Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #112

Hello All! Happy Friday! I hope you had a great week and are ready for the weekend. I know I am! I have some fun travel plans for the weekend that I have been counting down to for weeks! I am hoping this will be a picturesque fall weekend. 

This week was brought to you by an unexpected zoo trip before the end of the season

Before I get to my plans, I wanted to share some favorites of mine from the past week. I have some fall finds, some entertainment fixes, and a bit of seasonal fun too!

Letā€™s jump into it as I link up with Erika and Andrea 

New Candle Scent– Since September is a transitional weather month, Iā€™m not quite ready to break out all the fall scents yet. Maybe in the next few weeks, but not today. I needed a new candle scent for my room and found the perfect transitional scent in French Vanilla. Itā€™s a mix of vanilla, musk and amber and itā€™s from a local shop. One of my favorite things about this company is that in addition to the name and scent of the candle, they will tell you what scents make up the candle. I also love all the sizes the candles come in, this way you donā€™t have to commit to a scent long-term if you donā€™t love it. I have a mini size candle and itā€™s been perfect for me. I also couldnā€™t resist the cute mason jar it came in. This was a great choice as we transition from one season to the next.

Jewelry Pouch– This has been a recent life hack that has helped me immensely. I wear jewelry every day to work, but sometimes after work, I will go to the gym, for a run, or out for an activity and I donā€™t want to lose my jewelry in my car or purse when I take them off. Enter jewelry pouch! I always get these cute pouches from different pieces of jewelry that I purchase, but I never know what to do with them. Now, I keep a pouch in my car so whenever I get in my car and I need to take off my jewelry if Iā€™m not going home right away, I can do it without worrying about losing it or it getting tangled. Then when I get home, I bring the pouch inside, unload the jewelry and put the pouch back in my car. Such a small change, but one that makes a big difference. 

Seasonal Fruit– As we say goodbye to the summer season, I have been doing my best to get all my favorite seasonal fruits in. Peaches have been a favorite of mine as of late. I have been eating them with my lunches, in salads, and on ice cream for dessert. They are such a sweet treat and I have been savoring them since I know we have such a short window for them. 

Wallet Switch– I carry a purse with me for work and for outings, but I also keep a wristlet with my credit cards, cash and keys with me wherever I go. I try to swap out my wallets each season so they donā€™t get overused. I have been using the same wristlets for year (usually a mix of Michael Kors, Kate Spade, Coach etc.) but when I was in Italy, I picked up a new one. It can fit everything I need and I love the light brown shade. It matches my purses perfectly and itā€™s a beautiful fall tone. Definitely a fall favorite!

Breaking Bad-This is by no means a new favorite, but my boyfriend and I started watching Breaking Bad and we are hooked. It took a little while for the show to get moving, but once it did we were sold. Itā€™s a totally different concept than we are used to but we have been enjoying the drama and craziness that comes with the show. We just finished season one and now are onto season two. Iā€™ll keep you posted on our progress.

Thatā€™s a look into life lately and some recent favorites. As we make our way through September, what are some things you have been loving? Let me know in the comments below! Have  fabulous Friday and fantastic weekend!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #103

Hello everyone! 

Happy Friday! I hope you are having a great week and have something fun planned for the weekend. The weather is gorgeous, the days are long and so many memories are being made. 

A dinner and walk by the water is always a good idea in the summer.

This summer is going by too fast. I feel like we were just in June and kicking off summer and now July is half way done. I am doing my best to savor the summer days and nights, but my social calendar keeps filling up. It’s all good things and lots of fun activities, but it’s still busy, I’m hoping to create more space in my calendar for rest, we will see how that goes.

As we get ready for another weekend, I’m sharing some of my favorite things from the past week as I link up with Erika and Andrea.

This week’s edition of Friday Favorites is a mix of fashion, food, and summer fun! Letā€™s dive right in.

New Polka Dotted Shorts– I was browsing through Marshallā€™s recently and came across these polka-dotted shorts. I love a good pair or solid shorts ( I have the standard white, blue, black and red) and while these did have a bit of a print to them, I decided to try them out. They were a perfect fit, not too loose or tight and not too long or short. The polka dots are subtle and besides wearing them with a navy blue or white blouse or t-shirt, you can match any solid shirt with them. For the Fourth of July, I paired the blue and white shorts with a red shirt and white sandals. I felt patriotic and comfortable. Iā€™m excited to pair these shorts with other tops through the summer.

Texas Caviar Recipe– I saw this recipe for Texas Caviar online and figured a big party like the Fourth of July would be the best place to try it. It went over pretty well. Itā€™s essentially a variety of beans and veggies mixed together with a light dressing. It can be enjoyed by itself or with chips and over tacos too. It was healthy and filling and I know I will be making it again in the future. You can find the recipe here. 

Blueberries- Cherries were a favorite a few weeks ago and blueberries are a favorite today. My boyfriend and I went blueberry picking and we got bushels of blueberries. I enjoy eating the berries on their own, with other fruits or in recipes. I have been on the hunt for some new recipes to try and Pinterest is always my go-to when I am looking for inspiration.

Summer Reading– This may seem juvenile, but as a reader and fan of the library, I am participating in our summer reading program. Through our system, you have to keep track of whenever you read 30 minutes and mark it off. You can read books, magazines, articles etc. Once you complete so many minutes, you can turn in your sheet and get a new one to be entered to win different prizes. I love the accountabilityĀ aspect of it and it really shows how much reading you can do. I love to read in the morning and at night, but have found myself sneaking in more time to read through the day.Ā 

Just the Nicest Couple– I finished the book ā€œJust the Nicest Coupleā€ a few weeks ago. I read it on the Libby app through my phone which allows me to read library books wherever I am. I find myself wanting to pick up a book as opposed to scrolling on social media. Now onto the book, “Just the Nicest Couple” is all about a man who goes missing and one of the last people to see him alive is his wifeā€™s best friend. Did she have something to do with it or is she being framed? These two couples who you think may be friends, may not be as close as they seem. There were some great twists, turns and plot points and I really got into the book, so much so I kept finding times to pull out my phone and read more. If you like a good mystery thriller thatā€™s not too scary, this book is for you.

Thatā€™s a look into what Iā€™m loving this week, some snacks, books, and clothes. I hope the sun is shining wherever you are and life is good!

Have a great weekend!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #101

Happy Friday friends, and a happy belated Fourth of July! I hope you had a wonderful day celebrating!

Here’s how I spent the holiday.

I started the day by doing my first 10K and setting a new PR!
Our spread
Some desserts
And a show!

I hope you had a fantastic first week of July and are doing something fun and maybe even patriotic this weekend. I have a fun list of favorites for you today as I link up with Erika and Andrea.

Photo Refresh– I got a new art print for my birthday, itā€™s a watercolor portrait of different places Pride and Prejudice. I loved the print and got it framed, but I was looking for a spot to add it to my room. I moved some photos around and did a photo refresh in my room. I love how it turned out and how it was a much needed refresh.

Anyone But You– I know itā€™s been a while since this movie came out, but I finally got around to watching it. Anyone But You is all about a couple who has an awkward one night stand and then run into each other years later at a wedding. They decide to fake a relationship for the wedding and end up getting past their differences, but will they get together? It was a really cute rom-com and Iā€™m glad I finally watched it. You can find it on Netflix.

Funny Story– Emily Henryā€™s latest book, Funny Story is out and I devoured it. This follows a similar storyline to Anyone But You. Itā€™s all about a girl who gets dumped by her fiance for his oldest friend. She ends up moving in with oldest friendā€™s ex, temporarily. They end up becoming friends as he shows her around the town and community before the wedding. They decide to face the music and go to their exā€™s wedding together, how about that for a plot twist?! I really loved this story and I love Henryā€™s writing style. I canā€™t wait to see what she works on next.

Cherries– I have never been a fan of cherries, but I gave them a try again this year and have really been enjoying them. I love the sweetness and the taste. I have enjoyed them by themselves or in a fruit salad. Now I havenā€™t attempted them in a dessert yet, but that may be next for me. What are your favorite cherry recipes?

The Girls on the Bus– Have you seen The Girls on the Bus on HBO Max? It’s all about four different female journalists as they hit the campaign trail for election season. I have really been enjoying this series after I finished the latest season of Bridgerton. I love all the different personalities and perspectives the characters bring. I found myself identifying with different characters at different times. I was sad to learn it got canceled after one season, but I thoroughly enjoyed watching it in its entirety.

There you have it, a look at life lately. What have you been up to? Did you have a good holiday? Let me know in the comments below! Have a fabulous weekend!