Happy Friday! I hope you had great week. As we make our way to the weekend, I wanted to share some of my favorite highlights from this past week. It is the last day of February and I for one am thrilled to be a bit closer to spring.
Fresh flowers at the store made me very happy!
Even though, I know the snow won’t magically disappear, I’m excited for some warmer weather. There’s hopefully a little bit of something for everyone in this week’s edition of Friday Favorites! Let’s dive in as I link up with Erika and Andrea.
New Sneakers– One thing I have DESPERATELY missed this winter has been running outdoors. This has been my biggest complaint about the winter months. The snow, ice, and freezing temperatures have kept me inside and on a treadmill or on a turf as opposed to out running on trails. Although, I’m grateful to run inside, I can’t wait to get back outdoors not only for the paths, but to test out my new running sneakers. My current sneakers have a lot of miles on them, so I decided to upgrade. This is my first time trying Hoka (I’m typically a New Balance gal) but decided to give Hoka a try. I’ll have a thorough report after I can log more miles outdoors in my sneakers.
From Here to the Great Unknown– Wow! I can’t tell you the last time I raced through a book as fast as I did with this one. From Here to the Great Unknown is the memoirs of both Lisa Marie Presley and Riley Keough. The books discusses their lives and the life of Elvis told through their eyes. I loved the Elvis movie when it came out a handful of years ago and really enjoyed watching Keough in Daisy Jones and the Six, so I couldn’t wait to read this book and it didn’t disappoint. 5 Stars for me.
Scamanda– I mentioned this podcast in 2023 when I listened to it in the summer. It’s all about a woman who faked cancer and scammed thousands of people. I found the podcast to be very fascinating and was excited to learn a documentary would be made about it. Scamanda is airing in four parts on ABC and I have been loving it. It just wrapped up last week and I am got all caught up over the weekend. It’s very similar to the podcast, but you get to meet the people involved. I looked forward to the episodes every week.
OJ Simpson Documentary– Another documentary I just finished was a new four-part series on Netflix about O.J. Simpson. Although I don’t remember the case, I have learned and read about it a lot through the years. I’ve watched different documentaries, specials, and adaptations on it too. I was curious to see how this one compared. I liked how it was broken into four parts and I liked the length of each episode too. I really appreciated how they brought back some of the key players, years later for updated interviews. Overall, very well done!
Fruit Bowls- We have had a long winter over here, so I’ve been trying to break up my days with things that bring me joy and that includes more fruit. I have been devouring these homemade fruit bowls. They are very simple to put together and you can alter them to your liking. I typically have Greek yogurt, fruit (bananas, berries, watermelon-whatever is on hand), some granola, and then mini chocolate chips for a sweet treat at the end of the day. I have been eating this as a snack, but it can be enjoyed for breakfast too. I have been loving the energy boost it gives me and the colors make me happy too.
That’s a look into what I have been loving this week. What are some things that have been helping you get through this winter slump?
Hello everyone! Happy Wednesday! We made it to the end of February! I don’t know about you, but this month moved a lot faster than January, which I was very happy about. I feel like we are getting closer to the end of a very long winter. Some months are more eventful than others, but I’m afraid this month is not as exciting as past months, but it was still good nonetheless and filled with some travel, lots of VERY good books, and catching up on shows. Here’s what the past 28 days looked like.
What I’m Up To: This month involved some time outside for walks when I could, but February was an icy month.
I got away for a long weekend which was so fun and much needed.
I got away for the long weekend and the change of scene was so nice!
I got to see the Atlantic Ocean again while I was away too!
And made it home safe and sound!
I also got to celebrate Valentine’s Day leading up to and on the day.
Cut-out cookies for the holidayAnd more tasty treatsValentine’s Day goodies
I also got a haircut and switched up my hair style
What I’m Reading: I had such a good reading month! I can’t wait to share some of my favorite reads
The Secret Book of Flora Lea- The Secret Book of Flora Lea by Patt Callahan is all about two sisters in World War II who get sent to live with another family during the war. One of the sisters goes missing and years later the other sister reads a book that contains all the made-up stories she told her sister growing up. After all these years, is her sister still alive and where has she been? This was a great historical mystery. Mix and Match Mama picked it for her January Book Club and I devoured it!
From Here to the Great Unknown– Lisa Marie Presley and Riley Keough wrote this memoir about their lives and Elvis’. I learned so much about the Presley family and life behind the camera. It was so fascinating and led me to listen to some Elvis music because of it. Such a good read!
Leading Women– Leading Women by Nancy O’ Reilly is a compilation of essays written by women for women. They highlight the struggles and victories women encounter in life, businesses, and in careers. I read it over the course of a few days, but I think it would be better read a little bit every day and not all at one time.
The Lazy Genius Kitchen– Kendra Adachi’s second book, The Lazy Genius Kitchen is all about the best way to use your kitchen. She goes through ways to organize and essentialize your kitchen that works for you. She also breaks down different kitchen terms and phrases. If you are a kitchen pro or you have never had your own space, I highly recommend this book.
Half Marathon: You Can Do It– Jeff Galloway’s Half Marathon: You Can Do It is a beginner’s guide to running and running a half marathon. I am planning to run a half marathon this summer and learned so much from this book especially when it comes to training and preparing. He talks about his run-walk method and proper ways to train and prepare for a race. I found myself taking notes and photos as I was reading.
The Art of Stillness- As someone who is always on the go, this book really forced me to slow down. I read it when I was traveling and I found it fascinating to learn the importance of slowing down. The Art of Stillness by Pico Iyer
Young and Restless– Young and Restless by Mattie Kahn was a book I had on my shelves for ages and I just got around to it. It’s all about different girls who made their mark on history in different ways. I loved learning about these women’s stories and the impact they had on society. A great topic as we enter Women’s Empowerment month.
What I’m Watching: A lot of my favorite shows came back for new seasons, so I spent time catching up on several shows.
Night Agent- Season 2 of The Night Agent on Netflix brought new characters, a new mission, and lots of edge on your seat moments. The first half of the season was a bit confusing and slow with lots of new characters, but the end of the season tied all the storylines together. The finale opened the door for new questions and a new mission.
Sweet Magnolias– After an intense show like The Night Agent, I needed a pallet cleanser and Sweet Magnolias on Netflix provided that for me. This season had lots of sweet and unexpected moments and even some drama. I liked seeing how some of the relationships unfolded and how the characters grew from different situations. Overall, a good season.
Scamanda– I listened to the podcast about Scamanda in 2023 and was excited to learn a documentary would be made about it through ABC. I really enjoyed the four part series. It was interesting to put names with faces and I think the creators did a great job at covering everything the podcast did and more.
American Manhunt- O.J. Simpson– My boyfriend and I watched this four part series about O.J. Simpson. I have always known about the O.J. case and I liked the light this series shined on Simpson and his case. I really liked how they interviewed some of the key people for this series on Netflix.
Masked Singer– The Masked Singer is back for season 13. This hour-long show always provides a good laugh and keeps me guessing who’s under the mask. There have been some pretty good reveals so far this season and I’m excited to see who wins it all!
What I’m Cooking/Baking: This month has been filled with a mix of baking and cooking!
I almost got this mug but held off
Homemade Brownies– I made Ina Gartner’s outrageous brownies. They were good but not great. I’ve tried a few different homemade brownie recipes and have yet to land a winner. Until then, I’ll keep trying different recipes.
Grilled Cheese and Homemade Tomato soup- We have had a stretch of cold weather and soup and grilled cheese is a perfect go-to. I tried Emily Ley’s homemade grilled cheese and tomato soup and it was so easy and hit. I can’t wait until her cookbook comes out!
Roasted Shrimp and Orzo– Another Ina Garten recipe for the win. I made her Roasted Shrimp and Orzo and really liked it. It was healthy and filling and very easy and can be made in any season.
Cheese and Spinach Bake– I made the bake as a side dish one night and it was so filling and healthy too. The recipe is from Brunch with Babs. It’s spinach, cheddar cheese, and cottage cheese with some egg. This would be great for a brunch or a dip!
Baked Chicken with Sweet Potatoes and Salad-A filling Sunday night dinner with lots of nutrients.
French Silk Pie was a new recipe for me and it was a hit!
Margarita Chicken Soup is always a good call on a cold day!
Homemade Hummus and Chicken Gyros- It was Greek night with lots of tasty and savory bites!
Chicken GyrosHomemade Hummus and Pita
Chicken Caesar Club Sanwichs– This was such a hearty and tasty meal that was a hit!
What I’m Wearing:
Since February is the month of love. I tried my best to wear as much red, pink, purple, and white as possible.
Layers for cold days
All pink for Valentine’s Day
A more casual look
The neutrals for more winter weather
What Inspires Me:
After such a gloomy and gray winter, any day with sunshine is good day! I also have been inspired by putting more of an emphasis on my health by going on more walks and making healthier choices too!
Some reading inspiration
And some love inspiration for the month of love!
Some desk inspiration and motivation
What I Accomplished– I am still making my way through my Winter Bucket List, but I still have things that need crossed off over the next few weeks.
I got out for some outdoor running time!
Goals from Last Month– I was able to see all my friends for some one-on-one dates, virtual, and in-person. I also got to celebrate Valentine’s Day and do some traveling too!
Some cute Valentine’s Day details
And some sweet treats!
Goals for Next Month– I am READY for warmer weather, getting ready for spring and to see my brothers who will be home for Spring Break!
That’s a look into life as of late. A lot of time indoors, self care, and some socializing. I’m looking forward to brighter days ahead. What about you?! How was your February!? What were some highlights for you? Let me know in the comments below! Happy Wednesday!
Hello everyone! Happy Wednesday! I hope you are having a great week as we make our way to the weekend. We are in the negative temperatures this week, so needless to say it’s been a lot of indoor time filled with reading, baking, and movie watching.
Thankfully my pups have been keeping me company
I have a little bit of a different post for you today, as I wanted to share a recent life lesson; giving something a try and deciding to not pursue it anymore.
I’ll be speaking more in terms of hobbies and interests, but this can be applied to life, jobs, friends, and opportunities as well.
Every year, like many others, I like to set goals or resolutions for myself. These are things I want to try, work on, even eliminate in my life. You can read about this year’s resolutions here.
Since I graduated college five years ago, I have been working on finding what hobbies bring me joy and spending time on those. Finding hobbies comes with trial and error along the way. For example, I have always loved to read and I would consider reading one of my hobbies. I have set reading goals in years past, but as long as I read something every day, I’m content and reading is something that is so easy for me to incorporate in my day and makes me feel like myself.
One of my happy spots
In 2023, I set a goal to run a 5K. As someone who never enjoyed running, I was intimidated by the challenge, but I knew I wanted to achieve it. It turned out, I really grew to love running and found myself running more than a 5K. Since I set out to start running, I have run another 5K and two 10K’s and I’m currently training for a half marathon. I didn’t know I would love running so much if I never tried it.
My longest run to date
I have always enjoyed cooking and baking. Since I was a young girl, I loved helping my mom in the kitchen. After graduating college, I wanted to sharpen my skills in the kitchen by cooking more, trying new recipes and baking sweet treats. This is another hobby that has brought me (and my family) immense joy!
I love a good baking day
And entertaining with a big spread
But, not all hobbies work out. There have been different hobbies that I have tried and decided not to pursue and that’s okay.
For example, two years ago, I decided to grow a garden and I had pretty good success with it my first year. You can read all about it here. Last summer, I wanted to do it again but with more plants and it turned out to be not a prosperous as year one. You can see my recap here. I still got some fruits and veggies to harvest, but not to the extent that I got my first year. I’m still debating whether or not I want to try again for year three. Stay tuned!
A smaller harvest this year
There have also been some hobbies that I tried and it wasn’t for me, like piano. When I was in middle school I took piano lessons and did not enjoy it, nor was I good at it. But, I still tried it.
As an adult, I decided I wanted to give it another go. I downloaded an app and bought a year-long course and decided to teach myself how to play for a year, and it was a long year. I made time almost every day to practice on the piano. While some days were good and I could see myself making progress, others were painful to get through. I decided I would finish the year out with the course, but not renew it. I realized a hobby, which was supposed to be fun, was causing me more stress. Plus, it didn’t help that my dog was not a fan of my practicing (he would howl the entire time I would practice). It’s been a few weeks since I stopped playing and I honestly don’t miss it.
I’m glad I gave it a try and I’m proud I stuck it out for the whole year, but I don’t miss finding time in my day to practice or the howling dog. I already have new ideas for hobbies to fill my time in the new year, but for the time being, I’m at peace with a pause on piano. I don’t feel like I failed or gave up, rather, I’m glad I gave it the college try.
My end of the year stats
I’m still proud of my efforts
That’s the lesson I learned this past year. It’s great to try new things whether it be a hobby, new job, or friendship, but if it doesn’t work out, that’s okay. What matters is that the effort was there. As someone who hates letting herself or others down, this was a harder lesson to learn, but I’m grateful I learned it.
I’m eager to learn some new skills and hobbies in the new year and see if they are for me, if they are, great, if not, at least I tried.
I hope this encourages you to try new things and pursue new hobbies, interests and opportunities, but give yourself grace if it doesn’t work out.
Hello All! Happy Friday! I hope you had a great first full week of January!
Last week was a little wonky between the holidays thrown in the middle of the week, but I hope you are settled back into your normal routine or maybe trying a new one for the new year. As always, I am linking up with Erika and Andrea for a weekly round up of Friday Favorites. I am continuing with my trend of sharing things I am using to get me ready for the new year.
Here’s some highlights and favorite things from the past week!
Simplicity Challenge- The new year brought the Simplified Simplicity Challenge back! I always love taking time in the new year to clean and organize my room and home and do a refresher and this challenge allows me to do that by performing little tasks that I can accomplish every day. We are only a few days in, but I have been loving it so far.
Some of my organizing so far
Black High Boots– These are definitely a favorite of mine. I purchased these high black boots from DSW before the holidays and have already gotten a lot of use out of them. Whenever I shop for shoes, I am always looking for something that can be worn with multiple outfits. These boots are great to wear with jeans, dress pants, leggings or even a skirt or dress. I love the versatility of these boots and know they were a great purchase to replace an older pair of boots that ripped.
Special Forces Back– A tv favorite for me is back! Special Forces: World’s Toughest Test returned for season 3 this week. I am always intrigued to see who joins the cast and some of the obstacles they have to face. I know I couldn’t do half the things they do. Plus, it’s always interesting to see who makes it all the way to the end. This season looks good!
Upcoming seasons of shows– Another thing I am looking forward to in the new year is new seasons of other series I follow. Netflix released information about several series including Sweet Magnolias which is back in February and YOU which is back in 2025. I’m sad that the holidays are over and things are back to normal, so this has me something to look forward to.
Winter Runs– Speaking of the outdoors, I have been back to running outdoors. We went through a stretch of bitterly cold weather and lots of snow and no outdoor runs were happening for me. I did run on the treadmill, but I was not a fan of it. It felt so good to get back outdoors and lots of fresh air. Even with the snow and cold, it was SO much better than running on a treadmill.
That’s a look into life this past week! Some fashion, some outdoor fun, some entertainment and new tools for the new year! As we begin a new month and year, what have been some of your favorite things? I would love to hear from you! I hope you have a cozy, January weekend! See you back here on Wednesday!
Hello Everyone and a very Merry Christmas! I don’t anticipate many of you to be reading on Christmas Day, but if you are then welcome!
Here’s a look at how my last few weeks and days looked:
A night in the cityAll decked outSkating timeFamily DinnersTime OutsideTasty foods
I hope your day is filled with peace, love, joy, family, friends and wonderful memories. If today is challenging for you, know that I am thinking of you.
If you are reading this over the Christmas week, thank you for being here. I appreciate your support and you taking the time to read my posts.
Holiday moviesA Decorated TreeLots of tasty treatsGiftsHoliday traditionsAnd Cookies!
Today, I am looking back on 2024, what a year it was. This year was filled with leaning into routines, new adventures, attempting new hobbies, going through some growing pains and travel.
A lot of things changed, but a lot of things stayed status quo. I’m eager to see what 2025 will bring for me. There’s something special about going into a new year with a fresh slate, some uncertainty, but knowing it will all work out. Before we jump too far ahead to 2025 (more on that next week), I want to reflect on 2024 and look back at these past 365 days and share some of my favorite things too! Let’s get to it.
A Look Back on 2024
The year began with me keeping up with my running consistently. You will be able to see my progress as the year progresses.
One of my first runs of the year.
I also spent a lot of time in the kitchen trying new recipes.
Stuffed Pepper SoupWarm soup on a cold dayHawaiian Chicken and Veggie Bowls for the win!Chicken and potatoesClam Chowder
I tried to get as much fresh air as possible when the weather cooperated.
Walks in the wintertime
I tried a new hobby with piano and kept up with it all year.
A recent accomplishment
In February, I enjoyed the Super Bowl with a big spread.
I also celebrated Valentine’s Day with homemade cookies and chocolate.
Celebrating Valentine’s Day with some fondueSome sweet treats from Valentine’s day!Fresh flowersValentine’s Day cookies are always a must!
I ended the month with a trip to Cleveland to watch the Cavaliers.
Game ready
The spring brought St. Patrick’s Day, seeing the total solar eclipse and the start of warmer weather.
St. Patrick’s DaySigns of springThe Eclipse
The warmer weather also led to longer runs and walks, Easter and baseball games!
More running!
Easter treatsBeautiful night for baseballPerfect day for a walk this week…blue skies and not a cloud in sight
I turned 26 in May!
A surprise at workA fun day!A sweet night!26 candles!
The summer was spent with all the time outdoors, between swimming, reading, walking, and running.
Nights on the waterOutdoor walks by the water have been a favorite of mine recentlyGrilling days
I went on adventures near and far.
Another look at my running progress
I donated blood for the first time this summer and have continued to do so through the year.
I also enjoyed blueberry and cherry picking and got some tasty treats out of those.
Cherry PickingPickingOur haulThe results
I celebrated the Fourth of July by running a 10K and enjoying time with family and friends.
I started the day by doing my first 10K and setting a new PR!All in my red, white and blueSnacksThe spreadFireworks!
I kept up with the garden but didn’t get as many vegetables as I had hoped.
The beforeThe DuringThe AfterSome of the tomatoes I grewMy cucumber!
I traveled to Cleveland in the summer as well as Montreal for a day, but the big trip was with my family to Italy.
The HistoryThe FoodThe Trevi FountainThe GelatoVeniceThe ChurchesAn overview of the cityLemon sorbetMore gelatoCapriThe StreeysThe pasta
The end of summer led me to running more places around my hometown.
My distance grewI ventured to new placesNew viewsGoing even furtherThe seasons chnaged
I took some weekend trips to Boston and got to explore the area there more.
Rainy days in the cityLots of walksHello Boston!
I enjoyed the changing of the leaves and all things fall, from baking, to festivals, and decorations.
Fall cookingBakingApple pickingChanging leavesTime with my pupsI made a festive taco soupLots of sweets
November brought another trip to Boston, Thanksgiving and so much snow!
Boston decked out for ChristmasSome historic sitesThe paradeThanksgiving spreadLots of snowEven more snow
I also hit a new PR with my 10K Turkey Trot!
December was all about Christmas prep and cheer and now here we are looking back at it all.
My pups getting into the holiday spirit with all the snow.Warm drinks, fireplace going, and festive lights!Getting festive in the kitchen!Gifts wrapped and ready to be deliveredAnd indulging in tasty treats!Lots of holiday gatherings
This was quite a year filled with lots of time spent with family, my boyfriend, friends, and with myself. I learned a lot about myself this year and have seen personal growth as well. I’m eager to see what the new year will bring and I hope you will come along on the journey with me.
A beautiful year worth remembering
Now onto the favorites of 2024!
Oprah may have had her favorite things each year, but these are mine. I tried to narrow it down to one item per category, but that didn’t always happen. Here’s a look at my favorite things with their reviews too!
Favorite Books: I couldn’t narrow it down to one, so here are my top three with reviews. I read 68 books this year. You can see a full list of them on my Instagram stories or by looking at each month’s Currently.
Lessons in Chemistry–Lessons in Chemistry is all about a chemist who hosts a cooking show in the 1960’s. I loved the combination of science and cooking and how they were intertwined throughout the book. The romance between Calvin and Elizabeth made my heart soar, but my favorite part was the importance of women working in a male dominated field in the 1960’s. It was made into a series on Apple TV that I watched as well and really enjoyed the comparison of the two.
The Plan–The Plan by Kendra Adachi. This is Adachi’s third book and it’s all about planning, organization, and compassionate time management. She lays out ideas and principles for how to plan and organize your life, but the best part is that you can tailor it to your own wants and needs. I found myself taking notes while reading it and have applied so many principles to my own life. If you have read or listened to Adachi’s podcast or books, you can almost hear her voice across the pages. 5 Stars from me!
The 5 AM Club– I’m not kidding when I say this book changed my life. The 5 AM Club is all about ways to make the most of your mornings to elevate your life. It’s told in a unique way, but has so many incredible lessons and skills to apply to your life. I read it through the library, but I found it so informative that I’m considering buying it. Definitely a book to make notes and highlight as you go along.
My year in review according to Good Reads
Favorite TV Show- While I watched a lot of recurring shows like the Masked Singer or Grey’s Anatomy, these two mini series really stuck with me.
Lessons in Chemistry– This was a mini-series on Apple TV based on the book and I really enjoyed watching it after I read the novel. It was very close to the book too which I appreciated.
The Girls on the Bus-The Girls on the Bus on HBO Max. It’s all about four different female journalists as they hit the campaign trail for election season. I love all the different personalities and perspectives the characters bring. I have found myself identifying with different characters at different times. I was sad to learn it got cancelled after one season, but I thoroughly enjoyed watching it in its entirety.
Favorite Movie– Although, this just came out, how could it not be a favorite of mine.
Wicked was so good this year. I think they did a great job with the casting. I loved the costumes and the cinematography as well as the setting. I definitely think it lived up to its expectations. It was a longer movie, but the music, singing, dancing, and plot moved it along.
Favorite Fashion Items– I had to choose two for this category (an article of clothing and shoe that I wore time and time again.) I loved these purchases this year and got a lot of use out of them.
Red Rain Coat-I have been on the hunt for a raincoat ever since I got caught in a rain storm in September. I was looking for a durable, waterproof coat that would keep me dry and wasn’t too boxy. I hoped to find something that was sporty but still could be worn out and about. I also wanted it to be red. I found all those qualities with this raincoat from Land’s End.
Summer Wedges-I got these wedges form Marshall’s. Wedges provide more support for me and I can pair them with multiple outfits. You can wear these with a pair of white jeans or capris and fun blouse, a short sundress, or a longer, flowy dress depending on the occasion.
The Simple Sophisticate by Shannon Ables is my new favoirte podcast. She started the podcast after her blog back in 2014 and still continues with episodes to this day. The theme of the podcast is all about living a simpler, calmer, and French way of life. Ables has such a soothing voice and attitude that you will find yourself relaxing and feeling peaceful no matter what she is talking about. Episodes vary from 30-60 mins.
Favorite App– I tried to Mediate more this year and practice mindfulness and this app has made it so much easier. I have found it to be very beneficial, especially when I am overwhelmed and stressed out. I typically take time at the start and end of my day for breathing, but have found myself doing exercises through the day too. I have been using the app, Insight Timer daily and it’s been doing a great job at holding me accountable and providing resources for guided meditations and breathing exercises. I am just using the free trial, but have been really loving it.
Favorite Hobby-I never thought I would love running as much as I do, but here I am. It has become such a stress reliever for me and I genuinely enjoy the journey. I started this year only being able to run five miles at one time and through the year have worked my way to… I have found so much joy through running and can’t wait to continue it in the new year with some new goals in mind.
Here’s some of my favorite runs from this year!
One of my first runs of the year.Mid way through the yearRunning through RomeFinding new spotsMy PR for my 10KTurkey Trotting
My longest run to date
Favorite Trip and Day Trip– I have two favorite trips this year, a day trip to Montrel and my family’s incredible trip to Italy. You can read both of the reviews above!
Favorite Recipe– I spent so much time in the kitchen this year and accomplished my goal of making one new meal a week. That’s trying at least 52 meals, if not more.
Sunday spread done right
My top meals were:
Wedding Soup
Turkey Pot Pie
Homemade Gumbo
That’s a look at my favorite things from this past year. It was so hard to narrow it down, but it was very reflective to see how much I accomplished. Here’s a look at my resolutions and how I did.
Here’s my Resolution post from January. My motto for the year was to be open and aware of change and I think I did a good job of that. I went through some life changes and grew from them while also staying true to myself along the way. I will share more about how well I did with accomplishing my goals next week in my 2025 Resolutions post, but for now, I’m really proud of myself for how I have grown and changed this year. I’m still a work in progress, but I’m happy who I see when I look in the mirror.
I see this girl and she’s pretty happy.
Thank you so much for being along on this journey through 2024 with me, whether you have been here since day one or you are reading this for the first time, I appreciate you and you taking the time to be with me. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas week and New Year’s Eve too. I’ll be back here on Friday for some Friday favorites! See you then!
It’s the final week of November and Thanksgiving is tomorrow! Are you all ready for the holiday? Are you hosting or attending? We will be doing a bit of both this year. I love Thanksgiving and the slower day that it brings. I plan on starting the day by running our local Turkey Trot, enjoying a family dinner, and then relaxing. On Friday, we tend to decorate for Christmas and get into the holiday spirit.
This month went by so fast! It began with a busy stretch of days for work, followed by a weekend away and then all the holiday prep! It’s been a fun month that went by too fast. Here’s a look at life currently.
What I’m Up To:
Since my last currently post, I celebrated Halloween with a festive dinner and dressed my dog up. I think he enjoyed it more than me. Haha!
A close up of dinnerI even dressed up my dog!We had lots of tasty treats!I made a festive taco soup
I started the month off by accomplishing my longest run by running over 11 miles. It felt good to get it done when the weather was still comfortable.
I also enjoyed more runs at different spots including new neighborhoods and parks. Some morning were so chilly that layers were required.
The start of my 11 mile runThe leaves looking extra prettyFrost is a sign of winterA new running spot
Over the past month, I spent time with family in Columbus for the day which included some celebratory dessert.
I also spent a weekend in New England which was decked out for Christmas and had really warm weather.
Here’s a look at some of the things I did.
I started with a smooth flight in
Enjoyed lots of walks
The HarborSome historic sitesCute neighborhoodsQuincy MarketAnd the insideI enjoyed a Lobster Roll
Views over the city
What I’m Reading:
I had a pretty good reading month, a lot of books I had on hold at the library came in which always makes me excited. I also did some travelling which led to even more reading. Next month will be all about holiday reads, I can’t wait!
Here’s what I read this month:
Husbands and Lovers– Beatriz Williams’ book, “Husbands and Lovers” follows two parallel storylines of two women, one in the present day and one in the 1950’s. The theme is all about how far a mother will go to take care of her family. I really liked the compelling storylines and the connections between the two. There was also a bit of mystery and romance in both stories. I personally liked the 1950’s storyline more, but both were interesting to follow.
Julie and Julia– I have always heard of the book and movie, “Julie and Julia”, but have never seen or read it. It’s based on a true story and it follows the story of a young woman nearing her 30’s and decides to take on a challenge of cooking all of Julia Child’s recipes. I loved hearing about all the different recipes that Julie tries and what she learns about herself along the way. I am looking forward to watching the movie, but was sad to hear that the author, Julie Powell died a few years ago.
The Mystery Guest– I really enjoyed Nita Prose’s “The Mystery Guest”. It’s all about a mystery writer that comes to stay at a hotel and right before he’s about to make a career announcement, he drops dead. Everyone in the hotel is a suspect and some have a connection to him. I love a classic “Who Done It?” I finished it fairly quickly and it was perfect for this time of year.
Summer Romance– This was a perfect palette cleanser. Summer Romance by Annabel Monaghan is about a woman who is recently divorced and is moving on from the death of her mom. She is trying to juggle a new life, three kids and a career when she meets a man at the dog park. She’s not planning on jumping back into the dating world, but life has other plans, especially when she’s least expecting it. It was a cute, summer beach read that was really a good chance of pace after some heavier reads.
Blue Sisters– I heard about Blue Sisters from several blogs from the summer and I couldn’t wait to read it. It follows the story of three sisters who come together a year after their fourth sister dies. The book tackles relations, addictions, healing, and the importance of sisterhood and family. It was interesting to hear the story told from each sister’s perspective. It was definitely a heavier read, but so beautifully done too. I can see why so many people raved about it. I finished it in one weekend.
A Most Agreeable Murder-I finished A Most Agreeable Murder by Julie Seales. It’s a “Who Done It” back in the 1700s-1800s. A ball and dinner party gets derailed when a guest ends up dead. Many people have a reason for killing him, but who did the killing? You won’t find out until the very end. A very good mystery!
The Friend Zone– I listened to The Friend Zone by Abby Jimenez and really loved it. It’s all about a girl and guy who meet in unexpected circumstances. They end up being the maid of honor and best man in their best friend’s wedding. What starts out as disdain turns into friendship and sparks of love. But secrets and shock keep them a part. I thought the story was going in one direction, but it took some unexpected twists. I really, really enjoyed listening to this book and finished it in just over a week.
What I’m Watching:
This month I finished the second half of Outer Banks season 4, which the finale left me reeling. If you watched, what did you think?!
I also watched The Diplomat’s second season which was good too!
Plus, I have been slowly watching some holiday classics too, I can’t help myself by getting a jumpstart on them!
What I’m Wearing:
The weather has changed so I had to break out the winter coats. My red jacket from Old Navy is one of my favorites to wear in the winter especially around the holidays.
I also have gotten use out of my new blazer from Old Navy for both work and play.
I also got a lot of use out of my new red, rain jacket too! Do you sense a theme with red?!
I’ve also been loving turtlenecks this season too!
What I’m Cooking:
One of my friends started to make sourdough bread and dropped off a loaf, it was a delicious for a nice soup night.
With the colder weather, I have been enjoying lots of heartier meals including:
Tortilla Soup– I love a good tortilla soup, we had this on Halloween.
Lobster Risotto– This didn’t turnout like the photo, but it was still good.
Crockpot Lasagna Soup– This didn’t turn out the way it was supposed to, but it was still warm and hearty.
Grilled Chicken Bruschetta– I got this recipe from Joann Gaines’s Magnolia cookbook. It was a hit and healthy with lots of flavor!
I also started some holiday baking which included making Halloween Candy Cookies. I have already been crowd sourcing new recipes to try this holiday season.
I also baked chocolate chip cookies. Yum!
What Inspires Me:
Here’s some quotes that have inspired me as of late.
I also have been inspired by all the holiday and start of Christmas cheer.
I picked up my Starbucks red cup for the season!
What I Accomplished: Between work, seeing friends, spending time with family, and some travel, it’s been a busy month in the best way.
A beautiful fall worth remembering
Goals from Last Month:
I did my best to pace myself before the craziness of the holidays. I also got a jumpstart on my holiday prepping too!
I also enjoyed time outdoors this fall!
Goals for Next Month:
Enjoy the Christmas season! I LOVE this time of year, from shopping, music, movies, decorations, and baking. I can’t wait to savor it all! I will be coming out with my Christmas Bucket List next week, stay tuned!
That’s a look into what I’m currently up to. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving! I will see you back here on Friday!
Happy Wednesday and may I add, happy Halloween Eve!
Are you all set for the big day? I don’t have too many big plans for the holiday, but I will be enjoying some candy, treats and maybe a Halloween movie to celebrate.
Fall in full effect!
October was all enjoying the beautiful fall weather. We had gorgeous weather, and the leaves and foliage showed off all month long. I tried my best to pack in as much fall fun as I could and I think I did a pretty good job at it. This post is full of fall fun, you have been warned.
What I’ve Been Up To:
This month began by running my furthest distance, 10.5 miles which I was VERY proud of. I had gorgeous weather and more than enough time to pace myself and enjoy the journey.
I’ve really enjoyed finding new places to run in my community and have been discovering hidden gems along the way.
Early morning run
Another new spot to run
I also enjoyed some solo dates to the library and taking the time to browse and read and not rush to another errand.
Snapshot from a recent solo date
I made a few trips to different farmer’s markets to pick out pumpkins and fall decor which is always a fun outing for me.
October also brought seeing the Northern Lights from my backyard which was an incredible experience.
Plus, we got to see a beautiful, full moon.
I got to do one of my favorite fall activities which was apple picking and made some sweet treats from it as well.
What I’m Reading:
I had such a good reading month with lots of different genres of books.
The Plan– I kicked this month by reading The Plan by Kendra Adachi. This is Adachi’s third book and it’s all about planning, organization, and compassionate time management. She lays out ideas and principles for how to plan and organize your life, but the best part is that you can tailor it to your own wants and needs. I found myself taking notes while reading it and have applied so many principles to my own life. If you have read or listened to Adachi’s podcast or books, you can almost hear her voice across the pages. 5 Stars from me!
The Summer Pact– The Summer Pact by Emily Giffin was a heavier read, but I’m glad I read it. I have read other books by Giffin and really enjoyed them. The book follows three friends who lose one of their friends to suicide in college but remain close through the years. When one of the characters go through a major life change, they go on a trip to reconnect and get their lives back in order, but they learn more about each other and all go through major life and growth moments on the trip while remembering their fourth friend. I really loved the themes of friendship, growth and maturity that were found all through the story. I would recommend, but just be warned that suicide is discussed in it.
The Home Edit-The Home Edit by Clea and Joanna was just a fun read for me. I love all things organization and this gave examples with pictures of how to organize different areas in your home. I loved all the scenarios they created for what spots you can streamline in your space, no matter how big or small.
The Lost Letters from Martha’s Vineyard– The Lost Letters from Martha’s Vineyard by Michael Callahan was a book I picked up on a whim and I’m so glad I did. It follows the story of a rising Hollywood star who leaves the spotlight after a summer in Martha’s Vineyard. What happens that summer that caused her to leave it all behind? I really loved the mystery that came with this book, but it jumps back and forth from the past to present which always keeps my attention. The description of Martha’s Vineyard was dreamy too. This was such a fun read after a heavier book.
Darling Girls– Darling Girls by Sally Hepworth had been on my to be read list for a long time and I’m so glad I finally got around to reading it just in time for spooky season. It follows the story of three girls who grew up in foster care and how their past becomes part of their present when a body is found under the home they grew up in. There were so many changes in the plot that I had a hard time keeping up, but this book was so good and worth the wait to read it.
Lies and Weddings– Kevin Kwan’s Lies and Weddings was a fun read but you do have to be plugged in while making your way through it. Kwan is the author of Crazy Rich Asians so I knew I was in for a treat with this one. He was recently on the podcast, Books, Beach and Beyond and I loved learning the behind the scenes scoop. It tells the story of a young man from a healthy family who’s mother wants him married off, but there’s a method to her madness. Throughout the book, lies, secrets and family histories are revealed and not everything is as it seems. The only critique is that there was a lot of characters and it took focus to keep them all in order, otherwise, it was a great read!
My What If Year-My What If Year by Alisha Fernandez Miranda is all about a woman who is a wife, mother and CEO and as she enters hr 40’s she decides to try different jobs and internships for a several months. She tries careers she has always dreamed of and gets a first hand look at what they entail. I loved reading about this woman’s journey and hearing what she took away from the experience.
What I’m Watching:
I have been making my way through Gilmore Girls which has been a fun escape for the fall season.
I also watched the latest season of Outer Banks. It started out slow but they picked up and now I can’t wait for part two to be released next month.
I also made my way through Nobody Wants This which was a hit on Netflix and already got renewed for season 2!
Plus, I have made time for the classics like It’s the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown.
What I’m Wearing:
My wardrobe hasn’t been too exciting as of late, a lot of layering for when it starts cool and then warms up.
What I’m Cooking:
Here’s been some of my favorite new meals:
I have been busy in the kitchen this month thanks to checking out different cookbooks from the library like Magnolia by Joanna Gaines and some of Ina Garten’s cookbooks.
Roasted Keilbasa, Carrots and Sprouts– This was perfect for fall and was so tasty to heat up the next day.
Snickerdoodles-A fall must have!
Speaking of treats, one of my most recent treats…snickerdoodles!
Homemade gumbo– I found this recipe in Magnolia and was a bit intimated by it, but it wasn’t as tricky as I thought and it tasted so warm, a great late summer or early fall soup!
Apple Cider Donut Cake– I have been baking all things Apple, including this apple cider donut cake which only has a few ingredients that I’m sure you keep around your home!
Pumpkin Chocolate Chip muffins– Another welcome to fall and only three ingredients!
Pulled Pork Tacos– I love a good taco night and this was a fun and flavorful twist on this!
Pumpkin Black Bean Chili- I love a good chili and you can cook this in the stove or in the slow cooker and you will have a delicious meal. Not a bad meal idea for Halloween too!
Chicken Cordon Bleu- I was intimated to make this at first, but it was fairly easy and a warm and hearty meal too.
What Inspires Me:
I have been inspired by all the fall weather and changing of the leaves. I’ve really been trying to make it a point to really be present outdoors and take in nature.
Just look at this beauty
So many colors!
Here’s a few quote that have really resonated with me too!
What I accomplished:
I really have made so much headway with my bucket list. Here’s how it started and how it’s going.
My boyfriend and I also had a packed full fall day and did all the festive things which was so fun!
I also got to listen to a presentation by journalist and sports analyst Stephen A Smith. It was fascinating to hear his take on sports, the media, journalism and our currently political climate.
Goals from Last Month:
I got some much fun fall activities in, plus I spent time with friends and although not all together, I got lots of family time in too which is always a treat.
Beautiful fall drives
Goals for this Month:
I’m really going to try to be present and do all the prep work before the craziness of the holidays. I also have a weekend trip planned, some big work projects to tackle and then Thanksgiving! So maybe it won’t be as calm as I hoped? Haha! We will have to see!
Thanks so much for stopping by for a look at life lately and what I’m currently up to.
Have a happy Halloween and I will see you back here on Friday!
Happy end of September! By the end of August, I was so ready for September. This has been a month of adjusting, finding new routines, and self care, plus family time, travels, and time reconnecting with friends. The seasons changed from summer to fall and now we are in full fall mode and I am ready for it.
As we get ready for a new month just days away, I’m sharing a look into life lately.
What I’ve Been Up To:
I have been finding new places to run this month. I’ve run by the water and in different parks. It’s been fun to find new places and try new terrain to challenge myself.
Beautiful days as we transition from summer to fall
I also hit a new milestone in my distance by running 9.5 miles, which I’m really proud of.
Another highlight of the month was getting my new Simplified planner for 2025. I went with Blush Block and can’t wait for the new year to break out my new planner.
I also got in one last zoo trip of the season on a beautiful day.
What I’m Wearing:
I have been trying to wear all my summer clothes before it gets too cold out. I have been wearing lots of shorts and blouse sets for heading out to dinner or time with friends.
This was another outfit I wore for work recently as we transition from summer to winter. The blazers are coming back.
I wore this for a day out and about and even though I wore white after Labor Day, the layers made me feel very fall-like.
What I’m Reading:
Atomic Habits–Atomic Habits by James Clear discusses the importance of building habits, creating routines, and starting small. He goes in-depth about the science and psychology of habits. He also gives real life examples of how to start small and build up to making life changes. I love and thrive off a good routine and rhythm and found this book fascinating. I learned so much and it really helped me better understand some of my habits and how I can build off them.
Just for the Summer– Abby Jiminez’s Just for the Summer was a really easy book to get swept into. It’s about a man and woman who both have the same issue, they date people, break up and then the person they are dating find their soulmate. The man and woman decide to date with hopes of finding their soulmate next. But life throws them both some curveballs. This wasn’t your typical beach read, there is a lot of depth and meat to it.
Swan Song– The final Elin Hilderbrand, Nantucket book, Swan Song follows a couple who moves to the island and immediately makes themselves a part of the community, but there is a bit of a mystery to them especially when they hire a girl who has no connection to Nantucket either. I like how there is more substance to Hilderbrand’s books, they aren’t just light and fluffy. here were a lot of references to past characters from other books, and I loved the description of Nantucket and all the restaurants and hot spots.
The Lazy Genius Way– I have been a big fan of Kendra Adachi and listen to her podcast weekly. I finally got around to reading her book, The Lazy Genius Way and I loved it. She goes in depth with a lot of the topics she covers in her podcast. I love how she writes very conversationally. I also got a workbook to go alongside it and found myself taking notes along the way. If you are looking for a book on how to work and live smarter and not harder, this is it.
The Five Star Weekend– I was on an Elin Hilderbrand role this month between watching The Perfect Couple, reading Swan Song and listening to The Five Star Weekend. I really loved this book, it’s all about a woman who invites four friends from different points of her life for a weekend on Nantucket. I loved hearing how all the friendships came to be and about the weekend itself. The description of Nantucket makes me want to visit. I also loved the storyline and the unexpected twists and drama too. It gets 5 Stars from me.
The Rom Commers- I ended the month with the Rom Commers by Katherine Center. It’s about two screenwriters (one very well-known and one newbie who are paired together together to write a screenplay for a romantic comedy together. There’s tension between the two at the start, but in typical rom-com fashion, feelings begin to bubble. I really liked the character development, but there were a few plot points that seemed a bit far fetched. But the concept and ending were worth it.
What I’m Watching: This past month I have been catching up on shows as the weather gets cooler. I finished season four of Emily in Paris which was really good. I liked the second half more than the first., but overall it was a good season.
My boyfriend and I have also been making our way through Breaking Bad which has been a new genre to us, but a good show and I’m glad we are watching it.
I also watched the mini-series, The Perfect Couple which is based on Elin Hilderbrand’s book and really loved the series and it followed the book pretty close.
What I’m Cooking: I have been back on the cooking train and have really been enjoying cooking with seasonal fruits and vegetables.
Grilled Chicken and Peach Salad– This was such a flavorful meal. I loved the mixture of fruits and vegetables with the protein. I also have been adding feta cheese or almonds or pecans for some extra flavor.
Ham, Cheese and Apple Flatbread- This was an easy lunch. I used sliced ham, provolone cheese and sliced apples on a flatbread and put it in the Airfryer for a few minutes. I loved the mix of flavors and the crispness of toasting it. This was a great fall-like meal too.
Grilled Chicken and Roasted Zucchini– Another easy, flavorful, and healthy meal. I really loved the mix of vegetables and the flavor of the chicken combined with it. It also took less than an hour to make, super easy on a busy night.
Chickpea Salad- i found this recipe on Pinterest and made it for my lunch for work. I really loved the chickpeas mixed with the vegetables and Italian dressing. It was very filling and healthy too, plus a great source of protein.
Shrimp Stir Fry– This was an easy one pot recipe that was very filling and flavorful. It took under 30 minutes to cook the shrimp, rice, and veggies and combine them all.
What Inspires Me– I have been inspired by the warm weather and by trying to get outside for as much of the month as possible.
A crisp, fall morning by the water.
What I Accomplished– I’m really proud of the time I have devoted to reconnecting with friends and family and myself. The summer, especially towards the end, was super busy and I got out of my routine and I’m really glad to have gotten back into a good rhythm this past month.
Books, Beach and Beyond is one of my favorite podcasts to listen to while I run
Goals from Last Month– I really wanted to establish new routines and spend more time with my hobbies and I definitely did that. I’m also proud of all the time I have spent catching up with friends. Plus, I did some traveling too which was fun!
Some of the places I have run.
I also accomplished a goal of creating a photo album from my family’s trip to Italy. I made on back from when I went in 2019 and created an updated one. I was so happy with how it turned out.
My mom and I had a girl’s night in and my pup crashed the party.
I ended the month with a weekend getaway that felt very fall-like with rainy and chilly temperatures.
Goals for this Month– I am looking forward to fully being in fall mode. I’m excited for fall fests, Halloween, plus some fun activities sprinkled through the month. I am also looking forward to accomplishing things on my fall bucket list.
That’s a look into life lately. Fresh starts, getting back into routines and the start of fall. What has your September been like? Are you ready for the new month? Let me know in the comments below! Welcome October!
I hope you had a wonderful and fulfilling Labor Day weekend. Whether you said goodbye to summer, had one last cookout, or it was just a normal weekend, I hope it filled you with what you needed. I typically round out every month with my Currently post, where I recap the past month, but due to TWO posts about my trip to Italy, we are starting the month of by recapping last August.
Here’s what the eighth month of the year looked like for me.
What I’ve Been Up To:
August began with our family’s trip of a lifetime to Italy. We saw Rome, Florence, Venice, and Capri. You can read about our time away in two parts. If you missed it, part one can be read here and part two can be found here.
The beautiful RomeAn overview of the city
Once we returned it was a bit of a whirlwind with people starting new jobs, moving, or heading back to school, plus throw in getting back to work and you have a busy few weeks. However, we still managed to squeeze in some end of summer fun!
I enjoyed a final Guardians night game of the season. This was the second one I went to this year and third overall, and they won the night game!
Guards win!
I also enjoyed lots of walks to some of my favorite spots around my home.
.Some of my favorite spots to walk
Our city had their annual festival that I both worked at and got to attend. Their chalk walk is one the highlights of the event and some of the artwork was incredible.
I enjoyed some summer staples with burger, fries and ice cream by the water.
Plus, we made a stop to our County Fair where we saw the livestock, vendors, and enjoyed some fair food too!
I also found some new spots to run and hit a new record for distance.
Overall, it was a packed full month in the best way possible.
What I’m Wearing:
I wore a lot of shorts and lightweight tops while I was on vacation that I could mix and match. This helped me save space while packing and it was convenient for the hot days we experienced.
Lemon sorbet
I did have a few fun outfits, like this white set which was a skirt and top and this long, flowy dress from Old Navy. This dress felt great in the cool evening.
We had a few days of cooler weather, so I did break out the long sleeve shirt and shorts combo for days off. I know I will be wearing this combo often as we go through the transitional weather coming up.
I even got to wear my go-to white blazer before Labor Day for work.
What I’m Reading: I read so many books this past month due to my travels, so I have lots of recommendations for you. Let’s get into them:
Hotel Nantucket- I read the Hotel Nantucket by Elin Hilderbrand to start off the month. It’s all about a woman who is tasked with hiring a staff and running a hotel for the season in Nantucket. If you have read any of Hilderbrand’s other works, you will find some Easter eggs and references to her other works. This book featured an ensemble cast with so many different personalities and a supernatural element too. This was a fast read for me and definitely worth picking up to read on your next vacation.
The Second Chance Hotel– Sierra Godfrey’s The Second Chance Hotel was the perfect book to have on my phone while we were on vacation. I was able to read it while we were traveling from place to place on trains, boats or planes. I always like to have a book on my phone so I have something to read if I’m waiting for something as opposed to scrolling mindlessly through social media. Back to the book, it follows the story about a young woman escaping her life and traveling across Europe, she’s about to end her trip in a small town in Greece, that is until the hotel she is staying at falls into her and another guest’s lap. They decide to run it for the season, but when her old life is calling her back, she must decide if she wants to stay in Greece or return to America. It was such a fun, travel read and so good to enjoy in the summer!
Flying Solo– I listened to Flying Solo by Linda Holmes while I went on a lot of runs or walks over the past month and it was good, but not a great read. It’s about a woman who goes to clean out her great-aunt’s house once she dies and comes across an item that has a bit of a mystery to it. While she is cleaning out the house, she reconnects with an old boyfriend, spends time with her childhood friend and has a few moments of self discovery along the way. The book went in a few different directions which made it hard to follow as I was listening to it, so that may have changed my feelings about the book if I read it. But there were also some parts that were hard to relate to as the woman was in her forties and still looking for love and I’m not at that point in my life. It was a good book to listen to, but it wasn’t my favorite.
First Lie Wins– First Lie Wins by Ashley Elston is a mystery and thriller that keeps you guessing. It’s all about a woman in a new relationship, but there’s a twist, she didn’t meet her new man unexpectedly. She was meant to meet him. Without giving too much away, this is a spy/undercover thriller with lots of different characters that bounces back and forth between the past and present, so you have to pay attention while reading, however, it’s a great change of pace if you are looking for a palette cleanser between books.
Sandwich– I had heard about Sandwich by Catherine Newman from several different bloggers and decided to give it a try and ultimately it wasn’t the best book for me. It’s all about a woman who goes on her traditional family vacation to Cape Cod with her husband, growing children and ailing parents. The book runs the course of the week and is told from the mother’s perspective about where she is at in life and her feelings about what she has accomplished. The writing was very well done and I loved hearing about the traditions and settings, but it was just hard to relate to as a young woman.
What I’m Watching– I haven’t had too much time to watch tv but I have been enjoying a few movies and tv shows including:
Emily in Paris-. Season Four began with five episodes, each about 30 minutes each. You can binge them all at once or spread them out like I did to make them last longer. The fashion, storylines and drama was upped this season and it didn’t disappoint. Emily had some incredible outfits this season.
This season was so good!
It Ends with Us– My best friend and I both read the book and we decided to make it a girls date and see the movie, It Ends with Us. There were definitely some changes between the book and movie, but I’m glad I read and saw them both. I think the casting was well done and it was cool to see the characters come to life on the big screen.
What I’m Cooking– I didn’t do too much cooking since I spent a lot of the month traveling, but I have enjoyed some tasty stir frys.
I also have been grilling out toward the end of summer. I do have a few new cookbooks that I have yet to go through and plan on making some recipes from them soon!
I also made the delicious grilled chicken salad. The salad had cucumbers, radishes, oranges and grapes. It was so filling and healthy too!
What Inspires Me– A friend sent me this reminder and I think it’s so important to keep in mind as we head into a new season of life and to remember to slow down.
Also, for anyone heading back to school or to the classroom, another reminder too!
What I Accomplished– I crossed off almost everything off my summer bucket list. Here’s a look at it currently.
I also hit my goal of running 9 miles this month which I was very proud of.
Goals from Last Month– This month was so busy between our family trip and soaking up the last bit of summer and going through some transitions, I was so happy to have made it through the month.
My garden has been coming along well and although, I didn’t get as nearly as many veggies as I hoped, I still got some!
Goals for this Month– After a busy summer, I am looking to getting back to some of my old routines and establish new ones. I am also looking forward to spending more time with friends and maybe coming up with some new hobbies or things to do.
Post work runs brought me down to the water.
Whew, August was a packed full month and this is just a look into it. I hope this next month brings new routines, rhythms, and adventures, but most importantly, growth. What are your goals for the month ahead? I would love to hear them.
Have a wonderful week, see you back here on Friday!
I can’t believe August has come to an end. School is back in session and fall will be here before we know it. I typically save the last Wednesday of the month for my Currently post, but that will be pushed back a week, so I can shared part two of my trip to Italy.
At the beginning of the month, my family and I embarked on our first big international trip and went to Italy. I shared part one last week and you can read about it here.
Today is all about part two. We left off with our day trip to Venice.
Day Six was a calmer day after a day of travel. My brother and I started the day with a run which was such a good way to start the day.
We then got breakfast at the hotel and packed up our things for the next hotel. After breakfast we did some more sightseeing.
I’ll be missing these Italian breakfasts
We started the day at St. Mary Major, one of my favorite churches from the last time I visited.
I loved the architecture and the fact we could walk there.
The gorgeous church
After look at the church, we took an Uber to the Keyhole where you can get a unique perspective of the city.
A unique view of Rome
It was also near where I stayed when I came in college. We got to see some of the churches near Saint Anselmo and saw some incredible views of the city too.
After spending some time in a quieter part of Rome, we made our way back to the city to see the Tomb of the Unknown Solider.
We then walked flights of stairs and took an elevator to see some incredible views of the city.
An overview of the city
More views
And even more views
After, snapping some photos, we made our way to the Pantheon.
Then made our way to the Piazza Novena for lunch at a Mediterranean restaurant where I got a delicious chicken and hummus wrap.
At this point, we switched hotels for our trip, we stayed in Rome but moved to a quieter part of town.
Our new neighborhood
The hotel was gorgeous and the best part was the pool which was much needed after several days in scorching temperatures!
We relaxed and cooled off by the pool and then got cleaned up for dinner.
We walked to a steakhouse nearby. We split some appetizers and I enjoyed their fresh salad and meatballs and tiramisu for dessert. It was so nice to walk back after dinner.
We then called it a night since we had a big day planned. Day Seven started early as we had to catch a 6:00 train to Naples.
Early morning views
With breakfast
Arriving in Naples
Once we arrived, we took a 7:30 ferry to Capri for the day!
Our ferry
We arrived at 9:30 just in time for our 10:00 boat tour of the island.
First sights of Capri.
A lot of early morning travel but it was so worth it.
This was one of my favorite days of the trip! Capri was packed with lots of tourists.
Our boat driver told us over 20,000 people visit every day! The island is very small but there’s so much to see. We spent four hours on the boat and got to see the whole island. We got to go swimming twice, once near some cliffs and then in some caverns. It was such a cool experience. It was so hot out that the water felt so refreshing and it was so clear too. This was an experience I’ll never forget.
After our boat ride, we did some shopping and eating.
We got their traditional lemon sorbet, which was lemon sorbet in a lemon, it was so refreshing in the heat.
The delicious dessertsLemon sorbetStreet signsSo many vendors
After some more window shopping, we made our way back for a 4:30 ferry back to Naples.
Gorgeous views
We had to catch a 6:30 train to Rome. We enjoyed some snacks on the train and before we knew it, we were back in Rome.
It was a long day full of travel, but so worth it! It was one of my favorite days of the trip.
Pictures don’t do it justice
Simply stunning
Day Eight had a slower start due to how busy the previous day was. I started the day with a walk and then we went to church at an American church near the Vatican.
After mass, we went to to do some shopping and went to get our items blessed and listen to the Pope give his weekly address.
Seeing the Pope again
It was so cool to see Pope Francis twice in one week alongside thousands of other people.
After spending time at the Vatican, we went to the Jewish Ghetto for lunch and to see the spot was Julius Cesar was killed.
We split lots of snacks for lunch and I got a Chicken Caesar salad too.
And lots of snacks!
I also indulged in a pistachio cannoli for a treat! It hit the spot.
After looking at some of the ruins, we made our way to the Olympic stadium which was so cool to see in person even if it had been decades since they were last played there.
My mom and I did some window shopping at a few high end stores and got one last gelato to cool off.
I went for snickers in a cone, the perfect afternoon treat.
We went back to the hotel and cooled off in the pool and then got ready for one last Italian dinner.
We walked to a spot nearby where I order bucatini and tiramisu for dessert, they did not disappoint! We walked back to our hotel and enjoyed the beauty that Rome had to offer at night.
Our final day started with a a walk in a nearby park followed by breakfast and getting to the airport to head back home.
One last walk in Rome
One last breakfast
The ride home was long but books and movies kept me entertained and then we were back home and back to reality.
Back to the states
I had such an incredible trip to Italy with my family. As we endured 100 degree days and consumed lots of water, and walked dozens of miles, we enjoyed delicious food, rich history and made an abundance of memories.
It’s truly time I would not trade for anything. We are all getting older and continue to go in different directions, which made this trip extra special.