Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #132

Hello everyone! Happy Friday, it’s the first Friday of February! I know I am happy to see a new month. I love all the things that come with February, more winter fun, Galentine’s Day, Valentine’s Day and Valentine’s Day, plus we are one step closer to Spring!

My pup has been enjoying chilly nights and the warm fire!

Today, I’m linking up with with Erika and Andrea for another round of Friday Favorites! Here’s some things I have been loving this week! This is a fun mix of things I have watched, used, and some life hacks that has made my life a whole lot easier. Warning, we have had a lot of days inside due to cold weather, so this post is heavy with shows and movies to check out. Let’s dive right in!

Martha– A documentary that’s been on my watchlist was Martha. I have always known of and followed Martha Stewart and was excited to see that a documentary about her would be coming out. I got around to watching it after the holidays and really enjoyed it and learned a lot about her. I appreciated how they showed a lot of her early life and how she got her start and shared some of the not so pleasant parts of her life . My favorite part was that it was in her own words. After watching this film, I will definitely be reading her entertaining books. 

Man on the Inside- I know this series has been out for a while but my mom and I got around to watching ā€œA Man on the Insideā€ starring Ted Danson. Itā€™s all about a man who goes undercover in a retirement home. There were so many older actors and actresses in this series on Netflix and the one-liners and references were incredible. Although, some serious parts, the show had me laughing out loud. An easy watch for winter months. It’s only one season, but a second season is coming soon!

Sweet Magnolias-Another Netflix favorite! Sweet Magnolias is back for a new season. It returned yesterday for season four on Netflix and depending on when you are reading this, I may or may not have started it yet. Iā€™m excited to see where this season takes the women and the drama, love, and stories that come along with it. So many of my shows have new seasons coming out which makes the long winter months go by fast. Iā€™m excited to pass the time by catching up on some of my favorite shows.

Sweat suit– I have been spending so much time indoors due to cold weather and you can tell based on my other favorites. Haha! I have been looking and wearing warmer and cozier apparel. This cream sweat suit from Aerie has been a big favorite of mine. First, I love the color, I don’t have too many creams or whites in my wardrobe, so it’s been a nice change of pace. The material is so soft and it’s presentable enough that you can wear it out and about if you want. All wins in my book for a good outfit!

Extra Work Tote- This has been an unexpected favorite of mine. Besides my purse that I bring into work every day, in the winter I have a more things that I take with me. I have my lunch, shoes to switch into from my boots, a jacket or sweater for layers, a scarf, hat, gloves, and any other odds or ends I may need depending on the day. I found myself lugging in lots of little bags and items every day and it became a hassle. I decided to get a larger recyclable tote that I can put all the small things in every day. This was a small change that has made a huge difference and life a whole lot less stressful. It’s incredible what small changes can do to make life easier.

That’s a look into what I’m loving this week. Lots of warm items and forms of entertainment to keep me busy on chilly days. I’ve also been breaking out some Valentine’s Day decor!

How has the weather been by you? Are you staying warm and cozy? Have a great weekend!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #119

Hello All! HAPPY FRIDAY! We made it through the week! This has been a hectic week at both home and work, but we made it to Friday and Iā€™m very grateful for that. Iā€™m hoping things slow down just a bit, but we shall see.

The last of the fall leaves

I hope you have had a great week and are ready for the weekend and maybe have something fun planned. As we move away from all the Halloween fun, I am back into fall mode, before Christmas in just a few weeks. I really like to take this time for my prep or calm before the storm. I LOVE the holidays, but Iā€™m hoping for a few quiet weeks before the hustle and bustle. 

Hereā€™s a few things on my radar that Iā€™m loving this week as I link up with Erika and Andrea.

Insight Timer– I recently started to try mediating, mindfulness, and deep breathing exercises. I have always taken time at the start and end of my day for prayer, but have also incorporated some guided breathing exercises too. I have found it to be very beneficial, especially when I am overwhelmed and stressed out. I typically take time at the start and end of my day for breathing, but have found myself doing exercises through the day too. I have been using the app, Insight Timer daily and itā€™s been doing a great job at holding me accountable and providing resources for guided meditations and breathing exercises. I am just using the free trial, but have been really loving it.

Atoms– Speaking of apps, I also have been using the app called Atoms to hold me accountable. The app was created by James Clear, author of Atomic Habits, a book I read this past year. I have really been loving his app which helps you track new habits or break bad habits. It sends you daily reminders about completing your tasks and gives you positive affirmations through the day as well. I have used the app to help with putting my phone down and now with meditation and both have been very helpful. Iā€™m using the free version through this as well.

The Diplomat– Season two of The Diplomat starring Keri Russell came out last week and I have slowly been making my way through the season. It picks up right where it left off from season one. This show has me hooked with new characters, storylines and of course some crazy plot twists. The finale had me shocked and I can’t stop thinking about it. I binged a lot last weekend. You can watch the trailer here and stream season two on Netflix.

Outer Banks Part Two Out– Another season of a favorite show of mine is out. I mentioned this a few weeks ago, when the first part of Outer Banks season four was released, but now the second half was released and I canā€™t wait to watch. I may or may not have started depending on when you are reading this, but I canā€™t wait to see how season four wraps up. The premiere was really good and I’m looking forward to the rest of the episodes. The first half started out a bit slow, so Iā€™m anxious to see what storylines get solved and what cliffhangers remain. Here’s a look at what you can expect.

Atmosphere– Taylor Jenkins Reid announced her new book coming out next summer last week. Itā€™s called Atmosphere and I canā€™t wait to read it. Hereā€™s a look at the synopsis and the cover art. I personally love the UK version more, but I canā€™t wait to get my hands on it. I doesnā€™t seem like it will be in the same universe as some of her other books, regardless, I canā€™t wait to read it.

Thatā€™s a look into life lately and what Iā€™m loving. 

Tell me what are some highlights from your week? I would love to hear them! Have a fantastic weekend!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #111

Hello All! Happy Friday! I hope you had a great week as we make our way through September and transition from one season to the next. Life is starting to calm down and my fall routine is finally taking shape. Although the fall season is only a few weeks away, the weather is still gorgeous and Iā€™m trying to soak up as much of it as I can. 

Beautiful days as we transition from summer to fall

Today, Iā€™m linking up with Erika and Andrea  for another weekly roundup of Friday Favorites. Hereā€™s some things I have been loving this week.

Emily in Paris Season Four Part Two– The second half of Emily in Paris dropped yesterday. Depending on when you are reading this, chances are I have already started it. I really enjoyed the first half of the season and the second half takes Emily to ROME! I was giddy when I saw the trailer and Emily was at so many iconic spots I had just visited myself. I do have to say, after watching the trailer, I was a little jealous that Emily didnā€™t have to deal with any tourists. Haha! Iā€™m looking forward to the season and where it takes Emily. 

Outer Banks Season Four Trailer– Are you a fan of Outer Banks? I started the series during Covid and have stuck with it since. Even though it is more on the tween and teen side of things when it comes to the plot lines, I enjoy the mystery behind the storylines and the hunt for the treasure. I felt like last season really wrapped things up nicely and was surprised when it got renewed. The trailer looks good and Iā€™m excited to see what adventures are in store for the group.

Atomic Habits– I have heard about this book, Atomic Habits for ages and I have had it on hold at the library for weeks. When it was my turn to check it out, I couldnā€™t wait to start reading. James Clear discusses the importance of building habits, creating routines, and starting small. He goes in-depth about the science and psychology of habits. He also gives real life examples of how to start small and build up to making life changes. I love and thrive off a good routine and rhythm and found this book fascinating. I learned so much and it really helped me better understand some of my habits and how I can build off them. Whether you are looking to create better habits or work on your current ones, I would highly recommend this book. 

New Room Scent and Plug-In– My current wallflower ran out, so it was time for an upgrade. I decided to go with one of the scents from the Bridgerton collection from Bath and Body Works. The scent I chose was Queen Charlotteā€™s Tea. The best way to describe it is a floral scent thatā€™s very feminine, but not too strong or overpowering. This would be a great scent to use in a bedroom or bathroom, but not a living, room, family room or kitchen where a lot of people could be in and out and may not care for the scent. I also swapped out my plug-in with a bee from the Bridgerton collection too! Too cute, just a small change for the upcoming season. 

The Perfect Couple– I have been on an Elin Hilderbrand kick lately. Without planning it, Iā€™m currently reading one of her books, listening to different one in an audiobook, and watching the third as a series. Plus, I listen to her podcast, Books, Beach and Beyondā€¦can you say Iā€™m hooked?!Ā  Reviews on those will be coming soon, but I have been loving the Netflix series, The Perfect Couple, based on her book. I read the book when it came out and couldnā€™t wait to watch the series when it was announced. I really think the series was fairly close to the book. It was interesting to see how characters were portrayed. I LOVED the setting and costumes and appreciated seeing the plot unfold on the big screen. I binged my way through the series and was sad when it ended. I love when movies or series stay true to the books.

There you have it, a fun roundup of favorites from this past week, some books, life hacks, and shows Iā€™m loving! Tell me, whatā€™s bringing you joy this week? Let me know in the comments below! Happy Friday! Enjoy the weekend!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #109

Happy Friday Friends! 

I hope you are had a fulfilling and successful week and are ready for the weekend, I know I am! This week has been different as I am slowly getting back into a new routine after a busy summer and past few weeks. I am still soaking up the warm weather while finding a new normal.

Endings summer with all the fun activities, like baseball games

Hereā€™s a look at some of my favorite things from this past week as I link up with Erika and Andrea for another round of Friday Favorites!

Emily in Paris– Although, it made its return to Netflix a few weeks ago, I have been so busy, I just got around to watching Emily in Paris. Season Four began with five episodes, each about 30 minutes each. You can binge them all at once or spread them out like I did to make them last longer. The fashion, storylines and drama was upped this season and it didnā€™t disappoint. Emily had some incredible outfits this season and after traveling to Italy myself this year, this season has me itching to go to Paris, France next. 

This season was so good!

It Ends with Us– I have talked about this book and movie a few times and I finally went to see it. One of my best friend’s and I both read the book and we decided to make it a girls date and see the movie, It Ends with Us. There were definitely some changes between the book and movie, but Iā€™m glad I read and saw them both. I think the casting was well done and it was cool to see the characters come to life on the big screen. If you read or saw it, what did you think of it?

Simplified Launch– This past week was the fall launch for Simplified. They unveiled their collection back in the spring, but because I buy the yearly planner, I donā€™t purchase mine until the fall. I couldnā€™t wait to place my order for the upcoming year. I decided to go with the 2025 Weekly Planner in Blush Block. The story behind the planner resonated with me as did the pattern. I canā€™t wait until the new year to start using it.

My planner pick

Touchless Hand Sanitizer– I got this as a gift from a friend and it came in super handy on our trip. Between different modes of transportation, the heat and sweat, I was constantly using hand sanitizer and so was my family. Everyone asked to borrow it through the trip. I loved how compact it was, itā€™s slim, so it can be put in a clutch or purse. The scent was a melon/lemon scent which was so refreshing, but not too over powering.

Wicked Little Letters– I watched the movie, Wicked Little Letters after it kept coming up on my recommendations on Netflix. Itā€™s all about a woman who receives nasty and vulgar letters from someone. Everyone suspects itā€™s a former friend of the recipient of the letters and she gets put in jail for writing the letters. That is, until they question if someone else is behind the letters. This was a cute, British movie with many well-known British actors and actresses and it was a fun watch, but I must warn you the language made it R rated, just as a heads up.

Thatā€™s a look into what Iā€™ve been loving this past week! Lots of beauty samples and some entertainment. If you are planning one last summer hurrah, consider giving one of these a try! Have a wonderful weekend!!!
See you back here on Wednesday!