Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #71

Hello All and Happy Friday!

I hope you had a great first, full of December. I am savoring every day of this Christmas season or at least trying to. I am slowly crossing things off of my Christmas Bucket List and am doing my best to slow down and really be present this season.

Christmas movies and cozy nights in

Today’s Friday Favorites are all Christmas themed-buckle up, you are in for a festive Friday Favorites as I link up with Erika and Andrea .

Etsy Gifts– I have been having so much luck on Etsy when it comes to unique Christmas gifts. I love to support small businesses when I can, and I love it even more when I get a unique and meaningful gift out of it too! I checked several people off my Christmas list thanks to Etsy. One of my favorite things about using Etsy is you can just search a name, theme or idea with the word “gifts” and you get so many options. For example, if you are looking for a gift for a teacher, simply search “Teacher Gifts” and you will have so many items to browse from. The only downside to Etsy is that I find things that I want to buy and have to reign myself in. If you are looking for some different gifts, check out Etsy!

My go-to for Christmas gifts this season.

New Flannel– I’ve been doing my best to wear something festive whenever I can and that includes running errands. I picked up this red, festive flannel from Old Navy when I was doing a bit of a shopping spree a few weeks ago. It’s a thicker material so it’s great for layering. I love how it is Christmas-y, but it can be worn in the fall and winter too. You can pair it with jeans or leggings to dress up in a lounging around the house outfit or add it to a pair of jeans for a day of shopping. I know I will be getting a lot of use out of it this year.

Feeling festive this time of year.

Dashing Through the Snow- If you are looking for a new, cute, Christmas family movie this is it! Dashing Through the Snow is on Disney Plus and it’s all about a dad who doesn’t like Christmas until he meets a new friend, Nick, who needs some help on Christmas Eve. Ludacris stars in this family movie that has so many great one-liners and heartfelt moments. This was also a step-up from your classic Hallmark movie as there was more drama and had a heavier storyline. My mom and I watched it on a Friday night and agreed it would make for a perfect family movie night.

Holiday Get-Togethers– Something else I have been loving this time of year is holiday get together with friends. The season can get so busy and it’s so nice to catch up with friends and family around the holidays. Some of my close friends are in grad school so it’s been fun to catch up before they begin their Christmas breaks. I prefer a one-on-one meet up as opposed to a big party since you get to really catch up with the person you are visiting with. The holiday season goes by so fast, so I have found it’s best to set up a time in advance with friends whether it be for a gift exchange, activity or dinner and get it on the calendar, this way you aren’t stressing out about finding time between your Christmas to-do, daily to-do and other things that pop up to make time for friends.

Christmas Candle– I love a good candle to light when I am getting ready for the day or relaxing. With the Christmas season in full swing it was time to pull out a new candle. This was the perfect combination of fresh Christmas trees and fresh pine. I love lighting a candle to set a mood and between my tree in my room and the candle, I am in the cozy Christmas spirit.

That wraps up this festive, Friday Favorites! Tell me: how are you planning on spending the weekend? Doing something fun and Christmasy?!

Have a great weekend!


Currently #43

Hi everyone! 

Happy Wednesday! It makes me sad to that we are at the end of July. I feel like June was so well paced and a great introduction to summer and then July came and went in a blink of an eye. There’s always so much anticipation to summer and then it goes by too fast. I know August will be a busy month with end of summer activities and people heading back to school.

Summer is in full bloom!

In good news, I did my best to make the most out of July! From a low key Fourth of July to a concert, seeing friends and some pool days, it was packed full of summer fun in between work. Here’s a look at what I’ve been up to.

What I’m Up To– July started off with the Fourth of July, this year was a bit more lowkey as it fell in the middle of the week and I was working, but my family and I still grilled and enjoyed some Fourth fun and sunshine after work. It’s more about the people and moments than all the extra hustle and bustle.

Our Fourth of July spread

This month, I also made two trips to the Pittsburg area. The first was to catch up with friends for lunch and dinner.  Living long distance and being on different work schedules has made it challenging to see some friends so it was great to catch up in person and enjoy some time outside too.

Catching up with friends is always good for the soul

My second trip was to see Ed Sheeran in concert which was so fun. I saw him back during his Divide tour and I was excited to see him perform songs from all his albums. 

Ed Sheeran’s tour

I also got to enjoy some live music this summer, our city always does a great job at hosting live music events, and I have gone to a few of them. There’s nothing better than live music by the water.

Live music in the summer, a must for summer!

I also enjoyed lots of time outside, having pool and reading days on my days off. We had a stretch of beautiful weather and I tried to soak up as much time outside as possible.

Reading by the pool days
Summer walks by the water.

What I’m Wearing– Last week, I shared some summer outfits that I have been wearing to work, you can read more about it here.

I also have been into skorts and casual skirts recently too. Here’s been some of my favorite looks. 

I have also been wearing shorts and all the graphic t-shirts. They are so easy to throw on for off days especially when I’m outside and just relaxing on days off. 

Also, t-shirt dresses are a major win for me in the summer, they are lightweight and easy to throw on after work or heading out and about to run errands, you look put together with minimal effort. A win across the board.

Perfect for a day in the city

What I’m Reading– I had such a good month for reading. This month has been a mixed bag of genres and they have been so fun!

Happy Place- I couldn’t wait to dive into this book. Happy Place tells the story of six friends reuniting in their favorite spot for one last summer trip together and one of the couples pretending they are still together when they have broken up. The personalities of the friends, the description of the setting and the nostalgia had me craving a week at the lake. I read this book on vacation and it was the perfect beach read. If you haven’t read this book yet or any of Emily Henry’s books, you are missing out.

Such a fun, summer read!

My Hygee Home- I got this book for my birthday and it’s all about making a house a home and ways to incorporate Hygee which is a Danish practice into your home. I learned a lot of practical lessons about ways to make your home cozy and useful and purposeful too. It would be a great coffee table book and a great read too. You can easily finish it in one sitting.

28 Summers- 28 Summers by Elin Hilderbrand was such a fun summer read. It’s about a man and woman who meet as young college students and agree to meet up every summer in Nantucket no matter what. Now, let me start out by saying, I don’t believe in cheating or having affairs, but I did enjoy reading about how no matter what was going on in these character’s lives, they always met up every year. I loved seeing how their relationship changed and stayed the same through the years. I also loved reading all about Nantucket and it makes me want to visit even more.

A favorite summer read.

What I’m Watching– Summer is typically a slower time for me for tv shows, but now with streaming services, I feel like there are more options to watch different shows. I’ve done some binge watching, but a lot of these shows have episodes that come out weekly. This summer, I have been watching Outlander, which I have really been enjoying this season, especially the twist with Roger and Brianna. I won’t say more than that to avoid spoilers, but these episodes have been really good.

I also have been watching And Just Like That, every week, again, another light and fun show. In my opinion, season two has had really good episodes and some have fallen flat for me. Overall, I still love the friendships, the fashion and the nostalgia and that’s what draws me in week after week. 

As far as binge-watching goes, I have been watching The Summer I Turned Pretty on Amazon Prime. I never read the books, but I watched the first season last summer and thought it was cute and I wanted to see what was in store for season 2. This season has been definitely more dramatic and intense, but it’s still fun to watch. There are moments that are a bit unrealistic, but overall, it’s a fun show to watch at the end of the day.

Lastly, Sweet Magnolias has been my other go-to binge watch. If watching this show doesn’t make you want to move to a small Southern town, I don’t know what does. I love the aspects of southern hospitality, the one-liners and life lessons and most of all the friendships. Such a fun summer show.

What Inspires Me– I have been inspired by my garden that I started at the beginning of this summer. I am finally seeing some progress and some buds. It’s been exciting to see it grow as I tend to it every day.

My garden so far!
My first set of veggies! Peas!

I’ve also been inspired by finding new places to walk and hike. I have my places that I love to go to, but it’s been fun to find new spots and explore new places and get some exercise too.

Plus no summer would be complete without a trip to the zoo!

What I Accomplished– I’ve been doing my best to soak up summer and I think I’ve been doing a good job with it by trying to build in slower days in a busy schedule. I have also been trying to go to as many events that are traditions and free and fun! Plus, I’ve been doing everything I can do to spend time outside, from reading to grilling outside, I have been soaking up all the sun!

I’ve also been enjoying lots of meals outside.
Plus lots of grilling too!

Goals from Last Month– I made the most of summer and actitvites by crossing things off my summer bucket list. From friends, to new adventures and places and visiting old spots, it’s been a packed month. Plus, throw in some family time and you have a great July!

Summer beach days in July!

I’ve also been enjoying trying new recipes! Last week, I made homemade chicken sandwiches! So good!

A mix between a McChicken and Chick Fil A sandwich! Yum!

Goals for Next Month-The time is almost here. I’m crossing something off my 2023 New Year’s Resolutions and Summer Bucket List by running my first 5K. I have been training for it since the spring and all of this summer and I think I’m almost ready. A 5K may not seem like a huge accomplishment, but for someone who has always hated running, the fact I am excited to do this and have enjoyed the hobby is a big deal to me. I’m looking forward to finishing and accomplishing it next month. I’ve been running longer distances and I’m proud of myself for what my body can do.

Next month, I’m also looking to some family time as we take a little getaway and then some final summer adventures. 

July flew by, but looking back, I accomplished so much. I know August will be busy with trying to get everything done, but I’m excited to see what the next month brings.

Fabulous living

2021 Resolution Recap and Year in Review

Hey guys! Happy Wednesday! Merry Christmas! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas with family and loved ones. I always love the time between Christmas and New Year’s, whether you are off for a break or working, it’s always a nice time to relax, catch your breath and take some extra time to reflect on the year. 

I wanted to take some time to reflect on the past year and my resolutions. For a quick recap, you can read my post here about my 2021 Resolutions. My word of the year was intentional. I wanted to be more intentional with my time with friends and family and more intentional with the things I put time and energy in. I wrote it on a post-it note in my planner and moved it from month to month as a reminder for myself. Overall, I think I did pretty well with focusing on family and friends when I spent time with them. I also prioritized what things I did during my free time too.

My first of three resolutions for this year was to be more intentional with family and friends. I found myself doing a lot of multi-tasking and wanted to be more focused on one thing at a time. I did well with spending time with family and a lot of this had to do with my new work schedule. I now get to spend a lot more time with family and do my best to put the phone down and be present, but there’s always room for improvement. 

My second resolution was less screen time. I did well by setting up times on my phone to have my phone shut off to focus on work or housework. But there were times that I was tired by the end of the day and just aimlessly scrolled, not the best use of time, but sometimes you need a brain break. That will continue to be something I work on in the new year. 

My third resolution was to be more consistent with friends. I definitely made more time for friends by setting up times to do things with friends. The pandemic put a halt to a lot of social activities so by really setting aside time for friends, I was able to maintain my friendships I hold dear to my heart. For example, I started the year out with my virtual book club with my high school friends, Maddie and Ryan. I also set up time for monthly facetime dates with friends (more on that on a post in the new year).

Stay tuned for my goals for 2022 next week!

Now, for a quick year in review. I had a lot of high hopes for 2021 and a lot of them came to fruition. 

I was able to spend lots of time with friends, either in person or via facetime or zoom.

Seeing my best friend Danielle was a highlight of the year.

I also got in a lots of day trips to new places for hiking and walking, from State Parks, to National Parks, new trails and old spots.

Going on walks makes the winter more manageable.
Fall weeks are good for the soul.

I also tried new things like ice skating and have loved it. I went three times in the past three weeks. 

Skating on the bay was such a fun experience.
Skating in Buffalo.

I got to travel with my family and get some great one on one time with loved ones.

Family time with my brothers on vacation.

I got a chance to stand by one of my best friend’s side as she got married.

Getting wedding ready!

I got lots of fall walks in and got to celebrate the start of the holiday season.

Apple picking was one of the fall walks and adventures I embarked on.

The best part of the year was getting my Covid-19 vaccine.

Work has been busy this year, but I’m so lucky with all the opportunties I’ve been given and all the things I’ve learned along the way.

Covering different stories every day makes my job so fulfilling.

I’m so lucky to have a loving family and supportive friends along for the ride too.

What a year 2021 was….2022…let’s do this!

Fabulous living

What I’m Thankful For

Hey guys…happy Wednesday! We are slowly but surely making our way through November. These past few weeks have been filled with work, catching up on reading, going on fall drives and cozing up with warm drinks and lots of baking…all my favorite things!

As we get closer and closer to Thanksgiving I want to take some time share what I’m thankful for. I do this kind of post every year and while the list stays the same it’s always a good reminder and it puts things in perspective of what’s important.

I could spend all day working on this list, from my loving family, supportive families, a great job, food on the table, my faith etc, but I wanted to highlight a few specific things I’m thankful for this year. 

-Covid-19 vaccine.

After being in this pandemic for almost two years, I was so thankful I was able to get my vaccine as an extra layer of protection against the virus.

Such a milestone this year.

-Seeing friends

Thanks to vaccines, I’ve been able to see more friends this year, from high school and college. Weekly coffee dates are back, traveling for day trips were a big hit this summer and being able to be in one of my best friend’s weddings this summer was the cherry on top.

Seeing friends in person has been huge!

-Growing in my job

I’m so thankful I was able to learn and grow in my role at work. I’ve seen a change in myself with how I tell stories and in my confidence. I am always looking for ways to grow and I’m so lucky to have so many wonderful mentors and co-workers to help me grow and learn every day.

I’ve grown a lot in front of and behind the camera.

-My Health

It goes without saying but I’m so thankful I’ve been able to stay healthy amid the pandemic. In these trying times I’m so grateful for my good health and for the good health of my loved ones too, from family to friends, co-workers and neighbors, these past few years have taught me what’s important in life. 

I’m so grateful for my health

-My Support System

From my incredible family to my friends, my co-workers and relatives, there have been so many times this year that I’ve been reminded of how lucky I am. Whether it’s my family moving around dinner times to accommodate an early morning wake-up, my friends who listen to me when I need to talk or take me on an adventure when I need to clear my mind, or my co-workers who help me grow in my job. Not a day goes by when I’m not thankful for all the incredible people in my life.

I wouldn’t be here without my family!

I do these kinds of posts every year to remind me how lucky I am and how grateful I am for all my blessings. I have so much to be thankful for in my life.

I hope you and your families have a wonderful Thanksgiving.