds. I have found lots of things I have been loving this summer that I have shared a lot of with you in different posts. This post has all my favorite summer finds with links in one stop.

Without further ado, here’s my 2023 Favorite Summer Finds:

Super Goop– I wear Super Goop almost every day. It goes on super lightweight and it adds a bit of shimmer too. I love that the sunscreen protects you from the sun and acts as a primer for makeup which I found to be super helpful too. On days when I know I am going to be outside all day, I always apply it to my face, do my makeup and then I am good to go. From work days to weekends, this is always the first thing I put on after I wash my face.

White Baseball Cap– I love a good baseball cap and I have several in from different places and colors, but I was looking for a white one to wear with lighter colors and outfits. I happened to kill two birds with one stone when I found a white one in New York City. I loved the simple NYC logo and the fact it came in white. I wore it almost every day when I went to the beach and I have worn it out and about in the summer too. I love the lighter color for summer and it reminds me of trip to NYC too. 

Tennis Skirt– Another outfit favorite this summer has been this pale blue tennis skirt. I was influenced by Shay Shull for this skirt. It’s so easy to throw on after being out in the water or running errands. The material is Nylon, which is great for hot days. You can dress it up with a cute blouse or dress it down with a workout shirt or regular t-shirt. I like how you can wear it with sneakers, sandals or flip flops. Such a fun way to switch up an outfit. An amazon purchase for the win!

Tennis Dress– Seaking of Amazon wins, this tennis dress was another Amazon find courtesy of Shay Shull. This dress (which comes ith shorts) is  easy to throw on and it’s made from Nylon so it’s good for being around water. It comes in so many colors, but I love the light blue. I’ve worn it with sandals and my birkenstocks, but you can easily wear it with sneakers too. Plus, it goes great with a white baseball cap. I love the cut and style and runs true to size.  This was the perfect fun outfit to add to my fun clothes wardrobe. 

Birkenstocks–  Speaking of sandals, after seeing the trends for years, I finally decided to hop on the Birkenstock bandwagon and I’m so glad I did! I was on the hunt for a pair of sandals I could throw on if I had to run out to get the mail, hit the store, wear by the pool or just go for a walk and these were just what I was looking for. I love the rubber material (perfect for the pool) and white color. They are so comfortable too. I wear them multiple times a week, from watering plants to taking out the trash and running errands. They have been my go-to all summer.

New favorite summer shoe!

Dress Sandals– These have become my favorite summer dress sandal. I picked up a pair from T.J. Maxx and I am obsessed. I have worn them to work, to church and out to events and date night. I love the color, the straps and the best part is how comfortable they are! They have great support and you can wear them for hours. I know they are in style and a major trend and I am on board.

UV Hair Spray– I have talked about using new products or sample products when I am on trips or vacations and when I went to the beach last month, I tried this new sample UV heat protection spray from Ulta. I really liked how it added an extra layer of protection for my hair and how easy it went in. Plus, as an extra bonus, it smells really good too. I always like trying new products as samples before I purchase them to see if I want to invest in them. 

Those have been some of my favorite summer items over the past few weeks. Some clothes, some products and some items. Overall, these are things that I have been using weekly if not daily this summer. Tell me, as we make our way through July what are some things you are loving?! Let me know in the comments below!

I hope you are having a great week and a great July! See you in two days for a new edition of Friday Favorites!

Let's Look Travel

Let’s Look: Best Travel Tips

Hi everyone! Happy Wednesday! I hope you are having a great week so far!  It’s the second Wednesday of the month which means it’s time for another Let’s Look as I link up with Erika and Shay.

Here’s some of the past prompts. In May, we talked about our morning routines, in April, we talked about pet peeves, in March, we talked about Amazon purchases, in February it was about our medicine cabinets.

As we make our way through summer, one thing you may be doing is heading on a trip, so this month, we are talking about travel tips. I did a post about summer travel tips that you can read here. But here’s a bit of a refresher and some new advice!

I broke down my travel tips for a day trip, weekend away and week long trip. I have been going on lots of day trips recently, so I have it down to a science. All these tips are for road trips in a car, but can be altered for flying.

Day Trip

  • Make a list of everything you plan to bring (I always like to keep it on my phone, so I can reference it- write everything down-from wallet to snacks, even chargers)
An example of a packing list (mine are more detailed but this just an example)
  • Totes and smaller pouches are the best tools. I love to bring a big tote (some of my favorite brands are my new Barrington tote, my Longchamp tote and my Thirty One bags) and then store smaller items like chargers, ear buds, gadgets in the pouches.
  • Always bring the necessities in addition to the fun things. (I always bring extra medicine, a first aid kit, a book, my glasses, some backup makeup, a hoodie or sweater, sunscreen or sunglasses- in the summer, just in case I may need them.)
  • A good road trip isn’t complete without some good snacks and don’t forget bottle water and drinks in case you get stranded in a car.
  • I always pack a backup outfit or blanket in case something happens and a day trip turns into an overnight trip. 
  • I always have a go-bag with extra clothes, toiletries, a blanket and pillow in my trunk.

Weekend Away

  • A lot of the same advice applies to a weekend away as they would to a day trip, but here’s a few extra tips. 
  • I always like to use sample products from toiletries and beauty products when I go away. It’s a way to try different products, see what works, but you don’t have to worry about long-term uses.
An example of some free samples that I can’t wait to try when I go away.
  • If you are low on items, use them on the trip and then toss them so you don’t have to bring them back.
  • Don’t overpack, try to keep in mind what events you need to pack for and try and stick with a color scheme too, it makes planning outfits easier

Week Long Trip

  • Always keep a packing list with all the details of every item and every place, event, or activity you need an outfit for.
  • Pack back up items in neutral colors to mix and match for outfits ( I always pack a white shirt, a t-shirt dress, and an extra pair of shoes that can be worn with other outfits.)
  • Leave room for souvenirs or any items you may buy or bring back. 

I enjoy traveling for long and short trips and while packing can be stressful or overwhelming, breaking it down by making lists, keeping things simple and not overthinking always helps. Always remember, if you forget something, you can always pick it up at the store!

That’s just some travel and packing tips that work for me. Tell me, what travel tips do you live by? Let me know in the comments below! Happy Traveling!

Let's Look

Let’s Look: Amazon Purchases

Hi all! Happy Wednesday! I hope your March is going smoothly and you start to see the beginnings of SPRING! We’ve had a mild winter so far, but I’m already craving the sunshine and 50 degree temperatures. 

Today I’m linking up with Erika and Shay for this month’s edition of Let’s Look. Every month, whoever links up gives you a look into a different aspect of their lives.

This month it’s about all time favorite Amazon purchases! I have to be honest, I use Amazon, but I do prefer to shop in stores. Amazon definitely makes it easier to order things you need in a pinch, but sometimes it’s fun to browse stores and the aisles. 

Here’s some fun things I’ve bought from Amazon recently. 

Photo Frame-Not a super fun purchase, but I needed it for a gift and rather than going to multiple craft stores to find this large frame, I went on my Amazon app, ordered the it and had it shipped to my house in two days. I could choose the color and size and it was inexpensive too. Just what I was looking for.

Jeep Key Fob Cover- One of my co-workers had this cover for her key fob and I loved how it looked (so sleek and sophisticated) so I wanted to get one for myself. This soft rubber key fob slips right over your key fob. A larger key ring also comes with it, so you can slip it right over onto your wallet or key ring. When I was looking on Amazon for it, I came across other covers for different cars and their keys. My mom loved how mine looked, so she ordered a cover for her key fob, (a different make and model than mine)! It wasn’t too expensive, but it was more of a fun purchase than a practical one. But every time I see it, does it bring me joy? You bet!

Charging Station for iPhone– I talked about this purchase in my Friday Favorites at the beginning of the year, but I wanted to bring it back again. I got this three in one charging station for my phone and apple watch. You can charge your AirPods too, but I don’t have AirPods, so I don’t use that feature. I love how I don’t have to worry about multiple cords and chargers anymore. it’s one plug and everything gets charged. I also have a pop socket/ring on the back of my phone, and you can still charge it with it on. The only catch is to make sure when you order it, it’s compatible for your version of your watch, phone and AirPods. It comes in multiple colors and it affordable and it saves you time and energy from searching for multiple cords.

Spare-No surprise here that I pre-ordered Spare and it arrived on the day it came out. The library is typically my go-to for books, but I do order books if I know I will want to re-read it or hold onto them. Amazon made it easy for me start reading right away!

Heatless Curling Rod Headband-This will be getting its own post soon enough, but like many others, I purchased this curling rod headband that gives your curls without using heat. I’ve tried it a handful of times and have been pleased with it, but still need to try it out different ways to really get the hang of it. But Amazon made it so easy to order it and try it within a few days.

That’s a look into some of the things I’ve ordered from Amazon, some fun, some basic, a little bit of everything. What are some of your favorite Amazon purchases? Let me know in the comments below!

Fabulous living

Three Favorite Things

Hey guys!

Happy Tuesday. I found this fun quiz/ survey from Mix and Match Mama’s Blog. I love learning things about other people, especially fun or unique facts and I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to do one for myself. I borrowed some from Shay’s blog and made up a few on my own. Let’s get to my three favorite things!

MOVIES (This one is soooo hard-but current favorites)

A Star is Born

Such a good movie

Life Itself

Again, another life changing movie

Love Actually

One of my favorite movies of all time especially around Christmas time.


                                     Year of Yes 

Another life changing book

                                     Grace not Perfection

Grace Not Perfection- an inspiring book for all

                                     Pride and Prejudice 

A romance that never gets old

                                     TV SHOWS (OF ALL TIME)


One of my favorite shows of all time

                                      Grey’s Anatomy 

Old photo but I can’t get enough of this show

                                     This is Us

Another fantastic show

                                     RESTAURANTS (FAST FOOD-ISH)



                                     Chick-Fil -A

                                     PLACES I’VE VISITED

                                     Rome, Italy

                                     Hershey, PA

Getting away for a bit at my favorite place-Hershey, PA

                                     New York City, NY

One of my last visits from NYC, can’t wait to go back soon

                                     PLACES I WANT TO VISIT

                                     Paris, France

                                     London, England

                                     Dublin, Ireland

                                     FAVORITE HOLIDAYS


Christmas morning spent well, the tree all lit, a warm cup of hot chocolate and time spent with family


Forever thankful for family on Thanksgiving

                                     Fourth of July

Rocking my Red, White, and Blue for the 4th

                                     THREE THINGS I ALWAYS HAVE IN MY PURSE

A closer look at what’s in my purse


                                     Phone Charger


                                     FAVORITE DESSERTS

My favorite fall dessert made by my mom

                                     Warm, homemade chocolate chip cookies

                                     Chocolate cake

                                     Apple Crisp

                                     FAVORITE WAYS TO MAKE TIME FOR MYSELF


I always like to read after a long day

                                     Do my Nails

Nothing makes me feel better than a fresh coat of polish

                                     Watch a movie/latest tv show I’m binge watching

Such a good mini series that I just finished watching

Well there you have it, some of my three favorite things. If you guys liked it, let me know and I will do it again, this was so much fun and it really made me think about my favorite things. Pick a few things and add your responses to the comments below! Have a great start to your week!

Fabulous living

My Favorite Blogs

Hey guys! Happy Tuesday! I have just a short post for you today. I’m currently in Rome for Spring Break! I can’t wait to share all about my trip when I return.

However, today, I have a fun post for you all about blogging. For those of you who are new here, I have been blogging for almost two years and I have loved every second of it. I love sharing fashion and organizational tips, healthy life hacks, and overall, my experience in college. I’m so glad to have you all here with me on this journey. However, I didn’t get here alone, I get a lot of inspiration from a lot of strong and powerful women who have paved the way in the blogging world. Today, I’m going to share with you my favorite bloggers and a bit about them. This post is not sponsored-I just wanted to give some love to my favorite girl bosses and bloggers! I read their blogs every day and I love to learn different things from them whether it is recipes, skin care, day in the life or travel. If you are looking for some other blogs to check out be sure to give these ladies a follow! Let’s get to it!

Mix and Match Mama

I love following Shay Shull and her whole crew. Shay shares everything from recipes, adoption, children, travel, faith, and family. I love how real she gets with her readers. She also has a few cookbooks out that has the most delicious recipes. I love to read her travel posts and her day in the life posts as well as her book reviews. She has been at blogging for over 10 years and always comes up with new content all the time. Such a fun blog to follow.

Laura Likes Design

I found Laura’s blog a few years back and I love following her healthy lifestyle, fitness, and personal development posts. She always keeps her posts positive but also honest-two things I love in the blogs I read! She recently just had her first baby and he is cutest thing ever! I love reading all her latest posts especially balancing life with a new baby and getting into a new routine. 

A Little Bit of Everything

I found Erika’s blog through Shay’s blog. The two moms work together and are close friends. I love reading all about her travel posts, running around with her children and online shopping finds. Her posts about Q&A’s and surveys are my favorite to read. She also keeps it real and anyone who is a mom will find her relatable. 

Carly the Prepster

I found Carly’s blog through a friend. The first thing that drew me to Carly’s blog is that she started it in college-just like I started my blog. She writes all about her college experiences, being homesick and how she grew from those experiences. A few years ago she quit her intense job to blog full time, it’s been great to see this transition. Now, Carly blogs about fashion, accessories, and life lessons. I love her refreshing personality. 

The Chic Mamas

I found Abby on Instagram after I watched her husband in one of my favorite shows, SEAL Team. Abby is a blogger, dermatology nurse, and a mom of three! She does it all. I love her posts about Amazon and Target finds, her beauty and skin care treatments and above all else keeping it real with being a working mom. I can’t get enough of her posts!

Emily Ley

Okay, by now you know I love Emily Ley based on how much I talk about her on my blog. I love how she strives to live a simplified life and lead a life of grace not perfection. She is also the Founder of Simplified, her own boss, and a mom to three. Her posts always make me energized and positive. She is such an inspiration to anyone looking to simpliify their lives. 

If you are a huge fan of blogs, I hope these are suggestions of blogs to check out. If you aren’t a fan of blogs then I hope this gives you some insight of women who inspire me in the blogging world. 

I hope you all have great weeks! See you soon!