Let's Look

Let’s Look: Morning Routines

Hey friends! Happy Wednesday! I hope you are having a great week so far as we make our way through MAY! This is one of my favorite months of the year, I love the warmer weather, transitioning from spring to summer, fresh plants and flowers, the start of grilling season and my birthday is this month-so many great things happening!

It’s the second Wednesday of the month which means it’s time for a Let’s Look with Erika and Shay for Let’s Look!! Once a month, they share different parts of their lives and I’ve linked up along with them too. Here’s some of the past prompts, in April, we talked about pet peeves, in March, we talked about Amazon purchases in February it was about our medicine cabinets. This month the theme is Let’s Look at our morning routines!

I LOVE a good morning routine, so I couldn’t wait to share mine.

I have two morning routines to share. The first, an early morning routine and a second-regular morning routine.

On weekends, I work an early morning shift, so my mornings look a bit different compared to Monday through Friday, so I decided to share them both with you today!

Up first, a weekend morning.

Alarm goes off at 3:45, I spend some time checking my phone for emails, texts, social media, news feeds for a few minutes and then it’s reflection time. I read a daily reflection from Laudate, a religious app and then doing journaling and reflection.

This is my current journal, there’s a prompt for every day which I’ll answer and then I’ll journal anything that’s on my mind. Then I do some reading of this meditation, Sure as the Sunrise by Emily Ley. I have been loving it this year. This takes about 10 minutes from start to finish and then this is where the time starts ticking.

I get up before 4:00, make up bed, brush teeth and wash my face and then start makeup. If all goes according to plan, it takes about twenty minutes for my makeup.

Then it’s hair time, I typically curl my hair and while I do that I do some reading and a word search. I know it sounds crazy, but rather than watch tv or listen to music, I will read a few chapters and complete a word search while I do my hair.

Once all is said and done it’s about 4:40, I finish getting ready, grab my lunch and it’s out the door by 4:50 to get to work by 5:00.

Out the door on time.

On weekends, mornings go by fast and there’s no chance of hitting the snooze.

At work on time!

On weekdays, it’s a bit of a different story. I get a lot more done and it’s not as rushed.

Alarm goes off at 6:15, I go about my morning routine of checking my phone, having my reflection time, getting up and getting ready to leave for the gym by 6:40.

Workout done!

Then it’s workout time for about an hour. I get home around 7:50ish.

It’s time to start getting ready for the work day, that includes makeup, hair-similar to my weekend routine. I’ll see what I have going on for the day with my Simplified Planner.

A glance at my planner for this week

I’ll grab my lunch do any picking up that needs done and then it’s out the door, on this particular day, I had to run to the bank before heading to work, but made it in my 9:15 ahead of my start time.


Time for work!

My days off look fairly similar to a weekday morning, same wakeup time, reflection, gym time and then after that every day is different depending on if I have appointments, errands to run or I just come home and relax.

That’s a look at two different by similar morning routines. I always love getting a peak into other people’s routines and rhythms. Let me know in the comments below about yours!

Have a great rest of your week and I will see you back here on Friday for a new edition of Friday Favorites!