Fabulous living

THREE Years of Blogging

Hey hey everyone! This weekend marks three years of blogging!!! Where has the time gone? I started this blog as creative escape and something to do during my downtime and boy has it turned into something else. It has given a creative escape, but it’s held me accountable, it’s helped me become a stronger writer, it’s allowed me to be more open, and it’s led me to lead a more reflective life.

I started this blog after my first year of college and now I’m in almost five months into working my first job. SO much has changed, from meeting new people, MANY looks of the day, travel journals, book reviews, semester recaps, and now currentlys. It’s been incredible to see how I have grown and changed. Although, my posts have shifted a bit since I started working, it has opened up new doors and opportunities to write about different things. My little blog corner has also given me the opportunity to connect with people in ways I didn’t think it was possible. It’s been cool to see what I was feeling during my junior year of college compared to what I am feeling now. It’s been fascinating and a good way to appreciate everything in life especially in these uncertain times. 

Now, to round up some of my favorite blog posts:

I love any post where I talk about travel so both of my travel posts about Rome are included:

I love when I can share some of my favorite blogs with you:

It was a joy to share my college experience with you all:

I love reading and sharing my love of reading on here has held me accountable as well as gives me suggestions of new things to read:

I have loved my new series Currently, it’s the perfect Monthly Update, new one coming next week, until then, here’s April’s!!

There have been SO many look of the day’s and I’m excited to be bringing them back. But here’s one of my favorite ones:

Lastly, I love any post where I talk about the good in every day:

This is just a wrap up of some of my favorite posts or topics. I can’t wait to see what this new year of blogging brings, thank you to everyone who have followed me or read my posts, whether you have been reading since I started 3 years ago or just last month. THANK YOU! 

Let’s see what this next year has in store!

Fabulous living

Thank You Saint Vincent College

Hello All!

My goodness, so much has happened since we last were together.  Since my last post, I finished all my finals and wrapped up all my work at school, I said goodbye to all my friends, I packed up my room, graduated college, moved out of college, and moved back home. What a whirlwind. 

Happy Graduation Day

I have been putting off this post because how does one put into words how much a place has meant to them and how much they have changed since going to college. I have completed changed since coming to college for the better. I am so much more happier and well-rounded and most importantly, confident in who I am. 

When I moved into college in August of 2016, I was scared of what to expect for what college would hold. Through every semester, I learned in and out of the classroom, I gained more leadership roles, I tried new things, got involved, but most importantly, I learned a tremendous about myself. 

I had professors in class who would become my bosses and greatest mentors. People who I was co-workers with have become some of my closest friends. Even individuals who I met on move in day have become my best friends. 

My bestie since day one, Danielle

College is a weird thing because, you meet people from all over the country from all different walks of life and one singular place ties you all together. You spend every day walking the halls and seeing the same familiar faces and then, all of a sudden, it’s graduation day and you all move on and go your separate ways. You may not see the people ever again but you are all still connected to that one place.

I wouldn’t be the person I am today, if it weren’t for my incredibly supportive family, loving friends, encouraging professors, and influential bosses and mentors. I have learned so much from the people who graduated before me and the people I had to leave behind. I’m so lucky and thankful for all the people who were a part of my college journey, whether it was from day one, two years ago, or even four months ago. I’m so glad I took every opportunity presented to me in college, whether it was for an honor society, job opportunity, or work study position. Every single experience has influenced me and helped shape me into the person I am today. 

I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for my family

I couldn’t be more blessed with a school that allowed me to grow and flourish and find myself, however, it makes it so much harder to leave behind. Saint Vincent College has truly become home to me and I know I will be back. Thank you to the school that has given me so much. I will never forget my time at Saint Vincent College and all the incredible things it has given me. Once a Bearcat, Always a bearcat. 

Fabulous living

Fall Semester Recap

What a semester it has been. That has been my catch phrase these past few months. Finals are over, I am home for a well-deserved break and I’m taking the time to reflect on this past semester. I was excited for the new semester to start back in August, I had interesting classes lined up to take, I was looking forward to spending time with friends and last year, I really felt that I had found my place and I was looking forward to growing more. For the most part, all those things came through. I certainly grew more this semester. This semester definitely tested me, I took on a heavier course load (18 credits) , took on a few more leadership roles (with clubs and Honor Societies and leading meetings) , got more involved with my school, and started a new job (I both work study for a professor and tutor). However, I quickly learned a new balance with all the new stuff going on and I really managed to get into a good routine that worked for me, I also made sure to take care of myself too. I managed to get all my classes done, work in, and still managed to have a social life. 

This was my reaction when I realized how much I took on…yep, I may have taken on too much. 

A few highlights of this semester include lots of fun memories, from inside jokes with classmates in classes, late nights at work, dinners out with friends, early mornings at the gym followed by breakfast, movie nights, staff bonding events, nights out in the city, and so many more. 

Staff photos with Sharon to kick off the semester

Early morning trips to the gym
An Ed Sheeran concert in the middle of the semester was much needed
This is how I spent most of this semester, work, work, work
Early morning walks to class
Trips to fall fests
Halloween Dances
More Halloween festivities
I seriously don’t know where I would be without this girl. We may have met through work but she has become one of my closest friends, and yes, I have no idea what I’m going to do once she graduates.
Another one of the many things I did this semester was help work on our news program at school
One of us was working and the other one was supposed to be doing homework…yet we still managed to hang out on a Friday night
Light Up Night in downtown with the best
I think this describes our friendship and semester in a nutshell

Well that wraps up my semester. I learned a lot, made so many memories, grew more confident as a person and with my decisions and really did my best to be social and step out of my comfort zone. Through my time in college, I have learned that it’s most important to take advantage of every opportunity, make memories, and step outside of your comfort zone. Next semester will be different as many of my friends will be graduating, studying abroad, or student teaching. It will be different but I am up for the challenge. I’ll have another look for you on Thursday, then I will be taking next Tuesday off for Christmas. Have a great weekend. 


Look of the Day #77


Hey guys and Happy Thursday!

I don’t know about you but when I think of November, I automatically think about Thanksgiving and football season. It’s no secret that I am a Steelers fan. I’ve been to a game and I will watch a game when I am home, or I will follow along with their games with social media when I am at school. There is nothing better than eating snacks with your family on a Sunday watching the game. When I was home a few weeks ago, I had the perfect Sunday with football, family, and food.

Today’s outfit is all about how you can dress cute while still supporting your favorite team. For girls, it may be challenging trying to figure out how to dress cute for a game, here’s my suggestion to you, you can wear this outfit tonight when you watch the Steelers vs. the Panthers at 8:20 tonight.

This is my go-to outfit for game days.

Let’s Go Steelers

I got this jersey for my birthday a few years ago. This jersey is special to me for a few reasons, First, James Conner is my favorite player this season and he has had incredible season so far. Second, I met him twice, once for a meet and greet and the second for a work event and I got my jersey signed.

Here we are meeting at a Meet and Greet

And here we are when I met him while working an event for him

Lastly, we are from the same hometown. Small world. Although, jerseys can be pricey, I would recommend getting it in a children’s size if you can. I’m wearing a children’s XL and it fits great.

Some hometown love for James Conner

When you have a big jersey, you can pair with so many options, from jeans to leggings, or even shorts if it’s hot out. I decided to keep it casual at home and just wear leggings.

Wave those towels for a touch down

Lastly, if a jersey isn’t for you, get a terrible towel if you are a Steelers fan, or a hat, or hoodie that shows your team spirit. Fun fact about my terrible towel, the Steelers host their training camp where I go to school at Saint Vincent College, so this terrible towel not only is for the Steelers but also SVC.

Also, I couldn’t help but give a shout-out to my pup, Milton who crashed the photo shoot. He is ready for game day too.

My favorite photo bomber

Whoever you are rooting for this season, be sure to support them in style.

Let’s Go Steelers!