Fabulous living

What I’m Thankful For

It’s Thanksgiving Eve! Is it just me or did the holiday sneak up on you too?

These past few weeks have been the calm before the holiday rush. I have been spending days off doing lots of fall cleaning and organizing. I cleaned out, donated and sold so many items that I had outgrown or wasn’t using anymore. It feels good to have clean spaces before I bring out all the holiday decorations. More on deep cleaning tips to come in the new year.

Before we get to Christmas, we have to focus on Thanksgiving! I’m looking forward to spending time with my family. Everyone will be home for the weekend which will be great to get some quality family time and honor some traditions too.

As we look towards the holiday, I am reflecting on what I am thankful for this year.

As the year began, I didn’t know what the year would hold: change, new beginnings, things sticking to status quo? For the most part, this year has been filled with routine, new hobbies, travel, family time, friends, and creating memories.

I have so much to be thankful for and could list a hundred things, but to save both you and I from a litany, here’s the top things I’m thankful for:

Loving family– I don’t know where I would be without my family. I am so fortunateĀ to have such a loving and supportive family and the fact I get to see them every day as an adult is something I don’t take for granted. I have gotten so much bonus time with my parents and younger siblings as an adult by living at home that I am truly grateful for. Whether we are on vacation together or just sitting around the dining room table, the memories made are ones I truly cherish. This past summer, my family and I all were home under the same roof and the older I get, I know that won’t be the case forever. However, no matter where I am or what I am doing I will always have the love and support of my family with me.

Memories from family trips!

My boyfriend– I have kept my relationship with my boyfriend pretty private over the past few years, but I am so lucky to have such an incredibly supportive and loving person in my life. He’s caring, hardworking, understands my job, gets my humor, is so accommodating and overall, supportive. He will get up early to read my blog every time I have a new post, he notices the little things and goes out of his way to find ways to being unexpected moments of joy to my day. He plans incredible dates whether it’s 24 hours in NYC or a lazy day of childhood movies and junk food. I couldn’t have asked for a better or more supportive boyfriend.

The sights and sounds of NYC

Supportive friends-Whether near or far, I’m so lucky to have such wonderfulĀ friends in my life. I try to be consistent with my friends by doing weekly check-ins via text or monthly meet-ups. I have different friends from different stages of my life and I know I can always count on them to show up when I need them most, whether it’s a funny meme, some advice, or just a good long walk, I know my friends are always in my corner.

Girls night with my friends!

My pets– Keeping this one brief, there’s no better feeling than coming home after a long day and sitting on the couch and petting a dog. They know what you need by just nuzzling their head on you. They provide instant love, they give the best kisses and they really allow you to let your worries fade away for however long you need.

My loving pups!

My faith- Life has its ups and downs, but my faith and trust in God is always there. I’m thankful for my parents for instilling a good faith in me at a young age. I’m so grateful for all the blessings he has given me and how he always, always, always, looks out for me no matter where I am in life. Even when the path may seem unclear, I always put my faith and trust in God.

A good education– From grade school to high school and college, I am so thankful for my educational foundation to get me to where I am today. From the practical skills in the classroom, to the life skills outside of the classroom, my teachers and classmates have helped shaped me into the person I am today. I also got my love of learning from the classroom. One of my favorite parts of my job is learning something new every day and I got that love of learning from going to great schools and having wonderful teachers and role models.

A job I love– I am so lucky that I get to wake up and go to a job that I am passionateĀ about and love every day. I always tell people that I landed my dream job right out of college and that’s the honest truth. I get to do what I love, in a place that I love, with some incredibly smart and talented people. I find fulfillment and joy each day in my work and I couldn’t be more grateful that I found my niche. I have talked to friends who don’t have the same love or passion for their jobs as I do and in those moments, it makes me feel more grateful that I hit the jackpot doing something I love.

New hobbies– This year I have found so many new hobbies that have brought me so much joy. Besides my love of reading, I have developed a love of running (which I never thought would happen). I have gotten physically stronger over this past year and I’m proud of my endurance.

One of my latest runs

My garden was a labor of love this summer, but I loved being able to eat the vegetable I grew over the summer, and I loved the sense of accomplishment of seeing hard work pay off.

My last haul from the garden.

I also have enjoyed all my time in the kitchen whether it be baking, trying new recipes of dinner, or learning family recipes. Not only has it been a good skill to learn, but it’s also been so fun too!

Some of my creations.

Good health of myself, family and friends– My health and the health of my family and friends is something I don’t take for granted. There’s so many illnesses, diseases, and viruses in our world and I’m so grateful that I am healthy and happy along with my family and friends. I’m also grateful for doctors who do what they can to help provide answers to health problems.Ā 

So much to be grateful for!

New opportunities to grow and push me out of my comfortĀ zone– Even when things can get challenging, I am grateful for the hard and uncomfortable moments in life because that’s when we see the biggest growth in ourselves and others. I’m grateful for new adventures, new opportunities and experiences. Whether positive or negative, I’m grateful for every moment that got me to where I am today.

SO many moments of joy this year!

I have a lot to be grateful for this year. I don’t know what the next year will bring, but I’m thankful for every moment of 2023.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Give Thanks!

Fun Ways to Organize

Back to School Preps

Hi everyone! Happy Wednesday! Can you believe we are already gearing up for back to school?! Whether you are learning in the classroom, at home, or a mix of both, this year will be an interesting one for sure!Ā 

Today, Iā€™m sharing some school must haves! Whether you are in the classroom or at home, these are all things you can benefit from.

  • Planner 

My must have is a planner, someplace to keep everything in one spot, especially if you are going back and forth between home and school. It also works great for parents if they are balancing different schedules or routines. My go-to planner is by Simplified. You can see how I organize my planner here.

My planner layout
  • Space to Work

My next must have is a place to work. Whether it is children doing homework, or learning full time, having a designated space is key. I know I work best at my desk in my room, I always have a candle burning and my planner next to my laptop and my to do list out too. There is nothing better than crossing something off a to-do list. I also like to have all my things in one space where I can quickly access them. 

My work space at home
  • The Right Mindset

No matter what the school year brings it all comes down to having the right mindset whether itā€™s about learning from home, school, or both. This year will be an adjustment for everyone but knowing that you arenā€™t alone, that we will get through it and making the best out of the situation is the driving force for having a great year!

Thatā€™s a quick round up of my top things to focus on when it comes to the upcoming school year, yes, it will be different but as long as you are prepared and have an open mind then thatā€™s the best thing to do!

What ways are you getting ready for the 2020-2021 school year?

Fabulous living

What I’m Thankful For #3

Hi everyone! Happy Tuesday!

Wow, what a weekend. I went into the city on Friday night which was so much fun! I will have a full recap of a tradition that I have carried out the last several years next Tuesday to kick off the month of December. Also, just a little blog update, there will be no look of the day on Thursday, itā€™s Thanksgiving and I am going to be spending the day with family and disconnecting for the day.

In honor of the Thanksgiving holiday and as part of my college series Iā€™m going to do a bit of a reflection post for everything that I am thankful for this last semester of college. I have done this for the past few years. Hereā€™s mine from my first year and hereā€™s mine from last year. I always think itā€™s important to reflect on all the blessings that I have in my life especially as I begin a new chapter soon. Letā€™s begin:

My incredible and supportive family.

I donā€™t know where I would be without my family. They are my biggest supporters. I know I can count on them for advice, laughs, love, and through the good times and bad. Some of my favorite memories are made at home with my parents, brothers, and dogs. 

Love my boys

-My consistent friends who are always there when I need them

I am so lucky I have great friends both at home and at school. The biggest thing that I have learned this past semester is that itā€™s never to late to make friends. Always be open to meeting new people because you never know if they will become one of your closest friends. Iā€™m so thankful to have good friends that support me, take me as I am, and I can be myself with. I am also thankful to have them to push me out of my comfort zone, want to try new things with, and always just have a good conversation with. Iā€™m so grateful for all the friends that I have made in college and for the ones who have become like family to me. 

High school bestie
College bestie

-My unwavering faith

I wouldnā€™t be here or be able to do half the things if it werenā€™t for my faith. When I am struggling, I always turn to God for his guidance. One of the biggest things I have learned this past year is that God has a plan for everything even if it doesnā€™t always make sense in the moment and when you finally surrender yourself to him and let him do his work, then thatā€™s when the big things start to happen. I make time every day for my faith and it is so important that I make it a priority for me. I can truly do all things through God.

-Good Health

I couldnā€™t be more thankful for good health not only for me but also my family and friends. In a world with so much sickness and suffering I am happy I am healthy and I can do everything I want. I hope this next year brings more research to so many harmful illnesses. 

Good Education

This is my last year in school and learning, in fact I only have so many classes left. It is so crazy to think in a few weeks, for the first time in my life I wonā€™t be a student any more. I canā€™t believe it. Although, college can be stressful and challenging especially at this time of year, I am so lucky to be able to go to such a good school that is a perfect fit for me. I have truly come into my own at school. I have gotten involved with my academics and found wonderful mentors in my professors and faculty. Most importantly, I have learned so much out of the classroom too.  

Early morning at school

Good Job

I am so thankful that I have a good job at school. Although, it is stressful, I have learned so much not only about others but also myself. I can easily say that this has been of the best things that has happened to me in college. I have become more confident in this role and I have made some of my best friends through this job. I have learned so much and I will take everything what I learned and use it through my life. I am going to be deeply sad when I leave this job and friends behind. 

Last year on staff

 –My School

College has been on crazy ride. But I am so grateful for it all. I have made lifelong friends, gotten so involved, taken on leadership roles, joined Honor Societies and made countless memories. I learned so much about myself and the person I want to be. It wasnā€™t always easy but Iā€™m so happy where I am today. I have a long post about my college experience coming soon so be on the look out for that. 

This Blog

I am also super thankful for all of you who read my blog every week. This has been a passion project that I started during my freshmen year of college when I was looking for something different to do with my free time who would have thought I would still be writing today.  I love sharing parts of my life with you and I am so thankful you are all on this journey with me. This has been such a creative outlet for me through college and I love being able to have this community with all of you.

This last semester and year has been filled with so many blessings, lessons, love, and memories. I have grown so much this year and I am so happy of the person I have become and the person I will be when I graduate in a few weeks. I hope you have a wonderful holiday week celebrating with your family. Be thankful for the time spent with family and friends, itā€™s truly a special time to be with loved ones.

Fabulous living

Summer Goals

Hey guys!

I hope your week is off to a great start. It has been so nice to settle into a new routine for the summer months.Ā Ā Every summer I try to set realistic goals for the summer months. They can be anything from activities, projects, trips, and small tasks. I start out with a basic list as summer begins and will add things if necessary as the months go on. At the end of the summer, I love to look back and see everything I accomplished and all the memories I created.

Summer 2019ā€¦you are just beginningā€¦letā€™s take a look and see what my summer goals are:

Get license renewed

                  -A small but necessary task and I got it done right when I got home! 


  • Although summer is for relaxing, I plan to work through the summer. I like to stay busy and working through the summer will definitely keep me busy.

Make College photo albumĀ 

  • Through my college years, I have been saving photos and organizing them into years. This summer, I want to get them all printed and organized since my time in college is coming to a close.

Celebrate 21

  • Iā€™m really looking forward to celebrating my 21stbirthday this summer. Iā€™m so lucky I get to be home to be with my family, but Iā€™m looking forward to celebrating this milestone with my friends in Pittsburgh!

See friends from college and high school

  • Speaking of friends, I am making seeing my friends both from college and high school this summer, whether itā€™s coffee dates or day trips, friends are so important and I want to make them a priority this summer.
We didn’t even say goodbye at graduation because we knew we would be seeing each other through the summer

Portfolio (BLS)

  • Another requirement for school that I need to get done before school is back in session for 2019!

Work Study

  • This summer I will be working remotely for a job I hold back at school. There are a few projects that I will be working on that I am excited to get started on.

Read 12-15 books

  • I am an avid reader and I am really looking forward to reading a lot over the summer. I already made a stop to my local library to check out a few books to get a start on summer reading.
First book of the summer…

Download pictures to laptop

  • Again, another task, it wonā€™t take long but I want to make sure I have all my photos from this past year saved to my laptop.

Spend time with familyĀ 

  • Since this is my last summer home I want to make sure I soak up as much family time as I can, whether it is family dinners, soccer days, or pool days. I canā€™t wait to get some quality family time in.
Looking forward to a full summer with the fam!

Day Trips

  • I love taking day trips, whether it is to the city, in the country, or to see family and friends. Iā€™m hoping to spend a few days going to new places this summer. 

Start Healthier habits

  • I have gotten into good routines while I am at school and I want to continue those routines at home, whether it hitting the gym several days a week, eating healthier foods and meals, or just setting time aside to relax. Getting into a good routine is something Iā€™m looking forward to this summer.

Go to a concert

  • I have a concert planned for September with one of my best friends, but I want to try and hit up another summer concert. Anyone with suggestions, please let me know.

Beach days

  • I may live close to the beach, but that doesnā€™t mean I spend all summer there. Last summer, I went to the beach on the last day I was home. I want to make more of an effort to go to the beach, whether itā€™s for the sunset, sunrise, or a day in the water.

Family Vacation

  • I have been reflective in the past few months with everything that has been changing and Iā€™m looking forward to getting away with my family for a summer trip. Where and when that will be is still up in there air, but none the less, Iā€™m looking forward to making some memories.

Find a new show to Binge watch

  • Every summer, I always am on the look for new shows to binge watch. Iā€™m currently finishing up Dawsonā€™s Creek-an oldie but a goodie! Iā€™m now on the hunt to find a new show to watch this summer. Any good suggestions?

Take more walks outside

  • In an effort to spend more time outside, I want to take more walks, whether it is at sporting events, at the end of the day after work, or around lunch. Iā€™m looking forward to enjoying the outdoors more.

Weekly facetime calls with friends

  • Back to the friendsā€¦can you tell I miss my college friends?!  A few of my friends from school and I have suggested doing weekly facetime calls to keep each other in the loop with whatā€™s going on. Itā€™s a weird feeling going from seeing your BFFā€™s all the time to going weeks without seeing each other.
You mean I won’t be seeing my friends every day….thank gosh for FaceTime!

Try something new

  • Leaving this one up in the year. I want to try something new and pushed from my comfort zone. We will see what happens and what I try.

Try new recipesĀ 

  • I love to cook and bake. This summer I want to try some new recipes and even come up with a signature dish. I am into salads right now, so I have a feeling I will be making lots of different salad combinations this summer.

Entertain Friends/family

  • I love to host people at my home and I learned it all from my mom. In the summer, we love to have friends and family over and Iā€™m looking forward to doing some entertaining this summer.

Do something spontaneous

  • This goes along with trying something new, even though I love my schedules and routines. I want to be spontaneous and more flexible. Iā€™m hoping to accomplish that this summer.

Be Present

  • After a stressful and busy semester, I want to be present and just live this summer. There will always be things to do and tasks to accomplish, however, I want to make an effort to just be happy where I am at.
Made this my background for my phone to only focus on the positive things in life

That concludes my summer goals. It may seem like a lot, but overall, I think it is a good mix of realistic and mental goals. Overall, I want this summer to be one filled with happiness, love, laughter, friendship, purpose, and maybe even a dance. 

Have a beautiful week! xoxo

Fabulous living

TWO Years of Blogging

Two yearsā€¦itā€™s amazing how much has changed since I started this blog after my freshmen year of college. Just to show how much I have changed, hereā€™s my first everĀ post. I started this blog as a way to talk about transitioning and adjusting to college life along with fitness, organization and fashion and it has become so much more than that. I’ve become a better writer, more open, a stronger person and stepped out of my comfort zone with this blog.

Ā Iā€™ve shared about the places Iā€™ve travelled to, likeĀ Washington D.C., Chicago, andRome.Ā 

Iā€™ve talked about ways to decorate your dorm room,organize your makeup, and prepare for college exams

I have shared over 100 different outfits, they have ranged fromĀ semi-formal looks, outfits for the office, clothes for thewinter,Ā spring,Ā summer, andĀ fall.

I have talked a lot about college living,summer internships, and the adjustments to living in college.

Getting in front of the camera too at my internship

Some of my favorite posts have been my semester recaps,summer recaps,and fun facts about me

That is just a look into my favorite posts that Iā€™ve covered these past two years. I opened up about being homesick, getting used to college life, and home life, and back to college life. I have shared my friends, family, dogs, and favorite things with you- from tv shows, books, and ways to have fun.

This blog has been a great stress reliever, whenever I would be stressed or I wanted to share something new I learned, my blog was my go-to.

Ā I truly wouldnā€™t be here without you all! Thank you for your love, support and for reading my posts every day whether it is about fashion, fitness, or day to day life. I have had so many people and friends tell me they have read my blog, follow it, or make a suggestion for it. It means so much to me that you take the time out of your lives to read about my life. This next year of blogging will be different as I will be graduating college and entering a new phase in my life. There will also be some surprises in this next year, there will be new content, different types of posts, and so many fun things in the future so stay tuned!! But not to fear, the blog is not going anywhere. Iā€™m going to taking it day by day as I start a new adventure and I hope you will come with me on this journey.Ā 

Thank you for reading, the love, and support

Hereā€™s to TWO years of ups and downs and taking it one day at a time. 

Fabulous living

New Year’s Resolutions

Happy New Year!! 

Christmas morning spent well, the tree all lit, a warm cup of hot chocolate and time spent with family

It is good to be back. I have been posting a few looks to wear when you are out and about but today it is back to normal with blogging. I hope you all had a restful and relaxing breaks, whether you are still on break from school or you only got a few days off, I hope they were restful and filled with loved ones, good food, presents, and joy. It was so nice to spend some quality time with family, although I did work a bit over break it has been so refreshing not having to worry about school work and just be present in the moment. Itā€™s crazy how fast my time home went by. I am headed back to school on Thursday, time to gear up for another semester. These past few weeks have been restful and rejuvenating and its time to get back to the school work. 

Today, Iā€™m sharing my New Yearā€™s Resolutions with you.Ā These were my goals last year.Ā For the most part I accomplished them well. I was busy during the day at school so that snacked way less than normal. I also tried to eat much better at school. I’m going to try to do the same when I head back to school. I got a lot of reading done over the summer and over Christmas break. My Christmas book review will be up next week so stay tuned for that! I was more flexible and spontaneous towards the end of the year especially when it came to going out with friends but I am still very much into my schedules and being on top of things.

Heading into 2019 with the right mindset

Iā€™m calling this year-2019- ā€œMy senior yearā€. Since I will be graduating next December, I thought it would be appropriate to call 2019, my senior year of college, with only two semester left of college, I hope to make lots of memories, try new things, and live up my senior year. I also decided to pick a word that I want to center around this year.

After a lot of thought, I decided to choose the wordā€¦ “Patienceā€. I want to try and be more patient this year with others, myself, and life in general. I have often felt being rushed with everything I do and getting stressed and overwhelmed by it. I want to strive to be more patient this year, everything will get done, it always does, sometimes we just need a little more patience in our lives. I will keep you updated this year with how it goes.Ā 

My mindset for the new year….patience and positivity

Now, moving onto my resolutions. I have set three for myself, all pratical and easy to incorporate into my life each day. 

Be more positive– I have often found myself complaining about the trival things in life whether it be about too much homework, being busy or having too much on my plate. This upcoming year I want to focus less on the negative and more on the positive, and if there is stuff bothering not talk about it all the time rather just find a solution.

Donā€™t sweat the small stuff-This goes along with the first one, I want to try to not stress over the little things in life, rather focus on the big picture. I am going to not let the little things get to me since they donā€™t matter in the grand scheme in life, I really want to work on bettering myself this year and not get overwhelmed with the small day to day things.Ā 

Be more social– This is going to be a more challenging one this year. One of the great things about college is making friends with people older and younger than you, however, it can also be really rough when all your friends graduate early/study abroad/ start work. This year will be an adjustment with so many of my friends leaving, I never thought I would have to make new friends as a junior in college, this year I am determined to step out of my comfort zone and still be social and see friends and do things on nights and the weekends. Iā€™ll keep you posted on how this goes.Ā 

Thatā€™s an update about whatā€™s going on with me these past few weeks and whatā€™s to come with this upcoming semester. As I embark on my senior year, I want to thank you all for beingĀ a part of this journey with me. See you back on Thursday!

Fabulous living

Best of 2018

Hello All! Happy Tuesday. I hope your week has been going well. I am in the middle of finals week. Iā€™m looking forward to finishing up these next few days and then enjoying some much deserved time off. 

Todayā€™s post is all about my review of 2018, now, you may think itā€™s a little early for this, but next week I have my semester recap, since I still have some things planned before I head out for the semester, then the next Tuesday is Christmas and the following Tuesday is New Years. Iā€™ll be taking both of those days off to spend with family. Therefore, today will be a recap of 2018 and next Tuesday will be my semester recap. Makes sense? Letā€™s get to it!

2018, was such a good year for me. It included, job shadowing, an incredible internship, lots of new classes and hours of school work, taking on new roles and jobs, making new friends, saying goodbye to close friends, lots of family time, traveling, and countless memories

January started out with me job shadowing at a local news station where I had the best day, it led me to an incredible internship in the summer. My spring semester was filled with lots of learning, challenging classes, a new job, and many memories with friends, from dinners out, girls days, and late night adventures.

One of the late night adventures from last year, heading to the S.P., a hidden gem one of my friends found, it’s become an inside joke and loved place by our group of friends.Ā 
My two close friends Olivia and Bailey, we have had so many good times through this year.Ā 
From fall fests…
To light up night
and even walking to class, I wouldn’t be able to make it through college without them

My summer was filled with my summer internship, working at my part time job, spending time with family, seeing friends from high school, going to concerts, and accomplishing my to do list, which included some relaxing too. You can see my summer recap here

Lots of family time. Family over Everything
Fourth of July spent with my favorites
…Are you Ready for It?. Taylor Swift was a hit this summer
The Piano Guys
Getting in front of the camera too

This fall semester was filled with A LOT of work, starting another new job, maintaining my old job, movie nights, building friendships, dinners out with friends, late night adventures, and not enough sleep. Haha! It was a very busy but successful semester. Iā€™m excited to see what next semester has in store.

This is how I spent most of this semester, work, work, work
Staff Photos round 2
Concert ready for Ed Sheeran
Our whole group out at Light Up Night

My favorites of 2018 include:

Movie- All of these were hits in my book, I loved the storylines, the music, and the characters. Ā Mamma Mia 2, Life Itself and A Star is Born

such a good movie

Tv Show- This new ABC show, A Million Little Things tells the story of a group of friends moving on when one of their friends commits suicide. It kind of has the same feel of This is Us. To see all the other shows I watch you can see that post here

Album- Okay, Iā€™m a little bias but these soundtracks were on repeat for weeks after I saw the movies. Now that Christmas is around the corner, I have a Christmas playlist on repeat. 

Such a good soundtrack
such a good soundtrack

I also did a lot of reading this summer, I’m looking forward to reading a lot more over Christmas, if you have any suggestions, please feel free to let me know! My book reviews from this summer can be found here.Ā 

I loved reading this summer and I can’t wait to do more soon

Whew, I accomplished so much in 2018, it truly was an incredible year for me, 2019 will be an exciting year, Iā€™ll be turning 21 and graduating college. I canā€™t believe how fast time is going. See you next week for my Fall semester recap. To any college kids out there, good luck with finals, we are almost there!

Fun Ways to Organize

What’s on My Phone?

Hi Guys!

Happy Tuesday! I hope you all had restful weekends! My weekend was pretty busy between homework, work, and the semester full underway, it was hectic to say the least. I am looking forward to this coming weekend as it will be filled with activities, family, and some R&R!

On todayā€™s agenda, I wanted to share how I organize my phone and some of my favorite apps on my phone that make my life easier and more efficient. Now, as 20 year old, I do use social media a lot on my phone both for my blog and for my own personal use. However, I am just going to focus on apps, that make my life easier and more organized. This post is not sponsored or an advertisement, Iā€™m just sharing what apps work best in my life and how I keep my phone organized.

What’s on my iPhone?

On the first screen, I keep most of my apps in their original place. I donā€™t like to move my apps around too much because I like to keep it simple and not complicated. My phone, safari, mail, music, messages, and notes are all near each other so I can access them easily.

First screen

On my second screen are the more speciality apps.

Second Screen

My first row are my apps for social media which include Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, and the E News app where I get all the scoop from Hollywood. I use these every day even multiple times a day.

The second row are apps that I use that are clustered based on use. (minus pinterest- another form of social media but I ran out of room on the first row). My first cluster is for school. Outlook is great for collecting my school emails, GroupMe is so helpful for group messages, Schoology keeps all my assignments in one place, Cam Scanner is great for copying notes, and Remind is a great Reminder app.

School Apps

My second cluster is for work which include Linkedin, Facebook, and Messenger all used for work purposes not fun.

Work Apps

The last cluster is all the other apps that I donā€™t use all the time including Contacts, Stocks, Files, Compass, any other apps that I donā€™t use all the time.

Extra Apps

The third row includes my personal apps which include my online banking app, my Fitbit that tracks everything on my Fitbit, my Countdown app for important days, and Sprinkle of Jesus, a great app full of inspiration.

My last row includes three clusters.

The first for entertainment; which include Amazon Music and Video, Netflix, Pandora, and Podcasts, they are tucked away so Iā€™m not distracted.

Entertainment Apps

My second cluster Ā has my favorite shopping and food apps which include Apple Wallet, Amazon Prime, and Panera Bread and Chipotle, my favorite eateries.

Food and Shopping Apps

Lastly, photos and videos which includes Layout, VSCO, Followers, and Repost all important for blogging.

Photos and Video Apps

Now onto my favorite apps.

–Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Notes

Everyone with a smart phone has some kind of notes app and it is so helpful. I use my notes every day. I keep To-Do lists, Reminders, Movies that I want to watch, and Books I want to read, Passwords, and anything else I need to be accessible at all times. I use my notes all the time and it is so helpful to have it be synced with laptop and ipad to I have all my notes with me on any device. Notes keeps me on top of anything that gets thrown my way through the day.

–Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā GroupMe

This is one of my most used apps. It is an app just for group messages. It is so helpful to keep all my group messages in one area and not mixed in with all my other personal messages. For my job at school, we use GroupMe to communicate fast and efficiently. GroupMe is also super helpful when it comes to group projects, work meetings, or just friends making plans.Ā  This app is free and can be found in the app store. Overall, GroupMe has made my life at school much more organized

–Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Sprinkle of Jesus

Not an organizational tool but this app sends you positive reminders and mantras throughout the day. Whenever, I need a pick me up, Sprinkle of Jesus is always there. Some of the quotes hit close to home. They also have great content too. This is free and found in the app store.

Whew, thatā€™s a look into my phone and what apps Im totally hooked on. Also, I keep my background fairly simple so Iā€™m not distracted with a busy background. What apps are you hooked on and what tips do you have when it comes to organizing your phone?

Fabulous living

Looking Ahead to a New School Year

Looking Ahead to a New School Year

Ahhh! A new school year. There is something special about fresh supplies, new classes, a full schedule and lots of new material to cover. I have always enjoyed school. I love learning new things and being in a school environment. Also, with a new school year also comes fall!

I started classes last week and although the first week seemed to drag on and take forever, Iā€™m really looking forward to this semester. I am excited for the classes I am taking as well as the things I am learning. Of course, I would be lying if I wasnā€™t a bit nervous about the amount of work and papers that will need to get written in the next 15 weeks. I seriously get so overwhelmed putting everything on my calendar for the semester, but I always need to remind myself to take it day by day and who isnā€™t up for a challenge?

In honor of a new semester, here are some of my goals/plans/ hopes/dreams for this semester.

1)Ā Ā Ā Ā  Work Ahead

With a busy semester full of classes and working, it will be crucial for me to work ahead and get stuff done early so I donā€™t have it hanging over my head when I have other things to do and commitments. I will have my calendar and planner to keep me on top of everything.

2)Ā Ā Ā Ā  Be Intentional

This is something new I want to try. I am an organized person and I always try to be productive, but I want to be intentional with what I am doing. So, if I am working on a paper I want to focus just on that and not be distracted by other things I have to do. I want to spend my time well, so I can work hard and play hard, which leads me to my last goal.

3)Ā Ā Ā Ā  Have fun

Although, this will be a busy semester and I have a lot going on, I still want to make it a point to have fun and hang out with friends. I have a few friends studying abroad and graduating in December, so I want to make it a point to create memories with them before things change.

I am hoping I can accomplish these goals this semester. I always like setting goals at the start of a new year or semester and see how I do at the end.

What are your goals for this semester or school year?

Fabulous living

Spring Semester Recap

What a semester it has been!!!Ā  Not gonna lie, in January, the semester started out as a rocky one. But, I was determined not to let a few bad days change the outlook of my whole semester. Thank goodness, that I didnā€™t because this semester turned out to be my best semesters yet!!!

Throughout the course of this semester, I truly felt that I came into my own. I found my tribe of friends to lean and gain support and that made all the difference. Without a strong support system both at home and at school, it is very hard to navigate yourself through life.

During the semester, I took on more roles, and wore many hats in these short months. I took on 18 credits, added another work study to the mix, and took on a leadership role in my other job I have at school. Although my job has its stressful and unpredictable moments, I had truly had the best staff and coworkers. We all got along great and were able to have fun as a one big family. When work got tiring or stressful they made the job 100 times better.Ā  I am so lucky to have made so many long lasting friends because of this job. Whether it was staff meetings, Sheetz runs or late night adventures we all had the best time together.

Obviously, taking on all these new things felt like a lot and could be a bit overwhelming at some points. Like for example, starting my day at 6:00 am and working through 1:00, yes, I had a few of those days but they were filled with fun memories braided through the stressful moments.

One motto that I used towards the end of the semester was ā€œLive Masā€ or ā€œLiving my Best Lifeā€, a lot of my close friends were either graduating or moving to different building so during my last few weeks of school, I made sure I went out and did things with my friends to savor our last few days together, whether it was Dairy Queen trips, late night drives, or playing card games while working the late shift, I wouldnā€™t trade those memories for anything. I’m so glad I found so many wonderful people because of this job and school.

Here we are at one of our first events of the year.

Lastly, something that made this semester so great was working on myself and being my true authentic self. I learned and worked on this a lot with the help of my friend Olivia. We met a year and a half ago because our boss suggested we meet since we are so similar. Every chance we get we thank our boss for introducing us, we immediately hit it off and have been close every since. Not only can we talk about the easy day to day topics, but we often talk about the challenging stuff too. Olivia, is one of the hardest working, caring, driven, and ā€œmom likeā€ people I have ever met. She has been a wonderful mentor but an even better friend to me this past year. She has taught me a lot but the most important thing I have learned is to be my authentic self. Olivia, thank you for making this year the best one yet.

Here is a second picture of her, as we were moving out. I love this quote– a constant reminder of girl power

This has been such a good semester for me both in and out of the classroom. I have excelled in my studies, formed long lasting friendships, made countless memories but most importantly, I lived my best life as my authentic self. Hereā€™s to hopping I grow even more as a person next semester.