Fun Ways to Organize

Simplicity Challenge 2023

Hello all!

Happy February! New month, new start, new goals! Celebrating Valentine’s Day, Galentine’s Day and embracing winter are just a few things I plan to do to make the most out of another winter month. 

If you have been around here long enough, you may have picked up that I am a huge fan of Simplified, a planner company by Emily Ley. Every year, her team creates a Simplicity Challenge in January. It’s a list of tasks that take 15 minutes or so for each day of the month. These tasks cover everything from organizing your car, cleaning out a medicine cabinet, restocking a fridge, or writing down a list of meals that are easy to make on busy nights. 

You can find their Simplicity Challenge on their website, social media or inside your planner. 

A copy of the Simplicity Challenge in my Simplified Planner

When I was in college, I did the Simplicity Challenge and found it to be very helpful at the start of a year and when I was back at school. I adopted some of the skills suggestions in my life back and still use them today. Here’s my Simplicity Challenge from 2019.

Since it’s been a while since I completed a Simplicity Challenge I wanted to do it again.

I completed most of the tasks on the days they were assigned. Some I didn’t since I already incorporate them in my daily life. For example, one of the challenges is to a load of laundry a day. I already do that everyday so I didn’t necessarily have to do it. But there were a handful of things that I did do.

For example, day one is go through and collect any trash or clutter. Right after the holidays I had lots of extra clutter laying around so it was good to get rid of it. 

Goodbye clutter, hello clean!

I still live at home and that means sharing a lot of items including food. Cleaning out and organizing the fridge was much needed after the holidays especially lots of extra food, drinks, snacks and people around.

Clean and organized fridge for the new year.

A super easy task was cleaning out my purse. I keep it fairly organized but it’s always good to dump everything out, get rid of any trash and reorganize everything. 

Clean purse for a new week ahead.

Another task is to keep a long standing list of people’s birthdays and put it in your planner so it’s easy to add birthdays and anniversaries year to year. This was such a useful and helpful tool for remembering the important days.

A list of all the important dates and anniversaries.

Setting an alarm for very day is something I already do. I like to keep a consistent schedule and that means getting up at the same time on my days off too. It makes it easier on my body to get the same amount of sleep and I get more done when I don’t sleep in.

Sometimes my wake-up times are just a little early.

Cleaning off my computer and getting rid of old files was so helpful to do both on my work and personal computer. I spend a lot of time on my computers so getting rid of old and unneeded files was such a good feeling. 

Clean desktop on my personal computer.

I also cleaned out and organized my notes app. I use this app every day and I use a trick from Emily Ley by using three emojis for what each list is for, it makes it easy to find different notes.

Some of my most used notes.

These are just a few examples of all the tasks I completed. I love how these tasks are quick to accomplish they have you focus and simplify different areas of your life without getting overwhelmed. If you have completed the Simplicity Challenge, what were your favorites tasks and challenges? Let me know in the comments below!

Fabulous living

Slowing Down and Self Care

Happy Tuesday. How was your weekend? Restful and relaxing, I hope.

We are down to the final countdown for summer and I can’t wait. Between classes and work, I am ready for a break. That brings me to today’s topic. Taking care of yourself, even if it means saying no. Kinda ironic, last week, I shared the importance of saying yes and stepping out of your comfort zone, but today, it’s the opposite. I often find myself  getting run down and tired this time of year, that’s why self-care is important now more than ever. Between finals, projects, and summer activities upon us, it’s easy to get overwhelmed and stressed out. The same goes for parents, school is winding down, which means trying to figure out summer plans for children along with summer schedules.

This past year, I got very busy, between classes, work, and maintaining friendships, I was running myself into the ground. I realized I had to take care of myself so I could be the best version of myself.  I have carved times in my schedule to set aside for myself. For example, every Sunday, I try to take a break from homework and spend time either reading or watching a movie or whatever I wanted, unscheduled. I always like to leave from 2:00-4:00 open for myself, it doesn’t always happen but I try my best to make it work. These two hours gives me time to recharge myself for the week ahead. If you don’t have two hours to block out for yourself, don’t worry. Maybe block out 15 minutes of your day everyday. Or give yourself a half hour in the morning or before bed to unwind without distractions. However long, be sure you are taking care of yourself.  Also, you can’t be helpful to others if you aren’t taking care of yourself.

I found myself committing to many things during the week and weekend that I was left no time for myself. I will admit, I am a Yes women. I am also the queen of over committing. Don’t believe me? Last week I booked myself from 10:00 am  to 8:00 pm solid. It wasn’t the best idea, but I made it through the day successfully. It’s all about having balance in your lives. I had made plans to hang out with friends around 9:30, but by the time it rolled around, I was exhausted. I wanted to spend time with friends, but I knew I had to recharge. I am so glad I did, I slept like a log that night. Our bodies know us better than we think. Sometimes, even if we don’t like it, it benefits us to say no.

A few ways I unwind are:

  • Watching movies or catching up on my favorite series
  • Reading
  • Facetiming my bestie from back home
  • Taking a walk
  • Doing my nails

We all need to take care of ourselves even if it means saying no. We may not like to say no, but it will benefit us in the long run. With the changing of seasons, make sure you put yourself first sometimes. It may help you more than you realize.

Have a great week.