Fabulous living

Seven Years of Blogging

Hello all!

Happy Wednesday! I hope you are having a great week, we made it halfway to the weekend!

I am celebrating my blog anniversary this month.

I started to create this little corner on the internet seven years ago as I was finishing up my first year of college. I had just gone through one of the biggest years of growth and change. I moved out of my home, met all new people and went through all the growing pains of being a freshman in college. I started this blog as a creative hobby and outlet and it has grown so much since I wrote my first post. 

One of my first posts

I shared looks of the days, packing tips, my fitness journey, things to organize, and personal topics like eating alone.

Becoming a runner

Now, I share more about my weekly favorites, recipes, and adventures.

Trips to NYC for a day adventure

Over the last seven years, I have gone through college, started my first job, made new friends, lost friends, gone on trips, moved back home, found new hobbies and met my boyfriend.

Time with friends

I’ve shared a lot about myself through my blog, from homesickness, to landing my dream job, and staying true to myself.

So many fashion posts

I’ve also been able to share my favorite things; from beauty products, to fashion trends, travel, books and entertainment. 

A few books from my collection at home.

Every year, I like to look back and see what posts stood out to me the most. This year, the biggest moments come in the form of 24 hour day trips, starting new hobbies in the form of running, playing piano and growing a garden, and being more sure of myself. 

The fruits of my labor

Your 20s can be a challenging time of figuring out your career, being an adult, staying in touch with friends, being involved with family, navigating a relationship and discovering yourself. I really feel like I have found who I am and how I want to live my life over the past year. 

I always say I will blog until it doesn’t bring me joy, but every day I still get excited about writing what I’m feeling and sharing my life with you all. I keep a running list of topics to write about, or favorite things to share, or even stories that I hope can help others who may feel how I feel.

I always learn so much from other bloggers and women and they inspire me every day and make my day a bit brighter. 

I hope I can do that for at least one person. Whether this is the first post of mine you are reading or you have read over 500 of them, thank you for being here and reading what’s on my mind and heart. I so appreciate every read, follow, and comment. 

Thank you for being on this journey with me and I can’t wait to see what the next year holds. Cheers to seven years!!!!

Let's Look

Let’s Look: Things We Do Every Day

Hello all! Happy Wednesday and Happy Valentine’s Day! ! I hope you are having a great day celebrating all things love, whether its with your significant other, best friends, or even celebrating love for yourself. Spreading some love island kindness is so important not just today, but every day. 

Valentine’s Day cookies are always a must!

It’s also the second Wednesday of the month which means it’s time for another Let’s Look. Last month we talked about cleaning our closets.

This month’s prompt is Things We Do Every Day. Obviously there’s things every person does every day (brush their teeth, shower, eat, sleep). I decided to go through my day and take note of the unique things I do (or try to do) every day.

Here’s what I try to do every day:

Journal- I always start the day with some prayer time and journaling. Sometimes I follow prompts, other times, I write what’s on my mind or how I’m feeling.

My journal for 2024

Movement- Whether it’s through a workout, a run, biking, a walk or yoga. I always try to get 30 minutes of movement in. I aim to get it first thing in the morning, so I don’t have to worry about it as the day goes on, but sometimes I don’t get movement in until after the work day.

One of my workouts

Reading– I love to read, so I always try to get in some reading every day, whether it’s a few chapters or pages of whatever book I’m currently reading. Reading is a hobby that I love and try to incorporate every day. I typically read in the morning and at night as a way to start and end my day by relaxing. 

My current read

Wordle– This is a silly one, but I always start my day with the Wordle. It keeps me sharp and it’s always fun to play at the start of my day, plus my friends and I will try to see who can get the word in the least amount of tries.

Word Search– Another way I like to keep my mind sharp is by doing a word search. Most of the time I choose fairly easy ones that I can accomplish in 15 minutes, but it’s a fun hobby that entertains me.

No day is complete without a few minutes doing word searches

News Briefings and Blogs– I have a few blogs that I follow and a few trusted new sources that I always read before the day begins. I always check the top stories of USA Today and I love Katie Couric Media sent to my inbox in the mornings. I always like to be briefed about what’s going on before the day begins.

My most used apps in the morning

Family Time– My family and relationships are so important to me, so I always aim to have a family meal together or catch up after a long day. I also aim to check in with friends once a week to see how my people are doing.

That’s just a little recap of things unique to me that I try to do every day. Most of them I do in the morning before work because I know the days can get busy and crazy, but I always feel better when I have my hobbies or interests out of the way at the start of the day. 

There’s other things I try to do every day (laundry, cleaning, cooking)-but the above list are ones that I make a point to do every day. If I don’t get to something it’s not the end of the world, but I try to incorporate these little things to help set me up for success for the day ahead. 

Tell Me: what things do you try to do every day? Let me know in the comments below! Happy Valentine’s Day! Sending you love on this Wednesday!


Currently #42

June, where have you gone?! I can’t believe we are at the end of another month. There were certain times that this month felt slow and sweet and then I blinked, and I was planning things for July. These past 30 days have been filled with lots of walks, books, grilling, sunshine, and summer adventures. I have been making my way through my summer bucket list and doing more things that weren’t on the list. As we prepare to flip the calendar. Here’s a look at what’s Currently going on in my life.

What I’ve Been Up To: Through the entire month of June, I have been marking things off my summer bucket list. From day trips, to picnics, walks and time outdoors, I have done a lot. 

This month, I made a trip to Columbus, where I went to the zoo and state park for grilling and a beach day. 

Columbus Zoo!
More animals- I loved the polar bears!
And gorillas!
And finished the day at the beach!

I also enjoyed playing mini golf and trying a new to me pizza shop and park for a walk.

Pizza in the park!

Picking strawberries was on my summer bucket list and I accomplished that and made seven jars of jam in addition to lots of fresh berries to eat.

Strawberry picking day!
Our haul!
Some of the end results!
And strawberry shortcake too!

Another big highlight of the month was my birthday present from my boyfriend, more on that in the coming weeks!

Here’s a tease for where I went…

I rounded out the month with a trip to the beach to visit family and it was so good to see relatives and get some time by the water.

The shores of New Jersey!
The boardwalk!

What I’m Wearing: Besides your typical shorts and graphic t-shirts on days off, I did a big summer clothing haul at the start of summer and have been wearing new pieces to work. Lots of bright colors and patterns, plus quality clothing coming your way too.

One of my new dresses. I have been wearing lots of pink!

I also have been wearing lots of short sets too! Like this one!


What I’m Reading: I got a lot of books for my birthday and have been slowly making my way through them.

I started this month with Best Served Hot. I saw this book on display at the library and was immediately drawn in by the plot and checked all the boxes for a good read! Rom-com, takes place in a big city, and talks about food! The story follows a food critique and a food influencer as they try out different restaurants in NYC, first as competitors and then on a collaborators. The best and dare I say, worst part of the book was the details of all the foods they were tasting. The description was so vivid, which just made me hungry while I was reading.

I also read Our Missing Hearts by Celeste Ng. I really enjoyed her book, Little Fires Everywhere and I was excited to read this book. I will admit, it was a heavier novel, but I learned so much about the Asian American culture and customs. It’s all about the lengths a mother will go to protect her family while doing what she thinks is right. Themes of unconditional love, sacrifice and coming of age are found throughout the book.

I also read Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management for Mortals by Oliver Burkeman. This book takes a scientific approach to productivity and time management. I am all about maximizing my time and being as efficient as possible. This book was more research based and didn’t have as many tips or advice about management, but I still found it interesting. I appreciated how the book focused on time management through history and ways we can be make the most of our time on Earth.

What I’m Watching: I haven’t been watching too much tv as I have been doing my best to be outdoors as much as possible. I have watched some good family movies, like Air and A Man Called Otto.

Family movie night!

I also finished the series, Ted Lasso which was really good. I think the series wrapped up very nicely and I like how everyone’s storylines had closure. It was such a fun show to binge and watch week to too.

I also watched The Night Agent on Netflix. This was only ten episodes, with which episode lasting about 45 minutes. It was a mix mystery, intrigue, action, drama, and thriller, those are all good things I’m looking for in a series. I would recommend it if you were looking for a new show to binge watch.

The new season of Outlander is back! I have been making my way through season seven every week when their episodes air. 

Outlander is back!

And Just Like That Season 2. The girls are back with And Just Like That! I really enjoyed season one and have been enjoying what season has brought. It’s also been a fun show to watch weekly. 

What Inspires Me: I’ve been so inspired by summer fun! From outdoor meals, walks, trying new recipes and celebrating milestones.

Walks by the water

I also have been getting my runs in weekly and have enjoyed feeling stronger with each run I go on.

My longest run!
Delicious summer meals!
Picnics by the shore

What I Accomplished: This past month has been all about welcoming summer and really trying to be present in the moment.

Summer grilling and salad

I’m always trying to find time to sneak in time outdoors, whether it’s visiting a bit longer outside after a meal, reading outdoors instead of inside or finding time to go for a quick walk. 

Slow mornings reading outdoors.

Goals from Last Month: I kicked off my summer bucket and have been proud of the progress I’ve made so far which has been a win.

Enjoying all the fresh foods!

Goals for Next Month: Keep enjoying summer! I know it may not seem like much, but I really am trying hard to be present in the moment and soak up the sun, go swimming, grill, go on picnics, and make memories!

More grilling nights with lots of salads and fruits!
And more fresh salads (do you sense a trend here?)

The older I get the more I know how sacred family time is, so I’m doing my best to spend as much time with family as I can!

The beach all quiet in the morning.

I also have a concert planned and plans to visit friends! I’m looking forward to seeing those plans through. Plus, a lot of our local fairs and festivals gets underway in July so I’m looking forward to checking those out too!

Ending June with ice cream.

That’s a look into what’s Currently going on. A whole lot of summer lovin!  How have you been spending your summer? Let me know in the comments below!

Fitness Let's Look

Let’s Look and Apple Fitness Review

Hello All!

Happy Wednesday! I hope your weeks are going well. It’s starting to feel more and more like springtime which I can’t get enough of. I hope you and your family had a wonderful Easter!

I had the best Easter with family, savoring traditions and having fun!

I have an extra-long post for you today!

First, I’m linking up with Erika and Shay for their monthly “Let’s Look”, every month, they choose different topics to discuss, last month we talked about about favorite Amazon purchases and in February we shared about our medicine cabinets and today’s topic is pet peeves. 

I’m sure if I thought about it for hours, I could give you a list of pet peeves, but to save both your and my sanity, here’s a few of my pet peeves.

I’m a neat-freak, so I can’t stand messes. If there’s clutter, I try to clean it up, a load of laundry in the dryer? I fold it. (Whether it’s a 10 pm or 6 am). Dishes sitting in the sink? I clean them. I love the feeling of going to bed or leaving the house in order, so I always try to have everything picked up and tidied up. It sometimes drives the people in my life crazy, when I spend time suggesting they tidy up a space, I’m a work in progress, so I’m trying to let go of things being tidy and organized all the time.

Another pet peeve I have is I hate wasting, whether it’s food or items or time. It pains me to throw away food that I don’t eat. I always try to eat leftovers and use things I have in my fridge or freezer or pantry instead of buying food when I have things at home. I also hate wasting items, I like to use samples that I get or I will use cosmetics until the last drop. And time, i hate wasting time and not being productive.

My last big pet peeve is low batteries on phones or low gas in cars. I get stressed with gas gets below a quarter tank or when my phone battery hits 40%, I always like to be prepared with full tanks of gas or a full battery.

I’m sure I can think of plenty of more pet peeves, but those are some of my top pet peeves.

For part two of today’s post, I’m reviewing Apple Fitness. I got a new phone back in January and when I got it, I got three months free with Apple Fitness. I was excited to try it and have used it a lot over the past three months.

Some of my favorite features include the dozens of different workouts, intensity levels and lengths of workouts. There’s a mix of at-home workouts videos and guided workouts on a treadmill, bike, or elliptical.

I tried yoga, strength and conditioning, core, stretching, walking and running, just to name a few. Some workouts were 10-minute yoga sessions which were perfect for a quick stretch and other core workouts were 45 minutes that got you sweating. 

I loved the variety of workouts and the different instructors; some were upbeat and fast paced and others were more calming and chill. There were always new classes to try and I loved that you could see how you were doing to try and close your rings.

I used the guided walks the most, you could choose from a variety of people from singers to activists, actors, or political figures and they would narrate while you walked. They would share personal stories, their favorite songs and life lessons. I “went on a walk” with Prince William, Dolly Parton and Gabrielle Union to name a few. I learned a lot from them while getting a good walk in. 

Apple Fitness is $9.99 a month which in my opinion isn’t a horrible option for access to hundreds of at home workouts and guided workouts. However, I belong to a gym that I go to every day, so I was using Apple Fitness in addition to what I was doing at the gym. Ultimately, I decided to not renew my Apple Fitness subscription. I really enjoyed it and found it super helpful and useful, but I wasn’t using it enough to pay $10 when I was already going to a gym. If I decide to not to a gym and just rely on home workouts, then I will definitely be renewing my Apple Fitness Subscrpition.

Whew, that was a long one. Major props if you made it through the whole post, but I had a lot on my mind. I have two questions to pose to you today!

1) What are your biggest pet peeves?

2) Are you and Apple Fitness fan? Have you tried it? Are you more into hitting the gym or doing an at-home workout? Let me know in the comments below!

Have a wonderful rest of your week! See you here on Friday!

Fabulous living

2023 New Year’s Resolutions

Happy New Year and Happy 2023!

I hope you had a wonderful holiday week and weekend with family, friends and loved ones. It was so nice to spend some extra time with family, slow down just a bit and get reset for the new year. I am someone who loves a fresh start and the promised hope of a new year.

I already have my new journal and devotional ready for the new year. I purchased Emily Ley’s “Sure as the Sunrise” last year and couldn’t wait to begin it on the first of the year. I love her books and I couldn’t wait to dig into her devotional. The days can get busy and overwhelming at times which is why I like to start my days with some journaling, reflection and reading. 

As we begin a new year, I like to set some resolutions for the next twelve months and reflect on my resolutions from last year.

Before we jump into the new year, here’s a look at my resolutions from last year. You may remember, I broke them up into four categories: Physical, Spiritual, Professional and Lifestyle. You can read the full post here, but just as a recap.

For physical, I wanted to continue with daily workouts and incorporate more vegetables in my diet. I did very well with keeping up with working out daily and even tried to get in some form of movement on days I couldn’t get in a full workout and I am SO proud to say that I ate more vegetables Every. Single. Day. and often times twice a day. From, salads, to sides with meals, I could definitely feel a change in energy levels when I added more vegetables in my diet.

For spiritual, I wanted to carve out more time for my faith life and I did a good job with that for the most part, but I know there’s always room for improvement.

For professional, I wanted to get more creative with my storytelling and I started out strong but waivered a bit as they year went on. I am looking to get back on track for the new year.

For lifestyle, I wanted to use more sustainable products and I did a very good job at that. It also didn’t hurt that a lot of stores went to a no plastic bag policy which helped me use my reusable bags more. 

My motto for last year was “Build the Best version of myself” and I think I really found my routine and rhythm last year and I loved having more structure in my life and a normal year after the past few years of craziness. Now that we are all caught up on last year, let’s get to this year.

My motto of the year is “Embrace the Change” I don’t know what these next 52 weeks will bring, I’m certain, there will be some change, new beginnings and new routines and I’m ready to embrace it fully. I am someone who loves the status quo and who doesn’t do well with change, so I’m going to try to be more flexible and adaptable and not get so hung up on my schedules or routines. This is easier said than done, so we will see how this goes.

Here’s a few resolutions I have for 2023:

Eat Healthier and Run a 5K

I have been doing better by making healthier food choices, but I want to do a better job with it this year. I find myself mindless eating and indulging and I want to do a better job at being more mindful with my eating habits. I also want to try and run a 5K. It may not seem like a huge deal or accomplishment, but I hate running and I want to push myself out of my comfort zone and try to see if I can run a 5K. (We will see how it goes).

Take Advantage of Local Parks and Spots

I love traveling to new places to walk and hike, but there are so many hidden treasures in my own backyard, and I want to take advantage of them more this year in all seasons. I try to get outside as much as possible and I hope that I can take enjoy the beauty that’s in my own community this year.

Plan to Do More Things on Days off

I am a planner through and through and this year I want to do better with planning more things to do on days off or weekends with friends and family. I have been doing such a great job with staying in touch with friends consistently both at home and those who live further away and I want to continue to plan events or activities to do with loved ones on the weekends. Plus, this also gives me something to look forward to in the dark winter months when life tends to be a bit quieter.

Continue to Grow in My Profession

Every year, I am looking to continue to get better at my job and in my career. I plan to do this by pushing myself to tackle challenging stories and topics. I also want to try to step out of the box and get more creative when it comes to storytelling too and take every opportunity that can help me grow.

I know more resolutions will come to me as they year goes on, but I like to use this a good starting block for the new year. I really enjoy looking back to see how far I have come and what changes I have made. It’s also fascinating to see how I continue to evolve and grow as I get older.

Here’s to a year of change, flexibility, family, growth, and love.

Fabulous living

Summer Bucket List 2021

Hey guys! Happy Wednesday! We are officially in June! I had the best time celebrating my birthday last weekend. In between work, I was able to go out for dinner, see family, open presents and celebrate with friends too! It was the best way to celebrate 23! 

I always view Memorial Day as the official start to summer, now that we are passed that I can share my official summer bucket list! I have shared them every summer since I started my blog and I love to use my list as a way to hold me accountable and be intentional with my summer plans. Here’s my summer bucket list for 2021. I’ve already started to do somethings this summer which I was super excited about. 

My summer bucket list that hangs on my wall

-Seawolves Baseball Game

-Start a new show

-Summer reading

-Travel someplace new

-Best friend’s wedding shower

-Best friend’s wedding

-See college friends

I already saw my bestie Danielle!

-See high school friends 

-Ice cream nights

-Dinner by water

-Play putt putt

-Beach day

Grilling on the beach was a favorite of mine!


-Family trip

-Pittsburgh Trip

-See family

-White Turkey

A summer must-have


After a walk at Presque Isle, ice cream was a must!

-Niagara Falls

-Grill nights

-Entertain friends

-Winery or Brewery

-Celebrate 23

-Summer festivals

-Pool days

-Summer Hikes

Hiking at the Peninsula
Hikes at Geneva State Park

I know more things will come up this summer but here are my top things that I want to accomplish this summer. What are some things that are on your summer bucket list?!


Leading A Healthier Lifestyle

Hi everyone! Happy Wednesday!!

I hope you are all having a great week!! I don’t know about you, but this summer has flown by! I can’t believe we are getting ready for back to school. It’s certainly different not to be heading back to school when my friends who are younger than me are heading back or when my sibling are getting back in the classroom. 

One of the things that has been on my summer to do list was to live a healthier and balanced lifestyle. This was something I wanted to aim for in 2020, but then the pandemic hit, so things got put on the back burner. This summer, as more things opened up, I wanted to continue to live a healthier lifestyle. Throughout 2020, I have wanted to work out more, eat better and get more fresh air, and this summer I have been doing a great job of accomplishing all that.

Just for a quick recap…in the early months of the year, (January and February)  I was working out five days a week, it felt great to be back in the gym, then during the early time period (March-June) in the pandemic when everything was closed, I would try and get some walks in a few times a week, and tried to eat healthier. 

Finally, in the summer, once the gyms opened up (June!!!) , I was back in the gym five days a week (and I still am!!!), I also try to go for a walk every day, whether it’s a few hours or a few minutes, I love getting a good workout in followed by fresh air outside.

I also have been doing better by being more intentional with what I am eating and when I am eating, not just eating to eat but eating because I am hungry. In my life and schedule right now, it works out better to eat two meals a day, again, it may not work for everyone but in my life and my schedule its better for two health meals and no snacking. I also drink a lot of water, sometimes going through several bottles of water a day. 

My energy levels are been up and I have been feeling more energetic too! 

In life there are a lot of things we can’t control, but the simple things like eating healthier or getting a work out in or more fresh air are easy ways that I can do to make my life a bit smoother. What are things you do to make your life a bit more smoother or peaceful or ways that you promote self care in your life?!

I hope you all have a wonderful week and soak up the last few weeks of summer!!!


Staying Active While Staying Home

Hey everyone. Happy May!!! Anyone else get the feeling new things are coming. Every month brings a new mentality and new possibilities, I think that’s the case for this new month and new season. Although, we are heading into a new normal, I know new things are coming. 

One thing, I know myself along with others have been struggling with during these weeks or even months off have been feeling active or getting a good workout in. 

With the warmer weather, I have been trying to get outside for more walks.  Not only does it get you out of the house, but it gives you fresh air, and you are changing up scenery. Plus, getting sunshine and logging a few miles does wonders. I shoot for one to two walks a week, sometimes we get both, others it’s just one, but the point is, I’m still putting my health and wellness first. 

Another way I have been taking care of myself has been at home workouts. Although, I do miss my gym and my coaches and routine there, I’ve been able to stay on track with at home workouts from my gym. It keeps me on track, feeling, active and getting in a quick sweat session before work. It’s easy because I can just head outside of in the basement to get a quick workout in. I like that I can stay active when I’m not working.

Even though, it will be a while before things get back to normal or we get to a new normal, I’m doing what I can to stick to a routine and taking care of myself too. 

I’m looking forward to more days out in the sun, whether it’s to read, go for a walk, run, or just sit. 
We are still in uncertain times, but focusing on the good, the new beginnings or find the sunshine in any situation. 

I hope this upcoming week and month brings new beginnings and you find more light in your days!