
Italy Part Two

Welcome back and Happy Wednesday!

I can’t believe August has come to an end. School is back in session and fall will be here before we know it. I typically save the last Wednesday of the month for my Currently post, but that will be pushed back a week, so I can shared part two of my trip to Italy.

At the beginning of the month, my family and I embarked on our first big international trip and went to Italy. I shared part one last week and you can read about it here.

Today is all about part two. We left off with our day trip to Venice.

Day Six was a calmer day after a day of travel. My brother and I started the day with a run which was such a good way to start the day.

We then got breakfast at the hotel and packed up our things for the next hotel. After breakfast we did some more sightseeing.

I’ll be missing these Italian breakfasts

We started the day at St. Mary Major, one of my favorite churches from the last time I visited.

I loved the architecture and the fact we could walk there.

The gorgeous church

After look at the church, we took an Uber to the Keyhole where you can get a unique perspective of the city.

A unique view of Rome

It was also near where I stayed when I came in college. We got to see some of the churches near Saint Anselmo and saw some incredible views of the city too.

After spending some time in a quieter part of Rome, we made our way back to the city to see the Tomb of the Unknown Solider.

We then walked flights of stairs and took an elevator to see some incredible views of the city. 

An overview of the city
More views
And even more views

After, snapping some photos, we made our way to the Pantheon.

Then made our way to the Piazza Novena for lunch at a Mediterranean restaurant where I got a delicious chicken and hummus wrap.

At this point, we switched hotels for our trip, we stayed in Rome but moved to a quieter part of town.

Our new neighborhood

The hotel was gorgeous and the best part was the pool which was much needed after several days in scorching temperatures!

We relaxed and cooled off by the pool and then got cleaned up for dinner.

We walked to a steakhouse nearby. We split some appetizers and I enjoyed their fresh salad and meatballs and tiramisu for dessert. It was so nice to walk back after dinner.

We then called it a night since we had a big day planned. 
Day Seven started early as we had to catch a 6:00 train to Naples.

Early morning views
With breakfast
Arriving in Naples

Once we arrived, we took a 7:30 ferry to Capri for the day!

Our ferry

We arrived at 9:30 just in time for our 10:00 boat tour of the island.

First sights of Capri.

A lot of early morning travel but it was so worth it.

This was one of my favorite days of the trip! Capri was packed with lots of tourists.

Our boat driver told us over 20,000 people visit every day! The island is very small but there’s so much to see. We spent four hours on the boat and got to see the whole island. We got to go swimming twice, once near some cliffs and then in some caverns. It was such a cool experience. It was so hot out that the water felt so refreshing and it was so clear too. This was an experience I’ll never forget.

After our boat ride, we did some shopping and eating.

We got their traditional lemon sorbet, which was lemon sorbet in a lemon, it was so refreshing in the heat.

After some more window shopping, we made our way back for a 4:30 ferry back to Naples.

Gorgeous views

We had to catch a 6:30 train to Rome. We enjoyed some snacks on the train and before we knew it, we were back in Rome.

It was a long day full of travel, but so worth it! It was one of my favorite days of the trip.

Pictures don’t do it justice
Simply stunning

Day Eight had a slower start due to how busy the previous day was. I started the day with a walk and then we went to church at an American church near the Vatican.

After mass, we went to to do some shopping and went to get our items blessed and listen to the Pope give his weekly address.

Seeing the Pope again

It was so cool to see Pope Francis twice in one week alongside thousands of other people.

After spending time at the Vatican, we went to the Jewish Ghetto for lunch and to see the spot was Julius Cesar was killed.

We split lots of snacks for lunch and I got a Chicken Caesar salad too.

And lots of snacks!

I also indulged in a pistachio cannoli for a treat! It hit the spot.

After looking at some of the ruins, we made our way to the Olympic stadium which was so cool to see in person even if it had been decades since they were last played there.

My mom and I did some window shopping at a few high end stores and got one last gelato to cool off.

I went for snickers in a cone, the perfect afternoon treat.

We went back to the hotel and cooled off in the pool and then got ready for one last Italian dinner.

We walked to a spot nearby where I order bucatini and tiramisu for dessert, they did not disappoint! We walked back to our hotel and enjoyed the beauty that Rome had to offer at night.

Our final day started with a a walk in a nearby park followed by breakfast and getting to the airport to head back home.

One last walk in Rome
One last breakfast

The ride home was long but books and movies kept me entertained and then we were back home and back to reality. 

Back to the states

I had such an incredible trip to Italy with my family. As we endured 100 degree days and consumed lots of water, and walked dozens of miles, we enjoyed delicious food, rich history and made an abundance of memories.

It’s truly time I would not trade for anything. We are all getting older and continue to go in different directions, which made this trip extra special. 

Ciao Roma, I’ll be back. 

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #75

Hello all! 

Happy Friday!

We made it through the first week of January! How was your first week of the New Year? Have you started chipping away at your New Year’s Resolutions or giving yourself some grace this first week of the year? I know I enjoyed getting back into a routine and doing some cleaning, we still have all our Christmas decorations up which makes our home feel extra cozy. Regardless of how you are spending this week, I hope it’s been a good one. 

I saw this quote and thought it was so timely especially if you are embracing these next few months as a slower time.

Today I’m sharing some last of holiday fun and some new favorites from this week as I link up with Erika and Andrea for another roundup of favorites for the first week of the new year!

Books Beach and Beyond– I heard about this podcast, Books Beach and Beyond in the fall but didn’t have a chance to start listening to it until the Christmas holiday. If you are a book lover like me, then you will love this podcast. Author, Elin Hilderbrand hosts the podcast with Tim Ehrenberg, and they talk to different authors about their books, where they get their inspiration from and what projects they are working on. The two hosts have interviewed Taylor Jenkins Reid, Colleen Hoover, Ann Patchett and Kristin Hannah, just to name a few. This podcast is so informative, and it gives great insight into the literary world. I really have been enjoying this podcast and hope they bring it back for season two in the new year.

A new favorite podcast

Candy Cane Lane-We watched Candy Cane Lane for a family movie night over Christmas break. The movie stars Eddie Murphy and it’s all about a man who loves Christmas. He participates in a house decorating contest, but gets caught up in signing a deal in hopes of winning, which results in some magic getting out of hand. The movie follows the classic Twelve Days of Christmas song as each of the items comes to life. There are a lot of good one-liners and fun catch phrases in the movie too. This was the perfect family movie that held everyone’s attention in my house. If you are still in the Christmas spirit, you can watch it on Amazon Prime.

Such a cute movie!

Wordle party game– We got the Wordle party game for Christmas and it has been a huge hit in our home. A few of my siblings and I play Wordle every day, so this game takes it to the next level. Up to four people can play the game. One person chooses the five-letter word, and all the players have to guess the word using the same rules as the daily game on the New York Times. If you are a fan of Wordle, this game is definitely worth the buy, plus it forces you to really put your thinking cap on.

A great family game

Mighty Patch– As far as beauty products go, the Mighty Patch has been a new favorite for me. I tried using the Mighty Patches after I got them as a gift and have been impressed with how well they work. These clear patches go over any blemishes you may have for a faster clear-up of your face. You can get them for overnight wear or daily wear. I tried a sample pack of both and found that the overnight patches work better. This product won’t solve all your acnes issues, but it does help if you are looking for a quick fix here or there.

Chopped Pomegranate Salad– I love a good salad, but I’m not one to purchase bagged salads too often due to the expense, I would rather make a salad with vegetables I already have at home and on hand. However, we picked up a few chopped salads to go with some appetizer nights and they were a hit. I really enjoyed this pomegranate salad, it’s a perfect blend of flavors for fall and winter.  We enjoyed this salad with some other snack bites, but it could also go great with a pizza night or with a protein like chicken or steak.

 That’s a look into some of the things that I have been loving this week, from the last bit of holiday fun to games, beauty products and food, there was something for everyone. I hope you have a relaxing and cozy weekend as we begin a new month.


Currently #45

Hello All! Happy Wednesday! I hope you have had a great week so far and a great month. September was a weird month for me, we had some days in the 90’s that made me want summer to never end and then we had a handful of days in the low 50’s which had me craving fall. Mother Nature could not make up her mind. 

I’m hoping October is a little more consistent, but I will always take the sunshine and warm temperatures for as long as I can.

I got a lot accomplished this month between work and fun, I also made headway on my fall bucket list, and I took some day trips too! Overall, it was a great month!

Here’s a bit of a recap:

What I’m Up To: The month started out with Labor Day and some final ice cream runs before some of my favorite spots closed for the season.

End of summer ice cream

I used some of the tomatoes from my garden for a peach caprese salad. I have been loving peaches this season and have been enjoying them every opportunity I can. I used Mix and Match Mama‘s recipe for the Peach Caprese salad, you can find it here. 

A delicious Peach Caprese Salad

I tried to take advantage of the warm weather as much as I could, which included lots of walks to new and old places. I made a trip to Chargin Falls, Ohio. The falls are right in the center of town, but there are some great trails for hiking nearby!

Beautiful waterfalls!

I also made another trip to our local zoo which is always a fun afternoon activity. 

Another zoo trip in the books!

I rounded out the month with my first trip to West Virginia for hiking. Here’s a few shots from my adventure.

A true fall walk.
Gorgeous views
And beautiful trails!

What I’m Wearing: These past few weeks have been so hard to dress for, some days you can get away with shorts and a T-shirt, but other days, it’s leggings and sneakers. 

A go to walking outfit.
Some days it’s leggings and tee shirt weather for hiking.

The same goes for work clothes, most days I will walk into work with a coat, but by afternoon and evening, it’s way too hot for a coat.

A go-to work outfit.

This month is all about layers. I also can’t wait to start wearing some of my new fall shoes from DSW.

What I’m Reading: This month was such a good reading month for me. A lot of books that were on hold for me at the library came in, so I had plenty of books to read.

Some of my recent reads and to be reads.

This month I read:

Someone Else’s ShoesSomeone Else’s Shoes by Jojo Moyes follows the story of two different women who accidently swap shoes at the gym. A silly mix-up leads to a lot of self-discoveries for these two women. A wealthy woman is forced to start over in hopes of getting some of her wealth back and a middle-class working woman gets a boost of confidence after finding and wearing designer shoes. I really liked following the storyline between the two women and I really loved what happened when they finally met. With most books I enjoy, there was a happy ending! 

The Soulmate- The Soulmate by Sally Hepworth follows the story of a family who lives in a quiet seaside town. When a woman dies after falling from a popular cliff, questions arise about her death. Was she pushed? Did she fall? Did she take her own life? Secrets are uncovered between two families and connections are made that you won’t see coming. There’s a lot of mystery to this book and it’s a bit of a thriller, but not too much so that you won’t be able to sleep at night. After reading this book, I want to read more of Sally’s books! I really loved the mystery and intrigue this book offered. 

Pineapple Street:  Pineapple Street by Jenny Jackson follows the dynamics of a wealthy family in New York City. It’s told by two daughters and one daughter-in law.  I loved how it was told from different perspectives and truly fell in love with the storylines and characters. I think it showed an interesting look into adult relationships especially between in-laws and spouses. I also appreciated the description of New York living, from the sights and sounds and the vibrant city life. It was worth the hype after hearing and reading it on different blogs this summer.

The Mother-in-LawThe Mother-in-Law by Sally Hepworth. It only took me a few weeks, but I got my hands on another Hepworth book. I was looking for another book with some mystery and intrigue and this one delivered. When the matriarch of a well to do family dies by suicide, everyone in the family is stunned. However, not everything is what it seems, when she may not have died by suicide after all. Family members are questioned, secrets start to spill out, and it turns out there may have been different people who wanted her dead. I was taken back by the ending and I’m sure you will too. If you are looking for a good book with twists and turns, this is it!

Same Time Next SummerSame Time Next Summer by Annabel Monaghan is all about a woman returning to her family’s beach house with her fiancé and runs into her first love. She’s changed a lot since she last laid eyes on her first boyfriend and when she sees him years later, all the memories come rushing back. It’s a story of first loves, remembering the best parts about growing up and doing what makes you happy. I loved Nora Goes Off Script and I couldn’t wait to read this book, it was definitely worth the wait.

I couldn’t wait to read this book.

I also finished two audio books this past month.

Becoming Free Indeed– Becoming Free Indeed by Jinger Vuolo, I listened to this book at the end of August and start of September.  I grew up watching Jinger Vuolo on 19 Kids and Counting and I have continued to follow her after the show ended. Through the book, she mostly focuses on her faith and how her relationship with God has changed through her life. She doesn’t focus too much about her family or the drama that has surrounded them in recent years. Overall, I thought it was interesting to hear her perspective about her faith and relationship with God and how it has evolved through the years. I chose to listen to it as opposed to read it to hear it in her voice and I was glad I did. 

Kingdom of PrepKingdom of Prep by Maggie Bullock follows the rise and history of J. Crew. I recently became a fan of J. Crew as I got older and started working full-time. I had a few pieces growing up but didn’t really wear a lot of the brand until I was an adult. Now I have several blazers, dresses, and blouses from J. Crew. After wearing their clothes, I was interested in their backstory. I really learned a lot about the history of the brand, where they got their ideas from and the different people who played  apart in the company. It was interesting to see how the brand has evolved through the years. I enjoyed the audiobook, but it would have been nice to see some of the photos from the book. 

I have a few more weeks of my free trial with Audible and I will have a full review on that coming soon!

What I’m Watching: Typically, I would be into all my fall shows right now, but due to the writer’s and actor’s strike, that’s not happening, but I have been enjoying my fair share of shows on streaming. A few reality/competitions show I watch have made their return. Special Forces: World’s Toughest Test returned for season two this past week, so I will be tuning in for that every Monday and then The Masked Singer is back tonight! I always enjoy trying to guess who’s under the mask, so this will be a fun season to watch. Here’s a few other shows I’ve been watching.

The Perfect Story– The Perfect Story can be found on Netflix, and it follows the story of a runaway bride and how she turns her life around when she meets someone totally unexpected. They are both recovering from heartache and the two start to spend time together to get back at each other’s ex’s. However, the more time they spend together, they more time they grow to like one another. It’s a light-hearted mini-series that’s only five episodes long, so it’s a fast watch. It is in another language, but it is dubbed in English so it’s easy to follow, especially with subtitles. 

Virgin River– I made my way through the first half of season 5 this month and it was really good. I liked how it picked up right where it left off. One of my favorite things about this show is that it’s the perfect escape from reality. A cute, quaint, town with mostly feel-good storylines. It makes me want to escape to a small town in the woods for a vacation after watching it. There’s some drama, but it mostly gets resolved quickly. It’s not my favorite show of all time, but it’s great to put in ion the background as you work away. 

What Inspires Me: I took a little hiatus from the kitchen over the summer, but I am back and doing all the baking and cooking once again. My goal is to try one new recipe a week and bake something once a week too. If I accomplish it, great, if not, then it’s not the end of the world. So far,  I have made my Peach Caprese Salad, Blueberry Muffins and Banana Muffins.

Banana muffins
Homemade snickerdoodle

I have also made some soups too, like this Margarita Chicken soup by Mix and Match Mama.

Perfect for fall!

I also got some more veggies from my garden.

Two cucumbers
Some carrots!
A perfect salad with all the veggies!

I can’t wait to go apple picking and start making all the apple recipes.  I have also been using my Kitchen Aid more by doing more baking and cooking which makes me happy and brings me so much JOY! 

What I Accomplished: Last month, I officially said goodbye to summer and hello to fall! I have been making some headway on my fall bucket list by going on fall walks and doing some baking and cooking.

Hello fall walks!
Another fall walk!

However, the leaves haven’t changed quite yet, and we still haven’t experienced all the fall weather yet. I have a feeling I will be accomplishing a lot from my bucket list in the next month. Another personal goal I accomplished was upping my running to four miles!

Goals from Last Month: Last month was all about the changing of seasons. I did some fall cleaning, got a lot of doctor’s appointments checked off my list, I saw friends and spent a lot of time outdoors and with family. This was a busy month, but a successful one, nonetheless. 

Getting my new Simplified planner made me very happy!

Goals for this Month: This next month will be all about enjoying all the fall fun! I have some fall day trips planned. We also have a handful of fall festivals happening, so I hope to make it to some of them. As the weather gets cooler, I want to make some hearty soup and enjoy all the cozy days indoors by watching movies or fall shows. 

That’s a look into life for the month of September. Some changes and freshening up of things, but a great month. Tell me: how has your month been? What’s been some things that have brought you JOY? Let me know in the comments below!

Goodbye September, hello October!


Currently #20

Hey guys! I can’t believe we are at the end of summer. This summer flew by! Even though I’m not in school anymore and I can still do things outside into September and even October when the weather is nice, it’s still sad to think summer is winding down.

This month has been extra busy but also lots of fun! Here’s a look into my life lately.

What I’m up to: I’ve been busy making lots of trips to see friends. From dinners, to shopping and lunches, and the weddings. One of my best friend’s got married last weekend, I was one of her bridemaid’s and it was so fun getting to celebrate her these past few weeks and this past weekend. There’s nothing better than celebrating love with people who you’ve known for years. Work has kept me busy too, but I’m in a really good place in life, so I can’t complain!

Work always takes me to different spots. One day it took me to the pool on a hot summer day!

What I’m wearing: I’m trying my best to wear all my summer clothes and dresses before it gets too cold. I have been wearing lots of bold and bright colors. I’ve been also wearing some short sets and blouses on my days off too! 

Wearing some bright color at work

What I’m reading: I have been reading a lot! I finished, One Summer in Paris. It follows two women, one from England and one from the United States as they meet while both in Paris for the summer. It’s about friendship, love, the City of Love, finding yourself. I really enjoyed it! I also read the actress and comedian, Retta’s autobiography. It’s about her life journey to where she is today and how she got into acting and comedy. It was a fun and light read. It almost felt as if she was reading it to me. I’m currently working on Tina Turner’s autobiography, Happiness Becomes You, it’s been very informative and have learned a lot about this singer. 

What I’m Watching: Ladies and gentlemen, I finished Offspring. I really loved it! It was so fun and light- hearted and the perfect spring/summer show to watch. I definitely recommend it on Netflix. I also blitzed through Outer Banks on Netflix too. It’s a teen drama, but I watched the first season during Covid, so I had to continue it. It was really entertaining!!

Season 2 was soooo good!!!

I’m watching some movies before I start another series or before my fall shows return. I watched The Last Letter from your Lover, it was very good and a great period romantic drama. 

A movie win in my book!

What I’m Loving: I’ve been loving lots of time outside, whether it’s a trip to the zoo, and ice cream date or an afternoon by the pool. I’ve also been enjoying lots of summer meals, like salads, salmon, and snacks by the pool too. 

A delicious combo of salad and salmon! Yum!

What Inspires Me: I’ve been inspired by being more mindful. I’ve started to do mindful breathing in the morning. Every morning I always do some reading and journaling and prayer but I’ve started to add some breathing exercises, just to be in the right mindset before I start the day. I’ve noticed it has been helping start my day off on the right page. 

My mindfulness journey so far

What I accomplished: I’ve gotten to see so many friends and I have loved it.  I also loved celebrating one of my closest friend’s big day! I saw some family earlier this month too which was lots of fun! It’s been a busy but a summer filled month! I also got lots of pool days in too!

Even my dog Reese got in on the pool action.

Goals Accomplished from Last Month My goal was to keep enjoying summer and I mostly certainly did that. I’ll have my summer recap coming up soon. I love to see how much I accomplished both on and off my list! Stay tuned for that story coming up!

Fresh flowers are a favorite summer must have of mine!

Goals for the New Month: As much as I hate to admit it, next month will be all about the transition from summer to fall. I’m looking forward to this last few weeks of summer and spending as much time as I can outdoors.

That’s a recap of August, it’s been a busy but fun month. How’s your last full month of summer been?!

Let's Get Cooking

Let’s Get Cooking: Southwest Chicken Salad

Hi everyone! Happy Wednesday! I hope your week is off to a good start. As we embark on a new year, it’s time for some new and fresh content. Every year when I work on my blog, I always like to add new pieces and content. The closer I get to living on my own, the more I like to try out new foods and recipes. Get ready for some fun recipes that I plan on making and adapting. 

One of my favorite types of food or meals to make are ones with things I already have at home, not only is it resourceful since you aren’t wasting food but it’s also a creative outlet with cooking. 

This week’s recipe is Southwest Chicken Salad. This is so easy to make. I started with making some barbecue chicken. I just make regular chicken breasts and put barbecue sauce on top and cook them. Pretty simple, right?!

Southwest Chicken Salad

As far as the salad goes I start off with a simple garden salad. I added lettuce, celery, and onions. I then had little bowls for all the sides, but if you like them all you can just put it in the large salad. In smaller bowls I put black beans, corn, cheddar cheese, and taco chips. I also had dressing like Ranch and French available for toppings. 

All the ingredients

For my meal I added salad with black beans, corn, chicken, chips, cheese and dressing. 

This meal was fast and easy to make. I had all the ingredients in my fridge and it was very filling and healthy. I  was even able to have leftovers for other meals. 

This meal will definitely be on rotation for my meal planning. I can’t wait to learn more meals and share them with you too. 

What are some of your favorite go-to meals?!


Healthy Habits for the School Year

This summer, I tried my best to change my eating habits and make healthier choices. I accomplished this by not snacking and only eating three meals a day, drinking lots of water, and being active. You can see my whole post about healthy summer habits here.  Although, I am back to school I am still incorporating these habits in my daily life. I continue to only eat three meals a day and not snack-although, I will indulge on a dessert every once in a while. It’s all about moderation, right?! By having a balanced diet and workout routine, I am feeling more energized and active as well as upbeat. 

 I start my day heading to the gym.  I go on average 5 days a week. I have altered my routine this year. I am doing cardio such as the treadmill or the elliptical for 20 minutes to get my heart rate up and to start up a sweat. Then I do free weights or the machines for 20 minutes. I will do a mixture of arms, abs, and legs. I wanted to focus more on toning and muscle this year and therefore decided to spend more time on weights this year as opposed to just cardio. I do a lot of walking through the day, so I am getting my steps in that way. I aim for 10,000 steps a day and more times than not, I am exceeding that. 

After the gym, I head back to my room and drink a glass of Apple Cider Vinegar mixed with water. I then drink water with lemon throughout the whole day.  

My breakfast consists of some fruit with some healthy carbs. Today, for an example, I had a bowl of cheerios with milk and a banana.  It was balanced and filled me up until I had lunch. 


For lunch, I opted for something substantial and something that will fill me up until dinner. Today, I had a grilled chicken wrap with lettuce, tomato and cucumbers and then carrots and ranch on the side. I try to eat a protein for lunch whether its chicken or turkey or ham and then a side of fruits or vegetables for a side.


By the time dinner rolls around, I try to change it up. It is sometimes hard to eat healthy in college, but I try my best to make it work. I opted for an apple pecan salad, since I had a heavier lunch, I wanted something lighter for dinner. I enjoyed these salads for lunch during the summer while I was working and now I enjoy them for dinner at school. They are the perfect serving size and keep you filled up. I will admit, I did indulge on a chocolate truffle that a friend bought for me, but I ate it before I could snap a picture. Haha!


Throughout the day I drank water between meals and went through about three large tumblers. Drinking lots of water keeps me replenished and filled and it helps me avoid getting hungry in the mid afternoon. 

I go through about three tumblers of water a day

Now, are there times when I do get hungry and need a midnight snack while I am working late at night? Absolutely. There are also times I choose pasta over a salad or choose a bagel over fruit for breakfast. The bottom line is, it’s all about balancing and making the healthy choices for you. As long as you are happy, content, and healthy. That’s all the matters. 

Fabulous living

Summer Recap 2019

I can’t believe I am writing my summer 2019 recap. This has been a wonderful and packed full summer. When I moved back home in May, I didn’t know what this summer had in store for me. Yes, I knew there would be work, fun, and friends but other than that, I was open to any opportunity that presented itself. I accomplished a lot these past few months, from working at home, working at school, lots of family time, seeing a lot of friends from high school and college, weekend getaways, and trying new things. Let’s take a look back at my summer to do list and see if I accomplished everything. 

Get license renewed

  • Yes, I got this done the first day I was home and was so happy to get it done. 


  • Yes, I worked at the same job I have been working at since high school and I got a lot f projects accomplished while I was there. I also volunteered for a Campaign this summer and it was interesting to see all the behind the scenes that goes into it. 

Make College photo album 

  • Yes, this was such a fun project and I’m glad I have all my pictures in one spot for the future, plus it was cool to look back on all the memories made. 

Celebrate 21

  • Yes, One of the highlights of my summer was celebrating my birthday with all my friends in Pittsburgh, it was so fun to spend the weekend with my people. You can read all about it here.
Celebrating 21 with my girls

See friends from college and high school

  • Yes, I made a few trips to Pittsburgh for work or to visit friends and it was so good to connect with friends outside of school. I also managed to hang out a lot with my high school friends whether it was weekend trips or fro yo runs. 

Portfolio (BLS)

  • Yes and No, I am still in the process of completing this project for school but it will be done this semester. 

Work Study

  • Yes, I worked a lot for my school and it was great to be kept up to date on what was going on at school and do something I enjoy. 

Read 12-15 books

  • Yes, this was one of my favorite ways to spend the summer. I read a lot and enjoyed unwinding with a good book. You can read my summer book review here!
One of my favorite ways to enjoy the summer

Download pictures to laptop

  • Yes, another task I wanted to accomplish and I finished it early on in the summer. 

Spend time with family 

  • Yes, I got a lot of family time in between family vacations, good meals, and weekend adventures. There is nothing better than quality family time. 

Day Trips

  • Yes, I got in a few day trips to visit friends and work at school for a few days in the summer, one day trips were perfect to do something fun and get work done. 

Start Healthier habits

  • Yes, this summer I snacked a lot less and tried to get outside as much as I could, whether it was for a walk, jog, or even hitting the gym when I could. I was not as consistent with working out as I am in the school year but still felt good about creating healthier habits.  You can read about my summer habits here.
I always love going on hikes in the morning or evening

Go to a concert

  • No, I didn’t get to a concert in the summer, but I have plans for one in September which I am very excited about. 

Beach days

  • Yes, I made it to the beach with my friend Bailey twice, and then spent an afternoon at the beach which was so fun. 
ALL the beach vibes!

Family Vacation

  • Yes, I finished off summer with a family road trip. So fun and many laughs and memories were made. 
Much needed getaway

Find a new show to Binge watch

  • YES, I was obsessed with Outlander this summer. It was such a good show to watch and I became invested in the show fast, I can’t wait for the new season in 2020!
I am still talking about this show

Take more walks outside

  • Yes, I took more walks in the summer, whether in the woods, the beach or my own backyard. It was so good to get fresh air after working inside all day.
Not only did I spend more time walking outside but I also tried kayaking and loved it

Weekly facetime calls with friends

  • Yes and no, I didn’t get in weekly facetime calls but my friends and I stayed close by visiting each other and texting every day, plus you know you have a solid relationship when weeks go by and you can pick up from where you left off. 

Try something new

  • Yes, I did a lot of solo traveling this summer so that was definitely a new and rewarding experience that I was so lucky I got to gain more independence in this area.

Try new recipes 

  • Yes, to see some of my favorite recipes you can find my salads here, pizzas here, and snacks here

Entertain Friends/family

  • Yes, I love to help host and entertain, this summer I did quite a bit from having family, friends, or college friends over, whether it was for dinner, a weekend, or just snacks, it’s a lot of work but it pays off in the end. 
I love entertaining from the prep, event and satisfaction of a job well done

Do something spontaneous

  • Yes, although I don’t have an exact time I was spontaneous, there were many times this summer that I stepped out of my comfort zone to try something new. 

Be Present

  • This was huge for me. This summer, I was more present and intentional with what I was doing. Some of my favorite summer moments there are no pictures of because I was in the moment and not on my phone. This was huge for me. 
Focusing on the here and now.

Looking back this was a packed full summer filled with new experiences, memories, work and fun. I have grown by trying new things while being present and spending time with those who matter most to me. Although, the school year will be busy, I know I will always have these memories to look back on. Thank you summer 2019, senior year… here we GO!


I Didn’t Work Out for an Entire Summer and Survived

Hello All!

Happy Tuesday!

I hope your week is off to a great start. These past few weeks have been busy but productive. I always feel the first weeks of school are all about getting into a new groove and routine! I think I have established a good routine that will help me this semester!

You may have noticed that I have been quiet about fitness on here for the past few months. I’ll let you in on a little secret…I didn’t work out for the entire summer and I survived. Yes, for the person who tries to workout 5 days a week during the school year, I didn’t hit the gym once and to be honest I was okay with that.

From my pervious posts, you guys know that I had a busy summer between my job and internship, so I wasn’t able to get to the gym as much as I would have wanted to. However, I still took walks at night, swam, and did physical activities outside like playing soccer with my siblings, or running around, so I was still active this summer…just not as much as I would have liked.

I tried to eat healthier in the summer but that isn’t always easy…I like to indulge myself, especially in the summer. Overall, this wasn’t the healthiest summer for me, but a lot of good things happened this summer so it was a good trade off.

I took three months off from the gym, so where does that leave me for this school year? Back in the gym 5 days a week of course! The first day of classes, I was in the gym at 7:00 am. It was so good to get back in the gym and start getting healthier in the gym. Don’t get me wrong, it was hard at first and I had to push myself the first week or so, but it was worth it.

30 minutes of cardio to start my day

This year I plan on changing up my routine in the gym by doing 30 minutes of cardio (either on the bike, treadmill, or elliptical machine), followed by 15 minutes of weight machines, and 15 minutes of  free weights, and then a cool down. I have more time in the morning this semester,  so I’m devoting more time to working out. I plan on using this same routine on the weekends too.

Strengthening my legs with the leg press

Also, I have learned that it can be hard to eat healthy as a college student when you have limited food options. I’ve been trying to incorporate more fruits and salads in my diet daily and less processed foods. We are only a few weeks in, so I’ll let you know how this plan works out.

Have you ever struggled after getting back in the gym after being away for so long? What pushed you to get back?