Fabulous living

What I’m Thankful For

It’s Thanksgiving Eve! Is it just me or did the holiday sneak up on you too?

These past few weeks have been the calm before the holiday rush. I have been spending days off doing lots of fall cleaning and organizing. I cleaned out, donated and sold so many items that I had outgrown or wasn’t using anymore. It feels good to have clean spaces before I bring out all the holiday decorations. More on deep cleaning tips to come in the new year.

Before we get to Christmas, we have to focus on Thanksgiving! I’m looking forward to spending time with my family. Everyone will be home for the weekend which will be great to get some quality family time and honor some traditions too.

As we look towards the holiday, I am reflecting on what I am thankful for this year.

As the year began, I didn’t know what the year would hold: change, new beginnings, things sticking to status quo? For the most part, this year has been filled with routine, new hobbies, travel, family time, friends, and creating memories.

I have so much to be thankful for and could list a hundred things, but to save both you and I from a litany, here’s the top things I’m thankful for:

Loving family– I don’t know where I would be without my family. I am so fortunate to have such a loving and supportive family and the fact I get to see them every day as an adult is something I don’t take for granted. I have gotten so much bonus time with my parents and younger siblings as an adult by living at home that I am truly grateful for. Whether we are on vacation together or just sitting around the dining room table, the memories made are ones I truly cherish. This past summer, my family and I all were home under the same roof and the older I get, I know that won’t be the case forever. However, no matter where I am or what I am doing I will always have the love and support of my family with me.

Memories from family trips!

My boyfriend– I have kept my relationship with my boyfriend pretty private over the past few years, but I am so lucky to have such an incredibly supportive and loving person in my life. He’s caring, hardworking, understands my job, gets my humor, is so accommodating and overall, supportive. He will get up early to read my blog every time I have a new post, he notices the little things and goes out of his way to find ways to being unexpected moments of joy to my day. He plans incredible dates whether it’s 24 hours in NYC or a lazy day of childhood movies and junk food. I couldn’t have asked for a better or more supportive boyfriend.

The sights and sounds of NYC

Supportive friends-Whether near or far, I’m so lucky to have such wonderful friends in my life. I try to be consistent with my friends by doing weekly check-ins via text or monthly meet-ups. I have different friends from different stages of my life and I know I can always count on them to show up when I need them most, whether it’s a funny meme, some advice, or just a good long walk, I know my friends are always in my corner.

Girls night with my friends!

My pets– Keeping this one brief, there’s no better feeling than coming home after a long day and sitting on the couch and petting a dog. They know what you need by just nuzzling their head on you. They provide instant love, they give the best kisses and they really allow you to let your worries fade away for however long you need.

My loving pups!

My faith- Life has its ups and downs, but my faith and trust in God is always there. I’m thankful for my parents for instilling a good faith in me at a young age. I’m so grateful for all the blessings he has given me and how he always, always, always, looks out for me no matter where I am in life. Even when the path may seem unclear, I always put my faith and trust in God.

A good education– From grade school to high school and college, I am so thankful for my educational foundation to get me to where I am today. From the practical skills in the classroom, to the life skills outside of the classroom, my teachers and classmates have helped shaped me into the person I am today. I also got my love of learning from the classroom. One of my favorite parts of my job is learning something new every day and I got that love of learning from going to great schools and having wonderful teachers and role models.

A job I love– I am so lucky that I get to wake up and go to a job that I am passionate about and love every day. I always tell people that I landed my dream job right out of college and that’s the honest truth. I get to do what I love, in a place that I love, with some incredibly smart and talented people. I find fulfillment and joy each day in my work and I couldn’t be more grateful that I found my niche. I have talked to friends who don’t have the same love or passion for their jobs as I do and in those moments, it makes me feel more grateful that I hit the jackpot doing something I love.

New hobbies– This year I have found so many new hobbies that have brought me so much joy. Besides my love of reading, I have developed a love of running (which I never thought would happen). I have gotten physically stronger over this past year and I’m proud of my endurance.

One of my latest runs

My garden was a labor of love this summer, but I loved being able to eat the vegetable I grew over the summer, and I loved the sense of accomplishment of seeing hard work pay off.

My last haul from the garden.

I also have enjoyed all my time in the kitchen whether it be baking, trying new recipes of dinner, or learning family recipes. Not only has it been a good skill to learn, but it’s also been so fun too!

Some of my creations.

Good health of myself, family and friends– My health and the health of my family and friends is something I don’t take for granted. There’s so many illnesses, diseases, and viruses in our world and I’m so grateful that I am healthy and happy along with my family and friends. I’m also grateful for doctors who do what they can to help provide answers to health problems. 

So much to be grateful for!

New opportunities to grow and push me out of my comfort zone– Even when things can get challenging, I am grateful for the hard and uncomfortable moments in life because that’s when we see the biggest growth in ourselves and others. I’m grateful for new adventures, new opportunities and experiences. Whether positive or negative, I’m grateful for every moment that got me to where I am today.

SO many moments of joy this year!

I have a lot to be grateful for this year. I don’t know what the next year will bring, but I’m thankful for every moment of 2023.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Give Thanks!


Incorporating Movement Every Day

Hello all and (I can’t believe I’m saying this…) Happy November!

This year has flown by, I feel like I was just making my New Year’s Resolutions and now I am starting to my list of people to buy for Christmas.  I hope you had a fun and festive Halloween yesterday and if you are like me, chances are, you may be recovering from a bit of a sugar high with all the sweet treats and candy. Even though I am an adult, it was still fun to celebrate!

A look at some of the candy from yesterday!

Here’s how I enjoyed the holiday leading up to the day and the actual day.

I carved a pumpkin!
Roasted pumpkin seeds
Watched The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown
And enjoyed Halloween treats!

The colder weather has set in and it’s not going away anytime soon. Because our warm weather is so limited here, I try to spend as much time as I can outdoors in the warmer months. But even on the chillier days, I try to bundle up on chillier days to get in some fresh air and movement outdoors even in the wind, cold and snow. 

Trying to make the most even on the cold days!

I have made fitness a priority over the past several years. Although it has evolved and changed in different seasons of life, I always try to incorporate movement every day.

If you are an Apple watch user, like me, I always try to close my rings and my streak has been going on for over two years! Some days I go above and beyond by closing my rings and other days, I just hit my 30 minutes of exercise and just barely close them.

A typical day of stats for me!

Ever since college, I have made an effort to work out and get movement in daily and that’s done in a variety of ways. I definitely get more movement and exercise in warmer months since I can be outdoors more. There are some days in the summer that I will hit the gym, go for a run and even take an evening walk or hike. I love those days when I can get in lots of movement. There are also days in the fall and winter when I just get in a walk or just do yoga and stretching for 30 minutes and that’s okay too. The bottom line is that I’m still moving my body and getting some form of exercise in.

My fitness journey began in college, I would head to the gym five days a week. This typically looked like three weekdays and then the weekend. I would do some cardio and weights throughout the week to get my heart rate going and to stay in shape. You can read about my college fitness journey here.

Some of my early days in the gym

After graduation, I moved home and started working full time and I knew I still wanted to make fitness a priority.  I found a gym and continued to go to workout Monday through Friday every morning at 6:45 a.m. which is what I do to this day. My workouts typically last between 45 minutes and an hour. These workouts are a mix of stretching, cardio, free weights and strength and conditioning. I love how I feel when I leave the gym and have the whole day ahead of me.

A look at a daily workout

This past year I made it a New Year’s Resolution to take up running and run a 5K. You can read about my training here. Starting in the spring, I would run two days a week after a workout. I started small by running a mile and then worked my way to where I am today which is four and a half miles. I have been loving this new hobby and new form of exercise. 

A very good run!

Through the spring and summer on my days off, I typically get in two workouts (I head to the gym and then go for a run). I feel accomplished and productive and there’s no better release of endorphins than to get in two workouts before 9:00 a.m.

Some days my workouts look like this.

Not all days, whether they be days off or working days, look like this. On busier days when I know I won’t be able to get in a workout or run in, I try to at least get in a short walk outside or do some yoga and stretching at night when I am watching a show when I’m winding  down to get some movement in.

In the late fall and winter when I know an outdoor run isn’t always possible, I spend more time indoors doing yoga and stretching. 

Some days I just get in a walk.

For me personally, it’s not always about burning hundreds of calories or how much I sweat, it’s about getting in some form of movement and exercise daily and that’s what is important. 

As the weather gets colder and you spend more time indoors, I hope this encourages you to still get some movement every day for a healthy lifestyle, whether it’s a full workout, a short walk or even yoga. 

Tell me: what are some of your favorite ways to get your movement in every day? 

Let me know in the comments below!

Have a great start to November!


Currently #45

Hello All! Happy Wednesday! I hope you have had a great week so far and a great month. September was a weird month for me, we had some days in the 90’s that made me want summer to never end and then we had a handful of days in the low 50’s which had me craving fall. Mother Nature could not make up her mind. 

I’m hoping October is a little more consistent, but I will always take the sunshine and warm temperatures for as long as I can.

I got a lot accomplished this month between work and fun, I also made headway on my fall bucket list, and I took some day trips too! Overall, it was a great month!

Here’s a bit of a recap:

What I’m Up To: The month started out with Labor Day and some final ice cream runs before some of my favorite spots closed for the season.

End of summer ice cream

I used some of the tomatoes from my garden for a peach caprese salad. I have been loving peaches this season and have been enjoying them every opportunity I can. I used Mix and Match Mama‘s recipe for the Peach Caprese salad, you can find it here. 

A delicious Peach Caprese Salad

I tried to take advantage of the warm weather as much as I could, which included lots of walks to new and old places. I made a trip to Chargin Falls, Ohio. The falls are right in the center of town, but there are some great trails for hiking nearby!

Beautiful waterfalls!

I also made another trip to our local zoo which is always a fun afternoon activity. 

Another zoo trip in the books!

I rounded out the month with my first trip to West Virginia for hiking. Here’s a few shots from my adventure.

A true fall walk.
Gorgeous views
And beautiful trails!

What I’m Wearing: These past few weeks have been so hard to dress for, some days you can get away with shorts and a T-shirt, but other days, it’s leggings and sneakers. 

A go to walking outfit.
Some days it’s leggings and tee shirt weather for hiking.

The same goes for work clothes, most days I will walk into work with a coat, but by afternoon and evening, it’s way too hot for a coat.

A go-to work outfit.

This month is all about layers. I also can’t wait to start wearing some of my new fall shoes from DSW.

What I’m Reading: This month was such a good reading month for me. A lot of books that were on hold for me at the library came in, so I had plenty of books to read.

Some of my recent reads and to be reads.

This month I read:

Someone Else’s ShoesSomeone Else’s Shoes by Jojo Moyes follows the story of two different women who accidently swap shoes at the gym. A silly mix-up leads to a lot of self-discoveries for these two women. A wealthy woman is forced to start over in hopes of getting some of her wealth back and a middle-class working woman gets a boost of confidence after finding and wearing designer shoes. I really liked following the storyline between the two women and I really loved what happened when they finally met. With most books I enjoy, there was a happy ending! 

The Soulmate- The Soulmate by Sally Hepworth follows the story of a family who lives in a quiet seaside town. When a woman dies after falling from a popular cliff, questions arise about her death. Was she pushed? Did she fall? Did she take her own life? Secrets are uncovered between two families and connections are made that you won’t see coming. There’s a lot of mystery to this book and it’s a bit of a thriller, but not too much so that you won’t be able to sleep at night. After reading this book, I want to read more of Sally’s books! I really loved the mystery and intrigue this book offered. 

Pineapple Street:  Pineapple Street by Jenny Jackson follows the dynamics of a wealthy family in New York City. It’s told by two daughters and one daughter-in law.  I loved how it was told from different perspectives and truly fell in love with the storylines and characters. I think it showed an interesting look into adult relationships especially between in-laws and spouses. I also appreciated the description of New York living, from the sights and sounds and the vibrant city life. It was worth the hype after hearing and reading it on different blogs this summer.

The Mother-in-LawThe Mother-in-Law by Sally Hepworth. It only took me a few weeks, but I got my hands on another Hepworth book. I was looking for another book with some mystery and intrigue and this one delivered. When the matriarch of a well to do family dies by suicide, everyone in the family is stunned. However, not everything is what it seems, when she may not have died by suicide after all. Family members are questioned, secrets start to spill out, and it turns out there may have been different people who wanted her dead. I was taken back by the ending and I’m sure you will too. If you are looking for a good book with twists and turns, this is it!

Same Time Next SummerSame Time Next Summer by Annabel Monaghan is all about a woman returning to her family’s beach house with her fiancé and runs into her first love. She’s changed a lot since she last laid eyes on her first boyfriend and when she sees him years later, all the memories come rushing back. It’s a story of first loves, remembering the best parts about growing up and doing what makes you happy. I loved Nora Goes Off Script and I couldn’t wait to read this book, it was definitely worth the wait.

I couldn’t wait to read this book.

I also finished two audio books this past month.

Becoming Free Indeed– Becoming Free Indeed by Jinger Vuolo, I listened to this book at the end of August and start of September.  I grew up watching Jinger Vuolo on 19 Kids and Counting and I have continued to follow her after the show ended. Through the book, she mostly focuses on her faith and how her relationship with God has changed through her life. She doesn’t focus too much about her family or the drama that has surrounded them in recent years. Overall, I thought it was interesting to hear her perspective about her faith and relationship with God and how it has evolved through the years. I chose to listen to it as opposed to read it to hear it in her voice and I was glad I did. 

Kingdom of PrepKingdom of Prep by Maggie Bullock follows the rise and history of J. Crew. I recently became a fan of J. Crew as I got older and started working full-time. I had a few pieces growing up but didn’t really wear a lot of the brand until I was an adult. Now I have several blazers, dresses, and blouses from J. Crew. After wearing their clothes, I was interested in their backstory. I really learned a lot about the history of the brand, where they got their ideas from and the different people who played  apart in the company. It was interesting to see how the brand has evolved through the years. I enjoyed the audiobook, but it would have been nice to see some of the photos from the book. 

I have a few more weeks of my free trial with Audible and I will have a full review on that coming soon!

What I’m Watching: Typically, I would be into all my fall shows right now, but due to the writer’s and actor’s strike, that’s not happening, but I have been enjoying my fair share of shows on streaming. A few reality/competitions show I watch have made their return. Special Forces: World’s Toughest Test returned for season two this past week, so I will be tuning in for that every Monday and then The Masked Singer is back tonight! I always enjoy trying to guess who’s under the mask, so this will be a fun season to watch. Here’s a few other shows I’ve been watching.

The Perfect Story– The Perfect Story can be found on Netflix, and it follows the story of a runaway bride and how she turns her life around when she meets someone totally unexpected. They are both recovering from heartache and the two start to spend time together to get back at each other’s ex’s. However, the more time they spend together, they more time they grow to like one another. It’s a light-hearted mini-series that’s only five episodes long, so it’s a fast watch. It is in another language, but it is dubbed in English so it’s easy to follow, especially with subtitles. 

Virgin River– I made my way through the first half of season 5 this month and it was really good. I liked how it picked up right where it left off. One of my favorite things about this show is that it’s the perfect escape from reality. A cute, quaint, town with mostly feel-good storylines. It makes me want to escape to a small town in the woods for a vacation after watching it. There’s some drama, but it mostly gets resolved quickly. It’s not my favorite show of all time, but it’s great to put in ion the background as you work away. 

What Inspires Me: I took a little hiatus from the kitchen over the summer, but I am back and doing all the baking and cooking once again. My goal is to try one new recipe a week and bake something once a week too. If I accomplish it, great, if not, then it’s not the end of the world. So far,  I have made my Peach Caprese Salad, Blueberry Muffins and Banana Muffins.

Banana muffins
Homemade snickerdoodle

I have also made some soups too, like this Margarita Chicken soup by Mix and Match Mama.

Perfect for fall!

I also got some more veggies from my garden.

Two cucumbers
Some carrots!
A perfect salad with all the veggies!

I can’t wait to go apple picking and start making all the apple recipes.  I have also been using my Kitchen Aid more by doing more baking and cooking which makes me happy and brings me so much JOY! 

What I Accomplished: Last month, I officially said goodbye to summer and hello to fall! I have been making some headway on my fall bucket list by going on fall walks and doing some baking and cooking.

Hello fall walks!
Another fall walk!

However, the leaves haven’t changed quite yet, and we still haven’t experienced all the fall weather yet. I have a feeling I will be accomplishing a lot from my bucket list in the next month. Another personal goal I accomplished was upping my running to four miles!

Goals from Last Month: Last month was all about the changing of seasons. I did some fall cleaning, got a lot of doctor’s appointments checked off my list, I saw friends and spent a lot of time outdoors and with family. This was a busy month, but a successful one, nonetheless. 

Getting my new Simplified planner made me very happy!

Goals for this Month: This next month will be all about enjoying all the fall fun! I have some fall day trips planned. We also have a handful of fall festivals happening, so I hope to make it to some of them. As the weather gets cooler, I want to make some hearty soup and enjoy all the cozy days indoors by watching movies or fall shows. 

That’s a look into life for the month of September. Some changes and freshening up of things, but a great month. Tell me: how has your month been? What’s been some things that have brought you JOY? Let me know in the comments below!

Goodbye September, hello October!


Currently #44

Happy Wednesday! I hope you are having a great week! Remember how I felt like July went by in a blink of an eye? Well August went by even faster. This month has been a whirlwind between traveling, big work projects, back to school, and wrapping up summer fun! 

As one month end and another one begins, I’m recapping this past month and all the memories and adventures that came with it.

Here’s a look at this month’s Currently.

What I’m Up To: This past month has been all about soaking up the final days of summer, from hiking in new places, completing bucket list items, and traveling to new places, I have been busy but in the best way possible.

It’s local festival season!
And local farm show season!
Plus, no summer event isn’t complete without a funnel cake!

I’ve attended community fairs and festivals, been spending lots of time outside and have been reading lots of fun, summer books. 

My trip to Toronto was a highlight for sure!

What I’m Wearing: I have been continuing the trend of shorts and graphic tees.When my family and I went on vacation to San Diego, California, I wore a lot of neutrals to mix and match and keep it simple for travel. Here’s some of my favorite summer outfits. My shorts are from Old Navy and so are some of my shirts too.

A few of my looks from vacation.
Lots of color coordinated outfits.
And some bright colors too!

I have also been doing my best to wear all the bright colors for my dresses for work. I only have a small window to wear in the warm months, so I’m doing my best to wear them all. 

Bright blue for work!

What I’m Reading: This past month has been such a good month for reading for me 

 Love and Gelato by Jenna Evans Welch follows the story of a young girl who loses her mom and her mom’s dying wish is for her daughter to go to Florence and reconnect with people from her mother’s time when she lived there. This book checks all the boxes for a cute rom com book. Dreamy city, beautiful description, incredible Italian food and desserts, and a little romance too. I blitzed through this book and was so sad when it came to an end. 

The sweetest summer book!

Meet Me at the Lake by Carley Fortune tells the story a young woman who takes over her mother’s resort on the lake. She plans on making some changes when she gets some unexpected help from someone from her past that she always wanted to forgot. I really enjoyed the story and finished it within a week. I’m also excited that it’s going to be making its way to the screen as Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will be working with Netflix to turn it into a movie.


Better than Fiction by Alexa Martin and it combined two of my favorite hobbies, reading and hiking! This book follows the story of a young woman who inherits her grandmother’s book store. As she tries to manage this new project, enter a fan-favorite author. He’s visiting her small town for inspiration for his new book and they make a deal. She shows him around the area and he teaches her how to love books. 

Mrs. Nash’s Ashes by Sarah Adler follows the story of a young woman who makes it her mission to deliver her neighbor turned best friend’s ashes to her long lost lover. However, the journey to get the ashes delivered does not go smooth. She ends up traveling with someone from her past and they endure all sorts of detours. The book goes back and forth between the past and present and there’s so many twists and turns, you will question if they will ever make it to their final destination.

What I’m Watching: As summer winds down, I’m finishing up my summer shows. I finished season two of the Summer I Turned Pretty. Overall, I thought the season was pretty good. I definitely enjoyed the first season more but I thought the second season had some great storylines and the finale left a lot of questions for season 3! If you watched, what did you think of the finale and Belly’s choice?

I also finished the first part of Outlander. This was another show that had a lot of ups and downs this season. There were some major plot twists with characters that I did not see coming. I’m anxious to see where it picks up and how things get wrapped up when it returns. 

I also finished season two of “And Just Like That”, it was such a good season. I loved the callbacks to earlier seasons of the show, the fashion and the friendships. The finale was really good, especially with the surprise appearance by Samantha! I was also excited to see that the show was renewed for season 3! I already can’t wait for next season!

And last but not least, I finished the new season of Sweet Magnolias. Although, there was some drama this season including some fights, fallouts and relationship shakeups between characters, I really enjoyed seeing the characters come together in the end.

What Inspires Me: I have been enjoying all the summer salads with fresh fruits and vegetables. I hate wasting food, so I have been enjoying salads and bowls with lots of food that I already have in the fridge. Here’s been some of my favorite salads. 

A spinach and strawberry and pecan salad. This is the perfect blend of fruits, veggies and some crunch too. 

Strawberry and spinach salad

A steak salad on top a bed of veggies keeps you full and gives you lots of flavor.

A steak salad
A peach and chicken salad

Speaking of fresh vegetables, I have been so inspired and proud of my garden. Although, I have lost some plants, I’m so happy with the ones that have grown and flourished. I’ll be doing a bigger blog post on this later in the season, but seeing seeds turn into bright, red tomatoes is certainly inspiring. 

My baby tomatoes
The fruits of my labor
Four fresh tomatoes

What I Accomplished: August was a busy month. I kicked it off by attending our local National Night Out. 

My boyfriend and I did a day trip to Toronto, you can read about our adventure here. 

The iconic Toronto sign

My boyfriend and I also went blueberry picking for the first time which was so much fun and I made some tasty muffins too!

Our haul
The best way to use blueberries!
Soaking up the end of summer with nighttime concerts.
Summer S’mores!

My family and I took our family vacation to San Diego which was so fun! We packed a lot in and made a ton of memories. It was the best way to spend time together before we all went our separate ways from school to work.

From the palm trees
The hikes and ocean
Enjoying some iconic West Coast food.
The San Diego Zoo
Balboa Park

Goals from Last Month: I accomplished my goal of running my first 5K, you can read about my journey here. 

Finishing my first 5K!

I accomplished almost everything from my summer bucket list. There were a few things that I didn’t get done, but I plan to do them in the fall.

The best part of this past month was all the family time. The older I get, the more, I realize how important family time is and how much I try to treasure every moment I have with my family and siblings. This summer has been so special that we have all been home under one roof.

End of summer Lobster rolls!

Goals for Next Month: Even though it’s September, I still plan on enjoying the warm weather and soaking up the sunshine. I’m not ready to think about fall yet, but I know I will have to eventually, right now, I’m all about savoring every last bit of summer. I will also be sharing my fall bucket next week!

Enjoying evening walks after work can continue in the fall.

There you have it, another Currently in the books. Tell me, what were some of your favorite parts of August?

Let me know in the comments below! Have a great rest of your week and end of August! See you back here on Friday!


Running My First 5K

Happy Wednesday! Depending on when you are reading this, I am either on my way back from my family vacation or I am already back to life, work and reality. It was so good to get away with my family and make memories, especially before everyone heads back to school.  We had such a great summer with everyone being home and I’m sad to see my siblings head back to school. Thankfully for me, there’s no summer vacation when you are working, so the summer fun doesn’t stop here. There’s still plenty of time to enjoy the warm weather and activities.

Now onto, today’s post!

One of my New Year’s Resolutions was to run a 5K and I crossed that off my bucket list on August 5th. 

Getting ready to race!

To give you a little background, I have never enjoyed running, so I didn’t do it as a form of exercise growing up or as an adult. I preferred weight training, walks, the elliptical, or bike to get my cardio in. However, I was always amazed at people who loved running, ran miles a day and competed and I always gave them major credit for their dedication and drive. 

At the start of the year when I was creating my yearly goals, I wanted to find a way to challenge myself physically and mentally and decided running was something I could do to set a goal and see the end results. It was also something new I had never tried before, and I was excited for the challenge.

I am by no means an expert at running or training for long distance running, however, this is what worked for me and how I trained for my first (spoiler alert-not last) 5K.

My boyfriend has run for years and ran competitively in grade school, high school and college, so I asked him for some advice ahead of my training. 

Here’s what he recommended for training for a race; give yourself plenty of time to train, incorporate a rest or walk day after a run day, build up your mileage as you go (you want to be able to run more miles than just what the race is intended for), and even if you aren’t feeling it and your time is bad, still get your run in. 

I started my training in the winter by running at the gym when I would go to lift and workout. I started small by running half a mile or so and just to get my body used to running. 

Some of my early runs

As the seasons changed from winter to spring, I started to run outdoors and for longer distances as it got warmer. I started running a mile and then upped my mileage every few weeks until I was running over three miles before my race. I started to run on a treadmill at the gym (which I was not a fan of- I don’t like being stagnant), I also did a majority of my running in my yard which is a mix of pavement and grass and then I did some running on just pavement.

Some of my early runs at the start of the summer.

Training for my race wasn’t always fun or easy, there were days where I was slower since I did a heavier lift at the gym or I was tired or I wasn’t in the right state of mind, but since April I ran two or three times a week and on the tough days, I would always tell myself, at least I ran, even if my time wasn’t where I wanted it to be at. 

While I ran, I would often listen to a podcast, music, or even an audiobook. I found that helped keep me focused or maybe distracted when I was struggling to finish. 

One of the podcasts I would listen to on runs.

The more I ran, the more I was surprised with how I had come to enjoy the run. At the beginning, it would be a challenge sometimes to finish a mile, but towards the end, I was exceeding three miles and I would keep going. I loved the way I would feel at the end of the run. I felt stronger with each mile I finished, and I loved the feelings of endorphins released at the end. I kept track of all my runs and got excited to see my times change as my miles increased. It was also a great reminder to see how far I had come.

One of my runs.

Through my training, I decided to upgrade my sneakers. I had been running on the same sneakers I had for years that were getting worn out, so I upgraded my kicks this year to a pair of New Balance. I have been loving them for my training. 

My new running sneakers

Some of my favorite runs while I was training were when I was at the beach and running on just pavement and not around my yard.

More training

When it came time for finding a 5K, I chose a local festival that had a community 5K in the morning before the festivities got underway. My goal for the day was to just finish it and have fun.

Getting ready to race!

I was nervous on race day, since it was my first time competing and I later learned they had the largest crowd for the race, over 200 people competing. Based on advice other runners gave me, I decided to forgo music or podcasts and just run and I’m so glad I did, it put me in a different mindset, and I believe it ultimately made me faster in the end. 

 My whole family came out to support me and cheer me on and my boyfriend ran with me too. I finished the race with my best time ever. 

My official race time!

I had such a good experience, and I definitely got the runner’s bug. While this was my first race, it certainly won’t be my last. I loved the journey to get to where I am today and now, I want to continue to do better with my and challenge myself to longer runs. 

Finishing my first 5K!

Stay tuned for my next 5K! I’m so glad I stuck to my goal of competing and through this process, I discovered a new hobby.  I’m proud to officially call myself a runner!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #52

Hi everyone!

Happy Friday!

I hope you had a great last week of July! I don’t know about you, but I feel like the pressure is on to get everything in these last few weeks of summer before everyone goes back to school or college. This week has been a good mix of work and fun, which is always a win in my book.

We love a good beach day in the summer!

Today’s Friday Favorites is a mix of food, shows, books and some accessories too. As always, I’m linking up with Erika and Andrea to share some of my favorite things from this past week.

Sweet Magnolias– I know it technically came out last week, but I didn’t start watching Sweet Magnolias until this week, hence why it’s included in this week’s favs! I have missed this show and was so happy to have it back. I’ve been enjoying the storylines, the southern charm, the drama and relationships, but most importantly the friendship. This was a fun show to watch at the end of the day or put it on in the background as I’m cleaning, doing laundry or computer work too.

Stir Fry– I have been loving a classic stir fry lately for lunches. Now, you can make it from scratch with fresh veggies, rice, and a protein and meal prep it for the week ahead, but what I have been doing is using what I have already made in my fridge. Take this stir fry for example, I had leftover rice from a dinner, added some chicken from when we grilled it the night before and then shaved leftover corn from corn on the cob for the corn and added in some fresh veggies and soy sauce to complete the dish. It took me less than ten minutes to throw it together and it gave me a few healthy and filling meals. Here’s a few other food options to add to your stir fry: If you enjoy scrambled eggs or have leftover eggs from breakfast add those in, if you like seafood, add in some shrimp for a seafood stir fry or any type of meat, from steak to beef or chicken, you can really add whatever you want for a healthy and resourceful lunch.

A tasty lunch!

Running Sneakers– If you have been following along this year or summer, you may remember that I have gotten into running this year. I have been running with the same pair of sneakers for the past few years and decided since I am more serious about running, I should invest in some running sneakers. I got a pair of New Balance sneakers and have been wearing them as I run. I really like how they provide support to my ankles and feet. I’m glad I got a sneaker upgrade before my race in a few weeks.

My new go-to sneakers

Hummus– Another food favorite! I have been loving hummus this summer. I really got into it when I was on vacation in June and have been enjoying it through the summer. I love enjoying hummus with carrots, celery, peppers, even apples. A few other ways I have enjoyed hummus is with pita, some grilled chicken, even steak, if you are looking for a protein to add. This has been a tasty summer snack.

The Guest List by Lucy Foley– This is not necessarily a beach and summer read, but I really enjoyed The Guest List by Lucy Foley. Without giving too much away, it’s all about a wedding that happens on an island in Ireland. It’s told through the perspective of the different guests at the wedding, leading up to the wedding and the wedding day itself. On the wedding night, an incident happens and the book follows the events that transpires leading up to it and following it. Throughout the book you learn all the different ways the guests are connected and the secretes that lie among them. I really enjoyed the storyline and hearing the perspectives of different characters and the plot. If you like a good “who done it”, you will like this book. The last ten pages were the best!

That’s a look into things I’m loving this week, a mix of books, shows, food, and clothes. Tell me! As we say goodbye to July and hello to August, what has been some of your favorite moments of this past month? Let me know in the comments below! Enjoy your last week of July!


Currently #43

Hi everyone! 

Happy Wednesday! It makes me sad to that we are at the end of July. I feel like June was so well paced and a great introduction to summer and then July came and went in a blink of an eye. There’s always so much anticipation to summer and then it goes by too fast. I know August will be a busy month with end of summer activities and people heading back to school.

Summer is in full bloom!

In good news, I did my best to make the most out of July! From a low key Fourth of July to a concert, seeing friends and some pool days, it was packed full of summer fun in between work. Here’s a look at what I’ve been up to.

What I’m Up To– July started off with the Fourth of July, this year was a bit more lowkey as it fell in the middle of the week and I was working, but my family and I still grilled and enjoyed some Fourth fun and sunshine after work. It’s more about the people and moments than all the extra hustle and bustle.

Our Fourth of July spread

This month, I also made two trips to the Pittsburg area. The first was to catch up with friends for lunch and dinner.  Living long distance and being on different work schedules has made it challenging to see some friends so it was great to catch up in person and enjoy some time outside too.

Catching up with friends is always good for the soul

My second trip was to see Ed Sheeran in concert which was so fun. I saw him back during his Divide tour and I was excited to see him perform songs from all his albums. 

Ed Sheeran’s tour

I also got to enjoy some live music this summer, our city always does a great job at hosting live music events, and I have gone to a few of them. There’s nothing better than live music by the water.

Live music in the summer, a must for summer!

I also enjoyed lots of time outside, having pool and reading days on my days off. We had a stretch of beautiful weather and I tried to soak up as much time outside as possible.

Reading by the pool days
Summer walks by the water.

What I’m Wearing– Last week, I shared some summer outfits that I have been wearing to work, you can read more about it here.

I also have been into skorts and casual skirts recently too. Here’s been some of my favorite looks. 

I have also been wearing shorts and all the graphic t-shirts. They are so easy to throw on for off days especially when I’m outside and just relaxing on days off. 

Also, t-shirt dresses are a major win for me in the summer, they are lightweight and easy to throw on after work or heading out and about to run errands, you look put together with minimal effort. A win across the board.

Perfect for a day in the city

What I’m Reading– I had such a good month for reading. This month has been a mixed bag of genres and they have been so fun!

Happy Place- I couldn’t wait to dive into this book. Happy Place tells the story of six friends reuniting in their favorite spot for one last summer trip together and one of the couples pretending they are still together when they have broken up. The personalities of the friends, the description of the setting and the nostalgia had me craving a week at the lake. I read this book on vacation and it was the perfect beach read. If you haven’t read this book yet or any of Emily Henry’s books, you are missing out.

Such a fun, summer read!

My Hygee Home- I got this book for my birthday and it’s all about making a house a home and ways to incorporate Hygee which is a Danish practice into your home. I learned a lot of practical lessons about ways to make your home cozy and useful and purposeful too. It would be a great coffee table book and a great read too. You can easily finish it in one sitting.

28 Summers- 28 Summers by Elin Hilderbrand was such a fun summer read. It’s about a man and woman who meet as young college students and agree to meet up every summer in Nantucket no matter what. Now, let me start out by saying, I don’t believe in cheating or having affairs, but I did enjoy reading about how no matter what was going on in these character’s lives, they always met up every year. I loved seeing how their relationship changed and stayed the same through the years. I also loved reading all about Nantucket and it makes me want to visit even more.

A favorite summer read.

What I’m Watching– Summer is typically a slower time for me for tv shows, but now with streaming services, I feel like there are more options to watch different shows. I’ve done some binge watching, but a lot of these shows have episodes that come out weekly. This summer, I have been watching Outlander, which I have really been enjoying this season, especially the twist with Roger and Brianna. I won’t say more than that to avoid spoilers, but these episodes have been really good.

I also have been watching And Just Like That, every week, again, another light and fun show. In my opinion, season two has had really good episodes and some have fallen flat for me. Overall, I still love the friendships, the fashion and the nostalgia and that’s what draws me in week after week. 

As far as binge-watching goes, I have been watching The Summer I Turned Pretty on Amazon Prime. I never read the books, but I watched the first season last summer and thought it was cute and I wanted to see what was in store for season 2. This season has been definitely more dramatic and intense, but it’s still fun to watch. There are moments that are a bit unrealistic, but overall, it’s a fun show to watch at the end of the day.

Lastly, Sweet Magnolias has been my other go-to binge watch. If watching this show doesn’t make you want to move to a small Southern town, I don’t know what does. I love the aspects of southern hospitality, the one-liners and life lessons and most of all the friendships. Such a fun summer show.

What Inspires Me– I have been inspired by my garden that I started at the beginning of this summer. I am finally seeing some progress and some buds. It’s been exciting to see it grow as I tend to it every day.

My garden so far!
My first set of veggies! Peas!

I’ve also been inspired by finding new places to walk and hike. I have my places that I love to go to, but it’s been fun to find new spots and explore new places and get some exercise too.

Plus no summer would be complete without a trip to the zoo!

What I Accomplished– I’ve been doing my best to soak up summer and I think I’ve been doing a good job with it by trying to build in slower days in a busy schedule. I have also been trying to go to as many events that are traditions and free and fun! Plus, I’ve been doing everything I can do to spend time outside, from reading to grilling outside, I have been soaking up all the sun!

I’ve also been enjoying lots of meals outside.
Plus lots of grilling too!

Goals from Last Month– I made the most of summer and actitvites by crossing things off my summer bucket list. From friends, to new adventures and places and visiting old spots, it’s been a packed month. Plus, throw in some family time and you have a great July!

Summer beach days in July!

I’ve also been enjoying trying new recipes! Last week, I made homemade chicken sandwiches! So good!

A mix between a McChicken and Chick Fil A sandwich! Yum!

Goals for Next Month-The time is almost here. I’m crossing something off my 2023 New Year’s Resolutions and Summer Bucket List by running my first 5K. I have been training for it since the spring and all of this summer and I think I’m almost ready. A 5K may not seem like a huge accomplishment, but for someone who has always hated running, the fact I am excited to do this and have enjoyed the hobby is a big deal to me. I’m looking forward to finishing and accomplishing it next month. I’ve been running longer distances and I’m proud of myself for what my body can do.

Next month, I’m also looking to some family time as we take a little getaway and then some final summer adventures. 

July flew by, but looking back, I accomplished so much. I know August will be busy with trying to get everything done, but I’m excited to see what the next month brings.

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #42

Hi friends! Happy Friday! I hope you have something fun planned for this weekend. I have been loving this spring weather. I have been trying to spend as much time as possible outside to soak up the sun! I’ve even been grilling and enjoying reading outdoors. Some of my favorite summer activities.

Summer grilling has begun!

I’m linking up with Erika and Andrea! for another edition of Friday Favorites. Here’s a roundup of some things I’ve been loving this week. 

Running– I can’t believe this is on my Friday Favorites list, but here we are. As the weather has been getting warmer, I’ve been running outside more. I’ve never been a runner, but one of my goals this summer is to run a 5K, so I’ve been preparing for it. I try to get longer runs on the weekends, and shorter runs on the weekdays. Slowly but surely, I’m getting there and I’m proud of myself for how far I’ve come.

Getting my runs in!

Coronation Behind the Scenes Video: Even though it’s been a few weeks, I’m still reading and following things about the Coronation of King Charles III. Last week, Will and Kate released a behind the scenes of Coronation weekend. You can watch it here. I loved seeing them getting ready for the big day and getting into the community for all the events. The video was so well produced, such a great recap of the weekend!

Such a good recap!

Jury Duty– Have you seen Jury Duty yet? It’s on Freevee through Amazon Prime and without giving too much away it’s about a group of people seated on a jury for a trial in Los Angeles, they are all actors who know the case is fake except for one of the jurors. There’s so many great one-liners and scenes, definitely worth the watch. 

Such a fun show!

Cuffed Jeans– As we are making our way through Spring, I have been wearing lots of transitional pieces of clothing that work for cooler mornings and hotter afternoons. Cuffed jeans and graphic t-shirts have been my go-to for the spring. Old Navy is a one stop shop for jeans, I love all the cuts and styles, but their regular cuts are my favorite. I have been wearing cuffed jeans non-stop this Spring.

A weekend look!

New Outlander Trailer- I am a big fan of the show, Outlander on Starz and the new trailer for Season 7 which airs this June dropped last week. This season brings us to the American Revolution. The trailer looks dramatic, intense and has some pretty big cliffhangers sprinkled throughout. I can’t wait to watch the new season. 

June can’t come soon enough!

So many favorite things this week, from shows to clothes and outdoor fun! I know I’ll be planning to soak up some sunshine this weekend and get some family time in too! How do you plan to spend your weekend? Let me know in the comments below!

Have a great weekend and a fantastic Friday!!


Just Get Moving

Hi everyone!

Happy Wednesday! I hope you are having a great week so far!

I always try to keep things fun and relevant here and mix topics up so there’s something for everyone. 

Today, I’m talking about fitness and working out. Everyone’s fitness journey is different and I’m by no means an expert on fitness or working out or health and nutrition. This is just my views on working out and my fitness journey, so if these tips work for you, great, if they don’t, then maybe you have tips you can share with me.

A bit of background, I started working out consistently in college, I would go five days a week and it would be a mix of weekends and weekdays before classes. I typically did cardio and then free weights or some weight machines.

A look at my workouts in college.

After graduating college, I got into a new gym routine by going five days a week (weekdays) and then trying to move and do something active on the weekends. 

During the weekdays, I typically do strength training and a full body workout at the gym for 45 minutes to an hour.  I do a mix of free weights, core workout and some cardio too.

An example of my workouts now.

My apple watch is a huge help by holding me accountable for moving every day. I’ve talked about my Apple watch in this post here. There’s no better feeling than closing your rings, especially when you are on a streak. Every day, I aim to stand for 12 hours (I typically exceed that), workout for 30 minutes a day (again, I typically hit between 45-60 minutes) and then burn 590 calories a day (I typically hit 600 daily). 

A look at some of my Apple Watch stats. This is from a day I filled in on a morning shift (hence being up for 22 hours)

Another example of my Apple Watch stats. I got a lot of walks in this day.

Besides going to the gym five days a week, I try to get in a long walk or two during the week, these often happen on my weekend (Thursday and Friday) or during the weekend. It’s easy to get in a long walk in the summer and fall, but tricker in the winter. Even when it’s cold, I remind myself, I will feel better after getting some movement in.

Taking walks is always a great stress reliever.
No matter the season, walks are always a good idea

On weekends, I don’t always have time for a long workout or walk, so any movement is good movement for me. I will sometimes do stretching or yoga, or a quick walk, just to get my body moving. On busier days, my goals shift from getting a long or intense workout to just moving and being active or even just closing my rings on my apple watch, haha!

Your fitness journey doesn’t have to be spending two hours in a gym every day or running five miles. I am not a runner; I wish I was but I’m not. But if you want to go on a three-mile walk, I’m game! 

Nothing better than getting in some movement.

Working out doesn’t have to be a competition or a race, what matters is doing what works best for you and feeling good about moving. When I’m feeling overwhelmed or stressed, taking walk to clear my mind or lifting at the gym to start the day, always makes me feel better and it helps me reset. 

Another great day with a long walk and good workout.

It can be hard to get motivated to workout especially when the weather is changing, but even if you carve out a few minutes to do something to move and for you, you may be surprised how good you feel.

Like I said at the beginning, I’m not a health or fitness expert, so I’m just sharing what works for me. I hope this post encourages you to step out of your comfort zone and move a bit today too!

Have a great week!


Fitness Goals 2019

Hello All and Happy Tuesday!  

A new week is upon us. Week two of school is underway. Last week felt so long after getting into a new routine of classes, work, and homework. I’m hoping this week and the next few weeks move faster after getting settled into a new routine. With the start of a new semester and year, I wanted to set some new fitness goals. I have had this post planned for a few weeks and I’m finally getting around to posting it. Thanks for your patience. Working out and going to the gym has been a great stress reliever and activity to do while I’ve been in college. You can read my fitness journey part one, part twoand part three

Work (out) hard, play hard

At the start of every year I try to challenge myself in order to get stronger and feel better after a work out. Last year I shared my workout goals. You can find them here.My goals included getting in 10,000 steps a day, I lagged a bit in the summer with this goal due to working but since I came back to school in August 2018, I have been successful in getting in my 10,000 steps from the gym, going to classes, and running errands. I’m very proud of that goals. Another goal I set was work on my weight training, I did better at the start of 2018, but stayed consistent through the fall semester and didn’t increase my weights, I’m hoping to work on this more this semester.  Lastly, my final goal was to get my time down for the mile. I didn’t get my time down, but I have been running more instead of just jogging. 

Now, onto this year’s fitness goals. 

  • I want to increase the size and the amount of weight I am lifting in regards to my free weights. Even if it is adding an extra few pounds every month or so, I want to work on building up muscle, especially in my arms and legs. 
  • I know it may sound cliché, but I want to start putting in work for the summer months and that includes working on my abs more to start getting a flatter stomach, I’ve done research and I’m going to work on including healthier foods in my diet as well as my ab workouts. If you have found things that have worked for you, let me know in the comments below.
  • Run more. I love to use the treadmill especially when I have it at a high incline, I feel that I get more of a workout there compared to just biking or using the elliptical. I have started to jog and run more during my work out, but I want to continue to run and increase my endurance. 
new year, new goals

I’m hoping I can focus more on increasing my endurance in a lot of areas that I work with already. Taking care of my body and working out has been a great way for my to relax and feel good about myself. It is also a great stress reliever. Whether it is going for a run, doing yoga, talking walks, or doing weight training, I hope you find something that you can do to take care of yourself. I hope 2019 is a year we can all tackle our fitness goals. What goals do you have for this year in terms of fitness?